Logo of Territórios afetivos

01 May 2020

Published: 26 Oct 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festcin Garanhuns 2024

Territórios afetivos

Garanhuns, Brazil

The Garanhuns Film Festival – Affective Territories will be held in May 2025, in the city of Garanhuns, in the state of Pernambuco. The festival aims to promote independent audiovisual productions, focusing on short films, both national and international, that explore the theme "Affective Territories."

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Eclipsa Film Festival

20 Nov 2019

Published: 26 Oct 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Eclipsa Film festival

Eclipsa Film Festival

Madrid, Spain

For filmmakers from Spain only.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror


19 Nov 2019

Published: 26 Oct 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival de Cine Infantil Churumbela


Ciudad de Mexico Mérida, Yucatán , Mexico

From 31 May 2024 to 11 August 2024.

Do you remember the first film you saw on the big screen when you were a child?

For thousands of Mexican children in vulnerable situations this question has no answer. This is why the Churumbela Children's Film Festival was created, which invites all Mexican and Spanish-speaking children to experience cinema in an inclusive, completely playful and entertaining environment.

The 8th Churumbela Children's Film Festival will take place in a hybrid form; where some of the activities, workshops and talks with industry professionals will take place online and others in person with film screenings in Mexico City and Merida City, Yucatan. It will also continue with the Mission Mahoma programme, visiting Community and Cultural Centres in Mexico City. "Film and Dreams" is the thematic axis of this edition, which wishes to revalue the capacity of children to show how superior they are, with their desires, emotions and longings reflected in dreams.

The Churumbela Children's Film Festival will take place from monday 21 to Saturday 26 October 2024 in Mexico City and Yucatán, with the support of the General Directorate of Cultural Promotion and Festivals of the Ministry of Culture, as well as with the support of PROCINE, other entities and the Mexican private initiative.

The Churumbela Children's Film Festival promotes creativity, dialogue, the seventh art and artistic expression as tools for social transformation, and all activities are completely free of charge. In this edition we will have special selections of short films dubbed in Mayan and Mexican Sign Language (LSM).

Thanks to all the support we have received, it is possible to bring cinema to all children free of charge so that they can immerse themselves in the wonderful world of filmmaking.

To find out about the programme by venue of short films, films and workshops that can be seen in person and online, visit our official website: https://www.churumbelafest.com/

The Churumbela Children's Film Festival creates an inclusive environment, promotes dialogue, the seventh art and artistic expression as tools for social transformation and all activities are completely free of charge.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Västerås Filmfestival

31 Dec 2020

Published: 25 Oct 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Västerås Filmfestival

Västerås Filmfestival

Västerås, Sweden

2024 Festival 8-12 May. New entries 20th of Oct 2023 (FILM SUBMISSIONS OPEN)
____________________________________________________________________Västerås Film Festival is an international film festival held in autumn every year since 2015. The festival will be moved to April 2024. Västerås film festival shows films in different genres from around the world. We have prizes in different categories. The festival also contains workshops, lectures, debates, film cafés and exhibitions. Västerås Film Festival is one of the most interesting festivals in northern Europe.

Västerås Film Festival 2024 becomes a genre film festival, there will be changes in prices.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of WIM-N’s Women’s History Month Film Festival

29 Nov 2019

Published: 25 Oct 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Wim-n’s Women’s History Month Film Festival

Wim-n’s Women’s History Month Film Festival

Newark, United States

Our flagship event is our annual Women's History Month film festival, which allows us to showcase and honor the work of established and emerging independent filmmakers who are predominately women, that tell women's stories of faith, courage, hope, determination and fortitude. We also sponsor screenings of independent films of social relevance throughout the year. For "We Do What We Do Because," our 2020 film festival we are especially interested in films that explore the cause and effect of women's issues. We welcome creative, experimental and fresh approaches to story telling, looking to include stories of contemporary issues including migration, human sexuality, child marriage, violence against women and achievement, as well as narratives that tell fresh stories of relationships, self image and resilience. Our criteria is flexible, so please submit your work!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other

Logo of Travel FilmFest International Film Festival

10 Oct 2020

Published: 25 Oct 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Travel FilmFest International Film Festival

Travel FilmFest International Film Festival

Limassol, Cyprus

Founded in 2016, TRAVEL FilmFest International Film Festival is a non-profit and non-government organization. Our mission is to promote all types of travel and outdoor sports, identify and support independent filmmakers, shooting films that deserve the attention of all travel and outdoor sports lovers around the world. By bringing together travel filmmakers from all parts of the world, we want that they could obtain feedback from professional travellers, sportsmen and the film community, as well as from the broad segments of the ones who love to travel and outdoor.

The Travel FilmFest International Film Festival collects the best travel/outdoor sports films from around the world, which were created both by professionals and by enthusiasts, and helps to get them across to the audience.

We admit only the films about travels and outdoor sports, both modern and historical ones. As well as those films, where travel or outdoor sports is an important part of the synopsis. Fiction, production, animated and documentary films on any types of travel, outdoor, extreme sports and adventures on the water and in the air, on land and under it, in the mountains and forests, on seas, rivers, lakes, swamps, about hiking, ski trek, rides on public transport, on vehicles and motorcycles, bikes, hitch-hiking, bus tours, pilgrimage tours, round-the-world trips... as well as films about cultures, traditions, lifestyle, history, countries, emigrants, wildlife & nature, world around us.

Not all creators of travel and outdoor sports films are necessarily the professionals, who work in the movies industry or on television. This is just a hobby for the majority of contestants. However, this does not mean that their films are worse. The original story that is told in the film plays a far more important role than its budget or the awards of its creator. You can make a good film even if you do not have a large budget, stellar cast and a large production team. You hold the keys to the kingdom. Go ahead!

All officially selected travel and outdoor sports films will be show during October 20 - 26, 2025 and will be able to struggle for the main prize and the titles of the "Best travel film" and "Best outdoor sports film". As well as for the prizes in the standalone nominations.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Ichalkaranji International Short Film Festival

15 Nov 2019

Published: 25 Oct 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Ichalkaranji International Short Film Festival

Ichalkaranji International Short Film Festival

Ichalkaranji, India

Ichalkaranji, India's first grand and divine international short film festival in 2020

Now in the 3rd year after two successful International Short Film Festival in Ichalkaranji - Ichalkaranji International Short Film Festival in 2020 - 2020

Chief Organizer - Sanjeevani Arts, Sports, Cultural Arts Institute, Reg No. 34402 Maharashtra, Ichalkaranji

International Short Film Festival in Ichalkaranji.

The short film festival will be screening and awarding the best 777 short films in seven days.

Each screened short film will be given a certificate and a commemorative sign.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Ulsan Ulju Mountain Film Festival

31 Dec 2019

Published: 24 Oct 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Ulsan Ulju Mountain Film Festival

Banner 울산울주세계산악영화제 - Ulsan Ulju Mountain Film Festival

Ulsan Ulju Mountain Film Festival

울주군 Ulju-gun, South Korea

Ulsan Ulju Mountain Film Festival(UMFF) is the first international mountain film festival in South Korea, dedicated to presenting and promoting films & culture dealing with mountains, adventure, exploration, nature, and the environment. The festival also provides an opportunity for filmmakers and mountaineers to meet and exchange ideas through seminars, events, screenings, and social gatherings.

The 10th UMFF will be held in Ulsan & Ulju, South Korea in autumn, 2025.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Scianema Film Festival

15 Dec 2019

Published: 24 Oct 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Scianema Film Festival

Scianema Film Festival

Faro, Portugal

Cinema is probably one of the simplest and most comprehensive forms of communication in existence. After several film-related initiatives, Sciaena, an ocean conservation NGO, has decided to develop its own festival format to make it more dynamic, better adapted to Portuguese realitiy and one of the association's many regular initiatives.

Thus came the Scianema, whose main event is a festival where it’s screened a selection of documentaries dedicated to the oceans and their conservation, held every year between February and March in Faro.

But Scianema aims to be much more than that. Based on past experience, we want to show across the country and to a diverse audience, ocean-based documentaries to encourage, inspire, raise awareness and promote their open access not only to specialists but above all to the general public.
Scianema aims to facilitate scientific communication about the marine world by promoting open discussion, creating an opportunity for researchers, students, filmmakers and others interested in film and media to jointly enjoy and discuss issues about the sea, to let their imagination run wild. The oceans have a voice and it's of all of us!

This year, at the 5th edition of the Scianema Film Festival, we decided for the first time that in addition to presenting the films chosen by the organization, it will also open the opportunity for everyone to submit short films dedicated to the oceans – their fascinations, the threats they face and as we all can and must protect.

All productions must be in Portuguese or subtitled in Portuguese or English and have a maximum of 15 minutes. All national and foreign citizens may participate.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Documentary  Other

Logo of Košice International Monthly Film Festival

30 Apr 2020

Published: 24 Oct 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Košice International Monthly Film Festival

Košice International Monthly Film Festival

Košice, Slovakia

Kosice International Monthly Film Festival (www.imdb.com/event/ev0013367/2019/1/) is a festival with live screenings once a month.

Our mission and goal is to discover and promote talented filmmakers from all over the world and present them to the public and therefore is our festival is a brilliant opportunity to participate in international competition.

We are a film festival that can compete with many other prestigious film festivals. The proof of this is the winning films from last year (Skin - Academy Awards Oscar, Anna – Premiere: Festival de Cannes, Stricker – Premiere: Sundance Film Festival). Last year we awarded more than 200 films.

The festival organizes private screenings for festival jurors every month. Filmmakers can submit their film during 10 month. Within 10 months we will declare 400 winners who will be nominated for the annual prize and can attend the annual ceremony.

The final event of second year of the film festival will be held on 26th – 28th May 2021. We project the best super short film, short film and feature film and you can visit the city Kosice and get to know our culture. It is no coincidence that Kosice won the title European City of Culture 2013.

We are building a community of filmmakers who through the festival, can meet filmmakers from all over the world and establish future cooperation for their films.

Our film festival works constantly. We will publish the results EVERY MONTH!

The festival has the following structure:
1. The selection of films: we see all submitted films
2. Selected films will reveive the status “Official Selection“ of the month edition.
3. We will announce the finalists who are nominated for a month prize.
4. The jury selects winners of the two month edition. In the main categories the jury awards: Best Film, Second Place, Third Place and special prices. In the special and individual categories the jury awards: The Best Prize and special prices.

Every winning film in categories: Feature Film, Feature Documentary, Short Film, Short Documentary, Super Short Film, Student Film, Short Script, Feature Script and Slovak Short Film will be nominated for the annual prize and can attend the annual ceremony!

We will promote the winning films on our instagram, facebook and YouTube!

We bring your movies to people! Your movies won't stay online, but your film go to the cinema screen that will hit our hearts.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of São Paulo Film Festival

31 Oct 2019

Published: 24 Oct 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of São Paulo Film Festival

Banner São Paulo Film Festival

São Paulo Film Festival

São Paulo, Brazil

São Paulo Film Festival (SPFF) é um festival de cinema independente que ocorre na cidade mais frenética e populosa do Brasil.

SPFF procura apoiar e inspirar filmes independentes de todo o mundo, por uma expressão genuína que pode estimular novos pensamentos para a arte do cinema.
O festival SPFF é uma organização dedicada à descoberta e ao desenvolvimento de novos artistas, com visões além da fronteira da imaginação que podem atrair audiências de todos os países.

Diferente da maioria dos festivais. Nós assistimos todos os filmes. Nosso júri é composto principalmente por cineastas.

Curtas, Animação e Documentários. Todos os gêneros.

Online + Presencial. O Festival ocorrerá no dia 14 de Dezembro de 2025 no Cinema Reag Belas Artes apenas dos filmes finalistas. Os filmes semifinalistas serão exibidos online até o dia 16 de Dezembro de 2025.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other


01 Feb 2020

Published: 23 Oct 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films



Tanger, Morocco

We are a thematic film festival.

Theme of the edition: films on ARTS: dance, music, sculpture, theater, plastic arts, visual arts, sound arts, singing, cinema

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of Dreams In Short International short film festival

25 Nov 2019

Published: 23 Oct 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Sueños en Corto

Dreams In Short International short film festival

Logroño, Spain


Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic


31 Mar 2020

Published: 23 Oct 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films


Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Navarra - NIFF


Pamplona, Spain

NIFF is a space for criticism, denunciation, impact and social growth through the dissemination and promotion of cinema.

NIFF aims to be a statement against non-involvement, disregard and lack of commitment, which is the real disease of this century, where we produce more than we can consume, and happiness is subject to the law of supply and demand.

NIFF was born with the intention of triggering, debating the issues that are hidden under appearances and confronting the public with the social realities that show each individual as a part of those that make us complex, unique and human.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of Villanueva Showing FIlm Awards

09 Mar 2020

Published: 23 Oct 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Villanueva Showing Film Awards

Villanueva Showing FIlm Awards

Madrid, Spain

«The Oscars of the university cinema»

Villanueva Showing Festival is an International Short Film Festival for young people between 15 and 25 years old, organized by Universidad Villanueva. This initiative aims to encourage young people to reflect on universal human values ​​through audiovisual language. For this reason, each edition challenges the young cinematographic promises to create their own piece on a specific theme based on a universal value.

This festival, in which more than $ 22,000 in prizes are awarded every year, offers great visibility to young cinematographic talents before an international jury of experts, producers, directors, scriptwriters, actors and other professionals from the sector who attend the ceremony annually of awards ceremony, held in an iconic place of the capital of Spain, presented by a recognizable figure from the film world.


In this edition Villanueva Showing Film invites us to reflect about the following topic: "The Force of Character". All short films presented must be related to this topic.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Busan International Short Film Festival

06 Jan 2020

Published: 22 Oct 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Busan International Short Film Festival

Banner 부산국제단편영화제 - Busan International Short Film Festival

Busan International Short Film Festival

Busan, South Korea

Launched in 1980, our festival, the first of its category in South Korea, has grown and evolved from the Korean Short Film Festival, to become the Busan Asian Short Film Festival in 2000 and eventually the Busan International Short Film Festival in 2010 (www.bisff.org).

Taking place late April at the Busan Cinema Center, BISFF delivers a dozen awards in three competitive sections (International Competition, Korean Competition and Operation Kino) while also presenting several curated, non-competitive sections including: Guest Country, Korean Shorts, Asian Shorts, Prism, 3D Cinema, etc.

BISFF is a member of the Short Film Conference (http://shortfilmconference.com/) and of the NETPAC (Network for the Promotion of Asia Pacific Cinema https://netpacasia.org). In 2018, it became South Korea’s first Oscar®-qualifying festival.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental


15 Dec 2019

Published: 22 Oct 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cinema Social de Catalunya



THE CATALONIA INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL FILM FESTIVAL has as his basic aims the dissemination and promotion of films that contribute to the knowledge of world cinema Social Film, on Human Rights and Civil Rights

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Très Court International Film Festival

14 Feb 2020

Published: 22 Oct 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Très Court International Film Festival

Très Court International Film Festival

Tours, France

You know it better than anyone: making a film of less than 4 minutes requires a lot of talent and creativity. That's why the Très Court has been honoring them for more than twenty years with its International Festival, which takes place simultaneously in June in about fifty places on the five continents. The screenings take place exclusively on the big screen, in theatres or outdoors, for an audience as faithful as it is fervent.

The Très Courts are divided into six selections, two of which are in Competition: International Competition, Women's Words Competition, French Selection, Family Selection, Documentary Selection, and the Laugh(before the end of the world) Selection.

Whether you are a novice or a professional, classic or avant-garde, as long as your film does not exceed 4 minutes, do not hesitate to try your luck, especially since the registration of your film(s) is free. All genres are accepted: fiction, documentary, animation, CGI, drama, comedy, documentary and even gore or horror films.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Courage Film Festival

29 Feb 2020

Published: 22 Oct 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Courage Film Festival

Courage Film Festival

Berlin, Germany

The Courage Film Festival is aimed at all the filmmakers and scriptwriters who use their work to make a stand and to fight for what they believe is right!

All themes are welcome, covering topics such as women, immigration, the environment, family, equality, mental health, disability etc.

We are looking for films that spark discussions and debates and are the protagonists for positive change and development in the world. We want to hear your stories by giving you a platform to share them and to also discuss the issues portrayed in your film with other like-minded filmmakers.

The Courage Film Festival will feature films and scripts that fight for good causes and portray the struggles and adversity that people and groups face when trying to bring about positive change and influence in a world where you sometimes have to shout in order to make yourself heard.

People face challenges every day. Will your story ignite Courage in another human?

Let the Courage Film Festival be your platform to grab the world’s attention, to champion your cause and raise awareness.

There will be screenings and discussion with social organizations that support the event. There will also be organized workshops and discussions about the main themes of the festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Bucharest Short Film Festival

07 Nov 2019

Published: 22 Oct 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Bucharest Short Film Festival

Bucharest Short Film Festival

Bucharest, Romania

Bucharest Short Film Festival [BSFF]

Independent is the key word for Bucharest Short Film Festival [BSFF], as it is founded by independent film professionals and focuses on independent artists in cinema, from all over the world. Bucharest Short Film Festival aims at recognizing, showcasing and spreading-out the most professional, most innovative, and most interesting fresh short international films, while always prioritizing independent short films.

Bucharest Short Film Festival will showcase some of the finest short international film in Narrative, Animation, Student, Experimental, Documentary, Music Video and Human Rights. We take to heart the amount of work put into each film. Therefore, the festival rules ensure that each movie is reviewed at least two times and well-debated by our team. Some of the awarded films will also be screened at other international film festivals.

Independent artists and their short films will meet an effervescent, and a quite experienced with cinema and film festivals audience, ensuring quality networking, and engaging opportunities, while the selected films will be determined by a panel of industry experts.

Bucharest Short Film Festival is building a strong community of interest around international independent film professionals and film lovers, in the heart of one of the most interesting emergent capitals of arts and culture, a city that never sleeps – Bucharest.

The festival will run film screenings, preceded or followed by artists Q&A, or networking side events, and, surely, parties, that all take place in various conventional and unconventional stages around Bucharest, as in cinemas, open spaces, and even summer theatres. Bucharest, you’ve heard about it, eventually – a city for young people. Well known for different things – like “Old Paris” nickname, in its bourgeois times, before the communism decades, or the world’s biggest parliamentary building [and one of the largest buildings of any kind], from its communism times, new architecture, or the explosive contemporary art scene, and the also quite impressive underground arts and music and nightlife communities, in its current times.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video