Logo of Monstronale Festival

31 Jan 2019

Published: 02 Nov 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Monstronale Festival

Monstronale Festival

Halle, Germany

The Monstronale Festival is an international shortfilm festival with three competition sections (international competition, "Wild Worlds" childrens film competition and "Shortdocs" documentary film competition) Within the festival are curated programs on special themes.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental


31 Dec 2018

Published: 02 Nov 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films




Arrecife, Spain

National Fiction Shorts
International Fiction Shorts
Animated shorts
Short Documentaries
Canary Shorts
Children's Shorts


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Biosegura Film, Environment and Rural World

31 Jan 2019

Published: 02 Nov 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Biosegura Cine, Medio Ambiente y Mundo Rural

Biosegura Film, Environment and Rural World

Beas de Segura, Spain

Biosegura Film Festival " Environment and Rural Development".

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Documentary  Animation

Logo of LECYT - Festival Cine y Televisión Reino de León

10 Jan 2019

Published: 02 Nov 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner LECYT - Festival Cine Y Televisión Reino De León

LECYT - Festival Cine y Televisión Reino de León

León, Spain

The eighth edition of the Kingdom of León Film and Television Festival, hereinafter LECYT, will take place in the city of León, in the month of July 2021.

LECYT, is a project created and organized by the Leonesa Seventh Art Association. And thanks to which it contributes to the development and dissemination of cinematographic culture in the city of León, on an annual basis.

All the films that are registered in the call for the 8th edition of LECYT will first be reviewed, to see if they meet the requirements that we establish in the bases.

If this first filter is passed, they will be viewed and / or analyzed by the Selection Committee, made up of a joint team of professionals and specialists in the world of audiovisual arts, cinema and audiovisual production. And in which the Festival management is also represented.

The official headquarters of LECYT is located at:

La sede oficial de LECYT está ubicada en:
C/ La Rúa,17, C.P 24003 León
Tel. 987 09 64 86
E-mail:coordinacion@festivalcineytvleon.com Web oficial:www.festivalcineytvleon.com


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of B-RETINA B-Film Festival

01 Jul 2019

Published: 02 Nov 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner B-RETINA Festival de Cinema de Sèrie B de Cornellà

B-RETINA B-Film Festival

Cornellà de Llobregat, Spain

At B-Retina Festival we want to become a platform for B-Movies of all kinds, from guerrilla trash cinema to unclassifiable cult masterpieces; therefore, emergent talents, consecrated artists and difficult to classify characters will show us how they understand and see the world around us using their inventiveness and boldness.

During the days of the festival, we will become a showcase for a variety of classic films, premieres, shorts, web series, talks, interviews, and many surprises.

The festival has several sections:

-International competition in the official FEATURE FILMS section

-International competition in the official SHORT FILM section


-Free outdoor shows

-Screenings for all audiences


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Winchester Film Festival

15 Sep 2019

Published: 02 Nov 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Winchester Film Festival

Winchester Film Festival

Winchester, United Kingdom

The 9th edition of the Winchester Film Festival is now open for submissions!

As a festival, we pride ourselves on really working for our filmmakers, with open and clear communication and a professional, friendly and approachable team. We offer substantial prize money, packed out screenings and a glitzy black tie award ceremony.

If you are considering entering your film for competition this year, please be sure to read the terms & conditions of the festival, and read all about which categories you can enter your film into below.

The 2020 Winchester Film Festival will be the 9th edition, and is open to both British and foreign filmmakers. The festival boasts even more screenings than ever before, giving you the chance to have the general public, peers, and industry professionals view your film in the historic cultural city of Winchester, England. Alongside film screenings, we also offer top prizes of £500 to Best British Short Film, £500 to Best Foreign Short Film, as well as industry mentoring and experience prizes, media coverage and more for the Best Animated Short Film, Best British New Director and Best Foreign New Director awards.

We are also offering red carpet screenings at a prestigious Winchester venues for UK premieres of selected feature films from any country.

If you are a talented short film maker, whether you’re part of an experienced team working on a larger production or working to a reduced budget, then our esteemed judges are on the lookout for you!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Hendaia Film Festival

30 Apr 2019

Published: 02 Nov 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Hendaia Film Festival

Hendaia Film Festival

Hendaye, France

(En español debajo)

The HFF is the first short film festival in Hendaye. Since its creation in 2013, on the initiative of the association Begiradak, this Festival focuses on the distribution of films that value differences (both linguistically and culturally and socially):

The presented works can participate and be judged by a jury of recognized professionals of the sector.

An international official section.

In addition, short films and documentaries out of competition will be presented in the context of a focus, a tribute, a previews or exceptional sessions.-------------------------------------------------

El HFF es el primer festival de cortometrajes en Hendaya. Desde su creación en 2013, por iniciativa de la asociación Begiradak, este Festival se centra en la distribución de películas que valoran las diferencias (tanto lingüísticas como culturales y sociales):

Los trabajos presentados pueden participar y ser juzgados por un jurado de reconocidos profesionales del sector.

Una sección oficial internacional.

Además, cortometrajes y documentales fuera de concurso se presentarán en el contexto de un enfoque, un homenaje, una vista previa o sesiones excepcionales.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of NIAFFS (NOIDENTITY - International Action Film Festival - Spain)

15 May 2019

Published: 02 Nov 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Niaffs ( Noidentity - International Action Film Festival - Spain)

NIAFFS (NOIDENTITY - International Action Film Festival - Spain)

Sevilla, Spain

In 2007 Joaquín Ortega (Director, actor, stuntman and stunt coordinator) created under his trademark NOIDENTITY his international stuntmen team. In 2010 he founded the independent production company NOIDENTITY Films and has already produced two films privately and a program TV. In 2013 he continues to advance its intention to generate film industry and makes the first action film festival in Spain.

So this way born NIAFFS (NOIDENTITY - International Action Film Festival - Spain), with the intention of generating film industry and promote international action films.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of DYTIATKO International Children´s Media Festival

31 May 2019

Published: 02 Nov 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Dytiatko International Children´s Media Festival

DYTIATKO International Children´s Media Festival

Kharkov, Ukraine

Festival founded by Kharkiv Regional Council in 2009.

The Festival mission is to find and support children’s/youth studios and clubs, which are engaged in cinema and television creativity, talented children; development of the children’s/youth cinema and television in Ukraine.

The Festival objectives are:

– the establishment and development of contacts between children’s/youth studios, experience exchange and further professional development of the participants;

– communication to the general public of interesting, outstanding works and projects from different countries, presentation of the best global practices in the development of children’s/youth cinema and television industry;

– the setup of creative and communication platforms to exchange experience and present new projects during the Festival and between the Festival times;

– creative personal development, education of moral values and social activism;

– drawing attention of governmental, non-governmental organizations and commercial entities to the issues of the development of screen children’s/youth creativity, to the processes of personality forming via receiving information broadcast by electronic mass media, to the needs of children’s/youth creative clubs, the development of talented children and their future.

The Festival is held among children’s/youth television, animation, cinema- and radio studios, clubs, groups and individual authors, television and radio broadcasters and creative production entities, directors and producers’ centres, which produce programmes and films for children and youth.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of African Diaspora Cinema Festival

15 Mar 2019

Published: 01 Nov 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films




The fifth edition of the African Diaspora Cinema Festival is coming up on the 8th to 11th of september 2021 in the beautiful cultural city of florence at the prestigious Villa Romana.

ADCF’s vision is to raise awareness about Africa Cinema, its vast potentials and the socio-economic impact it has not only on african economies but gradually expanding to other parts of the world’s economy as well. Our aim is to use cinema to create a revolution that will change the social and economical horizon of Africa, by creating the way to the countless number of films produced in Africa and by the African diaspora filmmakers.

#African Cinema, is the theme of African Diaspora Cinema Festival, is a theme that draws on the principle that being African is a bond that goes beyond geography, birth or lineage; as people of African origin are spread across the globe and Africa is also proud home to many non-Africans. Africa has been able to capture the world’s attention through its ancient cultural heritage and beginnings of civilization. With films it will have the power to connect people from around the world.

Film is a powerful platform that is better able to attract and engage people in constructive activity and providing enjoyment, enlivening spaces and enriching lives. Film and art can lead to a better understanding and foster communication between peoples of diverse cultures, races, and lifestyles.

ADCF is rising from the ashes in a difficult moment in which cops of thousands of Africans flow like water in the mediterranean sea. In a moment of racial tolerance, in a moment people are not only rebelling about the lack of jobs, but equal opportunity and fairness before the law. Also in a moment our stories are not being heard nor told in public spaces.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival



TODAY, SEPTEMBER 19th, Gijon International Film Festival is closing submissions!

Logo of Festhome
Published: 01 Nov 2018


Submissions deadline for the Gijon International Film Festival is TODAY, SEPTEMBER, 19th!

Giving out 66.500 € n cash awards and already in its 56th edition, Gijon International Film Festival (FICX) is one of the best known film festivals in Spain and throughout the world.

The festival's goal is to show a wide and varied selection of auteur's filmmaking currently produced worldwide. A quality, personal, and youthful in form kind of filmmaking that is born from independence and creative risks.

Submit your film already to one of the festival's competitive categories: Official Selection (for short and feature films), Rellumes international category (for particularly daring documentary and non-fiction feature films), Enfants Terribles category (which focuses on films for children and teens), Llendes category (feature films, medium length films and shorts that cross the borders between fiction and non fiction films) and Animaficx category (the most attractive international animated feature, medium length and short films).

: The winner of the Principado de Asturias Prize for best short film is pre-selected in the Short Films category for the next edition of the Annual Academy Awards® organised by the Hollywood Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Science, and also for the Goya® awards from the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences of Spain.

Gijón is Acknowledged as “Specialized Festival” by the FIAPF (International Federation of Film Producers Association).

Be a part of the festival, and submit your film to the 56th Gijon International Film Festival TODAY, SEPTEMBER, 19th!


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Logo of 4661 Film Fest

30 Dec 2018

Published: 31 Oct 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of 4661 Film Fest

Banner 4661 Film Fest - Certamen De Cortometrajes Del Espacio Y Ciencia Ficción Yebes Valdeluz 2023

4661 Film Fest

Yebes, Spain

The Yebes City Council (Yebes, Guadalajara, Spain) and Mitad & Mitad Producciones organize 4661 FILM FEST, the IV Yebes-Valdeluz Space & Sci-Fi Short Film Contest, named in honor of the asteroid discovered by Miguel de Pascual Martínez on November 17, 1982, at Yebes Astronomical Center. The Film Festival wich will take place on the previous week of Expoastronómica 2023 fair.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of Liverpool Film Festival

09 Jul 2019

Published: 31 Oct 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Liverpool Film Festival

Liverpool Film Festival

Liverpool, United Kingdom

The Liverpool Film Festival in partnership with Odeon at Liverpool One.

Home to the world’s most successful musicians, sports figures and artists, The Liverpool Film Festival will take over two screens at the state of the art Odeon Liverpool One for a four day weekend on the 10th-13th October.

LIVIFF will welcome the best filmmakers from around the world to showcase their work on stunning cinema screens that will provide the perfect platform to see the films how they are meant to be seen.

After two successful years LIVIFF is looking to find bold and inventive stories, to screen in a city of rich history and passion. With the ambition to match the city’s cool and artistic identity, LIVIFF is determined to make its international film festival one that will be regarded as a must be at event on the film festival circuit for many years to come.

The international and local filmmaking community arrived in 2018 to enthusiastic and packed out premieres of films and guest appearances such as OFF THE RAILS starring Otmara Maria (Startup), documentary hit LADDIE: THE MAN BEHIND THE MOVIES, about the renowned Hollywood producer and SAY MY NAME, written by Deborah Francis White.

In 2019 all will be invited once again to celebrate the official selection and indulge in world and UK premieres, after parties, filmmaker talks, and a closing awards that will reward excellence and originality by a high profile jury of film industry professionals.

With UK Distribution representation and national press attendance at a passionate festival for great lasting stories, the Liverpool Film Festival 2019 will be one to enjoy and remember.

Neil Jeram-Croft, Operations Director for LIVIFF says: “Our expansion to two screens was testament to the growth the festival has made in such a short space of time. It is so important to us to be able to present films on the big screen and bring filmmakers and audiences closer together"

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Festival Internacional Corto Atlántico De Xixón

31 May 2019

Published: 31 Oct 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional Corto Atlántico De Xixón

Festival Internacional Corto Atlántico De Xixón

Xixón, Spain

Festival audiovisual enmarcado dentro del Arcu Atlánticu de Xixón.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of 12th Delhi International Film Festival 2025, New Delhi, India

31 Aug 2019

Published: 31 Oct 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 12th Delhi International Film Festival 2025, New Delhi, India

12th Delhi International Film Festival 2025, New Delhi, India

New Delhi, India

12th Delhi International Film Festival 2025, at New Delhi, India on 10th Feb-12th Feb 2025

The Delhi International Film Festival Academy Awards is organized in various parts of the world annually, to recognize, honor and encourage excellence in Indian Cinema. The vast cultural and geographical diversities in India contribute to an eclectic and heady mixture of popular and art cinema in every region. Indian Film Industry has always been an amalgamation of Regional and Hindi Film Industry - both thriving uniquely as well as blending beautifully into a symbiotic relationship. DIFFAA attempts to bring under one roof and on one stage, Regional cinema as well as the famed Bollywood from India, and award artistic and technical brilliance in films released during the previous calendar year.


1. DIFFA AWARDS, organized by the DELHI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ACADEMY is a unique concept based on the sole purpose of promotion of Indian Cinema all over the world. Delhi International Film Festival has been striving towards taking the Culture and Cinema of India to various countries, ever since its first edition of a very rich Regional Film Industry is lesser known. To bring to the foray, the excellent films which :

2. Indian Films are hugely popular across continents and also, the existence of a very rich Regional Film Industry is lesser known. To bring to the foray, the excellent films which are made in India, be it the Hindi Films or the Regional, DIFF has conceived the idea of an Award, which will be given to individuals and cinema of excellence.

3. The Information & Broadcasting Ministry and the Culture & Tourism Ministries associate with Delhi International Film Festival. This support from the Government adds value to the DIFFA Awards. Also, the Embassies of various countries have expressed interest in the event.

4. DIFFA Awards will also present awards to the films made by the Host Country. An Advisory Board will recommend the films released during the year which shall be considered for Awards. Films so selected will also be screened during the DIFFA screening events.



12th DELHI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL-2025 is being organized from 10th Feb-12th Feb 2025, at NEW DELHI, as a Seven day event, in association with GOVT. OF NAGALAND, NDMC, INFORMATION & BROADCASTING MINISTRY and THE CULTURE AND TOURISM Ministary, FILM BANDHU, UTTAR PRADESH are our Associate Partners.

The festival is approved by the INFORMATION & BROADCASTING MINISTRY and works as a composite body to promote INDIAN CINEMA, CULTURE AND TOURISM in INDIA and ABROAD.

DIFF has now grown into a global platform joining hands to collaborate with a multitude of film festivals in many countries or offering support to a host of upcoming festivals across the world. DIFF aims at understanding the science, art and emotion behind cinema, reaching it out to the audiences far and wide and promoting Indian Cinema, Art and Culture. The Festival offers premier showcase opportunity for talented film makers and artists, celebrates AVANTE GARDE CINEMA, felicitates masters and achievers from all walks of life and brings countries closer by building bridges to enable cross cultural exchanges, social understanding and creative idealization.

12th DELHI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL-2025 will be held from 10th Feb-12th Feb 2025 at NEW DELHI

Also with this 11th DIFF 2024 is going to showcase 193 films from more than 58 countries and about 100 works of art displayed at the Art Show. Film Personalities, Artists, Diplomats, Political dignitaries and audiences close to 5000, will witness the spectacular Opening Ceremony, Closing & Awards Event and savor the vast variety of films screened during the festival.

With the focus on African Cinema , DIFF will screen some very interesting films.

Information & Broadcasting Ministry and NDMC offered invaluable support and association for this edition of DIFF as in the earlier editions. Jharkhand, Assam, UP-Film Bandhu, Uttrakhand became the State and Tourism Partner and ARGENTINA AND SENEGAL are the Country Partners this year.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Imaginaria - International Animated Film Festival

15 May 2019

Published: 31 Oct 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Imaginaria - International Animated Film Festival

Imaginaria - International Animated Film Festival

Conversano, Italy

IMAGINARIA is the first and only international animated film festival of Apulia region.

In its history Imaginaria has grown enormously, earning an important artistic and social position in the international festival sector.

Festival of “people and places”, Imaginaria manages to create a family atmosphere among the public and professionals who come in open air cinemas of Conversano. Imaginaria, which is characterized by the importance of “numbers” and the excellent quality of thousands of works of international standing, is a project to promote, disseminate, film training, which aims to promote the independent authors of animated films. Imaginaria intends to trigger, in a long-term perspective, all possible synergies in the community helping to create socio-economic opportunities in the area and at the same time promote the culture of animation. The festival, therefore, is a project which aims to spread the use and knowledge of animated films not only during the event, held every year in Conversano, but also in places and times of the year using different networks, made up of other festivals and exhibitions (national and international) to which Imaginaria participates or which it is the promoter.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Dramática Muestra: Cine hecho por mujeres.

20 Nov 2018

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Dramática Muestra: Cine hecho por mujeres.

Dramática Muestra: Cine hecho por mujeres.

Concepción, Chile

Dramática Muestra es una ventana de exhibición para cine hecho por mujeres y con perspectiva de género.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of History Film Festival

10 Mar 2019

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner History Film Festival

History Film Festival

Rijeka, Croatia

History Film Festival is an international festival of historical documentary films organized by ISTRA FILM.

The Festival is taking place in Rijeka, Croatia.

History Film Festival aims at offering viewers and film experts an insight into contemporary film and TV production of historical documentary films, at the same time providing a place where film professionals can meet and share their creative ideas for future projects.

Festival programme consists of a competition programme and special thematic programmes (presentations of independent and TV productions, screenings of material from film archives, specialized conferences and workshops…)

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Sogamoso Independent film Festival

20 Feb 2019

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival de Cine Independiente de Sogamoso

Sogamoso Independent film Festival

Sogamoso, Colombia

The Sogamoso Independent Film Festival - FECISO has established itself as a vital space for the exhibition and promotion of Colombian cinema in Boyacá, highlighting the diversity and richness of the country's audiovisual narratives. It has also stood out for being a regional window for the circulation of international cinema in Colombia. In 2025, the Festival will hold its ninth edition from November 1 to 7 in the municipalities of Sogamoso, Nobsa and Tibasosa, province of Sugamuxi, Boyacá.

FECISO begins the search for short and feature films that reflect the social, cultural and political realities of Colombia and the world. The curatorial line is focused on highlighting works that address issues such as the environment, violence, armed conflict and the cultural diversity of the territories.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Music Video

Logo of Sea Shorts

08 Jun 2019

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Corti di Mare

Sea Shorts

modica\, Italy

The "Corti di Mare" Festival focuses on the "sea" theme: sea as a source of life, nourishment, philosophy, history, peoples, danger, challenge, adventure, necessity, myth, well-being, border, legend, poetry.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation