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The festival's mission is to exhibit the best films from the around the world and create a safe haven festival event for filmmakers and cineastes to co exist and learn from each other. Our vision is to be the festival that links independent films to the proper audience and to find distribution during our event.
Accepting full-length features, short films and documentaries from professionals and amateurs alike, SohoFilmFest will hold screenings, panels and host social events and other networking opportunities for everyone involved. Leading figures from all disciplines of the film industry including distributors and media will be in attendance.
The Wildlife Conservation Film Festival attracts an international representation of film, filmmakers, advocates and scientists dedicated to the preservation of global biodiversity. Visitors come to New York from across the globe to attend this unique film festival. Opportunity for the filmmaker and visitors exist to interact and engage is discussion.
Representatives from multiple distribution companies are invited to review films in the festival for television listings on their respected networks.
The WCFF takes place in New York the third week in October for ten days of film screenings, receptions, workshops and parties. In addition the WCFF hosts a monthly film screening series to accommodate films that can not fit into the the October schedule.
All films accepted are qualified to participate in the WCFF Channel. An online film festival, reaching a global audience that is a subscription platform that pays the filmmakers.
SIMFEST is a TV and film festival – competition, the only one of this kind in Romania and one of the few in Europe. It is organized every year by "SIMFEST Cultural Association", which supports and promotes the creators in visual arts.
SIMFEST stands for professionalism and for the freedom of expression of the journalists and the media producers. The festival promotes, at the same time, local journalism and community mass-media.
It is a complex manifestation for electronic mass-media. It is the annual meeting point of the TV's and film’s world specialists from Romania and from other countries, of students, independent producers, and of media enthusiasts; it is a competition that it's designed to find and form values and talents, to give them the needed validation and for connecting them with the medium in which they can develop. It is a competition and, at the same time, a media school and a cultural event.
The SIMFEST components are:
- The Competition
- The Summer School for journalists and media creators
- The official program of the festival
The Competition is opened to all the media creators, reporters, cameramen and media producers from Romania but also from other countries, but is also opened to freelancers, to students and territorial correspondents of central televisions, production houses, as well as to all multimedia creators. It has eight sections.
The jury of the competition consists out of well-known personalities in the field of journalism, TV and cinema from Romania and from other countries.
The Summer School for journalists and media creators was founded and included within the festival in 2007, and through it, SIMFEST became in the past few years the only institution in the country of non-formal education of media creators, especially from the audiovisual section.
The journalists Romeo Couți and Brândușa Armanca (TVR), the writer Bogdan Hrib, Assoc. Prof. PhD. Ion Stavre (SNSPA), Assoc. Prof. PhD. Lucian Ionică (West University of Timișoara), the director Ștefan Fischer (Germany), Charles Fletcher, MBE (Scotland), TV producer Codruț Pânzaru, TV producer Tamas Barok (Hungary), the director Copel Moscu (UNATC Bucharest), Iulia Badea Gueritee and Raymond Clarinard (Courrier International Paris), Beata Biel (Google expert, Poland), Ovidiu Gyarmath (Director of photography), Prof. PhD. Laura Baron (UNATC Bucharest), great Romanian actors like Marcel Iures and Dan Puric and many others held lectures and led workshops or held masterclasses within the Summer School.
The official program of the festival is available for the public with the purpose to, on one hand, construct a way of communication between the creators of media and those whom they serve: the consumers of information in order for the audience to correctly understand the messages transmitted through mass-media. On the other hand, it offers a space of free expression and a non-formal platform for professional development for the journalists and filmmakers. Therefore, SIMFEST is a festival not only a TV and film competition but also a cultural complex. The 2024 program consists of – beside others:
• Public projections of the productions sent in for the competition in the presence of the creators, followed by debates
• Online screening of the submitted productions (with the allowance of the owners)
• Public projections of Romanian movies inside of The Days of the Romanian Cinematography
• Public projections of movies and documentaries made by special guests of the festival
• Anniversary events dedicated to the supporters (sponsors, partners, volunteers etc)
• Gala of the laureates including musical recitals and poems (streamed online)
International recognition: SIMFEST is known and recognized in the Romanian mass-media as a role model in the promotion of artists' free expression and for the promotion and being an advocate of real media professionalism. Most of the creators attending SIMFEST for the past years, have also won international recognition at competitions organized in Sibiu, Prague, Belgrade, Bucharest, London, Kishinaw and Tel Aviv. SIMFEST is also in collaboration or in partnership with other similar manifestations: CRONOGRAF Chishinaw, DETECTIVEFEST Moskow, CINEPOLITICA Bucharest etc.
New York Arts & Entertainment Film Festival (formerly NYC Popup Film Festival) celebrates quality independent films. Our goal is to bring quality short films to an audience and offer independent filmmakers a place to showcase their work. We also work to create network opportunities for future work to be created.
Short films of all genres are considered for Festival Screening.
The AVIFF Festival presents a program of films by Artists in Cannes during the period of the Cannes Film Festival 4 days in May.
The concept: show another "cinema" and present audiovisual works to an audience of festival-goers and professionals.
The works selected must have been produced by Artists for less than 2 years and have never been presented in France before.
The program presented in Cannes will then be programmed during the year in partner places of education and culture: Festivals, museums, Center of Contemporary Arts, Foundations, Universities, schools... and this in the world, in Europe and in France.
With the support of the Ministry of Culture, the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur Region, the Angel Orensanz Foundation in New York and private and public partners, the AVIFF Festival has been working for 13 years to promote the Artist's film and its dissemination, in favor of worldwide artistic freedom and the expression of one's creativity.
All Artist Directors are welcome whatever the format of your films and their duration.
A terceira edição do Festival de Cinema Latino-americano de Paris (CLaP) acontecerá entre 1 e 6 de abril de 2025. As inscrições de filmes para esta edição do festival estão abertas de 20 de setembro de 2024 a 7 de janeiro de 2025.
O Festival ClaP convida cineastas latino-americanxs a inscrever seus longas ou média-metragens, ficções ou documentários, em vista da seleção para a competição. O Festival CLaP acontecerá em três salas de cinema de arte: duas em Paris (L’Espace Saint-Michel, La Cinémathèque Française) e uma na região Île-de-France (Les Cinémas du Palais, Créteil).
São elegíveis filmes terminados em 2024 ou no começo de 2025 cumprindo as condições especificadas no regulamento abaixo.
Antakya Film Festival, is an International, competitive festival. (AFF) is a major destination on the Festival circuit and recognized by the sinema Academy as a Qualifying Festival in all film categories. Antakya Film Festival, It is the first meeting point of this region for the international film and media industries.
Mission is to provide a public forum in Antakya in order to advance public interest in films and the independent production of films. To draw worldwide attention to Antakya as a center for cinema. To encourage the rights of all Antakya residents to access and experience the power of independent filmmaking, and to promote artistic excellence and the creative freedom of artists without censure.
In 2023, the Festival presented 800 films, representing work that was shot and produced in 45 countries. The event offers well rounded, and for many, career-establishing experiences. Submit your work before the final deadline!
The festival is for and by independent filmmakers. The organizers of Antakya Film Festival bring 10 years of festival experience to this annual event. Antakya Film Festival accepts submissions in six categories: Narrative Features, Documentary Features, Short Narrative, Short Documentary, Experimental, Short Student, and Animation.
Submissions are open from October to September of the year, the final selection of 150 + films is announced in September, and the film festival takes place in October. Selected films in each category are eligible for several awards. In addition to our lineup of films, the festival also hosts multiple filmmaker parties and networking events at venues around Antakya and Hatay.
CON-TEMPORARY Art Observatorium - Art of Freedom 2nd edition
Accepted works: videos (moving pictures, performance, etc) and still pictures (photography and all visual arts.)
Venue: CTAO Gallery - Lavagna, Italian Riviera, Northern Italy
Duration: three weeks
CAREFULLY READ RULES & TERMS: submission is free but a small contribution will be required only to participants.
In occasion of CTAO exhibition season 2023-2024, CON-TEMPORARY Art Observatorium presents "Art of Freedom - 2nd Edition", a collective art exhibition cycle that will be held at CTAO Exhibition Room in Lavagna, Italy.
FREE THEME: differently from all our group exhibitions, the cycle "Art of Freedom" is characterised by the absence of a leading theme, leaving total freedom to the artists, who are chosen on personality and contents, so that they can freely propose their most personal view, without fear of prejudices or censorship. This does not prevent them to freely take inspiration from freedom and to express in that sense. After all, art IS freedom, and freedom is a value that is always menaced, needing constant attention in order not to lose it.
“Social World Film Festival” is the most emotional festival in the world with events, movies, previews, innovative activities, jury of young people and professionals, workshops, competitions, presentations and thousands of visitors.
The fifteenth edition of the International Social Cinema Festival “Social World Film Festival” will take place from 22 to 29 June 2025 in Vico Equense (Sorrento Coast - Italy) between activities in presence and innovative streaming modes aimed as always to ensure the interaction, direct and in connection, of the authors with the audience of the event.
The winners of the competitive selections are awarded during the Gala Night scheduled for the fifteenth edition in Vico Equense (Sorrento Coast - Italy).
Participating to the International Festival of Social Cinema “Social World Film Festival” offers some specially selected works the exclusive possibility to be presented in events organized worldwide thats in the last ten years, we have involved 28 cities in 40 events on five continents including Los Angeles, New York, Rio de Janeiro, Wien, Washington DC, Seoul, Busan, Berlin, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Cannes, Monte Carlo, Paris, Istanbul, San Francisco, Tokyo, Sydney, Marseilles, Palma, Tunis, Hong Kong, Jakarta.
We are an International Short Film Festival, which works in the Dissemination and promotion of Venezuelan cinematography, Latin American and worldwide in four countries simultaneously;
And of all its cultural scope. Try to show cinematographic works that entertain, but above all, that exert an influence education in children, youth and the general population.
FILMAY 2025 will be the 7th edition of the short film festival held in Kumanovo.
The festival started in 2019, following the idea for inspiring, supporting and enhancing short film production.
It also intends to engage and empower viewing desire and aspirations for enjoyment of short films.
The main goal of Burgas International Film Festival is to develop a sustainable platform for presentation of feature and short movies by acquainting the audience with the contemporary cinema art.
The mission of The Festival is to turn Burgas into cultural venue of filmmakers and movie fans.
The main scope of the Festival is to present the current trends in the Bulgarian and international cinema practice and to provoke intercultural dialogue.
“RIETI & SABINA Film Festival”
25 NOVEMBRE 2025
“RIETI & SABINA Film Festival“ aims to give a chance to disclose to the audience Talents, Authors, Actors, Directors, and Filmmakers with the purpose of creating synergies between Film Professionals and new Talents.
The Social Film Festival ArTelesia is organized by the non-profit Cultural Association “Libero Teatro”.
The event is supported by the MIC Directorate General for Cinema and Audiovisual, the Film
Commission Campania Region, Cesvolab and the patronage of the Presidency of the Council of
Ministers, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Education, University and Research, UNAR - National
Office against Racial Discrimination, the Province of Benevento, the Municipality of Benevento, the Chamber of Commerce of Benevento, Arcigay Napoli, the University Center Synapses of the Federico II University of Naples, the University of Sannio, the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples, the University of Salerno, the UCAM San Antonio de Murcia University (Spain), the CADMUS. Students from the aforementioned universities will participate in the organization of the fifteenth edition as Interns.
The Social Film Festival ArTelesia intends to promote cinema both in Italy and abroad. The Festival represents a showcase for the promotion of films of cultural interest, belonging to the independent and non-independent cinema circuit.
An ideal place for lively confrontations between producers, authors and distributors, but also between the production universe and the target audience, the Festival promotes the dissemination of films of high artistic value, capable of contributing to cultural growth and the formation of a mature awareness criticism in young people.
- I BELONG TO ME: respect for one's own individuality, knowing how to be beyond all appearances, cultivating one’s freedom against all dependencies
- INTEGRATION: respect for ethnic and cultural identity against all forms of discrimination
- DEEP SURFACES: discovery and enhancement of the historical-artistic heritage of the territories
- ORTHOMETRY: Stories of sustainable agriculture
- Filmmaker: emerging and professional directors, production and distribution companies
- DiVabili: works created by directors with disabilities or involving disabled actors that do not necessarily have to focus on the topic of disability
A Night of Misfit Films Film Festival, presented by Full Figure Productions announces the sixth edition of A Night of Misfit Films Film Festival held at High Octane Picture Studios 9096 E Bahia Dr. Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Founded by Dineta Williams-Trigg a filmmaker and actress, A Night of Misfit Films came out of a desire to see more diverse content in the Valley of the Sun community. The festival celebrates the artistic talent of all filmmakers and artists by focusing on original content that has not been screened at other festivals.
A Night of Misfit films is in association with the Lebanese Independent Film Festival - LIFF and co-directed by Gauthier Raad and FFF Film Festival.
A Cinema and Arts Festival on the Border
San Cristóbal, Venezuela
August 7-9th 2025
The fifteenth edition of the Cinephagus Meeting, born in 2011 from the conjunction of the Andes University Cinema Club and BORDES, an independent organization dedicated to study and promote arts and humanities in Venezuela, will be held in San Cristóbal (Venezuela), from August 7 to 9, 2025, with an online screen available for audiences around the world.
Experimental films are more than welcome: our festival encourages innovation and transgressing of format, genres, political and aesthetic borders. We are especially receptive of video-art and dance films, as well as animation and documentaries, considering it necessary for artists to have adequate spaces for the exhibition and critique of their work, outside commercial circuits and other formal demands that may limit creative exploration of contemporary languages.
We are also interested in films exploring the subject of frontiers. Táchira is located in the border of Venezuela with Colombia, and this has traditionally been the most active geo political limit in Latin America, but in the last five years activity has been more than unusual, deserving many different views to be displayed. The story of this and other borders from around the world may be valuable contributions to our festival, which encourages reflective discussion as well as aesthetic enjoyment of all works presented.
15th edition of the International Film Festival for children and teenagers "AniFestROZAFA2024" October 8-12, 2024 in Shkodër, Albania.
The International Jury of the AniFestROZAFA2024 festival will be established in cooperation with the European Children's Film Association ECFA.
The main objectives of the festival organizers will be to stimulate films for children.
The evaluation of the artistic values will be done by an international jury and by a special jury consisting of 23 children aged 8-12 years.
Films to compete in the 14th edition of the Films to compete in the 15th edition of the International Film Festival for Children and Teenagers must have been produced after June 1, 2022.
Competitors are notified that online registration, based on the regulation, at FestHome.
A short film not longer than 17 minutes is accepted.
There are no restrictions on the number of movies you record.
Before you fill in the Entry Form, please read the regulation of the " AniFestROZAFA2024 ".
( The Events and Editions of the Festival have been designed, organized, and carried out by the non-profit organization, "AniFest".
The project is equipped with the Certificate of Registration of Authors’ Rights (Copyright) No. 99, RDA, dated 19. 06. 2013, on the category of works of art, “Projects”, Article 7; Letter b.
It also has the Certificate of Registration of the Activity. Certificate of Registration of the Object of Activity No. 202, RDA, dated 03. 06. 2013.
The project is equipped with the Certificate of Registration of Authors’ Rights (Copyright) No. 99, RDA, dated 19. 06. 2013, on the category of works of art, “Projects”, Article 7; Letter b.
It also has the Certificate of Registration of the Activity. Certificate of Registration of the Object of Activity No. 202, RDA, dated 03. 06. 2013.
The list of films selected for the final will be published on September 10, 2024, on the official website of the festival: http://anifestrozafa.al
Lens Dans is a Video Dance Festival aimed at promoting, cultivating, and celebrating video dance projects from various artists, disciplines, and backgrounds!
Lens Dans offers screenings of pre-selected video dance projects from our competition, live shows, workshops, conferences, open mic…AND MUCH MORE!
The first edition took place in La Vallée, Brussels the 11th, 12th and 13th of June 2021 and was one of the first events after lockdown. It was followed by three more events between Brussels & Barcelona.
In this third edition, we are presenting 2 different open calls, one for the VIDEO DANCE projects and another one for the LIVE PERFORMANCE. The event will be completed with music in a friendly atmosphere that will make YOU want to dance by the end of the evening!
This project was born from the necessity of finding a space to be able to showcase, share, and acknowledge the artistic discipline of video dance is: a contemporary form of art that may not be all that well-known by the public. Our objective is to make of this festival a reference for the video dance world and community, where artists from different disciplines can meet, share and grow.
The third edition of Lens Dans Festival will be held the 8th & 9th of November 2024 in Nau Bòstik (Carrer Ferran Turné, 1 -11, Sant Andreu, 08027 Barcelona, Spain)
The post-event of the third edition of Lens Dans Festival will be held in Brussels!
For our guidelines and more information about how to register and submit your video dance projects, please visit our website: www.lensdansfest.com
Instagram: lensdansfest
Facebook: Lens Dans Festival
The International Tour Film Fest 2025 the international competition this year is open to shorts, medium-length, Vertical Movies, AI Shorts and feature films; The festival is sponsored and organized by the Cultural CivitaFilm, with organizational headquarters in Via Togliatti No. 12 -00053- Civitavecchia (Rome, ITALY), in collaboration with: Mibact, City of Civitavecchia, Regione Lazio and Enel.