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MILLION EYES is part of the efforts by Project Vision to spread the eye donation movement across the globe. Project Vision is the response to the situation of 39 million people across the globe being blind. India is home to the world’s largest number of blind people with 15 million persons. (WHO 2010).
Its a global problem that affects about 40 million people across the world, with countries like India bearing the brunt of it with 15 million of them. Though 20% of them could get sight through a corneal transplant, eye donation has not become part of our culture. Most visually challenged people die waiting for an eye, without ever seeing themselves or the world. We have collaborated with Darsana cultural centre to conduct this film festival
GENERAZIONE FUTURO : International Section of Fiction and Animation Shorts. The works with the presence of actors or relevant characters from 10 to 15 years old, have to be send in this Section.
TEEN CLUB + 16 : International Section of feature films and animation. The works with the presence of actors or relevant characters from 16 to 18 years old, have to be send in this Section.
TEENAGER PLUS 18+ : International Section of feature films of fiction and/or animation. The works with the presence of actors or relevant characters with more than 18 years old, have to be send in this Section.
CINEMA & SCHOOL : International Section reserved for works produced by schools or universities.
WELCOME to LOVE STORY Film Festival.
If there’s one thing we all enjoy, it’s a decent love story. One that fills our hearts with the joy, hope and despair of human attraction. One that inspires us with wonderful characters and a gripping plot.
This can be a narrative story, a documentary, a dance or music video, animation or LGBTQ story. The Love Story Film Festival will take place in London, in February 2021.
The festival is organized by the successful New Renaissance Film Festival, ranked in London METRO’s list of TOP UK FILM FESTIVALS. NRFF has screened world and UK premieres and films that went on to win an Oscar!
Our passion is to tell great stories.
We focus on the ARTIST, on the STORY and on building an international COMMUNITY of inspiring storytellers.
This second edition of the festival will be held in London, a city known for its diversity and innovation in the creative arts, in February 2021.
Our call for entries is now open. Please read our festival terms and conditions before making your submission through Festhome. Films that are selected for the festival will be notified at least 6 weeks prior to the event.
REV is an online film festival whose primary objective is to celebrate the work of filmmakers through internet. The goal is to use this amazing tool to offer short films an exceptional showcase.
REV therefore proposes to rethink the concept of a festival by using the web to create a film event that is unique in the world and easily accessible to the general public.
We are a monthly film club and invite film-makers to talk about their films.
The audience are big movie watchers and enjoy discovering the talent of tomorrow.
We encourage all film-makers to get people to come to our screenings as this is the perfect place to watch indie short films and also independent, non-theatrically released feature films.
We also have a script reading committee who are happy to read short film scripts and write up a script report.
If the committee feel that the script is worthy of being passed on to a producer or director whom we have met through our film club, we will be happy to establish a connection.
The 6th Feminist Cinema Exhibition is organized by Coletiva Malva and will take place in the city of Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil between the 18th and 26th of July 2020. The curatorship excels in diversity, importance of themes and representativeness. The show will show films directed or co-directed by women.
The Malva Collective believes that cinema translates as a mechanism for the production of meanings and social representation, with emphasis on the way it portrays / reinforces / sustains or questions the differences between gender, sexual and ethnic-racial relations. The audiovisual sector as a whole reflects and (re) produces phallocentric and misogynistic paradigms in different aspects: in the way historically women are portrayed within the cinematographic narrative and in the exclusion and non-acceptance of the occupation of women in positions and in the construction of thought Brazilian audiovisual. Thus, this Exhibition seeks to create spaces for the diffusion, integration and preservation of audiovisual production made by women at national and international levels.
It is from the incessant and ambitious production of the feminine gaze when returning her aesthetics, her dimension, her body, her feminist becoming to the community through audiovisual materials that we have developed, since 2015, the Feminist Cinema Exhibition. We are jointly in the struggle for visibility and strengthening of black, indigenous, urban and rural cultures, LGBTIQA +, and we assume that a woman is every human being who identifies herself as a woman
“RIETI & SABINA Film Festival”
25 NOVEMBRE 2025
“RIETI & SABINA Film Festival“ aims to give a chance to disclose to the audience Talents, Authors, Actors, Directors, and Filmmakers with the purpose of creating synergies between Film Professionals and new Talents.
NEW - Check out Festival Teaser at - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFmtGzNYuPM
Bucharest ShortCut Cinefest is monthly film competition focusing on international independent cinema. Our aim is to support new filmmakers and to promote the research and development of new means of expressivity through cinematography as art among diverse audiences.
BSCF is located in the Eastern Heart of Europe, Bucharest being one of the most beautiful and diverse cities in the world.
The film competition runs on a monthly basis. The final deadline for our next selection, as well as the notification date are posted in the right-grid competition timeline.
❗All Films accepted in the Official Selection will be given a benefits pack worth 350$:
✶ iPitchTV 3 months studio licence worth 117$
✶ Filmstro 1-Year Pro Licence Exclusive discount worth up to 125$
✶ DCP2GO Exclusive Discount for mastering services worth 125$
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✶ FREE Trophy + Screening + Certificate Award
✶ 5 FESTIVAL ENTRIES worth 115$
✶ 90% DISCOUNT on DCP Mastering Services worth 300$ from KINOLIFE Distribution
✶ Filmstro Pro Licence discount worth 105$
✶ 1yr iPitchTV Studio Membership worth $299
All winners will receive online certificate awards and laurels will be offered to all participants who made it to the Official Selection.
Only films selected in the Competition will be showcased in the BscFest Official Screenings.
BSCF will be an outstanding event, where the audience can see new films, participate in workshops and meet filmmakers.
We guarantee that a jury of film professionals will view all submitted films. We encourage filmmakers who created their films with a low budget to enter their film to BSCF. The judgement criteria of the submitted films are new ideas, experimental cinematography, talented work of actors and an independent point of view.
The Scare-A-Con Film Festival supports independent cinema made outside of the direct Hollywood studio involvement, bringing them much needed exposure to major Independent studios around the world.
The Scare-A-Con Film Festival (formerly the B-Movie Film Festival) has been an exciting event in CNY since 1999! We have helped bring exposure to over 10,000 movies, shorts and documentaries from around the world. Many of the movies that have played at our festival have gone on to distribution success with companies like Maverick, Image, Barnholtz, and are available in place like Blockbuster, Best Buy, Netflix, Amazon.com and Walmart. Be a part of the one film festival and horror, sci-fi & fantasy convention that showcases the underdog movies!
The fest is now a part of the Scare-A-Con convention, which brings in hundreds of Hollywood stars like Linda Blair, Tony Todd, Ernie Hudson, Joe Bob Briggs, John Schneider, Doug Bradley, John Russo, C. Thomas Howell, cast members from "The Walking Dead", "Mystery Science Theater 3000" and more and over 6000 patrons per event! The festival and convention hosts events like Filmmaker mixers, dance parties, celebrity panels, costume parties and more. It's an amazing 3 day event, and a great opportunity for filmmakers to socialize and network with their peers.
Judges include:
-Ron Bonk - filmmaker and producer and head of SRS Cinema which has been distributing movies since 1992.
-James V. Johnson - editor of TAPS magazine and founder of Scare-A-Con.
-David J. Skal - an American cultural historian, critic, writer, and on-camera commentator known for his research and analysis of horror films and horror literature.
-Michael Merchant - prolific underground movie actor known for his roles in "She Kills" and "Night of Something Strange".
Film Front moves frontiers: open call for motion graphics exhibition
Film Front, international short film festival, due to be held from 25th to 28th October in the cultural centre of Novi Sad, has decided to include motion graphics exhibition in this year’s festival’s program. Artists can submit their animations, presentations, animated GIFs, animated elements and other pieces that belong to the category of motion graphics.
Even though motion graphics are rather a fine arts category, they are tightly connected to the moving images art. That is why Film Fronts wants to honour these artworks that more than often do not find their way to the film festivals, but whose aesthetic value overcomes their usually determined functional purpose.
The Film Tracks Film Fest wants to be a meeting point between fans of filmic language, propose quality works.
A special prize will go to a short film about the MEDITERRANEAN.
We love Cinema and how we want to spread it.
The Winners of September will be announced: 10th OCTOBER
ECA is Monthly and Annual qualifying film competition for filmmakers worldwide. We support new and student film-makers, who are just beginning their careers with a supportive and enthusiastic audience for their creative efforts and giving them access to film industry professionals who can offer guidance and other forms of career assistance.
ECA film industry specialists announce semi-finalists, finalists and winners each month.
Cinematography AWARDS officially called the “Golden Eagle” is an award in the form of a statuette for outstanding achievements in the field of cinematography.
We only award the best independent filmmakers after a comprehensive evaluation process. Our judges evaluate the quality of filmmaking, creativity, and storytelling ability. Our mission is to promote films, and be another step up in the filmmakers' careers.
INDEPENDENT AREA CINEMA is the first Neapolitan film club dedicated exclusively to Italian and foreign NO / Low Budget films. From October 2018 will screen every Tuesday and Wednesday independent films from all over the world. Along with the screenings, the films will take part in a final festival with awards in April 2019.
And they will all be included in the cinema programming anyway.
Submit to our festival to support our newly forming Fort Myers student local film festival community! We will be bringing a new art festival to Southwest Florida, the inaugural Florida SouthWestern Edge Film Festival event, hosted by local and student filmmakers from neighboring colleges FSW/FGCU!
The event will be hosted in an auditorium at Florida Southwestern State College. This festival is an exclusively student film festival (for submissions); with the exception of current teachers or school faculty members, only student filmmakers (high school, college, grad school, any school) may submit to this film festival! To promote growth in our local film community, we also welcome and feature a completely free "Florida Student" category!
Please note: only films created by students, teachers, or school faculty members may be submit to this event. Failing to scan and provide an ID card from the school or university the filmmaker is from to the e-mail: "fswffestival@gmail.com" following submission may result in disqualification or non-selection in the festival.
Critical Edge Film & Art Festival Network strides to bring together a growing cinematic and artistic community with quality local, independent, student, experimental, and international filmmakers through our annual festival events. We've either hosted festival or have festivals planned in Tallahassee, Orlando, Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, Nashville, Fort Myers, and New Orleans!
Learn more @
Website: www.ceffnetwork.org
Instagram: @ceffnetwork
Twitter: @criticaledgeff
Facebook: facebook.com/ceffnetwork
Students & Educators only - Florida SouthWestern Edge Film Festival - https://filmfreeway.com/fswff
Like & share our page on Facebook and e-mail a screenshot to ceffnetworkofficial@gmail.com and receive a code for 10% off submission to the CEFF Network festival of your choosing!
CEFF Network Festival Competition Prizes:
- iPitch.tv Media Market Subscriptions ($117-$299 value each) - "iPITCH.TV gives Screenwriters, Filmmakers and Creators the ability to pitch and sell TV or Movie ideas directly to Entertainment Industry Buyers by submission of written and/or video pitches."
- InkTip Script Listings ($60 value each) - “InkTip is a market connecting scriptwriters and creative project visionaries with industry professionals and production companies, and has helped hundreds of films get produced!“
- Festival waivers and discounts ($25+ value each) - check the “Awards and Prizes” section. Some CEFF Festivals may offer submission waivers to some of our partner festivals (like the Fort Myers Film Festival or Sick ‘n’ Wrong Film Festival in Orlando)
- Screen-time and publicity during one of our LIVE film festival screenings.
- Winners and selections receive TWO sets of laurels per every ONE selected submission! One set of laurels is from CEFF Network, and the other is from the specific festival you submit to.
- Filmmakers behind selected films who are festival attendees will have the opportunity answer questions about their film and be photographed while our work is showcased.
- Selected films promotional materials will be shared across our CEFF Network social media pages prior to the festival.
- Photo/Art Categorical Submissions enter an ongoing competition for display on our website and various social media pages on our Photography page(film submissions are excluded from consideration without our prior emailed request).
Kicking + Screening Soccer Film Festival is the world's premier event series dedicated to the beautiful game.
Founded and organized by passionate soccer fans, we can't get enough of the game, its stories, and its storytellers. We live and breathe the soccer lifestyle, and we are dedicated to sharing it with others. That's why K+S is not only a festival, but also a gathering for the entire soccer culture community of North America -- and beyond.
The flagship festival in New York City is held every summer. It is our centerpiece and is a vital, circle-the-date part of the NYC soccer scene. More than just a showcase of soccer films, each K+S festival is a full cultural event, including film screenings, featured speakers, panel discussions, photography/art exhibitions, literary readings, and more.
FICARQ is the International Film & Architecture Festival of Spain to screen both documentary and fiction films where architecture plays the main role.
This year, following the success of previous editions (in Avilés and Oviedo, Asturias, Santander, Madrid and Barcelona).
The official competitive sections are ARTE EN EL SÉPTIMO ARTE (fiction films) and ARQUITECTURAS FILMADAS (documentaries).
In this new edition of FICARQ, in addition to being a bridge between the cinematographic and architectural arts, we want to be a bridge between generations and for this reason we dedicate a special mention to those proposals that come to the festival made by people who are younger that twenty-five y.o. and over fifty y.o.
With this, we intend to encourage the participation of citizens, especially in the fiction and documentary short or micro-film categories to give a space of recognition to all those people who, by age range, are further away from the conventional circuits of audiovisual production and film festivals. cinema.
we sincerely believe in the transforming power of art and culture in our society and in this way we give way to many points of view of creation in freedom, showing in each city in which FICARQ is organized a window open to its citizens and their concerns, whether conventional through the urban, rural or archaeological landscape, as well as other ways of relating to their environment as occurs in urban art or showing forms of expression of people within an architectural environment such as contemporary urban dance, streetdance, breakdance, parkour movement, etc.
Clapham Film Club is a monthly film club, where we get together to watch short films made by the talent of tomorrow.
The event is curated by Distributor Fabulosis Films Ltd.
Out of all of the films we have watched and received, we will nominate a winner and offer a $100 cash prize. Winner will be announced in December 2018.
We are looking for short films in the following themes:
-Kids / family themes
- Comedy
- Crime
- National shorts
- International shorts
- Christmas theme
Our entries are open all year long and we curate the short film club nights according to a theme. So if you film is about Christmas, we will make note of it and consider it for our next Christmas theme.
Entrants may submit as many films as they see fit, as long as they are produced between 2021 and 2023.
All films shorter than 20 minutes will be accepted, regardless of their original film or video shooting format.
Films which are not spoken in Spanish must be presented with subtitles in Spanish.
Films' theme is free.
Live action fiction, animation, experimental and documentary films can be submitted.
Submission deadline is Noviembre, 5th, 2023.
We proyect movies at public park, shortfilms
we use a bug beettle volkswagen purple, it adventured on the road, closer to mayan zone in communities without access to theathers .non profit proyect
Entries are open to the ninth edition of the Short Film Short Film Festival of Fiumicino, the film festival organized by the Association Acis. The Short Film Contest is open to all artists, associations, directors, filmmakers, who have produced movies of up to 10 minutes, with the following themes: Legality, Solidarity, Sea, City-Villages-Traditions, Comedy.