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This year, for the 42nd Rencontres du Cinéma Latino-Américain, a festival organized by the association France Amérique Latine in Bordeaux, The cinema team would like to propose for the 4th consecutive year an official competition of short films.
These 12 films selected by the employees and volunteers of the association will be presented to students who will award different prizes and use the short films as a study support.
The scholar work on and with the short films will start in september: the final answer of your participation in the official competition will be given at the beginning of december.
The Award winners will be notified after the Festival is concluded.
The Festival reserves the right to place entries into alternative categories if they feel it is to the benefit of the title. Each submission must be entered separately and it cannot be withdrawn.
By submitting, you agree not to withdraw your film from the festival after it has been accepted by the selection committee. If your film is selected, the festival holds the right to show your film at a time and date of its choosing.
Quartmetratges is a short film festival organised by the City Council of Quart de Poblet (Valencia). Only film directors who was born or are living in the Valencian Community can participate.
III Zamora film festival falls in love.
Comedy short films and feature films may be entered.
Short films:
-Comedy fiction or animation
-Special section Zamora falls in love: held in Zamora
Feature films:
-comedy fiction
The Bogotá International Documentary Film Festival (MIDBO), organized by the Colombian Documentary Filmmakers Corporation ALADOS, is an event specialized in documentaries that over the past 26 years has consolidated itself in Colombia and Latin America as a fundamental space for exhibition, dialogue, and thought around non-fiction audiovisual works.
For the 27th edition of MIDBO, we invite filmmakers and producers to submit their audiovisual works for the 2025 film call and to participate in various training and discussion spaces that will be held both virtually and in person during the event.
This year, the 27th edition of MIDBO will take place from October 29 to November 7 in Bogotá, Colombia. The event will tour different regions of the country throughout the year, maintaining our "Martes MIDBO-ALADOS" screening series in various partner venues.
After 26 editions, MIDBO continues to work on creating an event that fosters and trusts in reflection on documentaries, the ways in which we approach reality, with our main interest being the many ways of documenting the world. Committed to the goal of unraveling the complexity of a reality that exceeds us, we continue to build each year the ideal space to meet and reflect on documentary work.
For 2025, we maintain our interest in promoting creation and recognizing the efforts of filmmakers by offering two competitive sections: one for Ibero-American feature films and another for national short films. We will award the prize for Best Ibero-American Documentary Feature, for films longer than 60 minutes made in Ibero-America, and the prize for Best National Documentary Short, for films no longer than 30 minutes made in Colombia or by a Colombian. The jury for each competition will be announced one month before the event and will consist of three (3) artists, filmmakers, writers, critics, or cultural managers.
*** We are committed to being an inclusive event, so we will pay special attention to films that include audio description for blind individuals, closed captions, or inclusive subtitles for deaf audiences. ***
In an ever-evolving film industry, MICA 3 is at the forefront of a new wave of exposure-focused film exhibits. We believe that films should be seen, celebrated, and shared—not locked away in traditional festival circuits.
By joining MICA 3, your work has the chance to shine on a screening event and to reach a global audience through our extensive online exhibit, amplified by three months of paid advertising.
At MICA, we believe that the future of cinema is yet to be found, and we are proud to support the seventh art through this transition. Thank you for joining our film exhibit as a platform for your work.
The Viña del Mar Terror in the Bay Fantastic Film Festival aims to bring genre cinema closer to the residents of the city and spread its attractions to the world.
Fantastic and horror movies have a cathartic function, when we watch a movie we experience the experiences of the characters without fear of suffering its effects. Violent movies, catastrophic scenarios, terror, extreme survival... provoke an emotional discharge that sometimes prepares us to face our real life.
For this reason we embark on this great adventure that is to make the first edition of Terror in the Bay so special for its audience, we hope to have many more editions and make Viña del Mar enter the map of fantastic world film festivals.
SIFF is a new, international short film festival based in Scotland. SIFF will screen outstanding short film, animation, docs, experimental and video art.
An international jury will select the 7 winning categories including, SIFF Best International Short Film or Video 2023, which will receive £500.
We have created SIFF to showcase exceptional, international short film, whilst also addressing the imbalance of under-represented groups of makers and stories within film festivals. We understand that some short film and video blur the lines of typical film festival categories, so we also enthusiastically encourage non-traditional and experimental formats.
The stories of and by women, girls and non-binary people are underrepresented in film festivals, so we want to encourage submissions from anyone self-identifying as a woman, non-binary and/or anyone telling stories about women, girls and non-binary people.
For our first year, we are screening the festival in Scotland's largest city and creative hub, Glasgow.
SIFF supports a culture of equality, diversity and non-discrimination, and is run as a non-profit organisation.
For further reference you can view the selections of our sister film festival: Barcelona International Short Film Festival:
You can view the trailers for the BSF 2020 selection and winners on our Vimeo page: https://vimeo.com/showcase/6036175
You can view the BSF 2020 Programme here: https://issuu.com/barcelonashortfilm/docs/programme2
We look forward to seeing your work!
Our up coming LIVE event will take place at Maya Cinemas on August 10, 2024.
SFO Short Film Festival is dedicated to promoting short films created by College Film Students, High School Students, and Independent Filmmakers. Awards are given to symbolize a record of accomplishment and Distribution is offered for marketing.
SHORT FILM CATEGORY SUBMISSION: (Minimum length 2 minutes; No longer than 30 minutes, including credits.)
1) Independent Filmmaker Short
2) Film Student Short
3) High School Short
4) Animation Short
Short Film: Drama/Action/Crime/Suspense/Thriller
Short Film: Comedy/Romance
Short Film: Horror/ Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Short Film: Animation
This event seeks to show and create a culture around mountain cinema, so that people fall in love with their surroundings, learn to take care of the mountains, and see the number of alternatives that exist to enjoy them. Within this event, short films and feature films related to mountain sports and activities will be screened. The first event of its kind in the municipalities of Manizales and Villamaría.
Daupará is the capacity possessed by the Jaibanás (wise men of the Embera people) to envision, to see beyond: a capacity that in the Embera language means «daupará». The embera universe is made up of a higher level where Karagabí (god), the ancestors and essential beings live, another the world below where the jai live: spirits governed by Trutruika, and the embera earthly world. The jaibaná interacts and dialogues with the Jai and transmits their messages to the community to cure or guide actions through ritual ceremonies and songs.
For us, the word Daupará expresses the power of indigenous visions and their relationship with audiovisual work, with film and video. Daupará as a stage for exhibition and cultural exchange, is possible thanks to the multiple indigenous groups and filmmakers that make it up and constantly renew it.
Master of Art Film Festival is unique cultural event and the only in Eastern Europe international film festival for Documentaries on Art. It takes place in Bulgaria – Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna.
The festival focuses on different artistic approaches on Art.
Its program is dedicated to Documentary cinema that represents the artistic vision both on history of Art, Contemporary Art forms and to celebrate the multicultural diversity in our time.
Our goal is to show documentaries that manifest the talents and the creative process in the following categories: Architecture, Design and Fashion, Art and Power, Contemporary art, Culinary art, Fine Art, Photography, Literature, Music and Dance, Theatre and Cinema.
Documentaries produced and released after January 1, 2022 are eligible to the competition of Master of Art Film Festival. The festival pays attention also on modern tendencies in Video Art and Advertising.
The mission of Master of Art Film Festival is to create an alternative platform to the mass culture. We want to create an opportunity and to contribute a dialogue and cooperation between artists. The festival is the biggest forum in Eastern Europe for young documentary filmmakers, tempted to tell inspiring stories about the Art.
Master of Art Film Festival is organized by Spotlight Production Company, The National Palace of Culture and ‘Master of Art’ Foundation with the financial support of Municipality of Sofia, AURUBIS BULGARIA, Bulgarian National Film Center and etc.
The festival funds are raised by participation fees, financial subsidies, donations, sponsorship and tickets.
The 8th edition of the festival will take place in а hybrid form - simuntaneusly online and with screening in Art cinemas:
• 9 - 29 February 2024 - Screenings online on a special Festival platform available only from Bulgaria and in Art cinemas in Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna and Stara Zagora.
• Summer edition - August/September 2024 in open air places.
The OFFICIAL SELECTION laurel is given to all films selected in the following categories:
I. ARCHITECTURE - documentaries for architects, past and present architectural achievements and historic buildings.
II. ART and CHILDREN - documentaries about the relationship between the art and children
III. ART and POWER - documentaries about the relationship between the artists and totalitarian regimes and politic.
IIII. CONTEMPORARY ART - documentaries about contemporary art the art of XX and XXI century.
V. CULINARY ART - documentaries on the art of preparation, cooking and serving food.
VI. DESIGN and FASHION – Interion designers, fashion designers and their works.
VII. FINE ART - documentaries about the Fine Art from different eras, galleries and exhibitions.
VIII. LITERATURE - documentaries about writers, poets, their works and libraries.
IX. MUSIC and DANCE - documentaries about music, composers and musicians - opera, classics, folk, jazz, pop and rock; dancers and choreographers - ballet, folk, traditional and contemporary dance.
X. PHOTOGRAPHY - documentaries about the Art of Photography, photographed historic events and Photographers.
XI. THEATRE and CINEMA - documentaries about theatre, acting challenges on stage; notable filmmakers and actors.
(This category has a separate Award and the submitted videos are not competing with the documentaries and video games in the other categories.)
XII.VIDEO ART and ART ADVERTISING – video art, experimental videos, art advertisings and Advertisement.
XV.ART HORIZONS - Documentaries that are highly appreciated by the preselecting committee.
Seoul International Food Film Festival (SIFFF) is an event to present outstanding and thought-provoking films about food and related issues every year since 2015.
While celebrating diversity of food and lifestyle from different cultures, SIFFF also aims to provide time for relaxing and healing to rediscover the taste of life, not to mention, to raise public awareness on healthy eating and sustainability.
SIFFF’s program includes an inspiring selection of documentaries, feature and short films related to food, from the newest buzzed-about ones to classics and cults.
With film screenings, a variety of events such as catered parties, cooking and tasting events, talk shows with film and culinary professionals will be held to provide delightful, multi-sensory film experience.
2015년 첫 발을 내디딘 서울국제음식영화제는 영화와 음식을 매개로 세계 곳곳의 다양한 삶의 모습과 문화를 이해하고 서로 소통하고자 하는 축제입니다.
인생의 맛과 여유를 환기하는 영화들을 통해 현대인의 바쁜 일상에서 잊힌 삶의 미각을 되찾는 맛있는 힐링을 지향하며, 건강한 먹거리와 지속가능한 식생활에 대한 활발한 논의의 장을 마련하고자 합니다.
각양각색의 음식과 그만큼이나 다양한 문화권의 삶을 담은 영화를 통해 먹는다는 것과 우리 삶의 관계를 돌아보고 함께 나눠 먹는 즐거움을 생각하는 맛있는 영화제를 관객과 함께 만들어 가고 싶습니다.
THE CATALONIA INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL FILM FESTIVAL has as his basic aims the dissemination and promotion of films that contribute to the knowledge of world cinema Social Film, on Human Rights and Civil Rights
The Central American Film Festival in Vienna, Austria, has firmly established itself as an annual tradition for the city.
Vienna has long been revered as one of the world's foremost cultural hubs, making it an ideal setting to showcase the increasingly diverse and compelling productions emerging from the Central American region.
This year's film festival returns in November, and we eagerly anticipate the continued patronage of our devoted audience as they join us to explore the latest offerings from Central American cinema.
Consistent with past editions, alongside the Feature Film, Short Film, Documentary, and Animation categories, the festival includes parallel non-competitive sections: "Pioneers of Central American Cinema," "Works in Progress," "Guest Film," "Bonus Films," and "Latin American View." The latter features a curated selection of audiovisual works depicting contemporary life in Latin America. Detailed descriptions of these sections are provided in the participation guidelines.
"Latin American View": A curated selection of audiovisual works from Latin America offering insights into life in the region.
The Paladino d'Oro Sport Film Festival is the oldest in the world of sports cinema (1979) promotes the diffusion of sports films and videos, the festival is an international showcase for the large distributions of world cinema, which can meet the productions during Sports Film Week.
The Paladino d’oro is awarded by the Academy of Sports Cinema, is composed of illustrious personalities from cinema, journalism and sport.
Here are the prizes awarded in each edition. Four main categories: best Olympic film, best Paralympic film, best football film and best E-Sport film. The awarded sections are for best feature film, best short film, best documentary, best fiction, best direction, best actor, best sports protagonist, best editing, best screenplay, best sound, films are also awarded with special prizes: Distributor award, social award, jury award, Other Cinema award (non-sporting subject) and the “School & University” award. All the films that have been selected will receive an participation plaque during the final ceremony of the festival.
Around International Awards ✈ Barcelona ✈ Paris ✈ Amsterdam ✈ Berlin.
Annual Independent event with 4 major programs for all Features, Shorts, Documentaries, Experimental, Commercial, Music Video, Animations, Student Films, TV, Series, and New Media. The international community evaluates the all-genre creations to serve ARFF Official Laurels and to certify the awarded filmmakers at the end of the annual festival run. Thus, all the ARFF Finalists will be mentioned multiple times to have the best out of the entire year altogether. Submit today to participate in all 4 programs, regarding the unique system of ARFF International. Submissions made via Festhome are getting evaluated and selected, directly for the yearly festival run and participating in the Official Certificate Program exclusively. Monthly selection is available on other associated platforms.
See you Around & Fest Regards
We accept only films about the right to health and subtitled in Italian or English
The Fausto Rossano Award Association promotes the eighth edition of the “Premio Fausto Rossano” that will take place at the end of October 2024, in Naples, Italy. The award commemorates the life and work of Jungian psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Fausto Rossano, who died in 2012.
It is the purpose of the award to combat the stigma and prejudices that surround the many forms of psychic suffering and the importance of the individual person in the concrete context of his or her life by stimulating social awareness through the language of cinematography and dialogue with authors, professionals and experts of the field.