Logo of SorsiCorti Short Film Festival

31 Jan 2020

Published: 28 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner SorsiCorti Short Film Festival

SorsiCorti Short Film Festival

Palermo, Italy

SorsiCorti is a Short Film Festival that combines conviviality and interest in the art of the short film.

SorsiCorti was born from passion for cinema and desire to explore innovative and experimental trails of short films.

Careful and accurative selection carried out by an evaluation committee made up of experts cinephiles, allows that only high quality short films access the program projection.

SorsiCorti has developed a strong collaboration with the young cultural reality of the Piccolo Teatro Patafisico in Palermo, who also became the official location of the live screenings. However, various events are realized around in town.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of BEFREE

08 Nov 2019

Published: 27 Sep 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films



Zaragoza, Spain

El Festival "Be Free" es un proyecto educativo y participativo para concienciar a niños, jóvenes y adultos sobre la violencia, considerada como la coacción física o psíquica ejercida hacia una persona para conseguir objetivos en contra de su voluntad, conocer los tipos de la misma: violencia de género (sobre la mujer), violencia doméstica o intrafamiliar (la vulneración se produce con cualquier miembro de la unidad familiar) y violencia de pareja (entendido como cualquier acto dañino producido en la intimidad de la pareja indistintamente de que la victima sea hombre o mujer, e incluyendo en esta tipología también a las parejas homosexuales), los diferentes tipos de maltrato (físico, psicológico, sexual, económico, social, ambiental y patrimonial) y sus repercusiones en la época actual (la influencia de los medios de comunicación y publicitarios, el poder de las redes sociales como medida de control, la evolución del machismo en los adolescentes y el aumento del individualismo, aplicando una falsa "normalidad" y "aceptación social" ante actos violentos desde la perspectiva del espectador, es decir, mirar hacia otro lado ante la visión de una situación de maltrato) cuyo objetivo es la lucha contra esta violencia, aprender a reconocer el maltrato y potenciar la igualdad de sexos.

Short film festival


Logo of Sometimes I see shorts

13 Oct 2019

Published: 26 Sep 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner En ocasiones veo cortos

Sometimes I see shorts

Cartagena, Spain

Concurso de cortometrajes de terror organizado por la Concejalía de Juventud del Ayuntamiento de Cartagena y gestionado por Ana Ballabriga (ADN Visual).
Los cortometrajes finalistas se proyectarán el 31 de octubre de 2020 en el en el Aula de Cultura CajaMediterráneo (Calle Mayor 11, Cartagena). El público decidirá, con su voto secreto, el cortometraje ganador.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Festival de cinema i fotografia documental de Menorca

11 Oct 2019

Published: 26 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films


Festival de cinema i fotografia documental de Menorca

Es Mercadal, Spain


The Menorca Doc Fest is a film and photography festival that aims to raise public awareness through the documentary genre, understanding it as a tool to promote critical thinking about the phenomena of the past and present that affect contemporary society.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of FIXION Fest, Fantastic & Horror Film Festival From Chile

16 Feb 2020

Published: 25 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of FIXION Fest, Fantastic & Horror Film Festival From Chile

Banner FIXION Fest, Festival de Cine Fantástico y de Terror de Chile

FIXION Fest, Fantastic & Horror Film Festival From Chile

Santiago, Chile

Entrance to the festival is free.

FIXION Fest (A.K.A. FIXION-SARS) is Chile's first Fantastic and Terror Film Festival. The first one was organized 14 years ago. Diverse sections and activities, will show to the last and best exponents of the cinema of Chilean, Latin American and world genre.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Musical Écran Festival

17 Jan 2020

Published: 25 Sep 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films


Musical Écran Festival


The Musical Écran film festival is a unique event in France, focusing mainly on music documentaries, which takes place each year during springtime in Bordeaux. During a week, the spotlight is on music docs and over 20 films from all over the world are screened and discussions between the audience and the directors are organized. The main venue of the festival is the beautiful Cinéma Utopia, a former church based in the city center of Bordeaux with 5 screening rooms.
Besides the screenings, we host free parties in a beautiful open air venue : the Cour Mably in Bordeaux with djs from all over the world.
2020 marks the 6th anniversary of the Musical Écran festival which will take place from April 12th to 19th.

Musical Écran is part of the Music Film Festival Network (M.F.F.N) founded at the beginning of 2019 made of over 10 European music film festivals based in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland the UK.. MFFN intends to provide an opportunity for the creative teams behind music film festivals to exchange experiences and best practices, promote music film (docs, fictions...) expand existing audiences and build ones...

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of International Film and Human Rights Festival of Valencia - HUMANS FEST by Fundación por la Justicia

13 Dec 2019

Published: 25 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Y Derechos Humanos De Valencia - Humans Fest de Fundación por la Justicia

International Film and Human Rights Festival of Valencia - HUMANS FEST by Fundación por la Justicia

Valencia, Spain

The International Film and Human Rights Festival - HUMANS FEST, held in Valencia since 2008, is one of the main initiatives promoted by the Fundación por la Justicia. Its aim is to bring audiovisual culture closer to both the general public and especially vulnerable audiences, while advocating for human rights and denouncing their violations worldwide. Additionally, it features a series of activities with a social focus.

The 16th edition of HUMANS FEST will take place from May 29 to June 7, 2025.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of FICVI, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges de Vila-seca

13 Oct 2019

Published: 25 Sep 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of FICVI, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges de Vila-seca

Banner FICVI, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges de Vila-seca

FICVI, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges de Vila-seca

Vila-seca, Spain

FICVI, International Short Film Festival of Vila-seca is a festival focused on the exhibition of short films.

It is organized by the Vila-seca Tourism Board and collaborates with the Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España – Premios Goya as a Collaborating Contest in the Preselection of Short Films in the categories of Fiction and Animation for the Goya Awards.

The IX edition of the FICVI, Vila-seca International Short Film Festival will be held from November 8 to 17, 2024.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Avanca 2025

30 Apr 2020

Published: 25 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Avanca 2025

Avanca 2025

Avanca, Portugal

AVANCA Film Festival was awarded first place in 2011 contest of the support film festivals sponsored by ICA / Ministry of Culture.

An additional thematic programming has happened over all these years, giving space to screening of significant works of contemporary cinema appropriately framed in concerns and / or well-defined objectives.

The AVANCA is known as a space for workshops led by personalities of world cinema, and being more than a "master class", has allowed a unique cinema practice. Every year we have workshops, bringing together participants from all over Europe. The media have written that this is the largest European area of professional workshops in the field of cinema.

AVANCA is the only festival that congregates a Cinema International Competition, works from the television area, video and new supports of multimedia, with a special concern of exhibit the best world productions done in each category.

Since the first edition, the festival only accepts unprecedented films in Portugal.

The World Premiere competition is unique in our country and was only possible because Avanca became a passage point of unpublished authors and movies with great quality. Films that have their world premiere in the festival, independently of the submitted category, are also participating in the World Premiere Competition.

AVANCA is the Portuguese festival with the highest percentage of worldwide unpublished movies that find here their first showing.

Since 2010, we have organized the international film conference AVANCA | CINEMA, becoming the most important conference in the field of cinema in the Iberian Peninsula. This conference brings together speakers and participants from around the world.
Thematic exhibitions, editions of books, bibliographic presentations and various projects have marked these last 10 years of AVANCA with the quality that compels the festival and the participants obviously require.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Fersek

28 Oct 2019

Published: 24 Sep 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Fesek


Santiago, Chile

The Chilean Short Film Competition of Fesek allows the nomination of works of genre live action, documentary, experimental, animation or hybrid, made in any format or support, with a maximum duration of 30 minutes including credits, made by Chilean directors.
The short films registered will not be discriminated by gender, having been produced during the 24 months prior to the dates of the start of the Festival, and must follow the regulations or guidelines of each of its sections.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Cortisonici International Short Film Festival

31 Dec 2019

Published: 23 Sep 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Cortisonici International Short Film Festival

Cortisonici International Short Film Festival

Varese, Italy

International short film festival - MX 15 min.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Festival de Cinema de Muriaé

20 Oct 2019

Published: 22 Sep 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner 7º Festival De Cinema De Muriaé

Festival de Cinema de Muriaé

Muriaé, Brazil

The Muriaé Film Festival (FCM) is a cultural event that seeks recognition and dissemination of national and regional audiovisual productions. Throughout its editions, face-to-face and online versions were built, allowing the permanence of this cultural action.

In its 7th edition, the Muriaé Film Festival reinforces its commitment to the dissemination of the Brazilian audiovisual scenario, innovating through the construction of a hybrid event (online and in person), with access to all corners of the country.


- Registration: August 10 to September 15, 2023
- Awards: October 07, 23 (Live broadcast on the website: https://festivaldemuriae.com.br/)
- Film screening: October 5st to 15th/22

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Russian Indie Film Festival RUIFF

03 Jul 2020

Published: 22 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Russian Indie Film Festival RUIFF

Russian Indie Film Festival RUIFF

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Russian Indie Film Festival (RUIFF) is the annual international film festival, which aim is to show the best indie short films from all over the World to the 5-million city of Saint Petersburg, Russia.

RUIFF has 3 cash prizes. Total amount of cash prizes is 600$.

RUIFF is non-profit, non-governmental event without:

– any support from the government;

– any discrimination of films and filmmakers on any basis (nationality, residence, profession, sex, age, faith, politics, theme of the film and so on).

RUIFF principles

1) Everybody is equal in front of the arts.

2) No internet screenings – only live screening of the films.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of New Renaissance Film Festival London 2025

10 Jun 2020

Published: 22 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner New Renaissance Film Festival London 2025

New Renaissance Film Festival London 2025

London, United Kingdom

£2,500 in CASH PRIZES for the EMERGING TALENT from our sponsor Katie Partridge, CEO of the Saphira Group, to support a new generation of filmmakers/artists.


Apart from a high number of UK and International films, NRFF London has a category for EMERGING TALENT (debut or early stage filmmakers embarking on their careers in the film industry).

Previous winners and nominees have gone onto win major international prizes or have directed their first feature film.


Our friendly and welcoming art-house festival based in London is genuinely passionate about promoting the highest calibre of independent cinema around today. New Renaissance has been described as “One of the UK’s top film festivals,” alongside Raindance and Aesthetica (London METRO, O1.08.16), appeared in reputable publications such as Vogue, GQ and iD magazine, and we are a registered IMDB film festival.

Filmmakers are a discerning audience and the 100+ five star reviews from filmmakers around the world is proof of our commitment and respect for the hard work and care that goes into making a film. Since 2021, we have been awarding cash prizes to support talented up-and-coming filmmakers we believe in thanks to a generous sponsor (see below).


We have premiered and screened films that went on to win an Oscar (The Silent Child, 2017) or later received a major distribution deal (A Bird Flew, 2022; Avi, 2022; Roy, 2022; A Living Dog, 2021; Into The Mirror, 2019; You Go To My Head, 2019; and Phantompain, 2018) to name just a few.

Despite the festival's relatively small size, there are each year many gems to be found among the many short and feature films in the programme. Furthermore, many filmmakers and actors are traditionally present - and a lot of productive networking takes place.


Film is a unique medium, and NRFF’s mission is to support and champion inspiring, independent artists and storytellers. This includes experimental work, emotional drama, music, dance, and emerging talent (see below).

Our festival is built around ARTISTS and their STORIES. By doing so, we aim to establish an international COMMUNITY of inspiring storytellers. We are not interested in following current fashions or being politically divisive. We seek out stories that are genuinely imaginative, emotional and life-affirming. At the heart of what we do is our passion to tell great stories.

Curating a festival is never easy but we strive to put together a great programme each year in an environment that is warm, inclusive and truly dignified. You can visit last year's programme online at ww.nrff.co.uk to get a feel for the quality of curation we are known for.


2025 will be our tenth year in London, a city known for its diversity and innovation in the creative arts. For 3 days in September, we will screen around 100 outstanding films in the heart of London. The programme will include narrative shorts, features, documentaries, animations, dance and music videos, a NETWORKING party and AWARDS CEREMONY.

Running alongside the festival will be a SCREENWRITING COMPETITION, a series of MASTERCLASSES by film industry experts, a filmmaker's PANEL DISCUSSION, Filmmaker Q&A's, and other networking opportunities.


Apart from a high number of UK and International films, NRFF London has a category for EMERGING TALENT (debut or early stage filmmakers embarking on their careers in the film industry). Those selected can win CASH PRIZES. We found a sponsor for this in 2021 and are happy to announce that they continue supporting these cash prizes for emerging talent in 2025.

Please read our Rules & Terms before making your submission.

Key Dates:

Submissions for 2024 will be open. The festival will take place in October 2024, and all contestants will be notified at least 4-6 weeks prior to the event.


It is our passion to not only provide a stage for our filmmakers but also to strengthen the INDEPENDENT film community, by building an engaged audience through social media - especially Instagram and Facebook. We actively encourage directors, screenwriters, producers and actors to network during the festival and after the event. By doing so, new artistic collaborations have occurred.


Former New Renaissance attendees and or winners include: Oscar winning couple Chris Overton and Rachel Shenton (The Silent Child); Oscar winning actress Whoopi Goldberg (Palace); BAFTA and Emmy winning actress Anna Friel (The Sea); Great Expectations and Top Boy director Brady Hood (Sweet Maddie Stone); Oscar winning writer/director James Lucas (Paint The Dragon's Eyes); BAFTA winning actress Sophia Myles (All That Glitters); BAFTA winning actor George MacKay (Infinite); Ivor Novello winning musician Gary Kemp (InSolo); BAFTA winning and double Emmy nominated documentary director Zoe Dobson (The Cunning Man); BAFTA winning animator Catriona Black (You Are At The Bottom Of My Mind); Emmy winning actress Tatiana Mislany (Souls of Totality); Oscar nominated cinematographer Jarin Blaschke (A Million Eyes); BAFTA nominated director Shona Auerbach (Rudy); Actor Tom Cullen (Souls of Totality); BAFTA nominated actress Celine Buckens (Prangover); Silent Witness actress Emilia Fox (The Ghost); Chicago actor Darren Day (Rudy); Rag Doll actor Ali Cook (The Cunning Man); Olivier Award nominated actress Amy Lennox (Near); student Oscar winner Tristan Holmes (The Fragile King); and student Oscar winner Ariel Heller (Mammoth).

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of CONSTRUIR CINE (Labor film Festival)

31 Jan 2020

Published: 21 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Construir Cine - Festival Internacional de Cine sobre el Trabajo

CONSTRUIR CINE (Labor film Festival)

Ciudad de Buenos AIres, Argentina


Construir Cine is the only International Labor Film Festival in Argentina. Its next edition will take place in Buenos Aires in May 2024, in a hybrid mode (face-to-face and online).

Construir Cine celebrates national and international cinema aiming to recognize and support filmmakers and to improve knowledge, accessibility, and understanding of socio-labor issues among a wide and diverse public.

Construir Cine is an event organized by UOCRA Foundation for the Education of Construction Workers’ TV channel, —hereinafter, the Organizer, with support from the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts (INCAA) and its on-demand platform CINE.AR, and sponsored by UOCRA CULTURA and Construyendo Arte. This festival is part of the Global Labor Film Festival, an organization that brings together labor film festivals from around the world, and belongs to “RAFMA”: Argentine Network of Audiovisual Festivals and Exhibitions.

“CONSTRUIR CINE” is a groundbreaking proposal aimed at offering quality entertainment with social consciousness. A sensitive and insightful view of the world of work and labor.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of Tracce Cinematografiche Film Fest

20 Apr 2020

Published: 21 Sep 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Tracce Cinematografiche film Fest

Tracce Cinematografiche Film Fest

Nettuno, Italy

The Film Tracks Film Fest wants to be a meeting point between fans of filmic language, propose quality works.

A special prize will go to a short film about the MEDITERRANEAN.

We love Cinema and how we want to spread it.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of PuntoDiVista Film Festival

05 Oct 2019

Published: 20 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner PuntoDiVista Film Festival

PuntoDiVista Film Festival

Cagliari, Italy

The PuntodiVistaFilmFestival2024 is an International Prize Competition for unpublished (or published, but in any case free from transfer of copyright) shorts produced from 2022 onwards, in any language ( provided that, for those not in Italian, there are subtitles in Italian, unless they are music videos).
The Festival has two sections:

Short films with a maximum duration of 20'
Social Cortospot with a maximum duration of 3'.

Italian subtitles are mandatory.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Mollet Fantastic Film Festival

27 Oct 2019

Published: 20 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Mostra de Cinema Fantàstic de Mollet

Mollet Fantastic Film Festival

Mollet del Vallés, Spain

Fantastic and Terror Short Film Festival Fantastic celbrated in the catalan city of Mollet del Vallés.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Universal Film Festival

31 May 2020

Published: 20 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Universal Film Festival

Universal Film Festival

Kansas City, United States

Welcome to the International Film Festival. Our festival provides aspiring filmmakers with an excellent opportunity for networking and promotion, of their work and talent through the magic of film! The Universal Film Festival's vision is to be " The premier host of Independent Filmmakers Worldwide."

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Festival Internacional Cinema e Transcendência

30 Sep 2019

Published: 19 Sep 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional Cinema & Transcendência

Festival Internacional Cinema & Transcendência

Brasília, Brazil

Festival that presents cinematographic art as the mediator between aesthetic sense and personal experience.Productions that offer the viewer new possibilities for reflection on relevant contemporary themes, which investigate subjectivity and transcend patterns, contributing to reflection on the ways of consciousness. For the 6th edition we are looking for films that presents different perspectives on reality, spirituality, art and contemporary thinking, with special highlight on films related to music and music artists.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental