Logo of Universe Multicultural Film Festival

28 Feb 2019

Published: 02 Aug 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Universe Multicultural Film Festival

Universe Multicultural Film Festival

Palos Verdes Peninsula, United States

The Universe Multicultural Film Festival seeks to bring to the best of classic and contemporary filmmaking from the world; Committed to enlightening the public with a unique international film program, a forum for cultural understanding and enriching educational opportunities. The Festival focuses on showcasing diverse cultural and heritages films, supports the creation and advancement of innovative and artistic cinematic works of both emerging and seasoned filmmakers and proudly embraces the passion, independent spirit and vision of these talented artists. With the integration of the local community and educational institutions into all aspects of the Festival, the Festival stimulates an interest in the study and appreciation of film and encourages people of all ages and background to participate and share the harmony universe.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Festival of Chilean Films FECICH

17 Oct 2018

Published: 02 Aug 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner FECICH, Festival de Cine Chileno de Quilpué

Festival of Chilean Films FECICH

Comuna de Quilpué, Chile


Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Oberá en Cortos - International festival of short film  for  the identity and  Cultural Diversity

31 Jan 2019

Published: 02 Aug 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Oberá En Cortos - Festival Internacional De Cortometrajes por la Identidad y la Diversidad Cultural

Oberá en Cortos - International festival of short film for the identity and Cultural Diversity

Oberá, Argentina

A space where the encounter with the diverse is welcome, since it enables the crisis and reflection on the hegemonic.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic

Logo of WebSeries Festival Global

30 Jul 2019

Published: 01 Aug 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of WebSeries Festival Global

Banner WebSeries Festival Global

WebSeries Festival Global

Los Angeles, United States



SUBMIT TODAY! $5000.00 in awards

10th Annual Web Series Festival Global
September 8, 2023 Online Screenings & Awards with presenters from around the globe.
• All Genres accepted
• For A Global Community Of Content Creators
• Helping Creatives Shape the Future of TV
• Entries considered for Grand Prize or Category Winner $5000.00 in Awards
• We accept links to view online
• IMDB official event http://www.imdb.com/event/ev0003670/

A great opportunity for anyone wanting to
gain more exposure for their web series. There are four
categories that will be judged in this competition which are
Web Series Scripts (all lengths and formats)
Web Series
One Page Feedback
Content can be submitted with or without distribution.
All submissions will also be considered for the grand prize. $5000.00 in Awards!

You could be the next Award Winner! Submit today. Screenings & Awards are from the heart of Hollywood. For our global community of creators, online screenings & awards.

Genres include but are not limited to: Drama, Comedy, Action, SyFy, Documentary, LGBT, Script, Animation, E/I, Horror. Experimental, Social and more.
• All award wins must be used within one year of festival win date.
Submit early and save.

“We saw the other winners, and there are some truly great series, congratulations!” – Rose of Dolls
“We would like to express our gratefulness for recognition and acknowledgement.” – Cedra Wal
“The biggest prize was just being accepted and considered and I’m entirely grateful for the experience.” – V. Carubia

"Web Series Festival Global is a very well run festival with great
communications with a group of prestigious judges that I’ve found to be more than fair in their selection processes.
I highly recommend this Film Festival to any screenwriter looking to have their Web Series take a major step in the right direction." -
Charles Petrilla

"Good communication. Nice people. Great selections." -Christopher Ramsey

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Busan International Art Film Festival

31 Aug 2018

Published: 31 Jul 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Busan International Art Film Festival

Busan International Art Film Festival

busan, South Korea

Busan International Art Film Festival(BIAFF) is established by a non-profit organization, Show-Must-Go-On,. based on Busan and attempts to reach out to as many filmmakers as possible.

BIAFF is officially sponsored by Busan Metropolitan CIty, Korean Film Council, Busan Cultural Foundation, Busan Cinema Center and Busan Film Commission.

Less is more when it comes to telling a complete and compelling story in a short amount of time. We provide filmmakers with an opportunity to connect to in audience using any genre so long as it is less than 40 minutes.

All submitted project will be reviewed by the BIAFF festival staff, a professor and current filmmakers around the globe at least three times before a decision is made in its inclusion

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


Last days to submit your short film to Asiana International Short Film Festival

Logo of Festhome
Published: 31 Jul 2018


Submit your film to Asiana International Short Film Festival before July, 31st!

Asiana International Short Film Festival, which takes place in the South Korean province of Seoul, is an already veteran short film festival which will celebrate its 16th edition this year in collaboration with Asiana Airlines, Inc, thus providing a unique opportunity to participate in the In The Air sessions, which are short film screenings during the airlines' international and selected national flights.

This way, Asiana becomes a festival with singular approaches, since it combines an extreme attention to the quality of selected films through the Mecenat movement and the wider promotion of selected shorts through the In-Flight screenings initiative.

The regular screenings which constitute the core of every film festival are this time accompanied by special activities, such as the AISFF Class with Robert Sowa, Head at Animation Film Studio in Krakow, on November, 3rd.

: Asiana International Short Film Festival gives out some $ 51000 in cash awards.

Don't miss your chance to be a part of the festival, and submit your short film before July, 31st!


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Last days to submit to Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia

Logo of Festhome
Published: 31 Jul 2018


Don't miss the deadline for the 51st SITGES - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia

SITGES - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia is a magnificent showcase for current diverging tendencies in filmmaking which pays special atttention to the fantastic genre.

The Sitges Festival represents a journey through the most innovative fantastic productions, an encounter with horror stories which explore the subconscious, a compilation of the most recent animation works and an exciting vision of the film noir to come. At the same time, it also offers a reflection on new Asian cinema, a selection of new Catalan films and a meeting point for international distributors and producers.

Qualifying festival for the Oscar®, Méliès d'Or and Goya awards: Shorts that win the awards for «Best Short Film» in the Official Fantàstic Section and «Best Short Film» in the Anima’t section will automatically be taken into consideration by the Selection Committee of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Hollywood for the Oscar® Awards. Best Short Film in the Official Fantàstic Section is automatically pre-selected for the Goya Awards from the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences of Spain.

The Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia is a competitive festival specialised in fantastic films, and organised in accordance with the regulations established by the FIAPF.

Submissions will close next July, 31st. Don't miss out on submitting your film!


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Logo of Melbourne Documentary Film Festival

22 Apr 2019

Published: 29 Jul 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Melbourne Documentary Film Festival

Melbourne Documentary Film Festival

Melbourne, Australia

The Melbourne Documentary Film Festival (MDFF) is looking for a Melbourne-based or Melbourne-made feature documentary to either open or close our historic 10th edition. You can submit via Film Freeway or email us at info@mdff.org.au.

The festival has become a cultural phenomenon in Melbourne, with sold-out sessions and encores, ranking as one of Australia’s top film festivals. We aim to promote diverse, independent, and creative filmmakers, supporting global and local talent. MDFF has helped filmmakers reach major platforms.

MDFF is known for its commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and safety. We’ve had no reported COVID cases at our events for the last five years and have worked to ensure a safe environment for everyone.

This year, we're excited to host encores for popular short documentaries and have seen great success. We've also become the Film Freeway Top 100 Melbourne Film Festival and are ranked in the top global documentary festivals. We are especially proud to have had 7 documentaries eligible for the 2024 Oscars.

MDFF showcases documentaries that promote critical and independent thinking, debate, and diverse perspectives, with a focus on issues like human rights, equality, social issues, and freedom of speech. We have supported various causes, including BLM, Indigenous communities, and environmental organizations.

MDFF is an indie festival that helps filmmakers make their mark, offering opportunities for premieres, screenings, and networking with industry professionals. The festival takes place at Cinema Nova, one of Australia’s largest independent cinemas, and offers a fun, community-driven atmosphere.

We’re looking for local and international feature documentaries, short films, VR projects, video essays, and web series to compete in our Australian Documentary Awards. Submit your documentary to be part of this prestigious event and help us celebrate the best of the documentary genre.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Santiago Horror

25 Sep 2018

Published: 28 Jul 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Santiago Horror Film Festival

Santiago Horror

Santiago, Chile

SANTIAGO HORROR - International Fantastic Film Festival, is a film meeting that is held annually in the first week of October in Santiago, Chile. This is a platform that seeks to promote the cinematographic, cultural, artistic, musical that was born in 2018. The function of the Festival also includes bringing the national public under the umbrella of the seventh art to the most varied lineup of premieres, avant premieres, feature films, short films, animation and music videos

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Carmarthen Bay Film Festival

31 Jan 2019

Published: 28 Jul 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Carmarthen Bay Film Festival

Banner Carmarthen Bay Film Festival

Carmarthen Bay Film Festival

Burry Port, United Kingdom

Highly Respected BAFTA CYMRU QUALIFYING Film Festival Judged by Industry Professionals. UK & International Submissions.

Please note that we are also an IMDB Qualifying festival which means that, if your film is selected and screened you can add it to IMDB.
IMDB Events/Film Festival


Carmarthen Bay Film Festival has gone from strength to strength over the years. From our first festival in 2012, we have gone from 35 submissions to well over 750 from 60 different countries for our 2019 festival. Not only have the submissions increased over the years but the number of filmmakers and festival patrons attending has as well.

We have had filmmakers flying in from the US, Australia, Holland, Italy, France and many parts of the UK. The number of festival partners has also grown with Stradey Park Hotel, BAFTA Cymru, RTS Wales, University of Wales Trinity St. David, Felin Foel Brewery, Carmarthen Cameras and many more. The festival is now a BAFTA Cymru/Wales qualifying which means that any film screened during the festival and made here in Wales is eligible to apply to be considered for a BAFTA Cymru award.

Our 8th festival has seen some significant changes, for the last seven years, the festival has been held at the Stradey Park Hotel here in Llanelli. The hotel has been very supportive, and without their help, the festival would have been unable to get off the ground. So with the full backing of the Stradey Park, we felt it was time to move on and try something new. So for 2019 CBFF was held at one of Wales’ premier theatres in the centre of Llanelli, which brought a new and exciting dynamic and feel to the festival.

It's all about fairness, our motto.
‘This festival is honest’ and will always be, a champion of independent film.

Films Judge by Industry Jury,
Widely promoted Festival,
Committed to Transparency,
BAFTA Cymru Qualifying Festival

We are also very proud to have the name of John Hefin associated with the festival.
With the John Hefin Award for lifetime achievement in film, television or theatre. And we are delighted that John Morgan of JM Creative accepted this award during our 2019 awards gala.

Please read the brief bio about John below.

John Hefin first became involved in television work in 1960, when he responded to a newspaper advertisement for apprentice production assistants. During the 1960s, he worked as a producer and director for BBC Wales. In 1974, he helped create the Welsh language soap opera Pobol y Cwm, the longest-running television soap opera produced by the BBC. He also co-wrote and directed the 1978 TV rugby comedy film Grand Slam, and directed the 1981 drama series The Life and Times of David Lloyd George. This nine-part series, a biopic based on the Welsh PM, drew on conversations with Lady Olwen, his eldest daughter, and AJ Sylvester, his secretary. In 1984, John was the director for the narration for an animated version of Prince Charles's children's story The Old Man of Lochnagar.

Following his post as Head of Drama with BBC Wales, he worked in the Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies at Aberystwyth University. In 1988, he became the artistic director of Film Cymru (which was later renamed the Wales Film Council), entrusted with the responsibility of commissioning films from independent Welsh producers using S4C funds. He was also Chairman of the Film Commission Wales, and Chair of Cyfrwng, a Welsh media journal, and network. He retired from the BBC in 1993. In 2004, he directed and filmed part of a documentary featuring the artist Sir Kyffin Williams, Reflections in a Gondola
John was awarded the MBE in 2009, for "services to Welsh film and drama". In 2012, he was awarded the BAFTA Cymru Special Award for Outstanding Contribution to Television Drama.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Quotes from the Earth - An Environmental Film Festival

31 Aug 2018

Published: 27 Jul 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Quotes from the Earth - An Environmental Film Festival

Quotes from the Earth - An Environmental Film Festival

New Delhi, India

“Quotes from the Earth” has been the first of its kind in the Indian capital since 2004. The environmental film festival aims at providing a discursive platform to highlight environmental challenges faced by people at the national and international level through films, which happens to be one of the most powerful medium of communication and discussion.

The festival is proposed as an event, which goes beyond viewing films. Besides showcasing around 20-25 films in a span of 2 days, there is also a Q&A session with the directors that happens after the completion of each of the films where they put light on the struggles/ challenges faced by them. The films screened are a mix of documentaries, animation films, and feature films made by renowned and the upcoming filmmakers around the world.

In the festival, there are films which are not screened to all like a commercial film so it provides a platform for the filmmakers to showcase and talk about the environmental issues prevailing at the ground level. A panel discussion with eminent journalists, environmentalists, academicians, film makers, policy makers, and personalities from civil society organizations, is also conducted on relevant topics during the film festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Music Video

Logo of Movieletters 2018 - Short Films Inspired by Lo Stato Sociale’s Letter.

23 Sep 2018

Published: 27 Jul 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Movieletters 2018 - Cortometraggi ispirati alla lettera de Lo Stato Sociale.

Movieletters 2018 - Cortometraggi ispirati alla lettera de Lo Stato Sociale.

Milan, Italy

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Firenze FilmCorti Festival

20 Sep 2018

Published: 27 Jul 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Firenze FilmCorti Festival

Banner Firenze FilmCorti Festival

Firenze FilmCorti Festival

Firenze, Italy

Competition notice
The Association Rive Gauche – Festival, Florence, Italy, is pleased to announce the entries have been opened for the session of 8th Firenze FilmCorti Festival. Festival will held from May 04th to May 08th, 2021, for the following sections:
1 Short film in competition
2 Documentary
3 Cartoons and film for young audience
4 Innovative & experimental film.
Venue: Murate Art District
Piazza Le Murate
Florence, Tuscany 50122
Last and definitive deadline will be on August 20.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Festival Mal del Cap Narratives Mal Dites

15 Sep 2018

Published: 27 Jul 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Mal Del Cap  Narratives Mal Dites Eivissa

Festival Mal del Cap Narratives Mal Dites

Ibiza, Spain

Start Festival: 23 November 2024 End Festival: 30 November 2024

‘Mal del Cap, Naratives Mal Dites" is the name of the International Festival of Short Films and New Narratives that Mal del Cap, Cultura Mal Dita of Eivissa has been running since 2014.

This festival aims to be a meeting place and a place to generate ties between the participants and the citizens of Eivissa with the aim of consolidating itself as a space with the potential to forge encounters for audiovisual exhibition and creation.

‘Mal del Cap’ is an independent festival based on experimentation and the search to find new ways of narrating or expressing through the image, and to this end we are organising a short film competition to encourage the participation of citizens, especially the youngest members of the population.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental


23 Aug 2018

Published: 26 Jul 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Cali , Colombia

The I International Catholic Film Festival of Cali (FICCCA) TALITA KUM aims to promote a culture of life and hope based on human and Christian values and our Catholic Faith, with films that address the theme of human improvement through love, solidarity, mutual aid, prayer, reconciliation and forgiveness.

Likewise, it will be a space that encourages knowledge, respect and deep love for our Catholic Faith through films that deal with the Eucharist, the Sacraments, the Priesthood, the presence of the Virgin Mary, devotions and the history of the Catholic Church.

It will also screen feature and short films on human rights, peace, humanitarian crises and intercultural dialogue.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Trichy Film Festival

05 Aug 2018

Published: 25 Jul 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Trichy Film Festival

Trichy Film Festival

Trichy, India

It is Trichy’s One and only film festival which is Running Successfully. This is 3rd Consecutive Year. A Competition for the Short films, Album songs, Documentaries and Dub smashes from worldwide. This award is with cash prize around 1Lakh* for the best Projects to be shared between the competitions.

In a Pioneering Initiative, 720 Degree Entertainment started this Trichy Film Festival on 15th August 2016 at Ravi Mini Hall with a decent crowd with 47 Entries. In Second year, Dot 3 Joined the Game and made a Massive year for Trichy Film Festival on 15th Aug 2017 at Star Theater with a huge crowd with 126 Entries. A highlight of the 2nd Trichy Film Festival is “Tamilnadu’s First Film Festival @ Theater” and now this Journey continuous.

Core Objective:
The Core Objective of Trichy Film Festival is to include a link between the Film Creators and the Film Industry. The Conducting of Film Festival all over the world, the Preservation and Propagation of Tamil Cinema to document the History of Tamil Cinema, the honoring of persons and films that contribute to the aesthetic of Tamil Cinema.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


30 Apr 2019

Published: 25 Jul 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Athens, Greece

Athens Marathon International Film Festival (A.M.I.F.F.) is an annual international event dedicated for independent filmmakers. Established this year by “THE BASEMENT” a nonprofit and non-governmental Cultural and Education Organization (B.C.E.O.).

Located in the city of Athens, we look forward to be hosting an amazing event with you and your friends. The A.M.I.F.F. is a multi-day event that takes place in the Beggining of Summer at venues throughout Athens-Greece.

Our wish is for the venues to be open air cinemas in the authentic ancient classical Marathon route from Marathon to Athens. Viewers will enjoy free movies on the white screen, under the full of stars sky of Attika and next to the deep blue of the Aegean sea.

The A.M.I.F.F. want to be a world recognized event, with industry, filmmakers, and press attention from around the globe. The festival is competitive, screening approximately 40-60 films each year.

The film industry today is largely monopoly-based and dependent on large scale budgets for productions to succeed. However, this festival aims at providing a voice for those who don't have a massive budget at their hands but nevertheless, an important story to tell.

According to one of the objectives of our non-profit organization to providing a platform for indie filmmakers, we are able to provide an affordable solution catered to advance the cause of independent film-making. Therefore the submissions starts priced from 10 euro.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Tandil International Short Film Festival

10 Aug 2018

Published: 25 Jul 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Tandil International Short Film Festival

Tandil International Short Film Festival

Tandil, Argentina

The International Short Film Festival “Tandil Cortos” is organized by The Tandil Cinema Association, a non-profit organization. The 15th edition will be held in “Teatro del Fuerte” (Tandil, Argentina) from 30th - 31th August and 1th - 2th september 2018.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Espelkamper SPITZiale

31 Jul 2018

Published: 25 Jul 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Espelkamper Spitziale

Espelkamper SPITZiale

Espelkamp, Germany


The excitement is on the rise - filmmakers and film lovers will come together in Espelkamp from 5 to 6 October 2018 to pursue their shared passion for the medium of film on two days of the event. Talented junior directors from all over Germany present their works to the audience, hoping to take home one of the three coveted "SPITZ" film awards.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Kyiv International Short Film Festival

28 Feb 2019

Published: 25 Jul 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Kyiv International Short Film Festival

Kyiv International Short Film Festival

Kyiv, Ukraine

KYIV INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL (KISFF) is largest short film festival in Ukraine.

Our festival features a diverse range of short films created by emerging and accomplished filmmakers, including film school students and independent creators from all corners of the world. Our goal is to showcase the most stirring, inventive and distinctive films while promoting Ukrainian cinema, encouraging communication and exchange of experiences between Ukrainian and international filmmakers and artists, and providing a safe and welcoming space for our audience.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental