Logo of Petaluma International Film Festival

15 Aug 2016

Published: 26 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Petaluma International Film Festival

Petaluma International Film Festival

Petaluma, United States

Petaluma International Film Festival® (PIFF) is an annual event showcasing independent feature and short films from around the world.

The festival is open to all film genres.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Tirana International Film Festival

03 Aug 2016

Published: 26 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Tirana International Film Festival

Banner Tirana International Film Festival

Tirana International Film Festival

Tirana, Albania


TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL is the first international film festival created in 2003 as one of the most important cinematic events in Europe.

We are thrilled and honored to be approved as an official Academy Awards® and European Film Awards qualifying festival, it’s truly a tremendous opportunity for our filmmakers and future Best Short Film Award winners also for Student Academy Awards (SAA).

TIFF aims to create in Albania, as well as in the region, a cultural center of worldwide alternative and independent cinema. Albania is a solar, enthusiastic and friendly country and besides the “strong competition” TIFF aims at the same time to be a meeting point of cultures, where people of Tirana, the guests and all those who love films will have a cinema-language-communication week.

TIFF aims to create a friendly space for film artists and cinema enthusiasts from Albania, Europe and the entire world to come together and share their linked passion and knowledge of the motion picture art form. The intention of TIFF is to bring filmmakers, producers and distributors from all around the world to Tirana, in hopes of fostering future co-operation in this interesting scenic area. By bringing together these distinct voices and their work, TIFF commits itself to introducing audiences to alternative visions of extraordinary diversity. "Think Different, Watch Alike" is the slogan and motto of TIFF.

TIFF aims to demonstrate strong efficiency in audience development (especially toward young audience) by implementing activities before, during and after the event, including year-long activities and traveling to other cities with various smaller partner and smaller festivals in the country. Partnering with small organizations and youth centers around the country in order to use the existing facilities in each city will not only give to TIFF a large national impact, but will enhance on the other side the increase of values of small events in each respective city in which TIFF will be present.

The festival gets thousands of submissions a year from over 120 countries around the world that of submitted online through online platforms, which are then considered for selection. TIFF is an international cinema event whose main objective is to enlarge the number of venues and time of screening of European and non-European films of all genres and durations in Albania as well as it is considered to be an event to develop new audiences around the country, combining film screenings with public debates and thematic debates approaching new and an increased Film Audience and focusing also on Film Literacy.

The daily program of TIFF combines more than 200 premieres of feature and short films in competition in all formats and genres: fiction, documentary, animation, experimental and video art. Open to any filmmaker from around the world, TIFF showcases new cinematic work by established directors with international reputations as well as movies by talented students and young artists.

• Feature films
• PerspecTIFF (debut feature films)
• Documentary
• Made In ALBANIAn

• Fiction/Live Action (Oscar® & European Film Awards qualifying)
• Animation (Oscar® & European Film Awards qualifying)
• Documentary (European Film Awards qualifying)
• Video Art & Experimental (European Film Awards qualifying)
• Student films (all genres) (Academy Awards® qualifying)
• Balkan Films (all genres)
• In Albanian (all genres)

3. PANORAMA has some thematic sections dedicated to the most sensitive social topics and problematic social groups as for children, women, immigration, integration of persons with disabilities, LGBT, etc. with those sections:

• KIDs

Consists in the application of original live-action and animated short film scripts and other short form scripts of all genres (max. 20 pages).
The said competition did not aim to evaluate only the best script, but to evaluate from our partners, producers and distributors, the best and most possible script to be produced by them and with the greatest chances to be successfully distributed in the most popular international festivals for short films.


Besides the competition program TIFF reserves a large space to the special programs and screenings.

1. FOCUS is a special program, which is based on tribute or homage to the cinema author and/or the filmography of a given country.

2. RetrospecTIFF and TIFF Classics brings to the new audience the most prominent national or international authors of the film history.

TIFF will continue to have a large space to the special program KIDs, an exclusive program for children from 5-15 age average. This initiative comes as a long-term investment to raise and educate future cinematic audiences with artistic films through acquired projects in Creative Europe for the distribution and promotion of European films.

4. REFLECTING ALBANIA is the oldest program of the festival, dedicated to the foreign filmmakers who have produced their films in Albania or in Albanian speaking territory.

5. Oscar® Nominated Short Films & European Film Awards Shorts Tour

6. FesTIFFal is a special program with selected films by festival partners.

TIRANA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL has the pleasure to announce four major services available for the applicants. Since its inception in 2003, TIFF received over 50,000 short and feature films from over 120 countries around the world. Out of all these applications more than 200 films can be chosen each year for the competition program. With these four new services, TIFF offers the opportunity to many films to be shown in alternative ways (TV, online, market, special programs) in a wider audience and experts.
The applicants must optionally apply clearly for each one of these new services.

• TIFF.TV Competition
With our media TV partners we offer the possibility to directors screening their films (selected for the official competitive program or not) to the Albanian audience and win the TV juries and audience awards.

• TIFF on Tour
TIFF will act as ambassador for the submitted films and will travel with a selection to other Albanian cities during the year. TIFF will also propose special screenings to other regional festivals in accordance to a specific subject or theme of each collaborative festival.

• TIFF Online Library
TIFF offer the online presentation of each film, in a dedicated page, as a part of a film library, with all related information and with the possibility to receive comments from the international internet audience and industry. The screening of films is open to anyone without charges. The films will be available for viewing in the film library as long as director/producer wishes.

• TIFF Market Corner
TIFF will create a market corner, where potential buyers can watch all films and make their selection. TIFF will also act as a festival promoter and distributor. In case of financial contract with a distributor, TIFF will receive a fee of 5%.

Find us:

info@tiranafilmfest.org | www.tiranafilmfest.org | facebook.com/TiranaFilmFest |
instagram.com/tiranafilmfest | twitter@TiranaFilmFest | youtube.com/user/TiranaFilmFestival1 | vimeo.com/ tiranafilmfest | linkedin.com/ company/1796049/admin/


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of SE10 Film Festival

22 Apr 2016

Published: 25 Feb 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner SE10 Film Festival

SE10 Film Festival

London, United Kingdom

The SE10 Film Festival is a new, intimate exhibition of film art happening in the centre of Greenwich, one of London’s most beautiful districts. A collaborative effort between UoG students, the SE10 Film Festival welcomes art from all backgrounds.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Buzz Cee International Film Festival

01 Apr 2016

Published: 25 Feb 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Buzz Cee International Film Festival

Buzz Cee International Film Festival

Bucharest, Romania

We are happy to announce the 1st edition of BUZZ CEE International Film Festival, running May 4th to May 8th 2016 in Buzau, Romania.

BUZZ CEE – Buzau International Film Festival is the newest international film festival dedicated to film makers from the CEE region, including Greece and Turkey.
We know the CEE (Central and Eastern Europe) region is home to creative, powerful and entertaining stories and we wish to help sharing them with the world.
We seek films that entertain, inform, create defining stories and break conventions.
Our goal is to showcase and promote these stories and further shed a positive light on our region and its creativity. Either feature films, short films or documentaries, they can all find their place at BUZZ CEE.
We look forward to presenting your films to the public between May 4th – 8th in the beautiful county of Buzau, Romania.
To make the spectators’ and your experience memorable, the festival will include panels, parties, special events and, of course awards.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Another Independent International Film Festival

15 Jul 2016

Published: 25 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Another Independent International Film Festival

Another Independent International Film Festival

Eau Claire, United States

With focus on traditional film making, where the story and characters are used to draw the audience into the film.

Another Independent International Film Festival (AIIFF) is unlike any other festival you’re going to be a part of. While we would like to see the newest films, we also believe that there are a lot of really good films that have been completed in the past and haven’t been seen by as many audiences as they could have.

AIIFF aims to connect filmmakers with talented people and interested audiences. Our core focus is on traditional film making. Through the love of film we strive to teach diverse audiences about films and making them.

Most film festivals will ask for only the newest films, with premiere status given to them. We’re the opposite of this idea, we want films completed BEFORE August 2015, if you have a film that was made sometime between August 1, 1890 and January 1, 2016, and have the rights to screen it, then we want to see your film!

AIIFF is a fund raiser for Chippewa Valley Community Television – The organization’s mission includes educating interested individuals of all ages about film and television production, civil discourse civic engagement, understanding what it means to live in a ‘free society’, and how to engage intelligently with one’s elected officials. All funds collected from the film festival go directly to helping Chippewa Valley Community Television.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of ¡¡Cort…en!! Calahorra Short Film Festival

31 May 2016

Published: 25 Feb 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de cortometrajes ’¡CORT...en! - Ciudad de Calahorra

¡¡Cort…en!! Calahorra Short Film Festival

Calahorra, Spain


Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Vinaròs AGUSTÍ COMES Short film Festival

30 Apr 2016

Published: 24 Feb 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival De Cortometrajes De Vinaròs Agustí Comes

Vinaròs AGUSTÍ COMES Short film Festival

Vinarós, Spain



International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Festival de Cortometrajes | CORTADA | Film Laburren Jaialdia

16 Sep 2016

Published: 24 Feb 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Festival de Cortometrajes | CORTADA | Film Laburren Jaialdia

Banner CORTADA 2021

Festival de Cortometrajes | CORTADA | Film Laburren Jaialdia

Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

UPV/EHU Campus de Álava

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Festival YAQ Distribución

15 Apr 2016

Published: 24 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival YAQ Distribución

Festival YAQ Distribución

Madrid, Spain

YAQ Distribución, one of the most important distribution companies in Spain, opens call for entries for the five edition of the festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Riga International Short Film Festival 2ANNAS

20 May 2016

Published: 23 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Riga International Short Film Festival 2ANNAS

Riga International Short Film Festival 2ANNAS

Riga, Latvia

Riga International Short Film Festival 2ANNAS is the oldest and one of the leading short film festivals in the Baltic States.

The festival seeks out and introduces the audience to innovative modes of audio-visual communication from all over the world. The goal of the festival is to popularize European and World cinema among the Latvian audience and explore the evolution and trends of Baltic film art from a global perspective.

2ANNAS is proud of its status as a high-quality film explorer. 2ANNAS exists in a world where short films are not only the first step to a feature film but a deliberate decision that results in a superior piece of art.

Another 2ANNAS characteristic next to its ground-breaking content is its unique shape: the festival is famous for wild parties in unusual locations, free-spirited atmosphere, and creative expressions.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Short is Life Film Festival

31 May 2016

Published: 23 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Short is Life Film Festival

Short is Life Film Festival

Sologny, France

MISFF is an international festival for short films which not to exceed 60 minutes.
Our festival is open to fiction, documentary, animation, experimental movies.
MISFF is the first Short Film Festival in Monaco. Purpose of our festival is to present films from all over the world and to support young talents as well as professionals

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of SUNCINE Environmental Film Festival

20 Jun 2016

Published: 23 Feb 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of SUNCINE Environmental Film Festival

Banner Suncine Festival Internacional de Cine del Medio Ambiente

SUNCINE Environmental Film Festival

Barcelona, Spain

The ACCIONS 3E Non-Profit Cultural Association is convening and organizing the 29th SUNCINE International Environmental Film Festival, to be held on November 2-10, 2023.

SUNCINE, formerly known as FICMA, was first held in 1993 and is positioned as the oldest Environmental Film Festival in the world; it is a reference in its genre.

SUNCINE is a multi-screen festival (in-person, online and televised). Its primary objective is to promote, disseminate and publicize environmental audiovisual works to raise awareness about the state of the environment, biodiversity and the planet’s sustainability.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Benevento Social Film Festival Artelesia

30 Mar 2016

Published: 23 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Social Film Festival ArTelesia Benevento

Benevento Social Film Festival Artelesia

Benevento, Italy

The Social Film Festival ArTelesia is organized by the non-profit Cultural Association “Libero Teatro”.

The event is supported by the MIC Directorate General for Cinema and Audiovisual, the Film
Commission Campania Region, Cesvolab and the patronage of the Presidency of the Council of
Ministers, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Education, University and Research, UNAR - National

Office against Racial Discrimination, the Province of Benevento, the Municipality of Benevento, the Chamber of Commerce of Benevento, Arcigay Napoli, the University Center Synapses of the Federico II University of Naples, the University of Sannio, the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples, the University of Salerno, the UCAM San Antonio de Murcia University (Spain), the CADMUS. Students from the aforementioned universities will participate in the organization of the fifteenth edition as Interns.


The Social Film Festival ArTelesia intends to promote cinema both in Italy and abroad. The Festival represents a showcase for the promotion of films of cultural interest, belonging to the independent and non-independent cinema circuit.
An ideal place for lively confrontations between producers, authors and distributors, but also between the production universe and the target audience, the Festival promotes the dissemination of films of high artistic value, capable of contributing to cultural growth and the formation of a mature awareness criticism in young people.


- I BELONG TO ME: respect for one's own individuality, knowing how to be beyond all appearances, cultivating one’s freedom against all dependencies

- INTEGRATION: respect for ethnic and cultural identity against all forms of discrimination

- DEEP SURFACES: discovery and enhancement of the historical-artistic heritage of the territories

- ORTHOMETRY: Stories of sustainable agriculture



- Filmmaker: emerging and professional directors, production and distribution companies

- DiVabili: works created by directors with disabilities or involving disabled actors that do not necessarily have to focus on the topic of disability

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Malta Short Film Festival

31 May 2016

Published: 23 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Malta Short Film Festival

Malta Short Film Festival

Malta, Malta

The Malta Short Film Festival is now in its 14th year, and it is adjudicated by a panel of judges. This enables the filmmaker and the viewer to understand the production value of each entry and its ability to communicate with its audience

The final program consists of an award presentation.

The Festival has a wide audience, 40,000 +

9 programmes on Malta National Television. (TVM) and repeat on TVM News Plus on Sundays at 9p.m.1 hour duration, starting Sunday 24 July 2022 and ends on the 25th of September 2022

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Melbourne Underground Film Festival

15 Jul 2016

Published: 23 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Melbourne Underground Film Festival

Melbourne Underground Film Festival

St Kilda, Australia

The Melbourne Underground Film Festival (M.U.F.F.) is a cutting edge premiere showcase for Independent cinema from around the world. It is known for its radical, adventurous and iconoclastic programming decisions, in addition to its support of different voices from independent, alternative, underground and student filmmakers worldwide. The festival focuses on both Australian and International cinema. M.U.F.F. plays many shorts every year and a lot of features, plus an exciting array of documentaries and curated retrospectives. M.U.F.F. is an essential forum for new cinema that will look beyond production values, and find the hidden talent within. M.U.F.F. has been the launching board and incubator for many talented and famous filmmakers including James Wan, Scott Ryan, Jenna Fisher, Jim VanBebber, Bruce LaBruce, Peter Christopherson, Stuart Simpson, Shannon Young, Kel Dolen, Steven Kastrissios, Ivan Kavanagh, Mark Savage, Anna Brownfield, Patrick Hughes, Jeremey DeCeglie, Gregory Pakis and many, many others.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Festival International de Cinéma et mémoire Commune de Nador - Maroc

29 Feb 2016

Published: 23 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival International de Cinéma et Mémoire Commune  de Nador - Maroc

Festival International de Cinéma et mémoire Commune de Nador - Maroc

Meknès, Morocco

The shared memory center for democracy and peace (CMCDP) is a national human rights association with international extensions whose fields of action are:

- Issues related to memory and shared memory as knowledge and expertise;
- Promoting a culture of peace, coexistence and democracy;
- The fight against all forms of extremism;
- Defending human rights and contributing to the dissemination of their culture;
- Questions of identity and linguistic and cultural diversity.
- The consolidation and development of the values of solidarity and constructive dialogue between peoples and nations;
- Support for all generations of human rights.
It organizes an annual film festival in Nador, called the Festival International de Cinéma et Mémoire Commune (FICMEC), dedicated to the theme of memory.
In 2025, the theme of the 14th edition of the festival will be “The Memory of Peace”.
While some define peace as non-war, others go so far as to oppose it to all forms of violence. Although the preachers and emissaries of peace are constantly calling for :
- reconciliation between belligerents and warmongers to put an end to hostilities or ward off aggression and tip the balance in favor of collective intelligence;
- overcoming the stigma of the past through far-sighted dialogue and harmonious international relations;
- the promotion of a universal culture of pacifism through, among other things, the inclusion of the values of tolerance and fraternity in educational curricula;
- unanimous ratification of UN resolutions;
the resurgence of political, economic, religious and doctrinaire disputes has overtaken the voice of reason, compromising good-faith initiatives and plunging the international community into moral disarray.
The loss of life and devastation caused by any armed confrontation can be counted or at least estimated in post-war periods. Quantifiable, they provide information on the seriousness of the human and material damage caused or suffered. But who can accurately determine the impact of psychological trauma, accurately diagnose the wounds of the soul, and meticulously assess the after-effects of violence?
Memory wounds are difficult to suture in the short or medium term. To purge resentment, bend vindictiveness and soothe tormented consciences, taking the long and steep road to reconciliation seems the ideal solution for turning the bloody pages of the past. Memories, stories of resilience, forgiveness and solidarity, as well as shared painful experiences, are the best way to get rid of animosity and make way for amnesty.
The “Memory of Peace”, a concept that focuses on the elements of the past that call for appeasement and the building of a common future, has as its main foundations reconciliation and mutual understanding, learning from the mistakes of the past, anchoring the culture of non-violence in people's minds, and above all transmitting this memory to future generations through education, testimony and the arts, particularly cinema, which is a powerful vector of emotion and empathy.
In the light of the above, films will be selected that deal with one of the following themes:
- Reconciliation after war or genocide.
- Mutual understanding to overcome hatred and suffering and rebuild human and social bonds.
- Forgiveness and resilience
- Peace movements
- Emblematic figures of peace
- Learning from past mistakes
- spreading the values of justice and tolerance
- Anchoring the culture of non-violence in individual and collective memories
- Community initiatives that model peace and social cohesion
- Peace education through pedagogical approaches
As this list is not exhaustive, the festival management welcomes films dealing with other peace-related issues.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of Fantosfreak Film Festival

17 Apr 2016

Published: 23 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Fantosfreak, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges Fantàstics i Freaks de Cerdanyola Del Vallès

Fantosfreak Film Festival

Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain

The first and the most important Freak Festival in Spain. We also accept horror and fantastic film. With an audience of 1.800 people every day from monday to friday and we would love to screen your shortfilms.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Karelian International Film for youth Festival

02 Aug 2016

Published: 21 Feb 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Karelian International Film for youth Festival

Karelian International Film for youth Festival

Petrozavodsk, Russia

The festival is to be held in the city of Petrozavodsk, capital of the Karelian Republic, which is a territorial entity of the Russian Federation and will introduce best works by film-directors aiming at younger generation.

Contacts for information:
mail: info@filmforyouth.ru
cell.: +7-915-354-25-37

Screenings also will be held in other cities of the Karelian Republic.

All the festival films entering the contest programme will be dubbed by professional actors at the festival organizers expense! (Reading subtitles might be a struggle for many kids and teenagers).

Also, dubbing - it's your professional way in Russian cinema distribution.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Festival Cinema Invisible 2017

28 Feb 2016

Published: 21 Feb 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Cinema Invisible 2017

Festival Cinema Invisible 2017

Schenectady, United States

Festival Cinema Invisible LLC, is an independent, not-for-profit venue dedicated to celebration of the Middle Eastern films that international audience may not otherwise see. FCI is committed to nurturing purposeful communication and meaningful cultural exchange. By introducing filmmakers who may not have access to other mediums, the Festival provides a forum for dialogue and exchange of ideas.

We are looking for feature films, documentaries, shorts and animated films coming from Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libya, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE and Yemen. Film makers of Middle Eastern / North African descent living in other countries are encouraged to submit their works as well.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of CalellaFilmFestival

01 May 2016

Published: 21 Feb 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Banner CalellaFilmFestival


Calella, Spain

The CalellaFilmFestival is a festival dedicated to all those Low Budget films of national or international production, with the aim of rewarding and promoting films made with few media but with high artistic value.

The CalellaFilmFestival has two sections:
"Low Budget" section
The selected feature films will compete as best productions of the year in the national or international scope, with an investment of less than 500,000 euros.

Section "Creative Rosebud Awards"
All those productions that throughout the year have stood out for their creativity and originality, both in the field of national and international production, with an investment exceeding 500.00 euros will compete.

Read the bases to register your movie.

The festival will be held from october 31 to november 8 to 4, 2025 in Calella de Mar (Barcelona) in the Sala Mozart and other rooms attached to the festival. For schedules, passes and more information go to the festival website.


International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror