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LAN Workers' Theme Film Festival is a platform that makes visible and values audiovisual projects that reflect the feelings of the so-called working class, its identity traits, its aesthetics, its social and associative framework, its architecture, its capacity for struggle and adaptation and, above all, historical and collective memory.
For LAN 08 edition that will take place in June 2025 we will focus on the workers' struggle and the different conflicts generated in the defense of work in the face of the various situations that have caused the closure of numerous factories and industries.
The Cultural Area of the Guadalcanal City Council (Seville) announces the VI Edition of the GUADALCANAL EN CORTO Short Film Festival 'Sonria, por favor', which will be held from October 24th to 26th, 2024.
La Plata International Independent Film Festival - FestiFreak is one of the most relevant and inviting cultural event in La Plata, capital of Buenos Aires, Argentina. We settled 20 years ago with the idea of showing and giving premiere to films and authors that don't usually get in theaters and others screens well as reviewing greatest masters of cinema's filmography. Our 20º edition will take place in October 2024.
Here, you can find the information of the last edition:
Cinefest Gato Preto ("Black Cat") is a short-film festival for Brazilians film makers.
We will have a specific focus, trying to give attencion to all areas in cinema: art direction, sound design, editing, scrict, direction, acting, photography and production.
The "Gulf of Naples Independent Film Festival" is an event intended to serve as an international showcase for films of various types and gender, in order to promote and spread the art, auteur and experimental films that are not released in cinemas playhouses, to foster dialogue between different experiences and to create a meeting point for the support of cinema culture.
The Faludi Film and Media announces its 25th thematic international film festival and the related photo competition. This year’s motto is GIFT.
This year’s theme is "Gift". The gift is not a reward, not compensation: it is much more of a sacrifice. When we give a gift, it is not from our surplus. If there is no commitment and self-denial in it, there is no value to it. The value is that we give what we are, who we are as a gift to the other person, resulting in both of us overcoming ourselves. It makes it clear that everything is and can be a gift, that there is no such thing that ’I deserve it’. It is a gift to push the man in the wheelchair out into the sunlight, to pack an aid package for those in need, to take the children to the zoo. Moreover, it is also a gift to take a breath, to breathe, to be able to walk, to raise our feet and hands, to see with our eyes, to heal and accept the unchangeable - the beating of the heart, the work of the blood vessels, these are all gifts. Giving a gift is a gift in itself.
Competitors are invited to process this theme in the form of a film or photo in accordance with the terms and conditions of the festival. We are looking for professionally demanding elaborated works that are suitable for creating a forum, in the language of pictures, for a dialogue between different viewpoints and opinions.
The submissions are evaluated by international juries.
Deadline for entry : 23 September 2022
Date of the festival: 16-19 November 2022
CINETORO is projected as a transdisciplinary Festival-School, dedicated to curatorial practice and the training of filmmakers; building bridges between emerging talents and prominent national and international artists, and promoting analysis and criticism related to the production and thinking behind experimental cinema and animation.
We advocate for a cinema where poetry and art dialogue; that draws its limit beyond the perimeter of spectacularity, of technical correctness, of the topics and forms on the agenda. It is an imperfect cinema, which accepts its artisanal condition and is concerned with the recovery of the consciousness of corporeality; reflecting, problematizing and questioning the construction of image and sound.
Cinema with a territorial imprint, which redesigns, mutates and pronounces itself before the world. Resignifying the territory, transforming the perspective on rurality and providing the community with spaces for the appropriation of knowledge.
GIJÓN/XIXÓN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (FICX) aims to showcase a wide and varied selection of auteur cinema currently being produced worldwide and especially focused on innovative films and emerging filmmakers. High quality, personal, young in its shape, edgy and independent cinema at a creative level. During its selection process, the Festival will prioritise those works of interest that have their World, International, European or Spanish premiere at FICX as well as those that do not have commercial distribution agreements in the Spanish territory.
Acknowledged as “Specialized Festival” by the FIAPF (International Federation of Film Producers Association)
Media affirmation association “MAT” (in further text: The Association) is non-governmental and non-profit voluntary association, founded for an indefinite period of time due to media affirmation of all social segments via audio-video material making, press articles and web presentation making. One of the aims of the Association is the organization of festivals which, due to their content, contribute the development of culture. From 2016. one of the organized festivals is International festival of short movies and photography, called “Short cut”.
The Association for Media Affirmation "Mat" from Indjija, has announced a competition for the ninth edition of the International Short Film and photographs Festival "Short cut" Indjija 2024. Short feature, documentary and animated films are shown at the festival. The festival is open to films by domestic authors, as well as to authors from all over the world. The topics of the films should be in the field of: ecology, tourism and life. The public call for authors of short films lasts from May 17 to 31, 2024. Received films are reviewed by a selection committee that will not consider films that contain offensive or aggressive messages or content.
The International Short Film and Photography Festival "Short cut" Indjija will be held on August 30, 2024. The festival screens short feature, documentary and animated films on the theme of ecology, tourism and life. The festival is open not only for the movies made by native authors, but also for the authors from all over the world. The following program consists of the photography exhibition (the theme is “Objective(s)”),which is a competitive nature too, and will be realized from August 30 to September 5, 2024.
The Short Cut Festival organizers organize an exhibition of photographs titled “Objective(s)” in the accompanying program, inviting all interested people to participate in the exhibition, photographs with personal information and contact send on shortcutfest @ gmail.com with an indication for a photo contest “Short cut”, from 17 to 31 May 2024. Photo authors for the competition can send a maximum of 10 photos, the size of the longer page of acceptable digital photos cannot be less than 3,000 pixels, the file type can only be jpg, ie. jpeg and the maximum file size must not exceed 20MB.
An exhibition of selected photographs for the competition will be held from August 30. to September 5., 2024.
FESCIMED was born with the desire to consolidate itself as a reference in the panorama of short film festivals organized in Spain in order to help raise awareness of the need to deepen and protect the values that underpin justice, freedom and democracy. As a film festival, it is a tool for the promotion of Human Rights in various aspects, ranging from the exhibition and compilation of audiovisual material on the subject of the Right to the Truth as a file, to the programming of debates, performances, exhibitions and lectures on the subject of the hands of historians, filmmakers, journalists and any other culture professional in order to foster dialogue.
Short films shot in Castilla y León, at least 50% of them, or whose director was born in Castilla y León, are welcome to participate.
The Cultural Británico cordially greets you and opens the call for entries to the “XI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL FOR CHILDREN, CINI 2025”, to be held in Lima, Peru, from February 12 to 16, 2025.
This festival is held in the auditoriums of the Centro Cultural Británico, located in the districts of Surco, San Miguel, San Borja, Pueblo Libre, San Martín de Porres, Santa Anita, San Juan de Lurigancho, Camacho, and Miraflores.
All screenings to be held during the “XI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL FOR CHILDREN, CINI 2025” will be free of charge for the general public.
The celebration of the XV Edition of the CortogeniAl Film and Short Film Festival will take place in the town of Puente Genil (Cordoba, Spain) between October 11th and October 19th of 2024.
It is welcome any person (film director, production or distribution) who has the legal control of the work or works submitted may participate.
− Short films must have been produced in 2023 or 2024.
− Short films shall not last more than 20 minutes.
− Every filmmaker may submit as many works as desired.
− Productions not filmed in Spanish as main language must be submitted with Spanish subtitles for their exhibition.
− Filmmakers will be owners of the legal rights to their works and the responsible of the authorship rights of the short films.
La sexta edición de Scopifest, un festival de videoclips con formato de concurso, se celebrará a finales del próximo mes de octubre. El concurso está abierto a todos aquellos grupos musicales, compañías discográficas y particulares que deseen presentar sus trabajos, con el único requisito de que tengan los derechos de autor de los mismos.
Un jurado compuesto por profesionales será el encargado de seleccionar a los merecedores de los premios basándose en su calidad narrativa y técnica. Además, se entregará un ‘premio del público’ al videoclip más votado por los espectadores.
Scopifest quiere promover la cultura dando a los profesionales de la música y la producción audiovisual la oportunidad de promocionar su trabajo y acercando este género audiovisual a un público amplio.
ASSERTING WOMEN'S RIGHTS is a project that has emerged from Festival de Málaga, Mabel Lozano (documentary filmmaker and collaborator of the Festival), and the Equal Opportunities Area of Malaga City Council as a protest tool. This section is created with the aim of exploring and dealing with issues that contribute to social awareness of women's rights each year.
This section of Festival de Málaga was born in 2008, this being its 18th edition. The project is conceived with a double purpose: to inform about the injustices that women still suffer in this century for the mere fact of being women, and to encourage and support the cinematographic work created by women.
Solo, the city of culture and enchanted tradition is calling for talented filmmakers and passionate artist. Solo is a town that is deep in the culture and rich in diversity yet blanketed with modesty and tolerance.
The mission of this Festival is to exhibit any shape of art and culture worldwide, especially filmmaking, including directing, music composing, and acting, and also a various shape of art in general. The Festival hopes to make the art of storytelling through filmmaking become more popular in Solo, Indonesia, and internationally. For that reason, the Film Festival is inviting all passionate filmmakers and artist to join the Festival and to star their works.
Theme that we are looking is a general theme, but we are mostly interested in culture, theatrical performances, drama, any shape of art, ancient and futuristic tradition, visionary films, science fiction, animation, music, dance, historical story and place, biography, patriotic theme, humanism, and any inspiring films and documentaries.
The Festival accepts feature and short film, feature, and a short documentary, animation, and music video. The Festival also open categories for various film production categories and performances such as directing, cinematography, editing, story, acting, sound, production design, costume design, music, costumes, etc. Passionate artists, new directors, filmmaking students, and professional directors are welcomed to submit their work to make their work shine in our festival.
Inspiring stories, well edited, and excellent cinematography, wrapped in strong emotion are the qualities we are looking for.
Solo International Film Festival (SIFF) will conduct a prestigious and exclusive Awards Night. Kings and queens from Nusantara will be invited, and we will also conduct filmmaking workshop and screenings.
Solo International Film Festival is accepting submission now.
The Canary Islands Fantastic Film Festival - Isla Calavera opens the call for entries for feature and short films, fiction and documentary in real image and animation.
The Futbolero World Film Festival seeks to promote football as a space for intercultural dialogue and heritage of humanity, through the meeting of different actors in this social phenomenon. It proposes as axes of work: Audiovisual Media, Conversations, Sports Practice, Literature and Diploma Training.
The Santiago International Documentary Film Festival (FIDOCS) is the main broadcasting, diffusion, and competition event for documentary cinema in Chile and Latin America.
Focused on the promotion of dialogue and reflection, as well as in training audiences towards the appreciation of documentary film in a context of permanent transformation, FIDOCS seeks to explore the multiple paths available in documentary making as well as in the drifts proper to nonfiction works. In its program, FIDOCS incorporates the works of both experienced and emerging directors in order to address the question of “THE REAL”, and in doing so, it considers the various dimensions, disciplinary frontiers, and tensions that the question “what is real?”, as well as the documentary genre itself, has to offer us.
Throughout its history, FIDOCS has positioned itself as one of the most distinguished documentary film festivals in Latin America, standing as a privileged platform to screen contemporary cinema and to promote critical thinking. Year by year, under its selective curatorial approach, FIDOCS not only calls for important exponents of national and international audiovisual sectors to exhibit their work in Santiago, but also, in using this city as a film hub, it calls on such exponents to question, interpret, and re-write the status of contemporary documentary film practice today.
For the promotion, positioning, and exhibition of Chilean and International films, FIDOCS displays three main competitions. These sections include: INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION; CHILEAN COMPETITION, and EMERGENT SHORT COMPETITION FOR NATIONAL FILMS.
In addition, FIDOCS has the main industry activity, DOCS IN PROGRESS, for Latin-American works in progress where the jury (editors, directors, sound designers, producers, programmers), in addition to choosing a winner, feeds the filmmakers to carry out the post-production of their films and encourage their diffusion and transmission. This section is jointly run together with WIP section of CHILEDOC CONECTA.
The festival also has important training and extension activities in its FIDOCS SCHOOL, where students from film schools and communications from all over Chile so that its most outstanding students are in an intergenerational and interdisciplinary space with international and national festival guests; attending Master Classes, workshops, dialogues, among others.
In addition, in keeping with its interdisciplinary vocation, FIDOCS intends to accompany its screenings of other artistic interventions such as installations, exhibitions, performances, that from their own expressive means dialogue with the documentary concept. This is how FIDOCS EXPANDED section arises, where various artists, video-artists and filmmakers, all of them linked to the fields of sound or visuals, exhibit their work.
Finally, the chosen films will be screened after the completion of the festival, in different regions of Chile and abroad, at BEST OF FIDOCS section. The purpose is the cultural extension of the festival at a territorial level, putting emphasis on the circulation of the films at the regional level, being able to program replicas in the national territory as well as abroad.
*FIDOCS will be held with theatrical screenings.
Cinema Crianza is the first international children’s film festival in Galicia.
It is born out of the desire to promote a taste for film among the youngest, helping to educate a future audience with artistic sensibility, cultural interest and a critical spirit with regards to audiovisual consumption.
We believe that a film festival such as this one must convey the diversity of children’s film, helping to encourage children’s curiosity. In the process of children’s audiovisual literacy in today’s world, we feel that access to the most varied assortment of works possible is essential to developing of an understanding of this art, so that it’s not confined to the products of consumption at the delicate time of youth.