Logo of Human. Human Rights Film Festival, Madrid

01 Jun 2019

Published: 19 Jan 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Human, Festival De Cine y Derechos Humanos, Madrid.

Human. Human Rights Film Festival, Madrid

Madrid, Spain

Se configura como un festival de cine participativo y educativo donde se da voz a trabajos que tratan los Derechos Humanos, tanto en géneros de ficción, animación como documental.

Creemos que hoy es más importante que nunca que la sociedad cree puentes de debate para el acercamiento, con el único ánimo de crear humanidad y empezar a escucharnos. El Festival muestra trabajos donde tanto el contenido como la técnica son de alta calidad y han sido premiados a nivel internacional en anteriores Festivales. Previa selección de las películas por la organización del Festival, un jurado formado por expertos en el ámbito cinematográfico, así como defensores de Derechos Humanos y del ámbito educativo, serán los encargados de puntuar y entregar los premios.

Los Derechos Humanos son el garante de una sociedad sana, educada, despierta y empoderada y pertenecen a toda la sociedad como pilares fundamentales que deben sostener los cimientos donde se sustente todo lo demás. Difundir la cultura de paz, el desarrollo democrático y la humanidad sostenible son también sus objetivos. Para eso se organizan talleres, presentaciones y mesas de debate con los propios autores y autoras de las películas al público asistente así como actores, productores, críticos de cine, periodistas y defensores de Derechos Humanos locales e internacionales.

Te damos la bienvenida al Festival de Cine y Derechos Humanos de Madrid.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Discovery Film Festival

01 Jul 2019

Published: 19 Jan 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Discovery Film Festival

Discovery Film Festival

Dundee, United Kingdom

Discovery Film Festival: Scotland's International Film Festival For Young Audiences

Sat 21 October – Sun 5 November 2023

Discovery Film Festival is now in its twentieth anniversary year. Based at Dundee Contemporary Arts, and touring to partner venues throughout Scotland, the UK and Ireland, the festival screens films from all over the world which have been specially programmed for young audiences.

The festival includes three exciting weekends of films, creative activities, and gala events, as well as two weeks of screenings and events for schools.

Discovery aims to develop new audiences for the best in international film, improve media literacy and offer young audiences an insight into the lives of children and young people in other cultures. The festival has been running since 2004 when it was started as a partnership with Dundee Education Development Department, Scottish Screen and DCA.

Discovery Film Festival is a DCA project and is organised by Mike Tait, Festival Producer and Cinema Youth Development Officer. A team of Young Ambassadors (aged 15-19) work with Mike to programme films and advise on the overall design of the festival. A team of teachers and education consultants advise on the education programme and create Curriculum for Excellence relevant resources for classes visiting the festival.

Discovery would like to thank Creative Scotland and Dundee City Council for their ongoing support.

If you would like to support Discovery, become a partner venue or just get involved, email Mike on mike.tait@dca.org.uk.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other

Logo of Nos Yeux Grands Ouverts International Film Festival

31 Jan 2019

Published: 19 Jan 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Nos Yeux Grands Ouverts International Film Festival

Nos Yeux Grands Ouverts International Film Festival

Montreuil, France

Since2008, the MAACASSO association organizes each year, an international art film festival called NYGO for “Nos Yeux Grands Ouverts” (which means Our Eyes Wide Open) . The festival creates a competition between young artists. Our aim is to promote and highlight the new talents of the contemporary audiovisual creation. For the 10th edition, on March the 1st, our association is looking for young artists with an art film project that will be submitted to the judgement of the NYGO jury.

This year, we invite all the candidates to work on the theme “Resonance”. This theme can be treated in a sonor, visual or conceptual way because it can be understood as a reflect, or an impact with consequences. The resonance is a link between two elements, an impact of one to another, an answer from one to another. The artist must express a resonance in its film, but its goal can also be the achievement of its own resonance into the public’s appreciation, to create a link between the artwork’s meaning and the spectator’s feeling.

We want the art films to be a mean for the artists to spread their ideas, visions, concerns and feelings as a shock wave on the public, and a canal to interconnect individuals.

Criteria to respect:

Person aged 18 to 30 years old.

Respect the theme imposed in his creative process.

One project per applicant but several artists possible on the realization.

The film must be between 1 minutes 30 seconds and 8 minutes, including the credits.

- Fill out the online application form. Submit his film by mail: (wetranfer file)


(accepted formats : .mp4, .m4v, .avi,

.mpeg2 or .mov).

The NYGO Award:

The first prize: 800 €

The second prize: 500 €

The third prize: 300 €

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Human Rights Film Festival Barcelona

01 Jun 2019

Published: 19 Jan 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival de Cine y Derechos Humanos de Barcelona

Human Rights Film Festival Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain

To show films that make us think, awaken our conscience, denounce injustice and reflect the social and cultural diversity of humanity. This is the objective of The Human Rights Film Festival, which will celebrate its 18th annual festival this year.

The Human Rights Film Festival, with headquarters in Barcelona and offices in Paris and New York, is the most important festival on Human Rights in Catalonia, one of Spain’s most important and widely internationally established festival.

Among the Festival in Barcelona, the simultaneous venues at Paris and New York and especially more than 20 screenings in different countries, after the Festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of LIFE AFTER OIL International Film Festival

01 May 2019

Published: 19 Jan 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner LIFE AFTER OIL International Film Festival

LIFE AFTER OIL International Film Festival

Sassari, Italy

LIFE AFTER OIL International Film Festival is an environmental & human rights film festival

As we are preparing for the post-petroleum era?

This festival starts with the intention of overshooting the simple exposure. Although it is important to raise public awareness on the risks connected to the exploitation and to the use of natural resource in the production of fossil fuels, still remains, the enormous and dramatic problem of the disasters caused by the lack of energy, with particular reference to the water supply, highly relevant to the world population. The main objective of the festival will be, therefore, not only emphasizing problems related to the use of fossil fuels, but especially identifying the alternatives which take into account, according to the present scientific knowledge, the several well-known methods of production.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Dreamspeakers International Film Festival

28 Feb 2019

Published: 18 Jan 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Dreamspeakers International Film Festival

Dreamspeakers International Film Festival

Edmonton, Canada

Our goal remains the same for the past 25 years, which is to connect in a meaningful way, to learn how to be more impactful to the needs of artists and our greater community. We honour the original vision of the Dreamspeakers founders to be a resource for Aboriginal filmmakers, for directors, scriptwriters, cameramen, technicians, actors, musicians, storytellers, artists and craftspeople. We create more opportunities for Aboriginal youth and make a better impact on arts, culture and our collective identity. And we do it all here in Edmonton.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Huesca International Film Festival

14 Feb 2019

Published: 18 Jan 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Huesca International Film Festival

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Huesca

Huesca International Film Festival

Huesca, Spain

The Hollywood Academy supports Huesca International Film Festival by recognizing it as shortlisting for the Oscar Awards within Best Short Fiction Film category, also the Spanish Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences recognizes it for the Goya Awards.



International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental


The International Medina del Campo Film Week will close submissions soon!

Logo of Festhome
Published: 18 Jan 2019


Final deadline for submissions for the 32nd International Medina del Campo Film Week, with no entry fees, is coming soon

The call for entries for the International Medina del Campo Film Week will come to an end next January, 18th. One of the longest running Spanish film festivals, with a history that expands over three decades, Medina del Campo Film Week has awarded several Goya® Award winners, and two Oscar® nominated short films. The festival, which has no festival entry fees, will take place from 8th through 16th, March, 2019, and submissions up to 30 minutes in running length are accepted from all countries.

The festival main focus is auteur films, especially in short film format, and music clips. It also pays attention to production development. meetings of film production, distribution and festival professionals, master classes and lectures, workshops for children and teenagers or screenings in primary and high schools.

: The winner of the Golden Roel is pre-selected for the 33rd Goya Awards from the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences of Spain.

Besides not having festival entry fees, the festival will give out in excess of 18000 Euro in cash awards! You are still on time to submit your short film before January, 18th!


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Logo of Central Java International Film Festival

30 Jun 2019

Published: 17 Jan 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Central Java International Film Festival

Central Java International Film Festival

-, Indonesia

Central Java, a province that has a long history of art, rich in language, arts, architecture, and rooted in literature and tradition. The usage of its language has emphasized the richness of the culture. It is spoken not only by the Java people, but also in Suriname, New Caledonia, and several parts in Malaysia.

Entering the digital era, we hope Central Java International Film Festival (CJIFF) could popularize the Java culture and history to the world, as well as to exchange the art and culture through filmmaking.

We are searching for film and documentaries about heroes and heroine, tradition, art, culture, literature, fable, ancient stories, ancient kingdoms, war, and touching films about humbleness, kindness, and inspirational films and documentaries. We hope to see excellent cinematography, exposing the beauty of filmmaking, but also trigger to watch unique and experimental ideas.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Houston Latino Film Festival

01 Feb 2019

Published: 17 Jan 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Houston Latino Film Festival

Houston Latino Film Festival

Houston, United States

The Houston Latino Film Festival is an organization dedicated to developing, promoting and increasing awareness of Latino culture among Latinos and other communities by presenting a variety of art and films to the Houston area.

During the festival, films from all over Latin America, Spain, Portugal and the United States will screen. The programming represents the great diversity of themes and genres of the Latino and Hispanic filmmaking community. The five-day festival also features opportunities for the audiences to participate in discussions with the directors at the screenings as well as a series of special events highlighting the diversity of the Latino culture. 2022 will mark the sixth year of the Houston Latino Film Festival.

Our Mission: The Houston Latino Film Festival is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating and enlightening the communities of the South Texas region about other cultures and issues through film and video while also recognizing the contributions of the artists who are dedicated to the craft of independent filmmaking.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Paraguay LesBiGayTrans International Movie Festival

10 May 2019

Published: 17 Jan 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine LesBiGayTrans

Paraguay LesBiGayTrans International Movie Festival

Asunción , Paraguay

21th LesBiGayTrans Film Fest International in Paraguay

Aireana, a lesbian rights group, organizer of the 21th edition of the LesBiGayTrans International Film Festival of Asunción welcomes you.

Entries may be submitted until May 15, 2025.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation


01 Mar 2019

Published: 17 Jan 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival De Cine Del Cajón Del Maipo


San José de Maipo, Chile

The Cajón del Maipo Film Festival was created in 2016. Its aim is to be a meeting point for Chilean filmmakers and animators, but also to be a transversal event, where fans can learn from professionals and where everyone can make films, from children to the elderly. In addition to the competences reserved for professionals, the FCCM includes amateur competition, exhibitions, talks, training workshops and activities around the cinema (exhibitions, shootings open to the public, etc.).
The Cajón del Maipo Film Festival will hold its fourth edition on friday 22th and saturday 23th nov 2019.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Other

Logo of Cerdanya Film Festival

03 Jun 2019

Published: 17 Jan 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Cerdanya Film Festival

Banner Festival Internacional de Cinema de Cerdanya

Cerdanya Film Festival

Puigcerdà, Spain

Cerdanya Film Festival, Festival Internacional de Cinema de Cerdanya, is a Festival specialized in the documentary, fiction and animation genre, short and feature films, consisting of competitive international sections, non-competitive sections and parallel activities. All the films that are part of the different sections will be selected by the Festival programmers.

Cerdanya Film Festival qualifies for Premios Goya – Spanish Film Academy in Best Spanish Shortfilm, in Fiction, Animation and Documentary categories.

The 16th edition of the Cerdanya Film Festival will be held from 28th July to 17th August 2025.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Ipiales Cinema Without Borders

31 Mar 2019

Published: 17 Jan 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Ipiales Cinema Without Borders

Banner Ipiales Cine Sin Fronteras

Ipiales Cinema Without Borders

Ipiales, Colombia

Ipiales Cine Sin Fronteras as an audiovisual scenario promotes the development of projects or independent production and supports the production of audiovisual arts, as well as highlighting their role in the formation of audiences.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic

Logo of BCN Fantasy film fest

25 Apr 2019

Published: 16 Jan 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner BCN Fantasy film fest

BCN Fantasy film fest

Barcelona, Spain

International short film festival dedicated to science fiction, fantasy and horror. It is located in the Gracia district in Barcelona.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of ANIMA - Córdoba International Animation Festival

15 Apr 2019

Published: 16 Jan 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner ANIMA Festival Internacional de Animación de Córdoba

ANIMA - Córdoba International Animation Festival

Córdoba, Argentina

ANIMA – Córdoba International Animation Festival is both an academic and cultural event, devoted specifically to animation in its artistic and technological dimensions. Held every odd year since 2001, ANIMA is the main animation event in Argentina and a very influential player in its field in Latin America.

Every edition, ANIMA gathers a wonderful community of animators and live action filmmakers, designers, producers, visual and audiovisual artists, who get together the three days of the festival through panels, seminars, exhibitions, screenings and social networking opportunities.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Basta fest

01 Apr 2019

Published: 16 Jan 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Bašta fest

Basta fest

Bajina Bašta, Serbia

Bašta Fest is an international short fiction film festival held in Bajina Bašta, Western Serbia. It is an annual event that is taking place during the first weekend of July and it lasts for four days. Due to the profession of the founders (actors Jovan Jelisavčić and Maja Šuša), the festival's main point of interest is a collaboration between directors and actors. We believe that focusing on the quality of that joint artistic effort will have a positive impact on the positioning of Bašta Fest among short film festivals. Bašta Fest is of great importance for the decentralization of culture since it has brought diverse film, music and off program to this beautiful region. One of the priorities of the festival is to promote the incredible natural beauty to a large number of visitors. Nevertheless, our primary goal is to convert this festival into an exciting cultural oasis, which supports local and international young artists, putting emphasis on short fiction films with authenticity. The main selection is a competition short film program, while two films are screened as a part of non-competition, special program every year - one during the opening and one during the closing ceremony. The last to be screened is a Serbian debut feature film, chosen by Bašta fest team as the most successful one in the previous year. The entrance to all screenings at Bašta is free of charge, while they are always being held under the open night skies. There are currently two official festival locations: Borići park and lake Perućac.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Sedicicorto International Film Festival Forli

30 May 2019

Published: 16 Jan 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Sedicicorto International Film Festival Forli

Sedicicorto International Film Festival Forli

Forlì, Italy

Sedicicorto started in 2004 and is held every year in the month of October in Forlì. The Festival aims at offering visibility to young authors and at representing an opportunity of meeting and exchange among film industry professionals.

Known for its quality programming and the friendly welcome offered to all guests and professionals attending the event, over the years Sedicicorto has proven to be the Italian short film festival with the largest number of submissions (over 5,000 films submitted from 125 countries in 2021). Thanks to its consistent presence at the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival & Market with the Italian Short Film Corner - organized in collaboration with the Italian CNC and other Italian short film festivals - and thanks to the collaboration with the network of European short film festivals of the EuroShort Project, Sedicicorto is constantly strengthening its image all over Europe.
The event aims at drawing the attention of the general audience, paying particular attention to children and the young audience with screenings and film literacy activities held during the Festival and all year round.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Skyline Benidorm Film Festival

08 Mar 2019

Published: 15 Jan 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Skyline Benidorm Film Festival

Banner Skyline Benidorm Film Festival

Skyline Benidorm Film Festival

Benidorm, Spain

The 9th edition of the Skyline Benidorm Film Festival will take place in the city of Benidorm, from March 29 to April 5, 2025, in the city of Benidorm (Spain).


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Hacer Encima

20 Feb 2019

Published: 15 Jan 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Hacer Encima

Hacer Encima

, Italy

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental