Logo of San Pedro International Film Festival

31 Jul 2020

Published: 23 Apr 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner San Pedro International Film Festival

San Pedro International Film Festival

San Pedro, United States

The San Pedro International Film Festival was founded to celebrate the diverse culture and community of San Pedro with a wide spectrum of independent film, documentaries, and shorts. SPIFF is committed to exhibiting films that embody inspiring entertainment for all. Works that express fresh voices and differing global perspectives, with the intent that these films enlighten audiences while providing invaluable exposure for filmmakers, local and international.

In our first year, we had the first Los Angeles screening of Silver Linings Playbook. In our second year we hosted Ernie LaPointe, Sitting Bull's Great Grandson. In 2015 we celebrated the 20th Anniversary of The Usual Suspects with director Bryan Singer. We also had two short films either win or be nominated for an Academy Award! In 2017 we hosted the 30th Anniversary of Friday the 13th with director Sean S. Cunningham. We are very excited about our seventh year!

Prolific American writer and poet Charles Bukowski called San Pedro home for 15 years. Some of DW Griffith’s early short films were shot in San Pedro. These days you’re more likely to find film crews for NCIS, Mad Men, and Dexter. Other films shot in San Pedro include ‘King Kong’, ‘Chinatown’, ‘Point Break’, ‘Silence of the Lambs’, ‘The Usual Suspects’, ‘Pearl Harbor’, ‘Titanic’, ‘500 Days of Summer’, and a ton more. SPIFF is thrilled to present our 5th edition in a city with such a rich film history.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Kinematic Shorts

20 Jul 2020

Published: 23 Apr 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Kinematic Shorts

Kinematic Shorts

-, Russia

International short film Festival «Kinematic Shorts» is a film contest for emerging directors. The main aim of the Festival is to present new short films and to support young filmmakers, create the opportunity for filmmakers to show their film to a wide audience. The festival will take place in ten Russian cities.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Crown Heights Film Festival

01 Jun 2020

Published: 23 Apr 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Crown Heights Film Festival

Crown Heights Film Festival

Brooklyn, United States

Hello Filmmakers,

Crown Heights Film Festival (CHFF) discovers and inspires indie filmmakers by hosting live screenings of their short films for enthusiastic New York City audiences, and promoting these filmmakers on social media. The festival has become an annual tradition held in one of Brooklyn's most beautiful, diverse and vibrant neighborhoods.

CHFF facilitates an atmosphere of creativity and cultural diversity, bringing content creators, artists, writers and movie buffs together under one roof to meet, collaborate, and celebrate.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of ОКО - International Ethnographic Film Festival

01 Aug 2020

Published: 23 Apr 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Международный этнографический кинофестиваль ОКО

Международный этнографический кинофестиваль ОКО

Krinichnoe village, Ukraine

OKO is a festival that unites filmmakers and film buffs; it is a feast of ethnographic and anthropological documentary (although not exclusively) cinema, where you can see and feel the daily heartbeat of small and large nations, communities, dwellers of villages and small towns. It is also a platform where filmmakers, folklorists, and ethnographers can get to know each other better, share ideas and, possibly, come up with future mutual projects.
There will be no red carpet; nevertheless, there will be awards and prizes.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Documentary  Experimental

Logo of Sea Shorts

02 Jun 2020

Published: 23 Apr 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Corti di Mare

Sea Shorts

modica\, Italy

The "Corti di Mare" Festival focuses on the "sea" theme: sea as a source of life, nourishment, philosophy, history, peoples, danger, challenge, adventure, necessity, myth, well-being, border, legend, poetry.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Entretodos - Human Rights  Short Film Festival of São Paulo

07 Jun 2020

Published: 23 Apr 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Entretodos - Festival de Filmes Curtos e Direitos Humanos

Entretodos - Human Rights Short Film Festival of São Paulo

São Paulo, Brazil

ENTRETODOS 17 - Is a free entrance Festival dedicated to the exhibition and award of short films, with up to 25 minutes, of all genres and formats, that addresses issues related to Human Rights.

The Festival takes place in São Paulo. Produced by Prefeitura de São Paulo, Spcine and ESTATE Produções.

ENTRETODOS Festival team.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of GRACE! International Film Festival

10 Sep 2020

Published: 22 Apr 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner GRACE! International Film Festival

GRACE! International Film Festival

Berlin, Germany

GRACE! International Film Festival & Cinema Awards is an annual international event focusing on independent filmmakers.

Located in the centre of Berlin, we look forward to host an unique event at Arsenal cinema theatre.

The Festival’s mission is to support independent filmmakers
and to bring them to wider attention.

Our aim is to give the talented filmmakers a helpful step in their future careers and to provide them an alternative to the commercial film experience.

The Festival accepts films of any genre and format and will showcase some of the excellentest international short films in:

- Narrative, Documentary, Experimental, Animation,
- Student, Debut, Woman Filmmaker, Young Filmmaker,
- Trailer, Music Video and Drone Film.

The GRACE! IFF accepts screenplays as well and has a student category to submit and provides special fees for them.

We take to heart the amount of work put into each film.

The committee judge all films equally and with great respect and consideration.

The quality standard of GRACE IFF is very high, so finalists of this competition can be really proud of their achievement.

All the finalists will go to the annual competition ending with the live screening event in Berlin we organize each season.
Some of the winner films will also be screened at other international film festivals.

Please note that we will not display your films or screenplays online, with the exception of a poster, a description and/or a trailer.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video


15 Jul 2020

Published: 22 Apr 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films



München, Germany

Festival of Future Storytellers has been one of the most important festivals for young filmmakers worldwide since 1981. Each year, it offers young filmmakers from all over the world a platform for presenting their own short films and exchanging ideas about filmmaking. Each November, Munich becomes the focal point of up-and-coming international filmmaking — a place for lively exchange, networking, and discussion.

The short fiction, documentary, and animated films screened in international competition are eligible for valuable prizes, which are awarded by an independent festival jury. In addition, Festival of Future Storytellers presents a DACH Short Film Competition, in which short films from the DACH region will be programmed. An extensive supporting programme with panels and masterclasses complements the film programme.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Iquique International Film Festival

30 Jun 2020

Published: 22 Apr 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Iquique

Iquique International Film Festival

Iquique, Chile

In 2024, the Iquique International Film Festival (Ficiqq) will celebrate its 15th anniversary. Ficiqq is a unique event in the Tarapacá region that is financed on this occasion by the 2024 Audiovisual Development Fund, and is sponsored by SQM Yodo Nutrición Vegetal and produced by Volcánica Films.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Espanto Film Fest

12 Aug 2020

Published: 22 Apr 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Espanto Festival Internacional Cine De Terror, Horror, Suspenso & Ciencia Ficción

Espanto Film Fest

Mineral de la Reforma , Mexico

Espanto Film Fest International Horror, Horror, Suspense and Science Fiction Film Festival Volume 7 will take place from October 29 to November 5, 2025 in person and virtually by streaming through our Planiferio platform, taking place in several States of the Mexican Republic.
Having a program focused on the best of independent horror cinema in international feature films, we are the ones who give the highest percentage of screen to Mexican feature films and short films, in addition to the script sections for short films, feature films, international short films, Ibero-American section, LGBTIQ+ and experimental and/or university short films with a duration of no more than 25 minutes, in addition to Espantito shorts made by children, and the new category of video games, all production must be from 2024 to date all with horror, horror, suspense, science fiction, fantasy and all its subgenres.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of European Cinefest GOLDEN NIKA

20 Oct 2020

Published: 22 Apr 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner European Cinefest GOLDEN NIKA

European Cinefest GOLDEN NIKA

Potsdam, Germany

European Cinefest GOLDEN NIKA is a film competition focusing on international independent cinema.

ECGN is located in the Heart of Europe – Germany.

Our mission is to create a platform where both experienced and new filmmakers can share their art and connect to diverse audiences.

We seek to showcase and honor innovative and exciting voices in the European and international film communities. With ten categories, our goal is to recognize a large and diverse selection of films from all genres and from all over the world.

2019 the best films from each category will be screened on one of the most beautiful venues of Potsdam, THALIA CINEMA, a place with longstanding tradition for independent film lovers. The Thalia has always been one of the most exciting cinemas in Potsdam. This is the place for controversial discoveries and heated debate.

Films will be judged by a jury of film industry professionals, that will look for powerful and innovative ideas, creativity, talent and quality, regardless of the experience of those involved in the creation process and the budget of the submitted works.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Encuentro Nacional De Cine Infantil De Ribadedeva Ciciricine

15 Jun 2020

Published: 21 Apr 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Encuentro Nacional Cine Infantil De Ribadedeva Ciciricine

Encuentro Nacional De Cine Infantil De Ribadedeva Ciciricine

Colombres, Spain

Short Films for Childhood.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation

Logo of Festival Atmospheres

01 Sep 2020

Published: 21 Apr 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Atmosphères - Concours de courts métrages

Festival Atmospheres

Courbevoie, France

Contest is open to everyone !

Topic of the contest is "The Dream life".

You can submit your any type of film up to 15 minutes max.

Festival Atmospheres uses all kinds of art forms in order to arouse afterthought and commitment to an accessible and constructive sustainable development.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of 12° FESTIVERD -Festival Internacional De Cine Y Video Verde De Venezuela 2024

30 Sep 2020

Published: 21 Apr 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner FESTIVERD Venezuela

12° FESTIVERD -Festival Internacional De Cine Y Video Verde De Venezuela 2024

Caracas, Venezuela

Festival Internacional de Cine y Video Verde de Venezuela abre su convocatoria para la 12° edición a realizarse del 2 al 6 de diciembre de 2024. Podrán presentarse cortometrajes estudiantiles de cualquier latitud, en una única categoría, siempre y cuando versen sobre la temática AMBIENTAL.


Our vision: to become a green film and video festival that, from Venezuela to the world, serves as an example in the creation of loving-parental bonds among all the inhabitants of planet Earth.


Our mission: to offer an alternative to environmental and ecological experiences that aim to rescue parental ties between all biotic and abiotic beings. The exhibition on green audiovisual narratives is interrelated with other streaming, media, transmedia and social network experiences, generating a network of virtual ties that we want to turn into parental ties.


Our Philosophy: We distance ourselves from anthropocentric views and excessive mandates about caring for the environment that end up being anthropocentric traps without an understanding of the biology of love. The use of new technologies, academic and artistic production are the main vehicles for dissemination.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of LGBT Film Festival El Lugar Sin Límites

01 Aug 2020

Published: 21 Apr 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Fic Lgbt El Lugar Sin Límites

LGBT Film Festival El Lugar Sin Límites

Quito, Ecuador

El Lugar Sin Límites, está considerado entre los cuatro mejores festivales de Cine del Ecuador y es una de las actividades más importantes de la comunidad LGBTI ecuatoriana, adicionalmente es calificado como uno de los Festivales de Cine LGBTI más relevantes de la región.

Todos los trabajos deben estar doblados al español o con subtitulos en español, cuyo tema principal sea sobre LESBIANAS, GAYS, BISEXUALES, TRANS E INTERSEX.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of A-TARcito: international showcase of cinema for kids

21 Aug 2020

Published: 21 Apr 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner A-tarcito Muestra Internacional De Cine Para Niñ@s

A-TARcito: international showcase of cinema for kids

Mexicali, Mexico

A-TARcito: international showcase of cinema for kids invites all national and international film makers of all ages to register their audiovisual works for children, to participate in A-TARcito,to be held from November 04 to 06, 2020, in the cities of Mexicali and Ensenada, B.C. Mexico.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of 16 International Film Festivals - In Jaipur India By Jaipur iff

11 Jul 2020

Published: 21 Apr 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 16 International Film Festivals - In Jaipur India By Jaipur iff

16 International Film Festivals - In Jaipur India By Jaipur iff

Jaipur, India

(10th) Sixteen International Film Festivals in Jaipur, India by Jaipur International Film Festival-JIFF from August 26-28, 2025 16IFF INDIA

Around 50 thousand students participated in 2024 & around80000 students will participate in 2025.



CHOOSE YOUR FILM FESTIVAL, You can choose one or more, please write us:-

1) Women Film Festival in Jaipur (Films made by women, based on women)
2) Children Film Festival in Jaipur
3) Tribal Film Festival in Jaipur
4) Global Human Rights Film Festival in Jaipur
5) International Culture and Tourism Film Festival in Jaipur
6) Environment Film Festival In Jaipur
7) Love & Romantic Film Festival
8) Political ^ Corruption Based Film Festival
9) Democracy Film Festival
10) International Animation Film Festival
11) International Student Film Festival
12) War & Peace Film Festival
13) Horror Film Festival
14) Financial Crises and Development Film Festival
15) Ad Film Festival
16) Science Film Festival

Now submit also - Song


All these film festivals will be organized together.

Please submit and updates us about your submission at 16filmfestivals@gmail.com your submission is for which film festival out of 16 above.

Submit one time, pay one time for your film. If you want to enter your film in one or more film festivals as above, do not submit again, do not pay again, just mails us for other film festivals name we will include.

for more- http://jiffindia.org/16IFF.html

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Cinema On The Bayou Film Festival

26 Oct 2020

Published: 21 Apr 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Cinema on the Bayou Film Festival

Cinema on the Bayou Film Festival

Lafayette, United States

Located in the heart of Cajun country, the annual eight-day Cinema on the Bayou Film Festival is an international, juried film festival dedicated to presenting narrative, documentary, animated and experimental films and filmmakers with truly original voices in one of the friendliest, most unique cultures in the world. COTB is also committed to promoting both established and emerging filmmakers and the relationship-building that is crucial to their continued work. The dedication and commitment of COTB in this regard continue regardless of the pandemic -- we will have a juried 2022 Festival, which we expect to be in person.

Cinema on the Bayou, Louisiana's second oldest film festival, was founded in 2006 in Lafayette, Louisiana, by filmmaker Pat Mire after Hurricane Katrina caused the cancellation of the New Orleans Film Festival in the fall of 2005. Pat was contacted by the National Film Board of Canada, which offered a U.S. premiere of the documentary MAROON, by famed Quebecois filmmaker Andre Gladu, which was originally scheduled to premiere in New Orleans. Cinema on the Bayou was launched in response, and Gladu and his film opened the inaugural Festival. Pat continues to serve as Artistic Director of the Festival.

Since 2006, Cinema on the Bayou has presented hundreds of internationally acclaimed documentary, narrative fiction, animated and experimental films, with filmmakers in attendance from across the United States and around the world. The Festival is now unique among film festivals in the U.S. in that it also regularly screens a large number of French-language independent films and presents filmmakers from throughout the Francophone world. The Festival also has the distinction among film festivals of having given the Audience Award to Moonbot Studio's animated film THE FANTASTIC FLYING BOOKS OF MR. MORRIS LESSMORE one year before the film was nominated for and won an Academy Award in the animated short category.

In 2021, the Festival was held virtually due to the pandemic. We screened over 140 films from across the United States and from around the world, including World, U.S. and Louisiana Premieres of narrative, documentary animated and experimental films. Included within the official selections were more than 40 French-language films.

Filmmakers, actors, producers and other industry professional and film fans participated virtually from throughout the United States and across Canada, including Toronto, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Montreal, Moncton, Quebec City, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, as well as from Puerto Rico, England, Frand, Germany, Finland, Switzerland, Spain, Albania, greece, Australia and Japan. Judges participated from Shreveport, Baton Rouge and Breaux Bridge, Louisiana; Austin, Denver, Brooklyn, Montreal, Quebec City and Paris. At our virtual awards ceremony, the Festival awarded 22 goujon caille (spotted catfish) awards.

Cinema on the Bayou has been selected as the Editors' Choice for "goings-on in the South and beyond" by Garden and Gun Magazine. Describing our Cajun Country setting as a "stew of French, Spanish, and African influences," the Editors concluded that it was an ideal spot for Cinema on the Bayou, an international film festival "charged with exposing attendees to the most original voices in film while fostering cultural exchange among the French-speaking peoples of the world."

Cinema on the Bayou also made the list of the Top 15 Winter Film Festivals in the U.S. by AudNews, an on-line magazine for filmmakers and film lovers.

Over the years, the Festival also has earned the respect of its many loyal filmmaker alums who come from around the world to share in the joie de vivre that defines the culture here. It says a lot about the festival that these highly talented independent filmmakers not only make repeat visits to Cinema on the Bayou, but also recommend the Festival to their filmmaker colleagues.

Cinema on the Bayou also has partnered with several independent film distribution companies in the United States and Canada, whose representatives attend the Festival, in order to facilitate relationships designed to provide opportunities for filmmakers to reach wider, more diverse audiences.

The Festival is committed to creating these essential connections amid exquisite Cajun cuisine, amazing local music performances, and thought-provoking discussions, both on expert panels and at after-hours parties, about all that is near and dear to that creature known as the independent filmmaker.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Festival Panòptic Mataró

07 Jun 2020

Published: 21 Apr 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Panòptic Mataró

Festival Panòptic Mataró

Mataró , Spain

7th Edition

Panòptic Film Festival is a film and visual arts festival that explores the role of the digital era and its impact on society: the impact on power relations, social control, as well as in the areas of ethics, freedoms and human rights. Through the audiovisual, Panòptic Film Festival wants to generate thought, debate and knowledge around the moment of radical transformation that as a society we are living in the context of the digital era.

The 6th edition of the festival will take place in May 2025 in the city of Mataró (Barcelona, Spain).

The Official Selection and the Out of Competition selection are based on artistic, thematic and technical criteria.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Ribadedeva en corto

30 May 2020

Published: 21 Apr 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Ribadedeva en corto

Ribadedeva en corto

Colombres, Spain


Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental