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The Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, through the Secretaría de Difusión Cultural (Secretary of Cultural Promotion), the Dirección de Promoción Artística (Directorate of Artistic Promotion), and the Cineclub invites the members of the university community, graduated students, and general public to participate in the Fourteenth Short Film Contest “A PANTALLA ABIERTA 2020”.
The objective is developing, promoting and encouraging videos as a means of artistic and social expression.
Welcome to the Kathmandu World Film Festival (KWFF)!
Former Accountability Film Festival (AFF)
Dedicated to the exhibition and preservation of independent film, our objective is to showcase World’s films to the Kathmandu audiences. As we do so, we showcase the art and power of storytelling worldwide and gather communities to share diverse cultures, viewpoints and conversation. With support from our many community partners, we celebrate independent film as the rich, cultural, economic and educational asset it is.
Located in the central portion of Nepal, Kathmandu is known as the “Temple City of the World”.
Kathmandu is also home to a large art and music community, a growing filmmaking community, and generous patrons of the arts making Kathmandu audiences a hallmark of the festival. Sophisticated movie-goers of all ages and backgrounds - hungry for the quality independent film - audiences are receptive, opinionated and genuine. Screening a film at KWFF is a catalyst for generating awareness and buzz in the epicenter of the country that radiates through the region.
16th Annual www.NewMediaFilmFestival.com
Honoring Stories Worth Telling
June 4-5-2025 Los Angeles
Content creators who submit, whether officially selected or not, have opportunities outside of the normal festival process. Everything from distribution, connections to other festivals, conferences, press opportunities and more.
Thinking about submitting? Here is what you should know!
• Emmys ® Consultant for one entry (we can broadcast)
• 25 Categories
• In competition for Grand Prize - $45,000 in Awards
• In competition for Best of Category & Audience Awards
• Judges from HBO, Marvel, Grammys, ATAS (Emmys) and more.
• Have opportunities outside of festival
• Top 3 Scripts get $1000.00 in Writing Industry Perks
• We are a UFFO code of practices Member
• Submit- Online, Public, Novice & Expert Content
• No cut-off date to when your project was completed.
• We accept projects whether or not you have distribution.
• We also have no festival exclusivity clauses - and you have FULL CREATIVE RIGHTS for your content.
• Your project is not only limited to one category. Make sure to check out all our categories and submit to the ones that fit your content. You must pay a new submission fee per each category.
• We accept content that has already been published online or made public
• We accept all formats.
In a world where technology is ever-evolving, it is a story that will satiate the soul of humans.
Not just any story, but stories worth telling.
The New Media Film Festival team works hard to produce a cutting-edge, fair, upscale festival devoted to upcoming and seasoned content creators that highlights and honors stories worth telling globally. www.NewMediaFilmFestival.com
If accepted into festival:
• Receive All Access Pass to festival
• Be part of the Q & A in your screening session (scripts included).
• Walk the Red Carpet for Press Interviews
• Be part of the VIP Soiree, honoring the nominees.
• Press in our monthly newsletter to 80,000.
• Be in competition for $45,000 in Awards – judges from Marvel, HBO, Emmys & more.
Join us:
• 1st Major Festival celebrating innovation, story, mediums & platforms
• Screenings with Q & A’s
• VIP Soiree-Red Carpet Press Junket
• Networking Lounge w/ actor headshot drop off
• Producer Panel & Pitching
• New Media Marketing Table (place one-take one)
• VR, International Art Exhibit, Musical Opener
3D, 360, AR, AI, 5D, Animation, Apps, Digital Comics, Documentary, Drone, Feature, Mobile/Tablet, Music Video, New Media, Pilots, Podcasts, Scripts, Shorts, Sniplers – 30 second pitch, SRC- Socially Responsible Content, STEAM, Student, Trailers, Virtual Reality, Web Series
Put your innovative work forward and join the unique community of content creators at New Media Film Festival® - submit today! www.NewMediaFilmFestival.com
What attendees are saying:
“A very unique curation of films, new media and scripts. And a very entertaining event. The hosts and show staff went out of their way to make sure this was a memorable and special event.” – Jim Wilmer
“New Media Film Festival is one of the best and best run in LA. With so many different platforms falling under "new media" it's refreshing to see a festival that understands that Content is King! And the Opening night VIP reception was a terrific networking opportunity that we took full advantage of.” - Steven Wishnoff
“Worth The Entry Fee”
- Movie Maker Magazine
“Makes The Cutting Edge Accessible”
– Huffington Post
“I thank NewMediaFF for what they’ve done for young filmmakers”
-Roger Corman
”The role of this fest is bringing the Best in New Media to the World”
-Festival World
“Stories that exemplify the power of the cinematic arts to inspire and transform” - Hero Complex
SUBMIT TODAY http://www.NewMediaFilmFestival.com/submit.php
Fourth edition
CENTRAL-DOC, Blackbird Films and Huitzil Multidisciplinary Creation Laboratory A.C. All documentary filmmakers are invited to participate in the fourth edition of the International Documentary Film Festival, which will take place from December 2 to 6, 2019 in the state of Tlaxcala, Mexico. The works will be projected in public spaces, independent, educational institutions and cultural centers, being these local, national or international.
This fourth edition of the Exhibition is accompanied by the theme CULTURE, IDENTITY AND RESISTANCE ... 500 YEARS AGO. A theme that seeks to make visible but above all to claim the role of indigenous peoples through the different documentaries that make up this edition and that are intended to revolve around particular themes such as origins, traditions, territory, language, rights, among many others. . At CENTRAL-DOC we expect documentaries with stories that allow us to question and value what makes us what we are, where we come from and what our roots are.
Fantafestival (Italian: Mostra Internazionale del Film di Fantascienza e del Fantastico; English: International Science Fiction and Fantasy Film Show) is a film festival devoted to science fiction, fantasy and horror films that is held annually in Italy since 1981.
Fantafestival takes place every year in Rome. In the past years, while maintaining its headquarters in Rome, some editions were held in contemporary in different Italian cities like Milan, Naples, Genoa, Verona, Parma and Ravenna.
For more than 40 years, Fantafestival has been one of the leading Italian events specialized in fantastic films and one of the most important international events of this kind. It has presented and launched in Italy many filmmakers who later would become among the most popular in the fantastic film world.
Experimental Short films from around the World will be shown in the first Alternative Video Festival. There is nothing else like it. Visitors will be able to see the best experimental films over a THREE-day period.
UNIVERSAL MARATHI brings in an opportunity for filmmakers to showcase their talent. Universal Marathi has invited short film entries from professionals and students across the globe for the three-day annual My Mumbai International Short Film Festival in its sixth edition scheduled to be held in 2nd week of October 2018.
There are various categories for short film entries I.e. Social awareness, Animation, Fiction short film, international Foreign Shortfilm, Music video, and Documentary. Short film festivals have acquired a greater importance, eliciting a good response across the world. The event aims at exposing young directors to the global film color.
Filmmakers and students from across the world have been invited to send their entries which would be curated by industry experts and screened at the 6th My Mumbai International Short Film festival in Mumbai.
For more details, Maker can Visit the festival website now.
Or call on +919833075706 / +919969412426
The International Film Festival of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (Cinema Movilh) is shown on feature films, shorts and documentaries largest and best known of Chile that takes place every year in Santiago and then travels sexual diversity regions. Local or foreign works can be projected at the Festival after postulating in the form indicated in these rules.
CHI PUO’ PARTECIPARE. Possono partecipare, al Concorso cortometraggi della durata massima di 30’ terminati dopo il 1 gennaio 2017. Farà fede la data della prima proiezione pubblica. Al concorso partecipano opere nazionali e internazionali dirette da registi under 35 italiani o residenti in Italia
ISCRIZIONE E DEADLINE. L’iscrizione al Festival si effettua esclusivamente per mezzo dei portal “Festhome” https://festhome.com.
LA DEADLINE è fissata al 1 settembre 2018. I FILM IN LINGUA STRANIERA (diversa dall’inglese) devono essere sottoposti alla selezione dotati di sottotitoli in inglese.
The Globe International Silent Film Festival
"Where Pictures create an international language."
Our goal is to focus on the picture as the basic structure of cinema as an art.
We believe the silent era of cinema (1895-1930) has made the picture and mise en scène richer and more powerful. Although by introducing of sound in cinema we've been passed that era a long time ago but still silent cinema is carrying a great part of avant-garde and artistic films. GISFF aimed to gather, screen and respect these creative films.
8th Pilar de la Horadada International Film Festival - CORTOPILAR | PILAR AWARDS 2024
X Short Festival El Palo for short filmmakers born / as and / or residents in Málaga (Spain).
ONLY FOR SPANISH FILMMAKERS (Malaga) // Solo podrán presentarse al concurso cortometrajistas nacidos y/o residentes en la provincia de Málaga.
Only for Latinamerican film-makers // Solo para cineastas latinoamericanos y se abrió un capitulo para España y lenguas extrangeras con subtitulos en español para el 7º festival 2023.
The 23th Almería International Film Festival will be held in Almería (Spain), in order to promote the province of Almeria through the strengthening the historical links of the province with the audiovisual industry and culture, from Friday 15th November to Sunday 24st November 2024. The Festival is organized by Almería Provincial Council.
12th edition of the fantastic film festival of Bourg-en-Bresse.
SHort film competitions (french languages, international, middle school) and also screening of features films.