Logo of Capricorn Film Festival

02 Nov 2022

Published: 30 Mar 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Capricorn Film Festival

Capricorn Film Festival

Yeppoon, Australia

The Capricorn Film Festival is a not for profit organisation that discovers local, national and international cinema gems, and shares them with a diverse audience of film lovers.

The Capricorn film festival was established to encourage production, not just exhibition. Our event is not just about ‘showing’ films – it’s about ‘making’ them. We aim to provide you with the opportunity to showcase your work to as wide an audience as possible, and help you promote your career and film-making endeavours.

The event is held mid year, where a crowds of thousands from all over Central Queensland enjoy five days of cinema, supporting filmmakers from the region and all corners of the globe.

Shortlisted films are screened at the event with a total prize pool of $4,000 in cash and prizes awarded between the winners of each category.

The festival is open to any level of filmmaker, from amateur to professional and is supported by some of Australia's premiere filmmakers and industry companies.

We appreciate our Festival ALUMNI. Contact us to receive your DISCOUNT coupon code on any upcoming entries.

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Film Mosaic: Leave No One Behind

01 Mar 2023

Published: 29 Mar 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Film Mosaic: Leave No One Behind

Film Mosaic: Leave No One Behind

Copenhagen, Denmark

Participate in Copenhagen Architecture Festival’s global short film competition focusing on the UN's 'Leave No One Behind' agenda (LNOB)!

We are asking for (max.) 3-minute-long films addressing and showcasing inclusive and non-discriminatory design solutions in the built, planned or grown environment.

The winners will be invited to attend Copenhagen Architecture Festival taking place from 22. June - 9. July 2023 in parallel with the World Capital of Architecture and UIA World Congress. An international jury is set up to judge the films.

You can submit as many films as you like as long as you respect our guidelines. No submission fees!
Incoming films will be published on our website on an ongoing basis prior to the submission deadline, so please submit during 2022 as well to give life to the Film Mosaic.

For any questions please send your inquiries to filmmosaic@cafx.dk .

The Leave No One Behind Agenda (LNOB) is the central, transforming promise in the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It represents the unequivocal commitment of all UN Member States to eradicate poverty in all its forms, end discrimination and exclusion, and reduce the inequalities and vulnerabilities that undermine the potential of humans and other living beings.

Discrimination persists in the design of the built and planned environment, indoors, outdoors, public and private. This includes discrimination against socially, physically or mentally vulnerable or challenged groups based on gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, limited mobility or income.

The Film Mosaic aims at documenting solutions to these forms of discrimination, creating an understanding of the diversity of the reality in which the LNOB agenda must be resolved, and generating new knowledge and insight about sustainable cities, residential areas, buildings, building materials, infrastructure, and other urban practices that promote the fight against inequality.

The incoming films will result in a global Film Mosaic of everyday voices from different geographical and cultural contexts, available for researchers, educators, laymen and decision-makers during and after the competition. The Film Mosaic will be used as a powerful tool of impact during the UIA 2023 World Congress towards the many decision-makers gathered in Copenhagen then—and as the point of departure for a bigger impact campaign that can spread rings beyond 2023.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Sunfest Film Festival

31 Jul 2022

Published: 29 Mar 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Sunfest International Short Film Festival

Sunfest International Short Film Festival

Mumbai, India


The SUNFEST exists to celebrate the art of cinema and to create a shared experience around film. We are a non-profit international independent film festival programming shorts & Documentary and strive to bring the best films the industry has to offer to our community from home and abroad. Our programmers aim to faster new talent and help filmmakers connect with the global industry. We are also dedicated to educating and developing audiences for international and independent cinema screening the kind of innovative, visionary work that may not normally achieve distribution in this area.

The Juries will award our filmmakers in over all individual categories. Our selection committee is also made up of a group of industry professionals from various fields, such as directors, actors, producers, professors, writers, animators, casting directors, and more.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Rodinia Short Film Festival

31 Jul 2022

Published: 29 Mar 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cortometrajes Rodinia

Rodinia Short Film Festival

Rodinia, Spain

17th Rodinia Short Film Festival 2025

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Festival of Fine Shorts

02 May 2022

Published: 29 Mar 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Finos Filmes

Festival of Fine Shorts

São Paulo, Brazil

The Fine Shortfilm Festival is a non-competitive shortfilm event, hosted in São Paulo, addressed to the works of the new generations of Brazilian filmmakers.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of XXVI Short film contest CMU Europa

15 Apr 2022

Published: 29 Mar 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Xxvi Certamen De Cortos Cmu Europa

XXVI Short film contest CMU Europa

Madrid, Spain

Como al igual que en los veintidós años que nos preceden, el XXIV Certamen de Cortometrajes del C.M.U. Santa María de Europa es una iniciativa que pretende apoyar la producción de cortometrajes de estudiantes universitarios e incentivar el desarrollo profesional de los mismos.

Añadimos además a nuestra página principal los logos de nuestros patrocinadores de este año!!

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of first short festival

02 Apr 2022

Published: 29 Mar 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner festival first short

first short festival

yaounde, Cameroon

It is a question of promoting not only school films but also short films of all universes.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of  Periferias Festival Internacional de cinema de Marvão e / Y Valencia de Alcántara.

15 May 2022

Published: 29 Mar 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of  Periferias Festival Internacional de cinema de Marvão e / Y Valencia de Alcántara.

Banner  Periferias Festival Internacional de cinema de Marvão e / Y Valencia de Alcántara.

Periferias Festival Internacional de cinema de Marvão e / Y Valencia de Alcántara.

Marvão, Portugal

The festival had its first edition in 2013 and has been organized annually since then by Associação Cultural Periferias in Portugal and Gato Pardo in Spain.

The project was born from a citizen initiative, supported by the municipality of Marvão from the beginning, and grew thanks to the support of diverse sponsors and collaborators.

Meanwhile, a new step was taken with the inclusion of Valencia de Alcântara (Spain) on the Festival map, thanks to the interest and involvement of the local government, Filmoteca de Extremadura and Diputación de Cáceres.

It is the intention of the organizers to contribute to an effective cultural decentralization.

We want to make accessible goods and services traditionally concentrated in big cities and which hardly reach rural populations.


We believe that it is possible, with this strategy, to locally implement a film culture that, in the medium term, allows for the creation of a more conscious audience endowed with a plural thinking that promotes contact with art, not only as a space for leisure, but as a critical thinking platform that reflects and interacts with today's world.

The organization of the festival, with all the activities and logistics involved, constitutes a significant boost to economic activity in the most diverse areas.

We offer an opportunity for the promotion and dissemination of local products and brands. We create conditions to attract tourism flows, especially tourism that is more committed to cultural and ecological aspects.

We contribute to the local, national and international dissemination of the brand and socio-cultural identity of the municipalities of Marvão and Valencia de Alcântara.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Sevil International Women`s Documentary Film Festival

15 Jun 2022

Published: 28 Mar 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Sevil Beynəlxalq Qadın Sənədli Film Festivalı

Sevil Beynəlxalq Qadın Sənədli Film Festivalı

Baku, Azerbaijan

Sevil International Women's Documentary Film Festival is the independent documentary film festival in Azerbaijan, focusing on women's issues, operating since 2020.

The particular difference of the festival is the venue (place) and target audience of the project.

Unlike other big artistic projects, Sevil Film Festival intends to organize the festival outside of the capital.

Two main concerns such as lack of documentary film festival culture in the country, and increasing gender-based crimes and issues brought us to put them together under the Women's Film Festival Project, in 2020. This upcoming year we want to present this project at The Sevil Film Festival.

Our festival is named by the play of Jafar Jabbarli called Sevil which focused on the theme of the role of women, their oppression, struggle, and ultimately, victory over dated patriarchal tradition in 1928. After watching the play many women discarded their veils in Azerbaijan back in the time. Therefore, our name symbolically refuses the patriarchal traditions and encourages society to be open to different perspectives.

Sevil Film Festival will create an opportunity for local and international filmmakers to be a part of the regional events, where they raise awareness on the documentary film industry and the gender problems among the local population.

Exchange of experiences, cultural penetration in a unique way, and many other opportunities are anticipated from the program of the event.

The project includes regional development and raising activity.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Karnataka Youth International Short Film Festival

30 Apr 2022

Published: 27 Mar 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Karnataka Youth International Short Film Festival

Karnataka Youth International Short Film Festival


Karnataka Youth International Short Film Festival proudly brings the world of International Cinema to Karnataka a land well known for its contributions to the literature, arts, architecture, economy and politics of Karnataka. It is also known as Karu Nadu. Mysuru is famous for its palace and sceneic beauty in the Indian state of Karnataka.

The power of visual is more than words. An image is more colorful than a group of words, literally and figuratively.

The purpose of organizers of this festival, "Filmaholic Foundation", is to attract best films, addressed to students and youths which meet the festival criteria from across the world.

This festival educates the public, using various subjects used for the category of films dealing with the students and youths against violence, discrimination, racism and other social causes. In this regard, awareness messages are conceived to promote and bring out the creative talent among students and youths. This is the third year of the Karnataka Youth International Short Film Festival.
Filmaholic has also conducted film festivals in other part of Karnataka Like Bangalore, Dharwad, Mysuru and Shivamogga.

Mysuru International Water Film Festival, Malnad International Wildlife and Environmental Film Festival and Cinema Antaranga Film Festival are the other film festivals filmaholic foundation have successfully conducted. We have been in association with Kannada Vartha ilakhe, Radio Girmit, Namma Superstars, Filmgappa, VF Studios, Kannada & Samskrutha ilakhe and Gandhi Bhavan for our earlier film festivals.

Filmaholic Foundation is an NGO established to conduct programs that support and promote Cinemas, Art & Culture.

It has been regularly been involved in many social activities and encouraging empowerment of people. The organization has done many programs like the Seed Ball program, Freedom Day Go Green Cyclathon for Youth, Distribution of Ayurvedic saplings to public for healthy environment, Medical Camp, Conducted Competitions in schools and colleges to encourage students. Provided school kits to students during the recent flood in North Karnataka and also provided relief materials to the flood affected people. During COVID-19 times Filmaholic also supplied food kits to the needy people.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Aguilar Film Festival

15 Sep 2022

Published: 27 Mar 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Aguilar Film Festival

Banner Aguilar Film Festival

Aguilar Film Festival

Aguilar de Campóo, Spain

The Aguilar de Campoo Short Film Festival is consolidated as one of the most veteran and relevant film citations in our country in its genre. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts of Spain, includes it as one of the key festivals for the selection of short films that will compete in the Goya Awards. Throughout the last editions the festival has been making important decisions that commit it to the cinema of our country. In his thirteenth edition he published his manifesto where he exhibited his philosophy and commitment to film. He made the decision to pay for selection to the selected short films thus eliminating economic competition in order to encourage artistic creation and production. Its screening rooms are open to international cinema including all genres, fiction, documentary animation and experimental cinema. In 2016 the festival received recognition from the AIC (Short Film Industry Association). This certificate is an annual distinction to differentiate and reward festivals that perform an exemplary role in the dissemination, protection and professionalization of cinema and its industry, and especially of the short film. This is the first time this certification has been granted and is the result of more than a year of work tables and conversations with festivals, filmmakers and other professionals from across the country in order to develop a guide to good behaviors towards the short film and its creators. The basic objectives of this distinction are to educate new generations of filmmakers and protect model festivals, recognizing their dedication and rigor. We seek the encounter and exchange between professionals and the public as a form of cultural enrichment.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of MonaCorti Film Festival

10 Jul 2022

Published: 26 Mar 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner MonaCorti Film Festival

MonaCorti Film Festival

München, Germany


The Festival, at its first edition, supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, intends to promote the value of the Italian language and culture abroad through the presentation of works by Italian authors (including those living abroad) and foreign authors who communicate their perception of Italy as a physical place, together with its historical, natural, landscape, environmental, artistic and cultural heritage, and as a place of emotions, reflected and embodied in the different characters of its people.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of ASF PUNE

15 Apr 2022

Published: 26 Mar 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Asf Pune

Asf Pune

Pune, India

5th Annabhau Sathe International Short Films Festival’ will be held from 023 to 2April 2022 in national film archive of India auditorium at Pune. law collage road. ‘Annabhau sathe short film committee and Nirmiti media’ has been organized this FESTIVAL. There will be an array of different programs in this 2-days festival. Being the 5th year of the festival will host programs like Panel discussion, workshops, Expert guidance in Film-making, discussions and your queries will be answered by famous filmmakers and producers. Sounds exciting? Well, there are lots more!
WINNERS of the short film category will be honored with a Cash prize, trophy, and Certificate.
To submit a film, connect to www.asfpune.in or
Call for entries : contact: 8552829111

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of One Shot Terrassa City of Film

25 Sep 2022

Published: 26 Mar 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner One Shot Terrassa City of Film

One Shot Terrassa City of Film

Terrassa, Spain

The One Shot Terrassa City of Film is a film festival that takes back the old Sequence Shot Contest organised in Terrassa between 2004 and 2012. It came last year again, and we're following the success. So this is the 11th Edition of the festival.

The particularity of this festival is that ONLY ACCEPTS ONE SHOT FILMS. What does it mean? As is well known, is about telling a story - at least 3 minutes long - in just a single shot, that is: no cutting or image editing.

In 2017, Terrassa was selected as a "Creative City of UNESCO in Film", a recognition that only 17 cities in the world have. This leads to recover a past that it is what brought us this present.

The festival will take place during the week from October 20th to 23rd 2024, also being part of the "3rd Cinema Week of Terrassa" where the whole city gets involved in film activities. The festival will be held at Cinema Catalunya, the main cinema in Terrassa and part of the "European Cinemas", and other venues of the city, where public screenings, Q&A and roundtables will complete the festival until its Closing Session and Award ceremony night.

To have some historical background, it all started in 1967 when Societat Cultural Joventut Terrassenca - known in Terrassa as "Coro vell" - organized the "Rotllo" film competition with this same idea. Now, Societat Coro Vell, with the support of the Terrassa Audio-visual Board and within the activities of the Terrassa City of Film UNESCO, as well as with the participation of those companies and people who collaborate on this event, wants to recover this current year the tenth edition of the "Concurs del Pla Seqüència", from now called "One Shot - Terrassa City of Film".

For any doubt or concern contact us at oneshot@oneshot.cat.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Experimental

Logo of ¡¡Cort…en!! Calahorra Short Film Festival

15 May 2022

Published: 26 Mar 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de cortometrajes ’¡CORT...en! - Ciudad de Calahorra

¡¡Cort…en!! Calahorra Short Film Festival

Calahorra, Spain


Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Madeira Fantastic FilmFest

24 Jan 2023

Published: 26 Mar 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Madeira Fantastic FilmFest

Madeira Fantastic FilmFest

Funchal, Portugal

Madeira Fantastic FilmFest project is the diffusion and dissemination of film culture of horror and fantastic genre in Madeira in order to transmit, visually, through different types of art, culture and nature of the region.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Ahora es Corto

30 Jun 2022

Published: 26 Mar 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Ahora es Corto

Ahora es Corto

Vejer de la Fra., Spain

Ahora Es Corto presents a varied cultural program that has as its central axis the international short film competition. It also offers numerous parallel activities distributed throughout a week of the festival, which will be set in the incomparable setting, Vejer de la Frontera.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of LISBIFF • Lisboa Indie Film Festival

25 May 2022

Published: 26 Mar 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner LISBIFF • Lisboa Indie Film Festival

LISBIFF • Lisboa Indie Film Festival

Lisboa, Portugal

We are LISBIFF • Lisboa Indie Film Festival, an international film festival with screening events from the enchanting Lisbon, Portugal, and member of the IBERIFF • Iberia Indie Film Festivals, which celebrates and showcases new productions and independent artists from all over the world in Lisbon (LISBIFF), Madrid (MADRIFF), Barcelona (BARCIFF), València (VALÈIFF), Seville (SEVIFF) and Montpellier (MONTIFF), that you can also find them here in Festhome.

LISBIFF shares the mission of its associate festivals of supporting emerging talents, encouraging artistic exploration, fostering networking, promoting cultural exchange and engaging the local community by providing a platform to present the work of independent filmmakers.

Fiction films, animation, documentary and experimental works of any genre and subject are welcome!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Adventure Movie Awards

31 May 2022

Published: 25 Mar 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner  Adventure Movie Awards

Adventure Movie Awards

San Marcello Piteglio, Italy

Every year the Adventure Movie Awards international film competition selects some of the best adventure short films from around the world.

A showcase of movies about Adventure intended as exploration, personal experiences and challenges as well as freedom and deep connenction with nature. A sort of adventure that fascinates, intrigues and scares as well, testimony of the free spirit that drives man to leave what is certain and go search for the unknown, pushing further and going beyond the limits.

The aim is to reward the short films that are able to convey this meaning of Adventure on the screen and that are able to communicate emotions, passions and dreams through images and dialogues. Not just pure action, but life stories.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Cerdanya Film Festival

30 May 2022

Published: 25 Mar 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Cerdanya Film Festival

Banner Festival Internacional de Cinema de Cerdanya

Cerdanya Film Festival

Puigcerdà, Spain

Cerdanya Film Festival, Festival Internacional de Cinema de Cerdanya, is a Festival specialized in the documentary, fiction and animation genre, short and feature films, consisting of competitive international sections, non-competitive sections and parallel activities. All the films that are part of the different sections will be selected by the Festival programmers.

Cerdanya Film Festival qualifies for Premios Goya – Spanish Film Academy in Best Spanish Shortfilm, in Fiction, Animation and Documentary categories.

The 16th edition of the Cerdanya Film Festival will be held from 28th July to 17th August 2025.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental