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It's time to have your film showcased at the Indie Fest USA International Film Festival! We have several new and exciting events and changes in store, all for the benefit of the filmmakers and your audiences. We are unique and proud that many films we have showcased and screened have received theatrical distribution, ancillary distribution and a few have even received Oscar consideration.
Check out this promo video by one of the filmmakers who attended in 2010, it captures the spirit of Indie Fest USA!
Indie Fest USA Int’l Film Festival was established in 2007 and is an exciting and entertaining eclectic mix of exceptional independent films from the U.S. and International filmmakers
To date we have screened over 2580 independent films from around the world, been attended by more than 2500 filmmakers and 23,000 film fans and go the extra step to provide an entertainment experience for everyone attending the film festival Complementing this we add red carpet events, special guests and celebrities including Academy Award nominees and Golden Globe Winners, opening and closing night parties, daily seminars and socials plus networking galore.
Combined with our sponsors and supporters we proudly present a festival which has worked hard for our reputation of being truly filmmaker friendly and willing to do everything we can to promote and showcase great independent films. We are an nontraditional film festival at nontraditional yet fun and exciting venues. We spotlight you the filmmaker and writer.
CON-TEMPORARY Art Observatorium - Art of Freedom 2nd edition
Accepted works: videos (moving pictures, performance, etc) and still pictures (photography and all visual arts.)
Venue: CTAO Gallery - Lavagna, Italian Riviera, Northern Italy
Duration: three weeks
CAREFULLY READ RULES & TERMS: submission is free but a small contribution will be required only to participants.
In occasion of CTAO exhibition season 2023-2024, CON-TEMPORARY Art Observatorium presents "Art of Freedom - 2nd Edition", a collective art exhibition cycle that will be held at CTAO Exhibition Room in Lavagna, Italy.
FREE THEME: differently from all our group exhibitions, the cycle "Art of Freedom" is characterised by the absence of a leading theme, leaving total freedom to the artists, who are chosen on personality and contents, so that they can freely propose their most personal view, without fear of prejudices or censorship. This does not prevent them to freely take inspiration from freedom and to express in that sense. After all, art IS freedom, and freedom is a value that is always menaced, needing constant attention in order not to lose it.
The international competition will reward the best soundtrack, then the best film music composer who will receive the Grand Prix The international competition will reward the best soundtrack, then the best film music composer who will receive the Grand Prix “VIOLETTA D’ORO” (Golden Violette), a flower that is the symbol of Parma, but also represents the name of the most famous female heroin created by Giuseppe Verdi, much loved by the public.
In addition to the first prize, the Violetta d'Oro, will be assigned the “Violetta d'Argento” to the best movie, and Honorable Mentions to best director, best photography best actor, best script and best short film.
The purpose of this initiative is not only pointing out to the audience recent and important features, but also underlining the value of a musical score as an essential element for the poetry and the success of a movie itself.
Besides, the contest will be a chance for film makers and producers to show their own works to a various audience and to a high-qualified international jury.
In addition of the section about feature films, it has been included also a section concerning short films, that will participate in the contest for a dedicated award.
The attendance is open to feature films and videos of any nationality, subject and length (musical productions but also dramatic films, comics, historical or Tv productions, etc).
SPECIAL CATEGORY: short film of Dance, with a Jury that will give a "DANCE AWARD".
Award Ceremony will take place at Casa della Musica in Parma on September 21th 2024 at 5.00pm with Dinner Gala, at which all producers or directors who have their film in nomination will be invited.
Deadline of inscription: 15th June 2024.
Porto Femme - International Film Festival is a place for the exhibition and dissemination of multiple and diverse artistic visions. A concrete action in the struggle for equal representation, focusing on new identity representations that seek to deconstruct stereotypes and erase invisibilities. The Festival aims to create a visibility space for women and/or non-binary identities in the cinematographic world, uniting them internationally.
Feminist solidarity is our guiding thread, and we want to continue creating feminist spaces through an innovative, intersectional, and intergenerational way of working characterized by support, diversity, creativity, and experimentation, serving as a point of sharing, debate, and creation for all those who love cinema.
These films intend to educate and inform the public about social and political issues that affect women and minority identities worldwide and give voice to several groups and struggles.
Our curation aims to reflect the diversity of genres, themes and languages. PORTO FEMME is a festival with a varied and appealing offer to the public, including competitive sessions, exhibitions, workshops, debates, Q & A sessions, exhibitions, among others.
MadridFFF es una muestra de los mejores trabajos audiovisuales realizados para la industria de la moda.
El programa con ponencias, mesas redondas y exhibiciones que, junto con el certamen dirigido tanto a profesionales como a jóvenes talentos, componen MadridFFF. #MadFashionFilmFest
MadridFFF is a showcase of the best audiovisual work made for the fashion industry.
Lectures, panels, presentations and exhibits, that along with the contest aimed at both professionals and young talents, make the content we have seen in the third edition of MadridFFF. #MadFashionFilmFest
Call for fiction, documentary or animation productions,carried out after january 2017.
Projects will be received between July 1 and September 30, 2019.
HIGHLAND PARK INDEPENDENT FILM FESTIVAL (HPIFF) fosters emerging and established filmmakers by providing forums for screening projects, networking with industry professionals and mentoring student filmmakers in Northeast Los Angeles. All films will screen at the historic Highland Theatre on a DCP system
The PDXtreme Film Fest is the best damn genre festival Portland Oregon has ever seen! Taking place over 3 days at the historic Laurelhurst Theater, we showcase horror, crime, dark comedy, and everything in-between. Tales of the grotesque, the limits of the psychological, and bumps in the night whatever the cause! Does it take place in space? That's cool too.
This will be our fourth year! Continuing the traditions of the first 3 years, you can expect trophies, free beer for attending filmmakers, and no repertory films. In our first season we played 32 short films, and 13 feature films. Last year we screened 54 total films. It’s more badassness than should be allowed in one weekend!
Screening takes place at the Laurelhurst Theater, a legit theater that serves beer, wine, and pizza. In less than a minute you can walk to a variety of restaurants, bars, and other examples of Portland life.
We promise a rollicking good time and a slate packed with great films. We can't do that without the filmmakers, so submit your films now! International films accepted. Diversity and originality are not only welcome, but also encouraged. Absolutely no ratings restrictions, ever.
The #MoreofPLUS Film Festival is an initiative of PLUS Positive a nonprofit organization for plus size men women and teens. The primary focus of the festival is to showcase more plus size talent on screen. At the core of this festival is the requirement that each entry must utilize plus size men (size 2x and up) and/or women (size 12 and up) as leading characters in their films. The selected finalists will be showcased during PLUS PosiCon Sept 21-23 in Atlanta
21, 22 and 23 February, 2025
India International Centre-ICC, New Delhi INDIA
Human interests are changing, with changing cinema techniques and short/documentary/feature film styles are changing us and our attitude.
This attitude will now screen in the heart of Delhi through the finest global short, feature and documentary films.
Organized by: Jaipur International Film Festival & Trust
The Sandalia Sustainability Film Festival has an important role in raising people's awareness of sustainability issues through cinematographic works, offering an opportunity to exchange ideas with people from all over the world, thus promoting values, spreading knowledge and techniques. , with the aim of inducing virtuous behavior, for a sustainable present and future. We assume that the first step for the awakening of consciences is to be able to access the right information, meaning the information purified by political, economic and speculative interests, the one that also reveals the truths that are often hidden.
We think that the audio-visual medium is a very effective means to inform with emotion, to suggest new possible existential models, to envisage new solutions to problems, to connect people from all over the planet, in order to safeguard Mother Earth and for a present and a future that is dignified and happily livable for everyone.
The Festival takes place in Sardinia, and in this edition it will take place, always in itinerant form, between the end of July and the beginning of October, also involving the Schools. In the various stages will be screened all the films in competition and even some out of competition, and will propose workshops, meetings with directors, seminars, conferences, shows, markets, related to the cinema and sustainability.Art.2 THEMES
All sustainability issues are allowed, at the discretion of the proposer; it will then be the pre-selection commission to assess whether the subject of the proposed film is themed, and to assess the presence of a minimum of technical-artistic requisites to be admitted to the Competition.
The film can be a denunciation, thus showing situations that do not respect the principles of sustainability, or the enhancement of sustainable practices. Both types of films are important and allowed, as the first step towards a more sustainable world is to understand in depth all the aspects resulting from what human beings do, as individuals and as groups, and in many cases this means showing unsustainable situations, and even situations that, although they seem sustainable, are not, giving all the information necessary to make them understand why they are not.
The following list shows as an example some of the areas on which the subject of the proposed film may relate: some areas concern unsustainable practices, others are virtuous models of sustainability, and still others are generic areas in which both unsustainable and practical practices can be implemented sustainable. As already mentioned, we believe that showing unsustainable choices and actions - highlighting why they are not - is one of the steps to get to put into practice, and to demand that sustainable choices and actions be put into practice.
Use of the territory and resources
Indiscriminate exploitation of resources
Environmental consequences of oil extraction
Military servitude
Wild urbanizations
Collection and reuse of rainwater
Pollution (air, water, earth)
Waste management and consequences on the territory
Waste reduction and recovery
Sustainable landscape design
Access to natural resources
Valorisation and preservation of natural resources
etc. etc.
Agriculture and nutrition
Industrial agriculture
Monocultures to produce fuels
The poisons used in agriculture
Additives and dyes in food
Healthy foods versus less healthy foods
Awareness of what you eat
Food waste
Food choices / eating disorders
Food at km 10.000 / food at km 0
Herbs, roots and edible spontaneous fruits
Natural agriculture
Biological agriculture
Biodynamic agriculture
Agriculture and rural culture
Food sovereignty
etc. etc.
Natural systems, ecology and health
Animal rights
Dyeing plants
Plants as fertilizers
Impact of petroleum derivatives on the environment
Effects of oil derivatives on human health
The alternatives to plastic derived from oil
etc. etc.
Earth warming
Climate changes
Resource regeneration
Renewable energy sources
Energy efficiency
Energy sovereignty
Self-production of energy
Bio-construction, ecological buildings and passive houses
Sustainable mobility
Speculative economic policies
Exploitation in the workplace
New models of societies based on equity, awareness, alternative and solidary economies
Valorization of individual differences
Resource production and distribution systems
Consumption and conscious choices
Active citizenship and participatory processes
Disurbanism and transition
Peace, nonviolence and human rights
Right to health for all
etc. etc.
Environmental Sustainability and Social Sustainability are often closely intertwined, we separately list some of their themes as an example.
However, the list is not exhaustive of all the issues concerning Sustainability.
Individuals or groups of people of any age and nationality can participate.
The author can use a pseudonym or an artistic name in the titles of the work, while in all the documents sent he will necessarily have to write the personal name, indicating in brackets the pseudonym or the name of the art used.
The works admitted to the Competition, without limits of duration, are:
documentary films
fiction film
animation film
experimental films
The submitted works may have been produced in any year, and may have already been presented in other competitions.
The works in non-Italian language must be subtitled in Italian or in English, and must be sent by e-mail, to ssff.iscrizioni@gmail.com, the list of dialogues in English or, preferably, the .srt file in English.
The “Shaan-e-awadh International Film Festival” is promoted by “Splash Etcetra” and organized by “Awadh Art Society”.
Splash Etcetra, a software production company and advertising firm, which was established by some professionals of the Indian Film and Television industry in 2007.
Awadh Art Society, the organizer of “Shaan-e-awadh International Film Festival (SAIFF), is a Non Government Organization, which is purely dedicated towards the artist, performer, musicians, writers, directors and other known and unknown form of art to promote Indian Art & Culture in India and Abroad.
The festival aims to showcase the best of the latest World and Indian Cinema through this competition section. To encourage filmmakers, Festival also aims to present innovative works done by various film makers.
Fortunately the sensitivity of today's society towards animals is changing for the better. There are already many people who do not see animals solely as a product from which they are supplied or enjoyed, but as living beings with their own nature and therefore rights to respect.
There is a growing awareness that a prosperous and dignified society should not allow any kind of violence, not against animals.
People who live with animals have long known, which has been observed in several studies: "animals have emotions and experience pleasure, fear, stress, anxiety, pain or happiness." The current Law on the protection of animals, sensitive to this, defines them as living beings, endowed with physical and psychic sensibility and also voluntary movement, to which no one will cause suffering or ill-treatment or cause states of anxiety or fear.
In this legislature the Ajuntament de Sabadell, through the Department of Animal Welfare, has promoted a decided political line to ensure the protection and welfare of animals. To begin with, the Ajuntament de Sabadell in Plenary declared "Sabadell free of animal abuse" in September 2015 and, among other actions carried out, many of them in collaboration with the animalistic entities of the city, is now working on an Ordinance of Animal welfare that will not only collect the obligations of the owners, but also the rights and obligations of all citizens towards animals.
Another line of work of the Ajuntament de Sabadell is the promotion of training, diffusion and support to audiovisual production in the territory, taking into account the multiple aspects of creative and cultural work, communicative tool, economic activity and promotion of the city that have the audiovisual productions.
Joining these two objectives, the Ajuntament de Sabadell promotes the first International Animal Film Show of Sabadell, designed with the intention of promoting and recognizing quality documentary film productions, while contributing to a cultural change in favour of well-being, respect, Awareness and responsibility towards animals.
And within the framework of this exhibition, this contest is promoted for audiovisual short films related to the animal field, and which should serve to recognize creative talent, facilitate the access of citizens to quality productions and contribute to build awareness and responsibility for welfare and animal rights.
EddiesComedyAwards at PACE Dedìcated to Eddìe Cantor, famous show man ìn Usa, Oscar © wìnner, whose famìly was from Russìa (jewìsh emìgrated), the Eddìes Comedy Awards become the European movìe Tony to promote the best ìn Euro- Amerìcan contemporary new comedy. 2017 edìtìon takes place ìn Padùa, ìt. for the PACE, Padùa Awards for Comedy Excellence.
We have 4 categorìes for thìs edìtìon: A) comedy B) dramedy C) fantaromance D) ìphone comedy format
Rules are so easy: you have to send to the festìval the lìnk to yr. Short or Feature Fìlm (short, from 1' to 30' maxìmum), yr web serìal pìlot (max 15'), ìphone format teaser (max 3') and the early bìrd ìnscrìptìon (deadlìne Aùg.30) The Fee ìs: 25euro (30 USD) for short and web pìlot; 40euro (45 USD) for feature fìlm; 15euro (20 USD) for teaser.
All the selected works take part of Euro-Amerìcan Comedy Academy and the categorìes wìnners wìll get the 2017 Eddìe Award (Certìfìcate of Award). Other prìzes are: orìgìnal paìnts by Seba Steìn well known art paìnter made for festìval, specìal promotìon on oùr dedìcated web channel, FAME awards for new dìrectors (Famoùs Award for Medìa Excellence), ìndìe creatìve productìon free tutorìng and other specìal awards.
The fìnal days and wìnners cerìmony wìll be on Oct. 6/7/8 at the GEA space ìn Padùa, ìt, at 18 Lagrange st.
The dìrector of ECAff and presìdent of Euro-Amerìcan Comedy Academy ìs Fabrìzìo Sebastìan Caleffì, an ìnt. playwrìght, screenwrìter, dìrector and actor, co-fonder of the prìvate tv ìn Mìlano (Canale5), awards wìnner and awards juror.
From October 14th to October 20th, 2019, Portland won't just be the city of roses—it'll be the city of film. All for the love of film, our weeklong event is jam-packed with networking, workshops, guest speakers, film premieres, financing talks, director Q&As and more. There's a reason Portland is different. Come be a part of what MovieMaker Magazine calls, "one of the coolest film festivals in the world."
Past attendees and alumni of the film festival include Aisha Tyler, Mario Van Peebles, Joe Dante, Sam Hamm, Mark Boone Junior, Eli Roth, Justin Long, Haley Joel Osment, Abby Elliott, Chris Williams, Chuck Palahniuk, Jason Mamoa, Doug Benson, Sally Kirkland, Joshua McDermitt, Wendy Froud, Brian Froud, Toby Froud, Vanna White, Penny Lane, Chelsea Cain, Daniel Wilson, Chelsey Reist, Isaac Feder, James Franco, Lorenza Izzo, Matt Walsh, Susan Sarandon, Michael Tully, Ryan Murdock, Kelly Reichardt, Kris Kaczor, Bryan Storkel, Leah Warshawski, Daryl Hannah, Vivian Norris, Karney Hatch, Jon Matthews, Dana Nachman, Mitchell Jackson, John Jeffcoat, Shawn Telford, Leah Meyerhoff, Mark Raso, David Zellner, Bradley King and more.
Only for Argentinian and Chilean Films.
DocsValparaíso International Documentary Film Festival is part of the DocsBarcelona's 3 festivals network that takes place in the cities of Barcelona, Medellín and Valparaíso. The production and development of DocsValparaíso is leaded by the SurDocs team that produced a very important festival in the south of Chile (Puerto Varas) for more than 12 years.
The main goal of the Valparaíso festival is to become one of the leading documentary festivals of Latin America in a medium term by developing the areas of expertise of DocsBarcelona: industry and professional training.
The Festival takes place in the cultural capital and most dynamic city of Chile; Valparaíso.
During the festival there will be screened national and international films, workshops, laboratories, conferences and professional exchange. We will explore new ways and formats to develop documentaries through the InterDocs meeting, a professional event designed to understand, disseminate, create, finance and exhibit the interactive documentary.
Every edition of DocsValparaíso has the goal of becoming a portrait of society while entertaining, awakening and enriching the dialog through the audience, media, institutions and professionals. We want to make the experience of watching documentaries a tool for social empowerment and change.