Logo of IndieCork Festival

01 Aug 2019

Published: 02 Dec 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner IndieCork Festival

IndieCork Festival

Cork, Ireland

IndieCork is Ireland's premiere festival of international independent film, in particular short films; we screen all genres though - including features, documentaries, mixed media and cross-platform. We welcome drama, narrative, animation, experimental, music / dance / poetry film, and everything in between!

We support emerging, independent film and we are Ireland's largest festival for shorts. We focus on the independent filmmaker, believing this is the most creative and interesting, and our festival offers a rewarding experience, for both filmmaker and audience.

IndieCork is organised by a team with over 30 years experience in film programming and exhibition.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Daroca & Prisión Film Fest

15 May 2019

Published: 02 Dec 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Daroca & Prisión Film Fest - Festival de Cine de Daroca

Daroca & Prisión Film Fest

Daroca, Spain

Daroca&Prisión Film Fest
Festival Internacional Cine de Daroca

This is the only online Film Festival in the world in which the prisoners belonging to the Film Workshop of the Daroca Penitentiary Center (Spain) have an intense and active participation:

Viewing, pre-selecting and deciding the Awards (along with a Jury of professionals of the sector);

Participating in the filming of a comedy sketch alongside an honored star, as well as in all the previous phases – such as the script, planning, acting, lighting, sound and production – and in its post-production;

And in the preparation and conduct of interviews with the aforementioned honored star and other illustrious visitors to the prison.

A job lasting several months that has a very positive impact on their social reintegration.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Monterrey International Film Festival

22 Apr 2019

Published: 02 Dec 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Monterrey International Film Festival

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De Monterrey — ficmonterrey

Monterrey International Film Festival

Monterrey, Mexico

The Monterrey International Film Festival, ficmonterrey, opens its call for the submission of feature films and short films for the selection of its twentieth edition, which will take place from September 25 to October 2, 2024.


The Competitive Selection is made up of the following categories:

International Feature Film — Fiction/Animation*
International Feature Film — Documentary
Mexican Feature Film — Fiction/Animation*
Mexican Feature Film — Documentary

International Short Film — Fiction/Animation*
International Short Film — Documentary
Mexican Short Film — Fiction/Animation*
Mexican Short Film — Documentary
Mexican Student Short Film Competition — Any Genre

*In the case of submitting animations whose content coincides with the documentary, the Selection Committee reserves the right to select it in the most convenient category.

Nuevo León Competition — Any Gender
Category made by the Selection Committee, it is not opened as a separate category, but registration is indirect through the Mexican categories —see more in the Regulations through our website.

The registration dates go from the publication of this call, until its closing, on July 7, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. (GMT-6) without any possibility of extension. Feature film works (from 60 minutes onwards) and short films (between 1 and less than 30 minutes in length) will be received through the Festhome platform exclusively.

Selected participants will be notified via email during the first or second week of August and they will be informed of the continuity of the process. The Committee's selection is final. By registering, all participants who are selected agree to send all the required materials in a timely manner, as detailed in the Regulations and as they will be requested from their notification until the closing of the ficmonterrey. The registration of any material in this call confirms the acceptance of it and the attached rules. For this reason, before starting the process, we ask you to READ IN DETAIL the Registration Regulations available through the WEBSITE.

The festival will make public the final list of the films that will make up its competitive Official Selection starting in September 2024 on the Festival's official website: https://monterreyfilmfestival.com/

The ficmonterrey is in a constant search for human narratives that rely on views that emerge from a world in constant movement and transformation, in interconnection and innovation for its selection.

The Festival seeks films with the power to reside in the collective memory of audiences, with the power to move and create dialogue with them.

One of the key interests of the ficmonterrey organizing team is to encourage new perspectives, those who are young not because of their age, but because they are fresh, for remaining critical, for achieving themselves with innovation and venturing into various risks.

The general objective of ficmonterrey is to bring together in Nuevo León an in-person audience, and a virtual one throughout Mexico, before a selection of contemporary Mexican and international cinema created by filmmakers with diverse, fresh, risky, critical, and innovative visions. Likewise, we are interested in providing a training space that promotes the meeting between filmmakers, films and the audience; and activities that promote film production, especially women's and regional ones.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Silent short film Rural Goya Festival

30 Jun 2019

Published: 01 Dec 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Cortometrajes Mudos Goya Rural

Silent short film Rural Goya Festival

Fuendetodos, Spain

The third Edition of Film Competition "Goya Rural"

Objective: Are you be able to communicate without any word, just using image, sounds or music?

Goya, was born in Fuendetodos village and nowadays is major knowing, because of he had the power to express all he could fell (without fears), using "the image"

For this reason, this Short Film Competition, wants make a tribute to Goya artist as the same time pretends to be a challenge to everybody who can communicate by the silent cinema.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Oz Indie Film Festival

05 Oct 2019

Published: 01 Dec 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Oz Indie Film Festival

Oz Indie Film Festival

St Kilda, Australia

After the resounding success of our 2nd season, the Australian, Oz Indie Film Festival will, once again, celebrate the very best of International and Australian independent film making. At a time when movies are becoming more and more programmed by market research, demographics, comic books and computer game sales, it has never been more important to discover and foster new brave independent filmmakers.

Your film will be judged on one criteria only – the quality of your work. So feel free to let the world know your opinions and politics, provided these are dramatically crucial to the work you submit. Within the realms of what's legally decent, we won't censure your work.

Our categories include Australian Independent Feature Films, Australian Short Films, International independent Films, Documentaries, Australian Indigenous Work, Animated Features, Animated Shorts, Student Work and Music Videos.

Whether you are chosen for screening or not you entry may be selected for U.S. TV broadcast on The Mini Movie Hour.

The purpose on the show is provide filmmakers exposure on U.S. broadcast television. The series reaches approximately 50 million households throughout the U.S. and can also be view on OTT platforms. You can view four of the episodes at www.minimoviehour.com/watch.html.

We would like to let you know in advance that we do not charge to be featured on the Mini Movie Hour and we do not pay a licensing fee. Also, our license is non-exclusive.

Proudly, we have no other restrictions on your work. This includes your works premier status, it's age and/or whether your work has been made available online.

We look forward to your participation as either filmmakers, actors, musicians, industry judges, sponsors and theatre venues.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Muestra Cine+Video Indígena

31 Mar 2019

Published: 01 Dec 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Muestra Cine+video Indígena

Muestra Cine+Video Indígena

Santiago , Chile

The nineteenth version of the Muestra Cine + Video Indígena, organised by the Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, opens its call for entries from 30 November to 7 March 2025 to films by indigenous and non-indigenous filmmakers whose central theme is indigenous peoples, especially in Latin America.

The curatorial committee of the festival will place special emphasis on selecting works that portray cultural and territorial aspects of these nations, such as: processes of safeguarding cultures, protection and defence of territories and the environment, human rights, identity tensions and political reflections. In addition, works spoken in indigenous languages and which have been made in a participatory manner with indigenous communities or through the training processes of indigenous film schools will be highlighted.The nineteenth version of the Muestra Cine + Video Indígena, organised by the Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, opens its call for entries from 30 November to 7 March 2025 to films by indigenous and non-indigenous filmmakers whose central theme is indigenous peoples, especially in Latin America.

The curatorial committee of the festival will place special emphasis on selecting works that portray cultural and territorial aspects of these nations, such as: processes of safeguarding cultures, protection and defence of territories and the environment, human rights, identity tensions and political reflections. In addition, works spoken in indigenous languages and which have been made in a participatory manner with indigenous communities or through the training processes of indigenous film schools will be highlighted.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of The Just A Minute Festival

31 Dec 2018

Published: 01 Dec 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner The Just A Minute Festival

The Just A Minute Festival

Winchester, United States

The Just A Minute Festival is an online viewers choice event that encourages people to make short films, one minute or less, using any device or media of any genre or subject matter.

There are cash prizes and there is no entry fee.

There will be a premier event at the Griffin Museum of Photography in Winchester, MA and screenings at various locations.

For more information, visit our site www.JustAMinute.tv

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Miami short Film Festival

01 Sep 2019

Published: 01 Dec 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Miami short Film Festival

Miami short Film Festival

Miami , United States

La misión del MiamisFF es construir puentes de dialogo e intercambio cultural entre los realizadores cinematográficos y la audiencia a través de experiencias cinematográficas en corto que promuevan una visión enfocada en las buenas causas haciendo uso de formas estéticamente innovadoras. Estamos comprometidos con la búsqueda de nuevos talentos que puedas hacer una diferencia con su arte.

Podemos ofrecerles un espacio dedicado para presentar su talento a una nueva audiencia, representantes de la industria cinematográfica y distintas organizaciones.

Estamos ubicados en la ciudad de Miami, Florida y el festival proyecta cortometrajes de 30 minutos o menos y apoya el creciente movimiento para exhibir y expandir el arte cinematográfico en formato corto proporcionando un espacio para construir una comunidad comprometida con las artes, ya que nuestra filosofía consiste en concebir al cortometraje como verdaderas obras de arte que me merecen su propio espacio de exhibición.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Budapest Short Film Festival

01 Apr 2019

Published: 01 Dec 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Budapest Short Film Festival

Budapest Short Film Festival

Budapest , Hungary

BuSho (Budapest Short) was established in the autumn of 2004 by a group of young Hungarian filmmakers and the first event successfully ran its course the following year. The festival became an international breakthrough in an exceptionally short period of time. We had plenty of festival screenings, selections of film academies, conferences, exhibitions, film-, and all-art workshops in the program. Our main target group is the generation of developing young filmmakers but we are very delighted at every entry. This film celebration takes place in Budapest in the late summer of 2019.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Varesh International Film Festival

30 Jan 2019

Published: 30 Nov 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Varesh International Film Festival

Varesh International Film Festival

Babol, Iran

*Main Focus of the festival is on the five counties around the Caspian Sea*
Persian language -the common heritage includes (Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan) and the Caspian Sea as the natural heritage includes (Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan).

A. Behavioral Traditions
Includes films focused on rituals, national and religious celebrations,
Habits, folk games and etc.
B. Speech Traditions
Includes videos based on folk tales, ethical, wise, romantic stories
, songs, poems, native poems, ancient myths and parables and etc.
C) Life traditions
Includes films focused on native architecture, production methods in the life of agriculture, cattle and fishery and the Protection of forests, handicrafts, native culture, markets and Business.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of DetectiveFest

31 Jan 2019

Published: 30 Nov 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner DetectiveFest


Moscow, Russia

You are invited to participate in the XXI International Festival of Detective Films and Television programs on Law-Enforcement Themes "DetectiveFEST", which is held in Moscow, April 22nd-28th, 2019.
The festival contest considers feature films (full-length and short films), documentary films and TV series, animation films, thematic TV programmes and TV spots, produced by film and TV companies during the period from February, 1st, 2018 to January, 31st, 2019.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Dea Open Air International Film Festival

20 Feb 2019

Published: 30 Nov 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Dea Open Air International Film Festival

Dea Open Air International Film Festival

Tirana, Albania

DEA OPEN AIR International Film Festival is a product of MultiMedia Studio "Nositi".

The Festival will take place in the Capital city of Tirana.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Other

Logo of Orlando Edge Film Festival

08 Nov 2019

Published: 29 Nov 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Orlando Edge Film Festival

Orlando Edge Film Festival

Orlando, United States

The Orlando Edge Film Festival is a creative and new experience set-up to highlight the best of classic and contemporary film-making of all genres in the Orlando area. Our festival supports the progression of ingenuity from growing and established filmmakers through their own artistic and cinematic expression. We support and celebrate the ideals of passion, talent, hard-work, and vision of these filmmakers and their works. Entering our third year, we have grown to amplify our approach to help recognize your film in the Orlando community. Through submitting to our fourth festival, you will have the opportunity to screen your film in front of the thriving, artistic, modern, and enriching community composed of Metro Orlando filmmakers and film lovers, as well as film students from the neighboring colleges of UCF and Valencia.

Critical Edge Film & Art Festival Network strides to bring together a growing cinematic and artistic community with quality local, independent, student, experimental, and international filmmakers through our annual festival events. We've either hosted festival or have festivals planned in Tallahassee, Orlando, Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, Nashville, Fort Myers, and New Orleans!

Learn more @
Website: www.ceffnetwork.org
Instagram: @ceffnetwork
Twitter: @criticaledgeff
Facebook: facebook.com/ceffnetwork
Students & Educators only - Florida SouthWestern Edge

Like & share our page on Facebook and e-mail a screenshot to ceffnetworkofficial@gmail.com and receive a code for 10% off submission to the CEFF Network festival of your choosing!


CEFF Network Festival Competition Prizes:
- iPitch.tv Media Market Subscriptions ($117-$299 value each) - "iPITCH.TV gives Screenwriters, Filmmakers and Creators the ability to pitch and sell TV or Movie ideas directly to Entertainment Industry Buyers by submission of written and/or video pitches."
- InkTip Script Listings ($60 value each) - “InkTip is a market connecting scriptwriters and creative project visionaries with industry professionals and production companies, and has helped hundreds of films get produced!“
- Festival waivers and discounts ($25+ value each) - check the “Awards and Prizes” section. Some CEFF Festivals may offer submission waivers to some of our partner festivals (like the Fort Myers Film Festival or Sick ‘n’ Wrong Film Festival in Orlando)
- Screen-time and publicity during one of our LIVE film festival screenings.
- Winners and selections receive TWO sets of laurels per every ONE selected submission! One set of laurels is from CEFF Network, and the other is from the specific festival you submit to.
- Filmmakers behind selected films who are festival attendees will have the opportunity answer questions about their film and be photographed while our work is showcased.
- Selected films promotional materials will be shared across our CEFF Network social media pages prior to the festival.
- Photo/Art Categorical Submissions enter an ongoing competition for display on our website and various social media pages on our Photography page(film submissions are excluded from consideration without our prior emailed request).

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Nola Critical Edge Film & Live Art Festival

01 Aug 2019

Published: 29 Nov 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Nola Critical Edge Film & Live Art Festival

Nola Critical Edge Film & Live Art Festival

New Orleans, United States

The NOLA Critical Edge Film & Live Art Festival 2019 celebrates filmmakers and performers. There will be screenings of short films, and a showcase of short performance experiments from some of the most striking artists working today. Our mission is to create an environment where artists can network. After each screening and performance, we will have a panel, and have the opportunity to get insight from established directors, actors, producers, artists, and performers. This is our festival’s 2nd time around, and we are ready to see what the minds of visual artists and musicians have to share in the Crescent City.

For the first time, Nola Critical Edge will have its own sector of awards for artistic activism. Artistic activism is a creative force that educate us, influences our notions about human relationships, and brings about social change. We will celebrate artists that have used their passion for activism by paying tribute to them and publicizing their art. Furthermore, we will be giving lifetime awards to artists who have contributed to social justice and activism in NOLA.


Critical Edge Film & Art Festival Network strides to bring together a growing cinematic and artistic community with quality local, independent, student, experimental, and international filmmakers through our annual festival events. We've either hosted festival or have festivals planned in Tallahassee, Orlando, Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, Nashville, Fort Myers, and New Orleans!

Learn more @
Website: www.ceffnetwork.org
Instagram: @ceffnetwork
Twitter: @criticaledgeff
Facebook: facebook.com/ceffnetwork
Students & Educators only - Florida SouthWestern Edge Film Festival - https://filmfreeway.com/fswff

Like & share our page on Facebook and e-mail a screenshot to ceffnetworkofficial@gmail.com and receive a code for 10% off submission to the CEFF Network festival of your choosing!


CEFF Network Festival Competition Prizes:
- iPitch.tv Media Market Subscriptions ($117-$299 value each) - "iPITCH.TV gives Screenwriters, Filmmakers and Creators the ability to pitch and sell TV or Movie ideas directly to Entertainment Industry Buyers by submission of written and/or video pitches."
- InkTip Script Listings ($60 value each) - “InkTip is a market connecting scriptwriters and creative project visionaries with industry professionals and production companies, and has helped hundreds of films get produced!“
- Festival waivers and discounts ($25+ value each) - check the “Awards and Prizes” section. Some CEFF Festivals may offer submission waivers to some of our partner festivals (like the Fort Myers Film Festival or Sick ‘n’ Wrong Film Festival in Orlando)
- Screen-time and publicity during one of our LIVE film festival screenings.
- Winners and selections receive TWO sets of laurels per every ONE selected submission! One set of laurels is from CEFF Network, and the other is from the specific festival you submit to.
- Filmmakers behind selected films who are festival attendees will have the opportunity answer questions about their film and be photographed while our work is showcased.
- Selected films promotional materials will be shared across our CEFF Network social media pages prior to the festival.
- Photo/Art Categorical Submissions enter an ongoing competition for display on our website and various social media pages on our Photography page(film submissions are excluded from consideration without our prior emailed request).

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Quand la passion s’exprime...

11 Jan 2019

Published: 29 Nov 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Pour faire court - QUAND LA PASSION S’EXPRIME !

Quand la passion s’exprime...

LYON, France

The Short Event association is made up of 30 students from Lyon with a passion for events and a common goal: to create a festival of short films. Thus was born the Prix de Courts short film festival! A festival that focuses on and rewards short films of all levels and ages. The festival is intended as a spotlight for the participants. This event, using the codes of the seventh art as vectors of emotion and sharing, invites you to discover a specific program of short films, according to a defined theme.

This year, we've chosen the theme of passion, in the sense of that which grips the guts, that which transcends, that which inspires, that which is transmitted...

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Lucca Film Festival

07 Mar 2019

Published: 29 Nov 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Lucca Film Festival

Lucca Film Festival

Lucca, Italy

Lucca Film Festival is an annual event that celebrates and promotes cinematographic culture. Through screenings, exhibitions, conferences and performances, the Festival has been able to captivate an ever-increasing audience with a program that ranges from experimental to mainstream films. Through the years, Lucca Film Festival has carved out a niche for itself, standing apart from the many other festivals thanks to its bold yet carefully studied programming. Over the years, great names of international filmmakers and well-known celebrities have attended Lucca Film Festival as invited guests; David Lynch, Oliver Stone, Jeremy Irons, Willem Dafoe, George Romero, Terry Gilliam, William Friedkin, Alfonso Cuarón, John Boorman, Rutger Hauer, Joe Dante and Peter Greenaway, just to name a few. At the same time, the Festival has offered retrospectives of “old” glories while unearthing new talents. To top it all off, breathtaking Lucca serve as a stunning backdrop to an event that has now firmly established itself, becoming a highly anticipated and not-to-be-missed appointment in Italy and in Europe: the Lucca Film Festival.

Since its creation, the festival has always been committed to promoting contemporary films.
Therefore, directors from all over the world can submit their films to the competitive section of the festival through the dedicated call for entries. The 2022 edition of Lucca Film Festival will be held from 23 Semptember to 1 October, both in cinemas and online.

The 2023 will be the 8th edition of the Lucca Film Festival International Feature Film Competition. In the previous editions important personalities of cinema like Cristi Puiu, Rutger Hauer, Philip Groening and Claudio Giovannesi had been part of the international jury.

The films shown during this competition are Italian premieres and last edition was won by "Yamabuki" di Juichiro Yamasaki.

There are three awards: Best feature film prize (3000€), awarded by a jury of renowned guests from both the cinematographic and academic worlds; and Best feature film – university jury prize (awarded by an university jury), Best feature film - Popular jury and the Marcello Petrozziello Award.

For those who are interested in this competition, the last day for submissions is July 14 2023, until midnight.

There are no limitations to the genre or topic of the films. The only requirements are the following: the films must be at least 60 minutes long and must have been produced in 2022. Moreover, they must be Italian premieres, so they cannot have been presented in any other Italian festival, shown on any online open platform or distributed in any other way in Italy.

For the 18th year in a row, it will take place the historic short films competition, whose winner will receive a 500€ prize. Every year, the selection committee of this competition receives more than 300 films to evaluate. Among the directors who took part in earlier editions, there are celebrities like Adan Jodorowsky, son of the famous Chilean filmmaker.
Even though the “free experimentation” is the fil rouge of this year's edition, the films have no limitations in genre and topic. The only requirement is that they cannot last more than 29 minutes. For the short films competition, the last day for submissions is July 28, 2023, until midnight.

Lucca Film Festival launches, for the 2023 edition, a new short film competition, "Lucca Film Festival for Future", which was born thanks to the collaboration with the Sofidel Group, 2nd producer in Europe and 7th in the world for production capacity in the sector of paper for hygienic and domestic use (known in particular for the Regina brand), which has made sustainability a strategic lever of development and responsible growth to reduce its impact on natural capital and favour the transition towards a low carbon impact economy. The prize is 1000€.

List of the selected films will be published on the festival’s website within September 15, 2023. During the festival the movies will be shown in the cinemas taking part in the event and on demand online.

The Lucca Film Festival, coordinated by Nicola Borrelli, is one of the key events organized and sponsored by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca.

The event's main sponsors are Banca Generali and Banca Pictet, whereas the exhibits are produced with the support of Banca Société Générale. The organization of the Lucca Film Festival has also been possible thanks to the funding from Funder35 and the support of Gesam Gas & Luce S.p.A Istituto Luce Cinecittà S.r.l., Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lucca, Baldini Vernici, Lucar S.p.A Lions Club Lucca Le Mura, Alleanza Assicurazioni S.p.A, Luccaorganizza, Il Ciocco S.p.A, MiBACT (the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism), the Region of Tuscany, the City of Lucca, the Province of Lucca with the collaboration and co-production of the Giglio Theatre in Lucca, Consociazione Nazionale donatori di sangue Fratres, Fondazione Giacomo Puccini e Museo Puccini – Casa Natale, Fondazione Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti, Fondazione Mario Tobino, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Martinelli Luce, CG Entertainment, Fondazione Centro Arti Visive e Fondazione UIBI. Thanks also to Lucca Comics & Games, Trenitalia Regional Management, Unicoop Firenze and to the Degree Course in Performing Arts and Civilization Department of Communication and Forms of Knowledge at the University of Pisa, Photolux Festival and App18 for their collaboration.

Come to the Lucca Film Festival and experience a full 360° immersion in both the cinema and the heart of Tuscany.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of SouthBorder Distribution - Short Films Scouting

31 Aug 2019

Published: 28 Nov 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner SouthBorder Distribution - Short Films Scouting

SouthBorder Distribution - Short Films Scouting

Santiago, Chile

Under the tagline “film from the other side of the world”, SouthBorder Distribution seeks content from countries outside of the first world and from filmmakers that portray different points of views, representing new and innovative ways of conceiving cinema.

SouthBorder Distribution is a Latin American distribution company based in Santiago de Chile that licenses short films for comercial distribution in different territories and outlets. We are looking for films that come from that part of the world which identifies itself as “south of the border”. It’s an open call for filmmakers from Ibero America, Africa, Asia, Middle East, Oceania, and those the are represented by the same feeling. We don’t exclude based on country of origin, but please keep in mind what we stand for. If you want to show the world in a different way, if you feel connected to our tag line or if, at some level, it makes sense to you than you should send us your film for consideration.

We work with independent filmmakers and small production companies that are looking to commercialise their films in order to gain a fair and sustainable revenue. This process starts with the acquisition of content and continues with the licensing of international rights and its sale to different territories. Some of these outlets may include:

- National and International Networks.
- Online and streaming platforms.
- VOD content providers.
- Educational and cultural programs.
- Films societies.
- Home Entertainment.
- Non theatrical public and private screenings.
- Non traditional exhibitions such as transportation and stationary screens.

We are looking for:
- Spanish, french and english speaking films, or any language movies that have spanish, french or english subtitles.
- Films up to 30 minutes.
- Premiere date can't be older than 2017.
- Films that don't have distribution deals and have cleared rights for commercial use.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Fotogramma d'Oro Short Film Festival

04 Feb 2019

Published: 28 Nov 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Fotogramma d'Oro Short Film Festival

Fotogramma d'Oro Short Film Festival

Messina, Italy

The “Federazione Nazionale Cinevideoautori (F.N.C.) (Italy)” in collaboration with the cultural association “Proposizione Scenica”, the “Cinema Multisala Apollo”, the Psychoanalytic Laboratory “Vicolo Cicala”, “Sicilian Forks” organises in Messina the 51th edition of “FOTOGRAMMA D’ORO SHORT FILM FESTIVAL”, dedicated to the memory of the actor Adolfo Celi born in Messina.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Author International Film Festival - Festival Internacional De Cine De Autor

30 Sep 2019

Published: 28 Nov 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Author International Film Festival - Festival Internacional De Cine De Autor

Author International Film Festival - Festival Internacional De Cine De Autor

Guadalajara, Mexico

The FIC AUTOR (Author's International Film Festival) is interested in unique and artistic films that exceed the limits of traditional storytelling. We look for Feature and Short Films that reflect the director's personal creative vision, and a style that is distinct enough to shine through the collective process.

WE ONLY CARE ABOUT WHAT YOU SHOW IN YOUR FILM, how CREATIVE you are and how you tell the story, that's it. We don't care if your film has recognized stars or unknown names, if it was shot with an Arri or a DSLR, if it has been accepted to a thousand festivals or none. We don’t base our decisions regarding your gender, sexual orientation, color of your skin, or ethnicity like other festivals. We are against the politics and bureaucracy that flood the film industry. 100% of the films accepted come from the submissions, we don't invite films. We want to be recognized as an objective festival with a tough competition and the most creative global cinema in our theaters!

We're partners with RAINDANCE Film School MX, so if you're one of our selected filmmakers, you will also screen your film there and have the chance to teach a masterclass in one of the most important film schools in the world and who knows, maybe be spotted by Elliot himself!

The FIC AUTOR will take place in November in Guadalajara, Jalisco, México and Tequila Jalisco. We will present the very best films from around the world, ranging from the most unexpected-creative low budget films from unknown filmmakers, to films made by experienced/well known directors. Mano a mano, this competition is tough! FIC AUTOR will strive to be one of the most important cultural events in the city. We aspire to become an international spotlight for new directors!

In the 7th edition we presented the first Honorary Ring to our 1st guest of honor, the Academy Award nominee actress Yalitza Aparicio ("Rome" dir. Alfonso Cuarón) We will continue inviting interesting talents from different fields.

-The 13 winning Authors will receive the WINNER LAUREL, plus FIC AUTOR trophy or rings.
-WINNERS will be announced one month before the award ceremony, so all the nominated filmmakers can decide beforehand whether they want to travel to the festival.
-The Cineforo is one of the biggest cinema theaters in the city with 440 seats, and is the most prestigious.


Feature Films Categories:
-Fictional Feature Films.
-Documentary Feature Films.
-Experimental Feature Films.
-First-Time Filmmaker.
-Low Budget Feature Films Under 50K USD.
-Mexican Feature Films. (For Mexican directors only)

Medium Length Category:
-Medium Length Films. (Any kind)

Short Films Categories:
-Fictional Short Films.
-Documentary Short Films.
-Experimental Short Films.
-Animated Short Films.
-Mexican Short Films. (For Mexican directors only)
-Cineminuto 1 minute Short Films.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of (S)exhibitions

31 Jul 2019

Published: 27 Nov 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner (S)exhibitions


Roma, Italy

Born in 2013, the space of the OGA (Ospizio Giovani Artisti / Young Artists Hospice) organizes many group exhibitions every year, with contemporary and modern art works that come exclusively from the Collection of the OGA. These works are usually donated to the OGA by the artists themselves in order to create thematic exhibitions that are a continuous reflection on the role of art involvement in today's society. In the (S)exhibitions, the OGA will show artworks only about all the universe of the sexuality, because it wants to deepen the contrast between the natural instincts of the human species and all the contradictions that are created, because of these, in our society.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video