25 May 2023

Published: 31 Jan 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films



Mumbai, India

Golden Frames provides an platform to encourage and promote budding & talented film makers globally. Six Sigma Films is pleased to be back with 4th edition of Golden Frames , International Festival for Short Films. The festival Screening of finalist short films will be held in June 2023.

Filmmakers are required to submit online For queries you can contact us at shortsfestival@gmail.com

Films in in all genres & any language are acceptable

1. Shorts
Videos with duration up to 50 seconds

1. Short Film Category
Short Films & Documentary Films with duration of 1 to 10 minutes

2. Long Film Category
Short Films & Documentary Films with duration of more than 10 min to 50 minutes

* Running time includes end credits.

Filmmaker can submit up to three films.

Six Sigma Films is known for path-breaking and diverse short films with independent filmmakers. Our channel is ranked 7th in Top Short Film YouTube Channels worldwide. In addition to distributing & producing Short Films, we assist filmmakers for film funding through our platform FilmFundingNetwork.com.
Six Sigma Films is a major Film Production House. It is also a top organizer of Film Conferences/Awards & Festivals. We have conceptualized and organized first ever film finance conference & awards in India (COFFI). We have successfully organized more than 10 short film festivals.
Our 1st Edition of Golden Frames, International Short Film Festival was a big success & we received more than 1000 entries from 80+ countries. 100+ short films from 60 countries across the world was screened in Andheri, Mumbai.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Ull Nu Festival Audiovisual Andorra

09 Apr 2023

Published: 31 Jan 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Ull Nu Festival Audiovisual Andorra

Ull Nu Festival Audiovisual Andorra

Andorra la Vella, Andorra

Festival Ull Nu:

It is a space to encourage, spread and fertilize creativity, art, culture and young talent.

It is a meeting point, exchange and dialogue between young creators coming from all over the Pyrenees and professionals from the film and audiovisual industry.

It is an alternative, original and innovative leisure proposal that aims to promote and bring to Andorra new proposals and audiovisual trends.

It is a unique experience, a festival of cinema and audiovisual.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of La Boca Erótica Film Festival

30 Jun 2023

Published: 31 Jan 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner La Boca Erótica

La Boca Erótica Film Festival

Mahón, Spain


The Festival is an event full of color and emotion which shake the senses.

La Boca Erotica aims first to present a quality films, showing the casual, committed, funny, daring and courageous way, relationships that are present: sensuality, eroticism, love, seduction, desire, passion, lust, jealousy, conflict and everything that has to do with the approach and communication between the sexes.

We want to offer a transversal vision of eroticism. At the same time we ask ourselves about the meaning of the word within a diverse society.

An exploration of sexuality from a social point of view and without gender barriers.

The festival discuss about politics, education and society, taking as starting point sexuality.

*Payment of screening rights for selected short films

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Festival Internacional de Cortometraje UVAQ

15 Apr 2023

Published: 31 Jan 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cortometraje UVAQ

Festival Internacional de Cortometraje UVAQ

Morelia, Mexico


The Universidad Vasco de Quiroga (UVAQ) invites you to participate in the 18th Edition of the Festival Internacional de Cortometraje UVAQ (FICUVAQ), which will take place from June 9 to June 13, 2025, in a hybrid format (online and in person) in the city of Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico.

Before registering, please read this call for entries carefully. Registration and participation in the festival imply full acceptance of these rules.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Discovery Film Festival

30 Jun 2023

Published: 31 Jan 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Discovery Film Festival

Discovery Film Festival

Dundee, United Kingdom

Discovery Film Festival: Scotland's International Film Festival For Young Audiences

Sat 21 October – Sun 5 November 2023

Discovery Film Festival is now in its twentieth anniversary year. Based at Dundee Contemporary Arts, and touring to partner venues throughout Scotland, the UK and Ireland, the festival screens films from all over the world which have been specially programmed for young audiences.

The festival includes three exciting weekends of films, creative activities, and gala events, as well as two weeks of screenings and events for schools.

Discovery aims to develop new audiences for the best in international film, improve media literacy and offer young audiences an insight into the lives of children and young people in other cultures. The festival has been running since 2004 when it was started as a partnership with Dundee Education Development Department, Scottish Screen and DCA.

Discovery Film Festival is a DCA project and is organised by Mike Tait, Festival Producer and Cinema Youth Development Officer. A team of Young Ambassadors (aged 15-19) work with Mike to programme films and advise on the overall design of the festival. A team of teachers and education consultants advise on the education programme and create Curriculum for Excellence relevant resources for classes visiting the festival.

Discovery would like to thank Creative Scotland and Dundee City Council for their ongoing support.

If you would like to support Discovery, become a partner venue or just get involved, email Mike on mike.tait@dca.org.uk.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other


15 Jul 2023

Published: 31 Jan 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Metricamente Corto


Trebaseleghe, Italy

Festival dedicated to the Short Film Competition, Fiction and Animation.

Possibility of hosting the directors and Actors of the Films

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of We the Peoples Film Festival

12 Jul 2023

Published: 30 Jan 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner We the Peoples Film Festival

We the Peoples Film Festival

London, United Kingdom

Governmental Organisations, and the world’s first festival of films on international development by young directors.

Festival Aims
Encourage filmmakers/creatives to work together to raise awareness of the Three Pillars of Freedom through screening of films created around these themes.

Three Pillars of Freedom and the Environment
* Freedom from want: Through the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
* Freedom from fear: Through efforts to bring about collective security and peace.
* Freedom to live in dignity: Through the application of justice for all, from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Development: poverty, shelter, healthcare, education, gender, governance, finance

Human Security: conflict prevention, conflict resolution, peacekeeping, shelter, migration

Human Rights: gender, education, dignity, participation

Environment: ecological issues, preparation for and consequences of natural disaster, sustainability, new technologies

Short films: any of the above

Young Film Makers: under 25 years

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of Link International Film Festival

31 Oct 2023

Published: 30 Jan 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films



Virginia Water, United Kingdom

​Link International Film Festival is an international competitive cultural event that serves to inspire and connect filmmakers and audiences throughout the region and beyond. It is a cultural expression that aspires to unite through ideas and ideals, diversifying minds, promoting understanding, and cultivating compassion and camaraderie among people regardless of their differences.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Other

Logo of Parapacurts

26 Mar 2023

Published: 29 Jan 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner parapacurts


Sabadell, Spain

"parapacurts" is an International Comedy Short Film Festival inside "parapariures" where both the audience and the jury will choose their favourite short films.

The Festival will take place in Sabadell (Barcelona) on 9th, 16th and 23th of May 2025.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of San Benedetto film fest

15 May 2023

Published: 29 Jan 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner San Benedetto Film Fest

San Benedetto film fest

San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy

SAN BENEDETTO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ( Terms, Rules, prizes and motivations can be translated in 22 languages visiting our site https://www.sanbenedettofilmfest.it)

"MAGICSCREENPLAY" ( Terms, Rules, prizes and motivations can be translated in 22 languages visiting our site https://www.sanbenedettofilmfest.it/magic-screenplay/)

We built a festival in total freedom, without any external conditioning. An International Short Film Competition. A window on cinema from a privileged viewpoint: the city of San Benedetto del Tronto. Born in 2017, the SBFF has become one of the leading international events for the Adriatic Riviera and the Piceno region. The events will take place at the Palazzina Azzurra in San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) on Viale Buozzi 14.

"MAGICSCREENPLAY" - (Collateral Event to the SAN BENEDETTO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL) was born from the need to combine the scenic, architectural and natural beauties of the Marche Region in syncrasia with the cultural, social heritage and identity need of the places and the human and professional resources that come from them, evolve and hope for an ever-increasing expansion of training, skills and abilities.

The Contest was born within a strategy of discovery and promotion of national and international emerging talents and represents the exclusive context to select, through a Quality Jury, the best pitch, with a predefined theme, to be declined into a consequent script.

After the selection, the one deemed to perform best will be subjected to development through the creation of a short film with a total length of no more than 15 minutes, produced by the Associated Professionals Association of Art & Management "IL SERPENTE AUREO," in collaboration with and with the support of the FILM COMMISSION MARCHE, the MARCHE REGION and under the patronage of the City of San Benedetto del Tronto.


- " There is no art form like cinema to strike the conscience, shake the emotions and reach the secret rooms of the soul" Ingmar Bergman

- " Life in the depths is completely different from life on the surface and has mysterious and terrifying aspects" Dario Argento

- " I am not an artist but a craftsman" "The heart must mediate between the brain and the hands" Fritz Lang

- " I steal from every single film ever made. If I like things I mix them together. And if people don't like it, then don't go see it.... I steal from everything.... Great artists steal not make homages" Quentin Tarantino

- " No matter where the world goes, even if I can't speak a foreign language, I don't feel out of place. I think of the earth as my home. "Akira Kurosawa

- " An essential element of all art is risk..." Francis Ford Coppola

- " Cinema is a mode of expression that allows one to express all the nuances of a thing and its opposites..." Catherine Breillat

- " Unlike all other art forms, cinema is able to capture and render the passage of time, to stop it almost to possess it in infinity. I would say that film is the sculpture of time. "Andrei Tarkovsky

- " I am just a storyteller and film seems to be my medium. I like it because it recreates life in motion, enhances it ... it is my way of telling a story. "Federico Fellini

- " The art of film can only really exist through a highly organized betrayal of reality" François Truffaut

- " I work with my dreams or nightmares" David Cronenberg

- " If I can't get the characters to talk, then I give up " Quantin Tarantino

- " The poet stretches out his hand to lead us beyond the last horizon, beyond the top of the pyramid, to that land that extends beyond the true and the false, beyond life and death, beyond space and time, beyond reason and fantasy, beyond spirit and matter." Alejandro Jodorowsky

- " Cinema is the 'only art form in which the works move and the viewer remains motionless " Ennio Flaiano

- " Cinema is a cultural industry. Making films also means assuming a social and moral responsibility. Therefore, we should not produce what we can sell, but sell what we want to produce " Franco Cristaldi

- " I think that scandalizing is a right.... " Pier Paolo Pasolini

- " To act is to listen... " Pupi Avati

- " I think the past affects the ability to tell stories" Joel Coen

- " Cinema is beautiful if it can read reality " Ettore Scola

- " Cinema consists of two things: a screen and chairs. The secret lies in filling them both " Roberto Benigni

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Zero Plus International festival of films for children and youth

20 Apr 2023

Published: 29 Jan 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Zero Plus International festival of films for children and youth

Zero Plus International festival of films for children and youth

Tyumen, Russia

"0+" International film festival is aimed at:

1. promotion and popularization of high-quality films, which foster a positive, creative and formative worldview in children and young people, strengthen common human values like family, childhood, friendship, kindness, nature, love for a profession, etc.

2. integration of cinema and education by creating a collection of value-oriented films for carrying out educational screenings in schools and social institutions of Russia.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other

Logo of Latin American Film Festival in Native Languages

27 Feb 2023

Published: 28 Jan 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival de Cine Latinoamericano en Lenguas Originarias

Latin American Film Festival in Native Languages

Trujillo, Peru

Our festival seeks to strengthen and revitalize the native languages of Peru and Latin America through the exhibition and creation of audiovisual works in native languages. We are an independent festival, we believe that the audiovisual language is a great ally for the preservation of our languages, memory, identity and cultural heritage of our Latin American peoples. We are the only Film Festival in Peru dedicated to cinema in native languages. Welcome.

The festival will take place from April 8 to 12, 2024 in person and online, and is organized by the production company Moche Films in collaboration with various groups, people, schools, institutions, associations, groups and platforms at a national and international level. international. The festival will organize film screenings, artistic activities and Community workshops in different indigenous towns and cities in Peru and Latin America.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Tenerife Noir 2024

01 Mar 2023

Published: 26 Jan 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Atlántico De Género Negro Tenerife Noir 2025

Tenerife Noir 2024

Sta. Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

It is the regional event of festivals of the noir and policial genre of the Canary Islands.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of The Arctic International Film Festival ’Golden Raven’

28 Feb 2023

Published: 26 Jan 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of The Arctic International Film Festival ’Golden Raven’

Banner Арктический международный кинофестиваль ’Золотой ворон’ - Arctic International Film Festival ’Golden Raven’

The Arctic International Film Festival ’Golden Raven’

Anadyr, Russia

The Arctic International Film Festival "Golden Raven" is being held annually on the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Region and is the professional competitive screening of cinematic works from around the world. The dates of the festival are agreed annually.

The 9th Arctic International Film Festival "Golden Raven" will take place from April 07 to April 20,2025.

The festival sets its goals and objectives as following:

• search and promotion of the best modern films related to the Arctic and reflecting various aspects of life in this region;

• attracting the attention of the public and professional community to the topics relevant to the Arctic including ecology, interethnic relations, the continuity of generations, the preservation of traditions and culture, etc.;

• creation of a communication channel and strengthening of cooperation between Russia and the world community through the territories and cultural space of the Far North of the Russian Federation;

• popularization of event and ecological tourism on the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Region;

• creation and development of a comfortable environment for residents of the Chukotka Autonomous Region;

• development of the film production infrastructure, as well as promotion of the Chukotka Autonomous Region as an attractive and comfortable location for filmmaking;

• search and support of young talented filmmakers creating films in the Arctic region;

• preservation and popularization of the cultural heritage of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East.

The Festival is being held by the Youth Initiative Production Center, by the Committee for Culture, Sport and Tourism of the Chukotka Autonomous Region, by the Center of Development and Support of Cultural Projects "Golden Raven" and is supported by Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Region, Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives, the Government of the Chukotka Autonomous Region, the Russian Filmmakers’ Union, AU CHAO Okrkinovideoprokat.

The Festival is composed of the following competition sections:

• international competitive selection of full-length feature and documentary films;

• international competitive selection of short feature films;

• international competitive selection of short documentary films;

• international competitive selection of short animation films;

• regional competitive selection "FilmRising!".

Out-of-competition program of the Festival includes:

• full-length and short films;

• animated films;

• other media content at the discretion of the Organizing Committee of the Festival.

The Festival "Golden Raven" is distinguished by the fact that the winners in the main category (The Grand Prix) are chosen not by a jury of experts, but by the viewers, who take part in preferential voting.

The Festival's expert jury includes professional filmmakers from Russia and abroad, and it chooses the winners in the other categories.

Submissions to the Festival will be accepted to December 20, 2024.

Russian submissions are entered online at the Festival’s official web site http://goldenravenfilmfest.ru/ and it is obligatory to send all the materials to section https://goldenravenfilmfest.ru/zayavka.
Foreign submissions are entered for Selection committee via one of online-platforms including Festhome (https://festhome.com/festival/the-golden-raven-international-arctic-film-festival).

The submission to the competitive sections is free.

The Selection Committee of the Festival will make its final decisions no later than on March 15, 2025.

The Festival’s Artistic Director is Philipp Abryutin.

The Lead Festival’s Producer is Oksana Lakhno.

The Program Director is Alexander Solomonov.

Contact information of the Organizing Committee:
Web: www.goldenravenfilmfest.ru
E-mail: goldenravenfilmfest@yandex.ru
ANO Center for Development and Support of Cultural Projects "Golden Raven"
123056 Russian Federation, Moscow,
Vassilievskaya str., 13, building 1, office 9
Tel.: +7(499)250-89-55

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival

01 Aug 2023

Published: 26 Jan 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival

Banner MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival


NYC, United States

During one week of the year over 100,000 film-lovers gather in over 400 Cinemas across 6 Continents to view and vote on the Finalists Films' in the Annual MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival - MANHATTAN SHORT is more than just one of the largest short film festivals in the world....it's the World's First Global Film Festival.

If making short films is about getting your work out there, nothing compares to MANHATTAN SHORT.

Every Film Selected is eligible to enter the Oscars:
MANHATTAN SHORT does a full week's run in a cinema in Los Angeles, California. This theater booking means all ten finalists in the 2025 MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival will be eligible to enter the Oscar competition for 2026.

MANHATTAN SHORT is now in compliance with the rules governing the Oscar Awards set forth by the Academy of Motion Pictures of Arts and Sciences

Featured Musical Artist
We are excited to announce that the MANHATTAN SHORT will be featuring a Musical Artist or Band leading up to and throughout the duration of the Festival each year.

The selected Musician or Band will have his/her music featured in over four hundred venues and to over 100,000 people worldwide during the MANHATTAN SHORT intermission and in all promotional materials leading up to the festival dates, including exclusive headline billing on our website. This is a tremendous opportunity for new or unknown musical talent to have their music broadcast to our ready-made worldwide audience of eager festival attendees. It is also a unique chance to gain name recognition and immediate exposure. Check ManhattanShort.com to enter the Musical Artist Comp.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of The UK Film Festival London

18 Sep 2023

Published: 25 Jan 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner The UK Film Festival London

The UK Film Festival London

Kensington, United Kingdom

The festival champions great films but is particularly seeking work from those filmmakers who might not yet have had a prestigious public screening of their work.

Screening in the heart of London UKFF welcomes films of all types from all over the World - connecting up-and-coming filmmakers with more established names such as Judi Dench, Dustin Hoffman, James Corden, Bill Nighy, Timothy Spall, Steven Berkoff and most recently Willem Dafoe.

Category awards are given for Best Feature Film; Best Feature Documentary; Best Short Documentary; Best Animation; Best Music Video; Best British Short; Best International Short; Best Student Film; as well as special awards for excellence.

Mat Kirkby, Oscar Winner and Director at Ridley Scott Associates states that "The UK Film Festival is the most focused, passionate and quality driven film festival in the UK. Their invaluable support helped get me to the Oscars in 2015, where I won the Academy Award for best short film."

With a programme that showcases new talent alongside established directors, filmmakers and actors UKFF is a lively networking hub. Over the last 7 years UKFF has quickly become a career stepping stone, establishing a tradition of discovering and promoting films which have gone on to be Oscar and BAFTA nominees and winners. The script competitions have also made a big impact - five scripts have been optioned and three have been produced and gone on to win multiple awards and gained prestigious worldwide distribution deals.

Led by a jury of well respected professional filmmakers and as a member of Universal Films and Festivals Organisation we ensure a fair selection and judging process.

Our exciting screening events have created a networking hub that continues to connect new filmmakers to industry including television exposure by leading British broadcaster, Channel 4.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video


01 Sep 2023

Published: 24 Jan 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Lagos, Nigeria

The Universal Movie Awards (UNIMAA) is an annual international reputable Award. The event is based in the Western State of Africa Nigeria.

Our vision is oriental value based on enriching the entertainment industry through the promotion of excellent creative works by Motion Picture practitioners.

The mission of Universal Movie Awards is: "the celebration of professional Excellence in the Global Film/Television Industry." It will also promote the appreciation of Arts and Culture through motion picture arts and sciences around the globe.

UNIMAA also runs a movie academy designated for the development of contemporary talents in the motion picture industry.

This award is founded and established by Hope Obioma Opara in 2020. He is also the President/ CEO of Supple Communications Limited under which the Awards platform is Holden. He is the publisher of Supple Magazine, a film festivals/Awards and culture magazine in Africa. www.supplemagazine.org.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of FICCUE - Festival Internacional de cine de comedia de Cuenca

28 Feb 2023

Published: 24 Jan 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner FICCUE - Festival Internacional de cine de comedia en Cuenca

FICCUE - Festival Internacional de cine de comedia de Cuenca

Cuenca, Spain

FICCUE was born from the need to promote local, national and international cinema in Cuenca and its province of a genre as yet unexploited as comedy. Addressing this genre as the exclusive objective of this festival makes it unique both on a national and international scene, making Cuenca the headquarters of comedy cinema.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of OUTFESTPERÚ International LGBT+ Film Festival

31 Mar 2023

Published: 24 Jan 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Outfestperú Festival De Cine Lgbti+

OUTFESTPERÚ International LGBT+ Film Festival

Lima, Peru

The International Gay, Lesbian Trans Film Festival of Lima - the OutfestPerú - opens its call for the XXI edition and films of all nationalities whose theme is LGBTIQ, and which are eligible for the various sections of the festival can participate in it: Feature films ( Official Section and International Panorama), Short Films Section either Documentary or Fiction and Video Art (Official and Panorama). The works must not have been exhibited in commercial theaters, broadcast on TV or be available to the public on the Internet or other windows in Peruvian territory prior to the celebration of the festival and must have copyright after 2023. Feature films and short films must preferably be unpublished in Peru, although this is not exclusive but will be valued very positively. OutfestPerú reserves the right to include films that do not meet these conditions in the programming, but out of competition.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other

Logo of Lumiére Standalone Film Festival & Awards

25 Mar 2023

Published: 24 Jan 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Lumiére Standalone Film Festival & Awards

Lumiére Standalone Film Festival & Awards

Los Angeles, United States

Ashok Khullar and Kumaar Aadarsh, founder and President, welcome you to the UVT Standalone Film Festival & Awards (UVTsffa). This is a unique kind of film festival for independent filmmakers/content creators where there are no barriers to borders, languages, genres, etc. Based in California, USA, this festival is having an online Award Nomination Festival, live screenings, and Standalone Award Show in Los Angeles.

SFFA is consolidating filmmakers around the world for a wonderful presentation of cinematography and the unveiling of new talents. A committee comprising members from the film industry preview submitted films and select good works of motion pictures for the Award Nomination Festival.

The selected films participate in The Awards nomination Festival which is held for 4 months between Dec-March.

Films screen through this secure server screener where visitors and guests from around the world can witness and vote for the film. On the basis of viewers' choice and votes, films nominated for 42 categories of Awards which screen live in Hollywood and to honor filmmakers, actors, technicians at The UVT Standalone Awards Show in Los Angeles on the Last day of live screenings.

Theatre venue is in the heart of Hollywood. We will screen all nominated films here as well as look forward to create year-round screening, filmmaking, and writing opportunities and to that end we are launching new festivals as part of the UVT Standalone Film Festival & Awards.

UVT SFFA Submissions are for feature narratives, Short films, Shows, Series, documentaries, and animation as even experimental films and music videos.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video