Logo of Valèiff • València Indie Film Festival

20 Sep 2023

Published: 07 Feb 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Valèiff • València Indie Film Festival

Valèiff • València Indie Film Festival

València, Spain

¡Hola! We are VALÈIFF • València Indie Film Festival, an international film festival with quarterly screening events in València - Spain, and member of the IBERIFF • Iberia Indie Film Festivals, which celebrates and showcases new productions and independent artists from all over the world in Madrid (MADRIFF), Barcelona (BARCIFF), València (VALÈIFF), Seville (SEVIFF), Lisbon (LISBIFF) and Montpellier (MONTIFF), that you can also find them here, in Festhome!

VALÈIFF shares the mission of its associate festivals of supporting emerging talents, encouraging artistic exploration, fostering networking, promoting cultural exchange and engaging the local community by providing a platform to present the work of independent filmmakers.

Fiction films, animation, documentary and experimental works of any genre and subject are welcome!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Villammare Festival Film&Friends

01 Jul 2023

Published: 07 Feb 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Villammare Festival Film&Friends

Villammare Festival Film&Friends

Villammare , Italy

The Villammare Festival Film & Friends is organized by the Villammare Film Festival-Golfo di Policastro Association. The competition between short films was the beginning and is still the backbone of the Villammare Festival. The attention to the short genre wants to be an opportunity to give space to experimental cinema, to young talents, and to the evolution of cinematographic languages. The Villammare Festival Film & Friends wants to be an opportunity for international filmmakers and an occasion to contribute to the cultural liveliness and the promotion of the territory south of Salerno in a wider context.

It includes a competition between short films, one between feature films, meetings with personalities from the world of culture and cinema, attention to soundtracks and environmental themes, debates, in-depth analysis, shows and tasting moments after watching the film.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of Rodinia Short Film Festival

31 Jul 2023

Published: 05 Feb 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cortometrajes Rodinia

Rodinia Short Film Festival

Rodinia, Spain

17th Rodinia Short Film Festival 2025

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of International Festival of Granada - PREMIOS LORCA

29 Sep 2023

Published: 05 Feb 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of International Festival of Granada - PREMIOS LORCA

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De Granada - Premios Lorca

International Festival of Granada - PREMIOS LORCA

Granada, Spain

Any individual or legal entity, whether participating individually or collectively, may take part without age restrictions. Submissions can include any audiovisual production in 4K, 2K, Full HD, HDV, or HD formats. Productions that have been previously screened or featured in other showcases and festivals are eligible. Submissions must have been completed during the current year or the previous year.

All works recorded in digital format will be accepted for all sections that form part of the official selection.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic

Logo of Roswell Daily Record Film Festival

30 Apr 2023

Published: 04 Feb 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Roswell Daily Record Film Festival

Roswell Daily Record Film Festival

Roswell, United States

Our Live screening Event last June 30th & July 1st was amazing!! Check some of our pics above!!

The city of Roswell is well known for its history around the ufology and the paranormal. The independent and artistic filmmakers scene has taken place in the Roswell Convention Center.

Roswell Daily Record Film Festival has rapidly turned into a favorite between independent filmmakers related to the documentary, horror, mystery and sci-fi world.

We are committed to screen the complete official selection of films at our live event, where filmmakers and guests will participate of the Q&A’s and panels, enhancing the opportunity for networking with directors, cast, crew and people from the industry. An amazing opportunity to submerge yourself in other visual artists' works!

All the films related to ufology, the paranormal and cryptozoology are welcome to be part of our selection!

The Roswell Daily Record is well known for being the newspaper who told the news of an alleged Ufo crash outside the city in 1947. That cover is one of the most recognized in the world. That gave the newspaper the chance to be part of hundreds of films, tv shows and documentaries. Every year we work with networks such as Netflix, History, Discovery+, just to mention a few.


Some of our recent winners include directors and producers as River Rees, Ryan Rees and Wyatt Hausman from the youtube channel “Twin Paranormal”, Ben Hansen from the Discovery+ show “UFO Witness”, Bryce Zabel from the web series “Need To Know”,Martin Delon with the uruguayan film “Recuerdos del Mal”, Carlos Kbal with the argentinian film “La Luz Mala”, Nick Pope with the show “After Contact”, David Blyth with the New Zealand film “Night Freaks”, Ron James with his documentary “ Accidental Truth”. In 2023 we had as special guest the horror master Eduardo Sanchez, director from “The Blair Witch Project”.

Furthermore, the festival will select a number of films as semifinalists. All semifinalist projects will be invited to our Virtual Screening Event, where they will be awarded semifinalist laurels.

All the winners will also get a trophy in every competition and everyone on the official selection will get their certificate too.

All the Winners will receive the Official Laurels and the winning-category achievement certificate after the Live Event.

At the Live Event the Audience will vote for their favorite film and the winner will be granted a cash prize award of USD 1000.

Every winner will have the chance to pitch their project with our help. Like we said. we are connected to a lot of producers and directors in the industry and we would be happy to introduce you to them.

You can submit your film in any of the Main Competitions and automatically your film will be considered for all Technical & Performances Categories with no extra cost. You don't need to pay any additional category fee.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of New York State International Film Festival

31 Jul 2023

Published: 04 Feb 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner New York State International Film Festival

New York State International Film Festival

Albany , United States

The New York State International Film Festival is located in the heart of New York, Albany at The Linda Performing Arts Studio.

Since 2016, we have screened over 400 short films from all around the globe.

We have connected filmmakers with their audiences through short films each year, and we'd like to thank everyone for joining us! We continue to aspire to become one of the greatest film festivals in the nation. We are an international short film festival.

The festival invites people from all over the Capital Region of New York and all over the world.

Everyone is welcome to submit their short films.

We support students and first-time filmmakers too. We encourage all types of documentaries, animation, drama, comedy, experimental, music videos and horror short films.

Films will be viewed during the festival by the public. We have Q/A Panels throughout the festival. Our greatest goal is to celebrate the art with you and your viewing audience, so it's important that you have fun in the process!

International Festival

Short film festival

 Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of International Social cinema and mental health festival

30 Jun 2023

Published: 04 Feb 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Mostra Internacional de Cine Social y Salud Mental

International Social cinema and mental health festival


The Mirades Fest Social Film and Mental Health Festival is defined as a meeting space between cinema, social activism and critical thinking, which seeks to deepen knowledge of social rights and mental health.

Mirades Fest aims to delve into images and stories in which people with mental health problems are the true protagonists, spreading through the screens the situation of the most stigmatized and vulnerable groups.

Mirades Fest is an appointment both for film lovers, whether experts or fans, as well as for the general public, where the public and creators meet to enjoy a specially selected program with the aim of bringing them high-quality titles that are not commonly found in commercial circuits.

The programming of the Mostra is, moreover, specific to a social space, a diverse and plural space, as enriching as it is tragic; source of inspiration for artistic production, full of contradictions, challenges, clashes, hopes and a future to be defined.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary


31 Mar 2023

Published: 04 Feb 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner I Festival Nacional Caja de Cine


Bogotá, Colombia

The Caja de Cine 2023 National Film Festival is a cinematographic event that seeks to generate synergies and links between the Cajas de Compensación and their territories, through a Film Festival that empowers members, beneficiaries and communities through different audiovisual languages and that makes FEDECAJAS visible as an organization committed to art, culture and peace in the different territories of the country.

The I National Film Box Festival has the following guiding principles:

Cultural and pedagogical development
Well-being and good living
Social inclusion
Participation and leadership
Social responsibility
Regional development

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of Curta Caicó

28 Feb 2023

Published: 04 Feb 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Curta Caicó

Curta Caicó

Caicó, Brazil

Starting for its 5th edition, Curta Caicó has been contributing to the formation of audiovisual audiences, professional qualification through the realization of cinema workshops and stimulating the creative economy in the audiovisual segment.

Curta Caicó is a production of Reference Comunicação, an advertising and cultural production agency that has been operating in the market for ten years.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Ojo de Pescado - International Film Festival

08 May 2023

Published: 03 Feb 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Para Niños, Niñas Y Jóvenes Ojo De Pescado

Ojo de Pescado - International Film Festival

Valparaíso, Chile

OJO DE PESCADO International Film Festival for Children and Youth is an annual event in Chile that gathers the most recent and exclusive film and TV contents from all over the world aimed at children and youth.

The Festival is organized by the OJO DE PESCADO CULTURAL CORPORATION, an exploration and action platform that, through the exhibition of films and the promotion of audiovisual creation, aims to help guarantee the right of children and young people to the integral education and communication and expression of their opinions.

The 11th edition of Ojo de Pescado Film Festival will take place online through the entire Chilean territory and in person only in the Region of Valparaíso (if the health situation allows it) between november 5 and november 15, 2024,

Competition Categories are:
- Short films for children.
- Television or web series for children.
- Feature films for children and adolescents.
- “Young Filmmakers” (short films made by children or young people).

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Sandton Film Festival

16 Nov 2023

Published: 03 Feb 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Sandton Film Festival

Sandton Film Festival

Randburg, South Africa

The Sandton Film Festival is the first of its kind in the greater Sandton area, north of Johannesburg. Sandton is without a doubt one of the most popular destinations in South Africa, both for leisure and for business.

The Sandton Film Festival combines great business opportunities with leisure. The relaxed environment will allow festival goers to enjoy the various films and documentaries whilst also mingling with top businessmen and investors looking for future projects to invest in. The Sandton Film Festival will be where business and film meet, and grow together as one.

This opportunity has no boundaries and films and documentaries of all lengths (feature or short) are welcome to submit.

The festival also offers a screenwriting competition where scripts submitted will be judged by professional screenwriters and prizes awarded to the winning scripts.

After a successful submission, all films are judged by our selection of jurors. Following this, a Top 50 list is formed and published on our website and social media platforms. These Top 50 films compete for the various prizes on offer with the winning films being screened at our screening in November 2023.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of ANDALESGAI: Andalusian gay, lesbian, bisexual and transexual Film Festival

20 Feb 2023

Published: 03 Feb 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner ANDALESGAI: Festival de cine Lésbico, Gay, Bisexual y Trans de Andalucía

ANDALESGAI: Andalusian gay, lesbian, bisexual and transexual Film Festival

Sevilla, Spain

Festival accepts movies of interest for gay, lesbian, bisexual, intersexual and transexual people. To participate in the competitive section (prizes), these films should have not been programmed on TV, screened in comercial venues or another spanish festival excluding the organized by Fundacion Triangulo. In any case, copyleft or copyright should be later than 2022.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic


31 Dec 2023

Published: 03 Feb 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Kolkata, India

About White Unicorn International Film Festival


Film is nothing but a creative art. It express the function people like information, education, entertainment and transmission of culture. In every individual has a story. Stories that mesmerize us, stories that make us think, stories that make us believe, give us hope and inspiration. ‘White Unicorn International Film Festival a venture of ‘FPS’ is an assemblage of such stories.

WUIFF is a monthly film festival held in the heart of Kolkata, the City of Joy. It celebrates films from all around the world with awards in different categories and genres. WUIFF gives opportunity to indie filmmakers to compete their dream project with other ingenious filmmakers around the world. FPS has its own mission, as a certain amount from each and every project submission in the Festival will be utilized for social cause and at the end of the year during Annual Gala Fest of WUIFF the amount will be handed over to any of the social organizations/ NGO WUIFF also has taken responsibility to outspread the art of cinema among large scale and to execute this goal our team has decided to screen its monthly winning projects in different places across India. ‘White Unicorn International Film Festival’ is more than just a film festival; it is an endless and powerful connection among all filmmakers and film lovers around the globe.

Our Mission

The mission of ‘White Unicorn International Film Festival’ is to provide support to independent film makers around the world through reviewing, judging and distribution networking. WUIFF wants to help you to put your dream project on the path to success with all the recognition, notoriety and accolades that you and your project deserve.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Festival Internacional De Cine Social Del Río Negro

05 Feb 2023

Published: 03 Feb 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Social Del Río Negro

Festival Internacional De Cine Social Del Río Negro

Viedma y Patagones, Argentina

The Río Negro International Social Film Festival is an audiovisual festival that aims to promote cinema within the country and abroad. The festival will be held in March with a competition of feature films and short films, both fiction, animation and documentary. There will also be talks and workshops.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental


07 Mar 2023

Published: 03 Feb 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films




Festival that is celebrated in CIUDAD REAL from June 20 to 28 2025.

This year celebrates its 27th Edition. It is a Municipal Festival in which €12,500 in prizes are distributed.

The Official Section is made up of 15 works that compete for the different awards of the Jury and Public

The Parallel Section is made up of the works that will be screened during the first 3 days of the celebration and compete for four prizes from the public.

The projections are held outdoors in different spaces of the city with free admission where the public has a leading role since it awards half of the Festival prizes, 6 out of 12.

In addition to the prizes by modality, different special prizes are awarded such as:

Awards and Public Mentions in both Sections
Young Director Award for directors under 35 years of age
Best Director Award
"Ciudad Real Deporte" Award

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Batumi International Film Festival

10 Aug 2023

Published: 03 Feb 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Batumi International Film Festival

Batumi International Film Festival

Batumi, Georgia

Batumi International Art-House Film Festival (BIAFF) was established in 2006. The founder and organizer is “Batumi Art-house ARGANI". BIAFF is an annual event held in second half of September in Batumi (Georgia).

Festival is focusing on art-house cinema. BIAFF festival’s major sections include - International Competition (Feature, Doc and Short sections), Retrospectives, Meet the Jury, Master Collection etc. Beside film screenings, festival program includes various workshops, master classes and industry events.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Cortogenia International short film festival

10 Sep 2023

Published: 03 Feb 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Cortogenia International short film festival

Banner Cortogenia

Cortogenia International short film festival

Madrid, Spain

Cortogenia is short film festival held all year along.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Molins Horror Film Festival

13 Aug 2023

Published: 03 Feb 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Molins Horror Film Festival

Banner Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei

Molins Horror Film Festival

Molins de Rei, Spain

Molins Film Festival was established in 1973 in Molins de Rei (Barcelona). In November 2025 we will hold the 44rd edition.

Known as TerrorMolins, the Festival consists of a competitive Feature Films Official Sections, Short Films Official Section, Retrospectives, Documentaries, Live shows, Workshops, Networking/Pitching, projections for high-schools, projections for children... and one of the oldest horror movies marathon in the world, our 12 Hours Horror Movies Marathon (1973) ...

MHFF - Molins Horror Film Festival is one of the oldest festivals dedicated solely to horror in Spain and in Europe. The Festival is a member of the Méliès International Festivals Federation (MIFF).


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of La Nuit du Court Metrage 2023

14 Mar 2023

Published: 03 Feb 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner La Nuit du Court Metrage 2023

La Nuit du Court Metrage 2023

Paris, France


International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Moscow Indie Film Festival

01 Jan 2024

Published: 02 Feb 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Moscow Indie Film Festival

Moscow Indie Film Festival

Moscow, Russia

Moscow Indie Film Festival is easily one of the most filmmaker friendly independent film festivals screenings in a major entertainment city anywhere in the world. We know how painstakingly difficult it is to make a movie.

Moscow Indie Film Festival is about helping independent filmmakers gain the credibility and promotion they justly deserve. We are here to show your talent to the world.

The festival aims to bring to Moscow several films from all around the world, but very few times (sometimes never) screened in our great city.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental