Noticias: Festivales de cine

Logo of Rosario Latin American Film Festival

Fecha Límite
31 May 2019

Publicado: 03 Jan 2019
 NO tiene tasa de inscripción

Banner Festival de Cine Latinoamericano Rosario

Festival de Cine Latinoamericano Rosario

Rosario, Argentina

The Secretariat of Culture and Education of the Municipality of Rosario, through Punto Audiovisual, invites you to participate in the 30th edition of the Rosario Latin American Film Festival that will take place from June 5 to 15, 2025, in the city of Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.

The Festival has four competitive categories:

- Feature Film Competition

- Santa Fe Feature Film Competition

- Short Film Competition

- Rosario Short Film Competition

Festival Internacional

Festival de cortometrajes

Festival de largometrajes

 Ficción  Documental  Animación  Experimental