10 Sep 2021

Published: 13 Aug 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Overtime Sport Film Festival


Macerata, Italy

Review of Short Films, Films and Documentaries on Sport.

The Pindaro Cultural Association organizes OVERTIME FESTIVAL, which will take place from 5 to 9 October 2022 in Macerata (Italy). The main objective of the festival is to propose sport, sports practice and sports ethics through all the arts, workers and means of communication.

In this context, the Pindaro Cultural Association, for the year 2022 OVERTIME FILM FESTIVAL, an international competition for short films, films and social documentaries, with the aim of promoting, disseminating and making young cinema visible. The event also aims to create an appointment in Italy where directors, video makers, industry professionals or simple cinema and sports enthusiasts can compare and combine different experiences.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of Lebanese Independent Film Festival - LIFF

31 Aug 2021

Published: 13 Aug 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Lebanese Independent Film Festival - LIFF

Lebanese Independent Film Festival - LIFF

Beirut, Lebanon

The Lebanese Independent Film Festival (LIFF) is an independent festival born in Lebanon, the land of diversity. It emerges from the Mediterranean region and aims to reach a global audience.

The vision of the LIFF is to establish Lebanon as a center for local and international filmmakers to share global perspectives as well as independent thoughts to a large audience through film.

The mission of the LIFF is to promote independent film culture and encourage its development.

It is a platform to support and display the work of artists and filmmakers; a networking event that will bring together international and local professionals along with festivalgoers in a beautiful setting.

Its goal is to enhance cultural growth. With independent films and panels on various topics addressed to a diverse audience, the festival will ensure the promotion of diversity and present an alternative healing tool for the Lebanese society.

It also aims to attract a broader audience and make the festival accessible to those interested in movies but that may live in farther regions.

LIFF will be the first to plan the screening of the same movie in three different regions simultaneously.

The LIFF Lebanese Independent Film Festival is in partnership with A Night Of Misfit Films Film Festival Arizona-USA, CIFF The Canadian Independent Film Festival and the Fantasy Film Festival Paris-France.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of FICC Festival Internacional De Cine Cannábico

31 Aug 2021

Published: 13 Aug 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of FICC Festival Internacional De Cine Cannábico

Banner FICC Festival Internacional de Cine Cannábico

FICC Festival Internacional De Cine Cannábico

Buenos Aires, Argentina

EL FICC -Festival Internacional Cine cannábico - lanza su convocatoria

El FICC surge con la necesidad de ampliar las perspectivas culturales desde un enfoque social y comprometido hacia la temática del cannabis, a través del audiovisual como herramienta poderosa de transformación social, generador de conciencia, reflexiones y comportamientos.

Desde el 2019 el Festival Internacional de Cine Cannábico pone a través del cine y la cultura la temática del cannabis, contribuyendo a derribar prejuicios con respecto a los distintos usos, brindar información y contribuir en el acceso a más derechos sin promover el consumo.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Music Video

Logo of Rock Horror Film Festival

15 Oct 2021

Published: 13 Aug 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Rock Horror Film Festival

Rock Horror Film Festival

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


The Rock Horror Film Festival is more than a film festival, it’s an event that unites the best of the horror, thriller, and fantasy films with rock & roll in a big party for moviegoers who love music, and cinema. Prepare your heart for scaring and exciting nights filled with the best of the national and international thrillers, and a lot of rock & roll.


The festival will also have a team of international professionals in pannels, workshops and round tables about cinema in different areas such as: production, photography, directing, acting, makeup, soundtrack, among others.


The festival organize round tables with the participation od the directors, actors and professionals.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Holland short Film Festival

30 Nov 2021

Published: 13 Aug 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Holland short Film Festival

Holland short Film Festival

Bergen, Netherlands

Holland Film Festival 2024 is open for submission. The festival accepts all genres and styles as long as they are short. (max 30 min.)

Hollan Film Festival takes place in the beautifull town of Bergen north of Amsterdam. It is a small yet prestigious and well visited festival. We love fresh, new and original films of high quality.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Saint - Petersburg International Film Festival (SPIFF)

31 Dec 2021

Published: 12 Aug 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Saint - Petersburg International Film Festival (SPIFF)

Saint - Petersburg International Film Festival (SPIFF)

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

We are announcing SPIFF 2022, which will take place during 3 days in August 2022.

The winners will receive cash prizes!

The total prize fund is 600$!

Don't miss a chance to screen your film in Saint-Petersburg and win money!

Saint-Petersburg International Film Festival (SPIFF) includes:

- cash prizes, statuettes and diplomas
- the most reviewed by filmmakers film festival in Russia.
- only live screenings at the best venues of the biggest northern city in the World

SPIFF - International Film Festival of short films and animation, started in 2017 in Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Saint-Petersburg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Petersburg) - one of the most beautiful places in the World with more than 5 million citizens and many, many, many film lovers.

Our motto: No internet screenings - only live show!

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of The Bonebat Comedy of Horrors Film Fest

01 Apr 2022

Published: 12 Aug 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner The Bonebat Comedy of Horrors Film Fest

The Bonebat Comedy of Horrors Film Fest

Seattle, United States

Now in it's 11th annual installment, the BoneBat "Comedy of Horrors" Film Fest is a full evening of giggles and gore, where we present the finest in independent Comedy/Horror features and shorts from around the world, amazing live music and prizes galore, all hosted by Steve and Gord of The BoneBat Show!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of 23º Festival Internacional de cine de Terror y Gore de Alicante 2025

31 Oct 2021

Published: 12 Aug 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films


23º Festival Internacional de cine de Terror y Gore de Alicante 2025

Alicante, Spain

Since 1999

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Slow TV Trek

04 Sep 2021

Published: 11 Aug 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Banner Slow TV Trek

Slow TV Trek

LA, United States

The Slow TV Trek Festival is an online documentary festival that focuses on long-format 4K films about travels in areas of cultural or natural history significance.

The format should expand on the SLOW TV movement's format.

Examples could be a boat around the Puget Sound, a walk around Stonehenge at dawn, a walk through a significant public park, a cab ride through downtown Rio, the train through Copper Canyon, or anything similar.

International Festival

Feature film festival

 Documentary  Other

Logo of CineAlter

20 Sep 2021

Published: 11 Aug 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of CineAlter

Banner CineAlter


Santarém, Brazil

CineAlter: Latin American Film Festival is organized by Instituto Território das Artes (ITA) and co-organized by the Santarém Theater Association (ATAS).

Entries are open for all types of films that will be selected and identified according to the schedule of 5 (five) sections by a curator committed to the artistic conception of the Festival and the profile of cultural, regional, ethnic and gender diversity , decoloniality and sociocultural and socioenvironmental themes.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of International Amity Short Film Festival

01 Oct 2021

Published: 11 Aug 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner International Amity Short Film Festival

International Amity Short Film Festival

Istanbul, Turkey

ATTENTION: This is a thematic film festival about friendship/amity. Please read the regulations before submission. There is no entry fee for Turkish Film to all category.

The International Amity Short Film Festival intends to share with the audience all sorts of film forms that points directly or indirectly to the relationship between humanity and the universe that focuses on friendship. In the broadest sense, by using one of the most effective form of the contemporary arts—cinema, we would like to create an awareness about the concept of “Friendship” through various conferences, interviews, workshops, competitions, and film screenings within the festival with the purpose of rereading, rethinking, and multiplying its reflections in our lives.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Festival de Cine Entre Largos y Cortos Oriente

15 Oct 2021

Published: 09 Aug 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival De Cine Entre Largos Y Cortos Oriente

Festival de Cine Entre Largos y Cortos Oriente

Lecheria, Venezuela

Year 2021

The purpose of the “Entre Largos y Cortos Oriente ELCO” Film Festival aims to contribute great achievements to both the film-making community and the attending public, thus enriching future proposals of different genres and promoting film culture throughout the eastern part of the country; where professionals, amateurs and students from the different audiovisual media schools in the country, together with directors, producers, actors and a distinguished work team, lovers of the cinematographic field, will be able to show and enjoy the wonderful world of national cinema. That is why, in this 10th edition, the festival seeks to adapt to new modalities, due to the pandemic we are experiencing in the world and its restrictions, creating a platform of the festival called ELCO that will be our new form of exhibition and leaving behind our predecessor the ELCO Festival that was held since 2011 with an attendance of more than 2,800 people until its ninth installment with a total of 5,900 people who attended in person, with a great reception in the cinematographic medium.
This VOD platform was born with a new and renovating intention, where we will call on filmmakers to join together to show the world Venezuelan cinema together with Spanish-speaking countries that from this year will be part of this great window.

Our Mission: Promote, Disseminate and Promote Venezuelan and Hispanic film culture, with Venezuela being the official headquarters.
Planted objectives:

• Promote Venezuelan and Hispanic Cinema.
• Encourage the Production of Audiovisual Projects, Venezuelan and Hispanic speaking.
• Be a platform for learning and distraction for all families

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of The International Space Film Festival Tsiolkovsky

15 Jan 2022

Published: 09 Aug 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner The International Space Film Festival Tsiolkovsky

The International Space Film Festival Tsiolkovsky

Kaluga, Russia

The Tsiolkovsky International Space Film Festival (Tsiolkovsky ISFF) is held annually in Kaluga. Films and programs about space and its relationship with science, art, and culture take part in the competitive, non-competitive, and retrospective screenings of the Festival.

The purpose of the Tsiolkovsky ISFF is not only to present new films about space, but also to promote all areas of science and art, one way or another related to space, to strengthen the traditions of international dialogue between scientists and filmmakers to solve urgent problems of the development of modern science, culture and new technologies. In addition, the Festival carries an important educational mission on all issues related to the past, present and future of space research and space activities.

Goals and objectives of the Tsiolkovsky ISFF:

• the most complete presentation of the current state of the world cinematography related to space themes;
• demonstration of the best documentary and feature films about space, created both in Russia and abroad to the audience and the jury members. At retrospectives and special screenings, the audience will have the opportunity to watch the most famous films of domestic and foreign "space" cinema;
• the Tsiolkovsky ISFF may become a platform for live communication of creative people, scientists, as well as an exchange of projects and ready-made ideas in the field of space and "space" cinema;
• maintenance of a steady audience interest in film products related to space themes;
• a meeting of filmmakers with the audience of one of the most intensively developing regions of the country;
• the opportunity for filmmakers not only to effectively communicate with science, but also to transform scientific "space" ideas into something accessible and creative for a wide audience;
• to acquaint scientists with the world of cinema, to realize its creative potential and accessibility.

Tsiolkovsky ISFF SLOGAN: What is impossible today may be possible tomorrow (K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Self-made scientist who became the founder of modern astronautics)

Tsiolkovsky ISFF LOGO: The official logo of the Festival used in the festival symbols and official papers is a drawing by K.E. Tsiolkovsky from the "Album of Space Travel", which he created for the first Soviet science fiction film called "Space Flight."

The JURY of the Tsiolkovsky ISFF includes not only professional filmmakers, but also astronauts, as well as scientists from the space industry.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic

Logo of 2025 Arff Berlin // International Awards

23 Sep 2021

Published: 09 Aug 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of 2025 Arff Berlin // International Awards

Banner 2025 Arff Berlin // International Awards

2025 Arff Berlin // International Awards

Berlin, Germany

Around International Awards ✈ Barcelona ✈ Paris ✈ Amsterdam ✈ Berlin.
Annual Independent event with 4 major programs for all Features, Shorts, Documentaries, Experimental, Commercial, Music Video, Animations, Student Films, TV, Series, and New Media. The international community evaluates the all-genre creations to serve ARFF Official Laurels and to certify the awarded filmmakers at the end of the annual festival run. Thus, all the ARFF Finalists will be mentioned multiple times to have the best out of the entire year altogether. Submit today to participate in all 4 programs, regarding the unique system of ARFF International. Submissions made via Festhome are getting evaluated and selected, directly for the yearly festival run and participating in the Official Certificate Program exclusively. Monthly selection is available on other associated platforms.

See you Around & Fest Regards

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Indus Film Festival

16 Aug 2021

Published: 07 Aug 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Indus Film Festival

Indus Film Festival

Hyderabad, Pakistan

Indus Film Festival is an online exhibition to celebrate the works of the filmmakers of a Sindhi origin and show the international works to them.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental


22 Oct 2021

Published: 07 Aug 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Ezcaray En corto



The Excellency Ezcaray City Council, with the collaboration of Desván Films, announces the 8th EZCARAY ENCORTO National Short Film Festival 2024 in order to promote the creation and dissemination of cinema as well as boost and enhance the cultural, social and economic life of Ezcaray.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental


14 Sep 2021

Published: 05 Aug 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Trujillo, Peru

The World Cinema will be present in the tenth edition of the Trujillo International Independent Film Festival, with short and feature film productions; In an event that will last four days in the important Peruvian city of Trujillo, from September 23 to 26, 2025.

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Climate Change Film Festival

12 Oct 2021

Published: 05 Aug 2021
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Banner Festival de Cine por el Cambio Climático

Climate Change Film Festival

Villavicencio, Colombia

We are an ATYPICAL festival that focuses on film screenings with the purpose of raising awareness; planting trees to help produce molecular oxygen; and collecting second-hand clothes for donations, seeking to reduce the impacts of the textile industry on the planet.

We believe that documentary filmmaking about Climate Change is a valuable tool for transformation, which allows us to raise awareness about the damage caused and the possible alternatives we have.

We do not seek profit, we do not want a thousand films and, above all, we value the work of the filmmakers who tell stories about this universal phenomenon.

International Festival

Feature film festival


Logo of 11º FIACINE - Iberoamerican Film Festival

31 Aug 2021

Published: 04 Aug 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner 11º - FIACINE - Festival Ibero-americano De Cinema

11º FIACINE - Iberoamerican Film Festival

Ribeirão Pires, Brazil

Cachaça Filmes has held the festival since 2009. It always brings in nationally renowned filmmakers and artists from the area, aiming to offer culture and leisure options, and to favor the region's economy. In the short term we intend to bring an “elite” audience to Vila de Paranapiacaba, and in the medium and long term to bring cinematographic productions to the region.

We also have the Short and Feature Films Contest.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of The Cannes International Pan African Film Festival

15 Aug 2021

Published: 04 Aug 2021
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internationnal Du Film Panafricain De Cannes #FIFP

The Cannes International Pan African Film Festival

Cannes, France

The International “Festival International du Film Panafricain” (FIFP) in Cannes is a platform that exhibits cinema and its professions, arts and entrepreneurship, as well as innovation, culture and events.

The FIFP was created and founded by Mr. Eitel Basile NGANGUE EBELLE and the “Association Nord Sud Développement, agréée jeunesse et Education Populaire Ministère de la santé, de la jeunesse et des sports n° 06514”.

As a driving force behind the PanAfrican Cinema and Arts industry, the Festival is constantly seeking specific solutions for the development of PanAfrican Cinema and Arts.
With a booming Pan-African market (from Africa to the Americas through the Caribbean, Europe and Asia), the Festival benefits from expertise in the development of cinema and Fashion as well as the development of cultural affairs.

Since its creation in 2006, the DIKALO AWARDS (meaning « message » in the Cameroonian language Douala) has been awarded by a professional jury for the best short and feature films (fiction), the best long and short documentaries, the Dikalos Peace Award, as well as the best actor and actress awards.

The FIFP is a felt moment. It is a unique experience where PanAfrican cinema and African cultures and those of its diaspora around the world are the central focus. An exceptional energy is felt.

Since 2018, the FIFP in Cannes has included along with its projections, a market: the Entrepreneurship Salon for Culture and Well-Being. The objective is to enhance the economy of PanAfrican cinema.

A few years from now, the market which features pan-African arts will generate considerable sums. « Tomorrow is now ». This enormous potential must be brought forward into the light.

Such an “active dream” is an ideal that has made Africans and their diaspora what it is today. This was Mandela’s and Obama’s vehicle, as well as many others…

Pan-Africanism is an aggregate of universalism. It contains all of the lights, those of ancient Egypt and those of the future. In short, a constant beauty.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other