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Festival description (Edition: 1)
Festival start: 01 June 2022 Festival end: 16 October 2022
film/Documentory/music vedio/Animation/other
*DRB FILMS PRODUCTION Khandesh International Short Film Festival*
*Organized BY*
*world all contries participated now
BFFN is an international Film Festival for filmmakers from all over the world. It takes place every year, starting on the first Saturday of september.
The Festival is two days long. BFFN has no admission fees and takes from 2023 place in the cinema in Neukölln, Berlin, Germany. The main focus is on comedy.
BFFN starts in 2022 or 2023. The first edition is during the Covid-pandemic but its not shure if it takes place 2022.
Greetings BFFN 2022
Utsav – Celebration or Festival
We have started this LGBTQ+ & Independent Film Festival for cinema lovers. This film festival will be a celebration of creativity and ideas. After a successful completion of the first edition of the festival, we are now ready for the second edition.
LGBTQ+ cinema globally as well as in India has become an important part of the film industry. OTT platforms have increased the reach of these films to a larger audience. Of course, these avenues are mostly for mainstream cinema and filmmakers. There are a lot of independent film makers who also have interesting stories to present. We hope that this festival will be a platform for these independent film makers and their wonderful stories.
Each film has various components – story, script, cinematography, editing, sound, music, acting – to name a few. In this festival, we wish to acknowledge all aspects of film making and creativity. Thus, we hope that film makers will be encouraged to submit their work to showcase any or all aspects of their creativity.
Not all film makers, particularly independent filmmakers, and students, have the luxury of large budgets and wonderful locations for filming. We appreciate these limitations and would like to provide a platform to these filmmakers. We would encourage first time filmmakers who would like to present their work to submit to the festival.
It is also important to learn from each other’s experiences. During the festival, we hope to have panel discussions with filmmakers, writers, editors, sound engineers, cinematographers, musicians, and audience as well. This healthy exchange will enrich the experience.
The first two days of festival will be for LGBTQ+ cinema, and the next two days will be for other independent films in this edition of the festival.
Come be a part of this ‘UTSAV’!
The International Film Festival is one of the most important short film festivals in Argentina. A film event Tapiales of important social and cultural impact nonprofit, organized by JC OFCT Films, held in the village of Tapiales, a town belonging to the La Matanza, located in the province of Buenos Aires. It is also a competitive event where selected films are projected to receive the award later Aboriginal under verdict of the honorable members of the jury. The event is held under the premise of enhancing the popular character, free and outdoors. Tapiales also proposes parallel activities such as training spaces, lectures and special exhibitions outside competition.
Dear students, filmmakers, and cinema lovers,
We are thrilled to announce the fourteenth edition of FICU LANTERNA!
This year marks the beginning of a journey that goes beyond the mere projection of images; we want to dive even deeper, exploring what lies beyond the screen.
This year's theme, *Beyond the Screen*, aims to focus on the emotions, sensations, and connections that cinema evokes, also highlighting the aspects of film projections that we often fail to see. We want to demonstrate that cinema is not just about the visual; it is a true experience that transcends the limits of the screen.
Cinema is an art that can reach both the mind and heart of people, placing importance not only on what can be seen, but also on what can be felt.
Cinema is a universal language that communicates with everyone, regardless of cultural, linguistic, or social barriers. It is such a powerful medium that through it, we can explore the complexity of the human being in all its wonder, and with this edition, we aim to celebrate its power to go beyond the surface and explore human emotions.
We invite you to participate in this edition of the festival, share your vision, and be part of an event that continues to transform the way we experience cinema.
With deep gratitude and excitement, we await you at FICU LANTERNA 2024, to discover together what lies beyond the screen.
Best wishes,
Carlotta de Pompeis
Head of the Call for Entries Committee
In section M you participate with a free themed short film lasting no more than 15 minutes including titles.
Films are allowed in both Italian and foreign languages; the latter must be subtitled in Italian.
The author assumes all responsibility for the filming carried out including the use of non-original music protected by copyright, all civil and criminal liability of the film produced and declares to have the legal availability of the film, authorizes its public screening without claiming no compensation, freeing the Alberoandronic Association from any present and future liability.
The Association reserves the right to use the works sent for exclusively cultural purposes, without claiming anything from the Author. For this section it is necessary to attach the specific completed and signed release form.
Timishort Film Festival is organized by the Romanian Independent Film Association (ARFI). Over the years, it has grown to become one of the most important short film festival in Romania. The Festival took a break after its 2019 session and is now back and better. The festival is looking for brilliant short films made by independent filmmakers from all over the world.
Please note that short films that have already been screened at other Romanian or international festivals will be allowed to take part in this competition and compete for the awards, but Romanian premieres will have priority.
The eleventh edition of the festival will take place in Timisoara, Romania, between 16h – 20th October 2022.
LATINUY, Uruguay's International Latin Film Festival, showcases the most recent and innovative films (short and long feature films, fiction and documentaries) made in Iberoamerica. Numerous titles, directors and producers from around the world, national and international actors and actresses, and a wide schedule of activities meet annually in Punta del Este, the main Uruguayan seaside resort. LatinUy, a classic meeting point for cultural exchange between filmmakers and movie enthusiasts, awards several prizes, both for short and feature films in competition, both from the jury and the audience.
"The only true realist is the visionary." (Federico Fellini)
FLIGHT - Mostra del Cinema di Genova is an event created by Cesare Bedogné and Sasha Balagura devoted to cinema as an art form.we will privilege, in our selection, films with a poetic or visionary value, experimental and thought provoking films, avant-garde works and innovative languages. Equal importance will be given to fiction and non-fiction works, to features and shorts, and the festival’s Grand Prix, dedicated to Eadweard Muybridge (Grand Prix Pigeon Flying, 2500 € cash prize) will be assigned to the Best Film, regardless of genre, duration and theme.
A one-of-a-kind work of art, created by an outstanding Italian artist and inspired by Muybridge’s Pigeon Flying, will also be given to the Grand Prix winner.
Ample attention will be devoted also to films out of competition, which will be hosted in the new Visioni Flight section.
No other place appears to us more suitable for our Festival than the city of Genoa, with its port and its contrasts, with its dazzling lights and the darkness of the old town, with a thousand languages and its dialect, its innumerable departures and returns.
The Festival is organized by the non profit cultural association, Associazione Culturale 28 Dicembre
School year 2024/25
5rd edition
International Call for Partecipation for audiovisual works on the themes of the fight against homophobic bullying, gender-based violence, gender identity and sexual orientation bullying, intended for schools of all levels, cinema schools, informal groups and individual directors.
Deadline: march 31, 2025
The Association i Ken ONLUS, on the occasion of the 4nd edition of the International Film Festival "OMOVIES @ SCHOOL" announces a competition for audiovisual works on the issues of combating bullying, homophobic bullying, gender violence, gender identity and sexual orientation.
The festival is a project carried out in collaboration with the educational institutions, so it follows the programming and the educational calendar for the school year 2023-24. During this period will be organized activities related to cinema, the festival and the themes it addresses in collaboration with the schools involved. The festival will take place throughout the school year and will end by June 2024 with the viewing of the works in competition, both online and in presence, and the dates will be established in agreement with the school directors.
FantasticGijón was born with the illusion of filling a space that we believe empty in Asturias, to accommodate national and international productions of the Horror, Fantasy and Science Fiction genres that, due to the genre to which they belong, have less chance of reaching our community within of the programming of the rest of regional festivals.
The main purpose of La mida no importa-Size Doesn’t Matter is to promote short film production and culture.
Further information: www.lamidanoimporta.cat
Created in 2010, Curta 5 - student festival of shorts, was created with the aim of promoting and encouraging audiovisual production from the school space.
Organized by the IFBA Campus Vitória da Conquista, Curta 5 opens space for student productions of public and private schools.
INTERSECCIÓN - A Coruña International Film Festival is committed to the freest currents of auteur cinema. Its program welcomes independent films created from risk and innovation and offers the public the chance to see groundbreaking and vibrant works.
The festival explores new cinematographic languages and defends courage, diversity and curiosity in creation.
The first edition of the film festival taken place in April 2022. We created the Bridge of Peace Film Festival in France to focus the audience's attention on the pressing problems of humanity, in order to seek and find an answer to the question of how to live in a world without wars, without oppression, how to learn to respect the traditions and culture of other peoples, how to preserve nature and its diversity for new generations.
International Film Festival "Bridge of Peace" is a competition of documentary and fiction films. The purpose of the 2022 Festival is to support the creative searches of young filmmakers, to promote national feature films, films on ecology, history and ethnography to the European market in order to improve mutual understanding between people living in different countries and having different cultural origins.
The 2022 Bridge of Peace Film Festival is online. The organizer of the "Bridge of Peace" film festival is the "ART SANS FRONTIERES - PONT DE LA PAIX" association, France.
Organizing committee of the film festival is located at the Organizer's address: 78 avenue des Champs-Elysées, bureau 562, 75008 Paris, France.
Festival Internacional de Cine y Video Verde de Venezuela abre su convocatoria para la 12° edición a realizarse del 2 al 6 de diciembre de 2024. Podrán presentarse cortometrajes estudiantiles de cualquier latitud, en una única categoría, siempre y cuando versen sobre la temática AMBIENTAL.
Our vision: to become a green film and video festival that, from Venezuela to the world, serves as an example in the creation of loving-parental bonds among all the inhabitants of planet Earth.
Our mission: to offer an alternative to environmental and ecological experiences that aim to rescue parental ties between all biotic and abiotic beings. The exhibition on green audiovisual narratives is interrelated with other streaming, media, transmedia and social network experiences, generating a network of virtual ties that we want to turn into parental ties.
Our Philosophy: We distance ourselves from anthropocentric views and excessive mandates about caring for the environment that end up being anthropocentric traps without an understanding of the biology of love. The use of new technologies, academic and artistic production are the main vehicles for dissemination.
Le Festival du Courts-métrages de Buenos Aires/Paris est une sélection de courts- métrages argentins et français remarquables. Il est né avec l'objectif de promouvoir et d'encourager la coopération cinématographique franco-argentine, créant un échange culturel qui se traduit par un événement unique car il s'agit de courts métrages qui réunissent les deux cultures dans une même projection et dans les deux pays.
La 9e édition du Festival se déroulera dans le cadre de la 15e édition de la Semaine Viví Francia, en septembre 2023, à l'Alianza Francesa de Buenos Aires.
La séance de Paris aura lieu en octobre à l'Alliance Française Paris IDF.
La coopération entre les deux Alliances et le Festival du courts-métrages Buenos Aires / Paris renforce notre objectif principal de la coopération cinématographique franco-argentine.
Le Festival est parrainés par l'Ambassade de France en Argentine, l'Ambassade Argentine en France, l'Alliance Française de Buenos Aires, l'Alliance Française Paris IDF, la Semaine Viví France, la Chambre de Commerce Franco-Argentine, le Ministère de la Culture de la Ville de Buenos Aires, l'Institut National de Cinéma et Arts Audiovisuels I.N.C.A.A, AMASHORT, Pablo Ducrós Hicken Film Museum et Mexparismental.