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We, as Global Indian Film Festival, have a fundamental belief that cinema is beautiful and storytelling is diversely serene. We are at the end of the second decade of the 21st century and we believe that its time that new age experimental story tellers and artists are given their rightfully deserved audience. Our aim through this festival is to reignite the love for cinema which has somewhere been blurred due to the commerce of the trade. After all, DADASAHEB PHALKE did not make the first Indian film, RAJA HARISHCHANDRA with the purpose of earning money. Passion is what drives us, and we are looking to meet and celebrate passion through the medium of cinema.
Welcoming talented film makers from India across the Globe to showcase their narratives, short films, feature films, documentaries, animation, of any genre, any length, any medium of shooting, to come forth and submit your films. If your work has merit and you have passion, we have a platform for you. This festival is a platform to provide an open environment for directors, writers, actors, technicians, film appreciation enthusiasts and anyone who has a zest for cinema. Let’s network and talk about cinema and also let’s vow to bring another new wave through our work.
We will provide a platform for the winning films, showcase it on national television for our channel, which reaches to 17 million viewers from across the country.
Cortometrajes y Largometrajes
realizados entre 2014 y 2023
La inscripción es GRATUITA
Todos los géneros pueden participar
No aceptamos inscripciones a través de distribuidoras. Solo aceptamos inscripciones de los autores de los films.
Cada filmmaker solo puede inscribir 1 película.
Deadline inscripción: 15 mayo del 2022
Los Ganadores se anunciarán durante el 31 de mayo del 2022
Festival Internacional de Cine y Video Verde de Venezuela abre su convocatoria para la 12° edición a realizarse del 2 al 6 de diciembre de 2024. Podrán presentarse cortometrajes estudiantiles de cualquier latitud, en una única categoría, siempre y cuando versen sobre la temática AMBIENTAL.
Our vision: to become a green film and video festival that, from Venezuela to the world, serves as an example in the creation of loving-parental bonds among all the inhabitants of planet Earth.
Our mission: to offer an alternative to environmental and ecological experiences that aim to rescue parental ties between all biotic and abiotic beings. The exhibition on green audiovisual narratives is interrelated with other streaming, media, transmedia and social network experiences, generating a network of virtual ties that we want to turn into parental ties.
Our Philosophy: We distance ourselves from anthropocentric views and excessive mandates about caring for the environment that end up being anthropocentric traps without an understanding of the biology of love. The use of new technologies, academic and artistic production are the main vehicles for dissemination.
A space where the encounter with the diverse is welcome, since it enables the crisis and reflection on the hegemonic.
The MALDITO Videopoetry Festival is organising this competition with the aim of making visible two disciplines that, both together and separately, are much more distant and forgotten than we would like them to be. If experience tells us that both disciplines are minority and marginal in large European capitals, let alone the desert in which they find themselves in provincial capitals, where the circuit for their dissemination is practically nil.
We, as lovers of poetry, image and the expressive possibilities of their symbiosis, propose a line of action, encouraging the approach of the general public to the Festival and trying to make it grow from the first edition.
Our wish is that MALDITO reaches as many people as possible, with a growing presence and repercussion in the media and social networks.
MALDITO seeks to vindicate videopoetry as an art that connects people, that transmits feelings and promotes original or different ways of seeing the world, to try to be a grain of sand that makes any kind of visual or poetic art stop being marginal and cursed.(* The Spanish word for damned is MALDITO).
We expand sections by adding International Poetic Film Showcase.
We want to take the serious cinema culture to the people. It is also our aim to develop a fundamental understanding of cinema in the next generations. It is our endeavor that, through this, we can organize progressive and democratic cine artists who uphold human values; and explore the possibilities of making more and more films with social consciousness.
As a unique creative and learning experience, we curate innovative programs that develop artists and leaders, inspiring them to conceive and create powerful works and ideas that are shared with the world. We believe film as an art form has the power to bridge cultures and illuminate the universality of the human experience. Our principles objectives encompass promoting film to an ever-widening audience as a powerful medium that inspires creativity, encourages introspection and compels exploration.
ICA International Cultural Artifact Film Festival exists to inspire artists and leaders to make their unique contribution to society. We aspire to be the global leader in arts, culture, and creativity. Our mission is to cultivate and promote the art and science of film through education and cross-cultural awareness. The Festival supports the creation and advancement of innovative and artistic cinematic works from both emerging and seasoned filmmakers and proudly embraces the passion.
"Oltre lo specchio" ("Through the Looking Glass") International Film Festival is a popular showcase of the best SCI-FI and FANTASY movies from all around the world.
There are 4 main sections:
- a competitive section for full feature and short films ("Cine Futures") - with Italian premieres only;
- a non-competitive section for more experimental fiction and documentary movies ("Enlightments"),;
- a non-competitive section for more commercial and high entertainment features ("Little Futures"), especially focused on young adults, with Italian premieres only;
- a retrospective section ("Retro Futures") dedicated to a master of sci-fi and fantasy and to a special selection of movies from the past (Retro Futures is not open to submissions).
Along the screenings, there will also be other events like panels, masterclasses and workshops on sci-fi and fantasy literature, comics, tv series, videogames and on topics such as future urban development and the future of food.
We organize this festival in order to create a new reason to produce and introduce films and any other work of art that concentrate on the world’s problems and riches, and to pioneer the creation of a free platform and reward these works. We live in an era where too much information, and input that cannot be considered as information flow at a disconcertingly rapid pace in every plausible channel. We organize this festival so that we could all seek what is more local and smaller, and more importantly the one that is true and genuine together.
The ecological problems are increasing and becoming more and more varied; however, we also witness hope-inspiring developments. We organize this festival in order to create a platform that nurtures this hope. We hope that through our festival, the residents of Bozcaada, farmers, producers, scientists, artists, and all our guests will be informed about the current technological developments, environmental disasters and innovations, the most recent documentary techniques and also about each other’s existence. We hope that our festival will contribute to nurture solidarity.
The Tres Cantos City Council, through the Department of Culture, opens the call, on a competitive basis, for the I Short Film Contest with the intention of becoming a benchmark in this field and the purpose of stimulating and recognizing creativity in the audiovisual sector, specifically Short Film, as a form of cultural expression and as a means of transmitting values and traditions while stimulating the film industry.
NIFF is a space for criticism, denunciation, impact and social growth through the dissemination and promotion of cinema.
NIFF aims to be a statement against non-involvement, disregard and lack of commitment, which is the real disease of this century, where we produce more than we can consume, and happiness is subject to the law of supply and demand.
NIFF was born with the intention of triggering, debating the issues that are hidden under appearances and confronting the public with the social realities that show each individual as a part of those that make us complex, unique and human.
La Fondazione “Pasquale Battista”, in collaborazione con l’associazione Alice in cammino e le arti, AL.i.c.e AreArtiEspressive, in partnership con Ibrida Festival – Festival delle arti
intermediali e Apulia Film Commission, con il patrocinio dell’Accademia del Cinema Ragazzi di Enziteto, dell’Assessorato all’Industria Turistica e Culturale della Regione Puglia, del Comune di Bari, sponsor unico Levigas, indice un Bando di concorso di
cortometraggi e film d’artista destinato a cittadinǝ residenti, domiciliatǝ o natǝ in Italia.
Il concorso è rivolto ai/alle videomaker e videoartistǝ emergenti, indipendenti, pertanto si divide in due Sezioni: una Sezione Cortometraggio, dedicata alle opere che utilizzano una narrazione di stampo prettamente cinematografico; una Sezione Film d’artista dedicata ad opere “ibride”, che si avvalgono del linguaggio video come strumento di espressività in senso libero e ampio, non prettamente lineare. In questa categoria possono rientrare opere audiovisive come documentari, fiction, ma anche animazioni 3D, grafiche, ecc.
Cheongju International Short Film Festival presents movies that are touching, entertaining, and short but strong.
The program team of the 21th Cheongju International Short Film Festival is hosting the festival under the motto of 'Film Festival for the Audience, by the Audience, of the Audience'.
1. Organization
The Cheongju International Short Film Festival is organized by the Cheongju branch of the General Association of Korean Filmmakers and hosted by the Cheongju International Short Film Festival Executive Committee.
Discussions on the Cheongju International Short Film Festival began in 1999 when Kim Kyung-sik, the first chairman of the association, established the Chungbuk Film Council.
The official start of the Cheongju International Short Film Festival is the "Cheongju City Excellent Short Film Festival" held by Kim Kyung-sik, the first president of the Cheongju Film Artists Association, a division established in 2004.
At that time, the main programs were "Invited Screenings for Outstanding Short Films in Korea" and "Cheongju Youth Film Class" aimed at fostering future film talents.
Since then, the festival has been renamed the "Cheongju City Digital Short Film Festival" in 2006, attempting to make changes in line with the digital era. Then in 2013, director Eo Il-sun took office as the second president, renaming it as the "Cheongju International Short Film Festival," inviting foreign films to diversify the program.
The city of Cheongju declared "video culture city" with the launch of the "Cheongju Film Commission" in 2017.
2. Purpose
The Cheongju International Short Film Festival aims to promote the diversity of video culture and independent short film production by discovering and introducing excellent short films from around the world.
The Luz del Desierto International Festival is an audiovisual Festival that aims to promote cinema within the country and abroad. The festival will take place in october with competition for feature films and short films, both fiction, animation and documentary. There will also be talks and workshops.
INSÓLITO Fantastic Film Festival is the most important consolidated event of genre cinema (horror, fantastic, science fiction, exploitation, trash and similar) in Peru and is currently in its eighth edition.
Since its creation, the Festival has sought to vindicate unconventional ways of making films, including national and international proposals in its exhibitions and competitions, disseminating the best films that have been made worldwide on this topic.
Visit us at:
Web: insolitofestival.com
Ig: @insolitofest
Fb: InsolitoFest
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@insolitofestival?_t=ZS-8tYatkgQSeO&_r=1
The festival will take place the weeks from October 23 to November 2 in the city of Lima.
Dare to experience a very unusual future
The Tryon International Film Festival (TRIFF) proudly presents season seven, October 8, 9 & 10, 2021.
While life as we knew it changed in 2020, advancements in technology ushered in capabilities the likes of which we never thought we would soon utilize, all in the form of virtual meetings.
While the world was sequestered to their homes and humanity was suddenly shrouded in protective masks, creativity never took a rest.
During the year of COVID-19 the Tryon International Film Festival had the strongest international participation ever. So much so, that regardless of whether the 2021 season will be live or not, we will continue to use our online platform from now into the future.
As we did in 2020, we will reach out to every single filmmaker whose film is selected for in interview and a chance to introduce their works of art. Even more, in 2021 you will be able to invite your friends, crew and supporters to visit the Tryon International Film Festival.
Participation is key to success of your film so we urge you to submit your film to our 2021 season.
Also, if your film performs well in Tryon, it may also be a candidate for our sister festival in Gstadd, Switzerland the very same year. Beyond Switzerland your film may also travel to Berlin, Italy and London, because of their strong industry ties on that side of the world.
We believe this is what film festivals are all about, to give your film a boost towards success for years to come.
Few festivals compare visually to TRIFF, which for three days, the entire town of Tryon, North Carolina lights up like a sparkler. Six screening venues operate seamlessly, including a bonus evening amphitheater screening that features music, food, drink and a special film.
The Tryon Fine Art Center along with The Tryon Theatre, a vintage, state-of-the-art cinema, which has been in continuous operation for more than 80 years, play host to the opening gala and award ceremony as the retail shops, bars and dining establishments embrace visitors.
Plan to spend the entire festival at one of our exclusive B&B’s along with your fellow filmmakers. Introduce your own film, attend a breakout session, walk the streets or hang out at our complementary VIP lounge in the center of town.
By virtue of the amount of high-quality submissions received over the years, our film selection process has matured as well. We select highly crafted films of sophisticated workmanship in the full-length features, short films and documentary categories.
We are also known for our Human Rights & Dignity category which has been a cornerstone performance grouping since our inception. Films submitted in this category also have a good chance of also being screened in Switzerland.
Our multiple screening venues include the historic Tryon Theatre, Tryon Fine Arts Center, Upstairs Art Space, Carri Bass Studio, Tryon Depot and most recently Rogers Park.
Note: to filmmakers requesting waivers: While we consider waivers requests from filmmakers, we do scrutinize the reason for the request. We remain conservative with waiver requests because of the following reasons: (1) Films of various lengths, require a significant amount of time to consider with our screening committee and offsetting this effort with submission fees helps. (2) We see an inverse relationship between filmmakers who ask for waivers to their ability to attend our festival.
Trophies and Awards: each year our awards team utilize local artists within our community craft wonderful and thoughtful awards. If your film happens to be winner of a performance category and you are in attendance, you will be given your award during award ceremony. However due to the cost of sending trophies and awards around the globe, those winners who are not in attendance must pay for their own shipping and delivery.
Facebook: Polk County Film Initiative, Tryon International Film Festival
Cinema as a social phenomenon has become one of the most innovative and enriching cultural consumptions and practices of the XX century. Clearly, cinema changes us but this transformation that film provokes is not just individual. We’re also asking for as a community. Therefore, cinema must be understood as a social phenomenon, as a cultural vehicle, as a complex device which catalyze the yearnings and portraits of a society, as a producer of subjectivities.
For the city of Chivilcoy the launching of an international film festival represents a chimerical cultural proposal. Its background is based on previous experiences that bond these individual and collective practices: shootings, film’s retrospectives, workshops, festivals and other events that take place in our community. This whole set of inputs is a key component, coupled with the suitable reaction of the local public who are eager to rejoice at the "seventh art" and to enjoy a festival as a space for exchange, dialogue and circulation of cultural goods.
Cinego Shorts is initiating a special 2-day virtual screening to highlight Mental Health through specifically curated films with the aim of tackling the stigma and discrimination associated with the health condition on the occasion of World Mental Health Day 2021.
We invite all the filmmakers to submit their films that explore the concept of Mental Health, and highlight various ways that this term can be understood and reflected. If you think your story is compelling and fits within the theme, then submit your films and be a part of this virtual event.
*There is no entry fee to submit a film.
Screening Rules
Selected films will be screen via our official YouTube channel and accessible free to watch globally. All the rights belong to the author of the films and will be properly quoted while screening and will be offline after the event.
Subscribe our YouTube https://bit.ly/3zRsyS3
Please email cinegoshorts@gmail.com if you have any questions about the submission process. We look forward to receiving your submissions and please help us to spread the word about the event which will be held in October 9-10 2021, online via our YouTube channel.
Due to the #Covid19 pandemic where social distancing is a must, we are hosting our event through online streaming on our official YouTube channel. We look forward to your enthusiastic involvement in Cinego Shorts curated theme ‘Mental Health’ by submitting short films that you have made from 2015 onwards. The films must have credits included, English subtitles embedded, and shared as 1080P MOV/MP4 files.
The OURENSE FILM FESTIVAL (OUFF) presents annually a selection of the most innovative and outstanding films and audiovisual productions in Galicia, Europe, Latin America and the rest of the world. The OUFF receives each year works from a hundred of countries, whose common denominator are their socially aware subjects and their innovative forms.
International Film Festival "Prvi kadar"/First Frame is an important film event in Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose mission is to promote film art of authors from all over the world. The Festival is of competitive character neither. Films compete in two categories: documentary and short films.
Fifteen editions of the festival, a large number of authors interested in the festival, proving that the festival recognized among artists all over the world, as an important and prestigious film event.
Festival selections confirm continuity, primarily artistic approach, on which is built the whole idea of the first frame. In considering the relationship between themes and ideas, stress is given to the author's attitude or an artistic idea.
Rich noncompetitive and competitive program of high artistic quality, educational programs, lectures DokMasterClass, Film Campus of art documentaries, exhibitions, promotion of book of film art, numerous guests from the world of film, proof that the festival from year to year expanding, enriching the content of the program. This years Festival will takes place from 20th to 24th November 2023 in East Sarajevo and Zvornik, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina.