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El 14 FIC CLACPI se organiza en varias actividades de formación, difusión y promoción:
Muestras itinerantes: en todo el territorio del Ecuador se exhibirán películas reconocidas en los anteriores Festivales CLACPI, así como películas de Pueblos Indígenas del país anfitrión.
Encuentro de Realizadores y Realizadoras de Pueblos y Nacionalidades: alrededor de 50 personas nos reunimos a finales de marzo e inicios de abril para reflexionar el trabajo audiovisual desde una construcción propia, todo esto reforzando las ideas y corazonares base de nuestro caminar hacia el evento central del 14 FIC CLACPI 2022.
Laboratorio de cine para mujeres y disidencias: el audiovisual desde, con y para las mujeres y disidencias es necesario para contrarrestar la visión colonial y patriarcal del cine, para ello en julio del 2022 delegadas nacionales e internacionales serán parte de esta construcción colectiva con enfoque de género, generacional, diversa e intersectorial.
Seminario internacional de cine de Pueblos y Nacionalidades: la colonialidad del saber es una de las formas para encasillar y subordinar el quehacer audiovisual de los Pueblos Originarios, bajo la visión antropológica, paternalista y colonizadora se crearon categorías como “video indígena”, “cine indigenista comunitario”; es el momento para reconocer categorías propias que responden a nuestras formas de hacer, sentir y producir el audiovisual. En septiembre del 2022, con la participación nacional e internacional, nos juntamos a pensar y repensar nuestro cine.
Evento Central: comprende la muestra central del 14 Festival, los espacios de debate, laboratorios y muestras especiales durante 7 días en noviembre del 2022 en Quito, Ecuador. Este encuentro central tiene a la vez el evento de Inauguración y Clausura, acompañados de manifestaciones artísticas nacionales e internacionales.
Asamblea de CLACPI: la reflexión general, alcances y logros de quienes caminamos en el cine y la comunicación confluyen en este espacio para renovar los compromisos y las agendas de la Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Cine y Comunicación de los Pueblos indígenas.
The annual Eko International Film Festival (EKOIFF) is an international film festival in the coastal megacity of Lagos in southwestern Nigeria.
It was founded and established by Hope Obioma Opara in 2009 and Hope Obioma Opara is the also the CEO of Supple Communications Limited under which the festival is Holden. He is also the publisher of publishers of Supple magazine a film festivals and culture magazine in Africa showing previews and reviews of movies and interviews on www.supplemagazine.org.
The mission of Eko International Film Festival is to promote the appreciation of Arts and Culture through the motion picture arts and sciences and increase tourism in Nigeria.
Eko International Film festival is owned (Trade Mark and Copy Right) and organized by Supple Communications Limited.
The inaugural edition was held in the megacity of Lagos in summer, July 7-12, 2010, at the Genesis Deluxe Cinemas of The Palms in Lekki, Lagos, with filmmakers from Nigeria and around the globe
The subsequent editions were held at the Silverbird Cinemas of the Silverbird Galleria on Victoria Island, Lagos. till date
Our film festival is on her 15th edition slated to take place in April 21-26,2025
The purpose of the ZOOM FESTIVAL is to disseminate and promote audiovisual content regardless of format, distribution channel and audiences.
The Official Section of the 22nd edition is open to all producers, televisions, students, independent film makers from all over the world who present audiovisual content for all types of screens and that fit the bases of the Festival's official section.
Among the functions of the Festival is the welcoming meeting of the various professional sectors of the audiovisual industry, as well as that of students in the sector and be a platform for new talent.
In order to fulfill these objectives, the Zoom Festival will celebrate its 25th Edition in November 25th 2023 in Igualada- Barcelona.
10 international feature films of fiction, documentaries and animation, related to environmental and sustainability issues, will be selected to participate in a competition with numerous awards.
The films we will show will propose viable and concrete visions or examples of successful initiatives, always with the aim of instilling hope and promoting innovative initiatives that can contribute to improving the world.
Comunidad Filmin SL and its subsidiary Filmin Mallorca SL. are organising the fourteenth edition of the Atlàntida Mallorca Film Fest, an annual international meeting point between creators, professionals and the audiences to whom their works are directed.
The main objective of this section is to attract young audiences to cinemas. To propose a section of feature films that empathise with the dilemmas, conflicts and different situations faced by the new generations and that, in addition, speak their language.
The 14th edition of the Atlàntida Mallorca Film Fest will take place from 20 July to 20 August 2024.
The 2nd Calango International Environmental Film Festival aims to entertain, inform and educate the population of the region of Taguatinga, Águas Claras, Vicente Pires, Guará and Arniqueira.
Founded in 1961, Amnesty International is an independent NGO that works for the defense of human rights all over the world. Through our field researches, conscious raising campaigns, petitions and letters, and public human rights advocacy, we work for a world in which every human being is entitled to the rights stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in other international texts.
Accordingly, our campaigns focus on themes such as the liberty of expression, women’s rights, children’s rights, refugees and migrant’s rights, discriminations, impunity, the death penalty amongst others.
Cinema has always been and will always be a way in which human rights violations can be exposed and denounced. For that, Amnesty International France is pleased to announce the opening of submissions f edition of its annual cinema festival “Au Cinéma pour les droits humains” (To Cinema for Human Rights), which will take place in March 2019. The festival takes place each year in different cities of the south of France and with last year’s edition having had more than 3800 members at the audience. Therefore, we are searching for different entries for our festival. We are searching for films that touch on one or several human rights issues that are connected to any of our campaigns, such as the liberty of expression, women’s rights, impunity, and discriminations amongst other things.
If you feel that your film speaks of one or several major human rights issues, and you wish to submit it for selection, then please do send us a link this address in order to review it: acdhamnesty@gmail.com Also, please make sure that the film contains FRENCH SUBTITLES OR IS IN FRENCH LANGAGE. Once our selection committee has a decision, then we will notify you as soon as possible
The Equinale®
The Equinale® is an international film festival for horse films and films, which horses play an important roll.
The Equinale® is an event which takes place over four days.
Entertainment films (films for adults and children), documentaries, advertisements, music and educational films are going to be shown.
There will also be lectures about horses which will definitely catch the interest of the young and old horse fans.
The highlight of this event is the giving of awards to the films in the various categories.
The films are going to be awarded by a mixed jury. The jury is composed of horse thrilled people out of the riding scene.
The children and youth films are going to be rated from a separate jury.
Furthermore two public awards are going to be awarded.
The big film party on Saturday, on which the films are going to be awarded, is a social event.
To round off this event, a small exclusive horsefair and horseart exhibition invites you to go for a stroll. Fashion, art, interior, culinary delicacies including horse products and presentations are expected to reduce the waiting time between the films.
MANIATIC- FANTASTIC INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL OF MANISES it´s a festival of fantastic genre to bring the world of the short film to the new generations of spectators who otherwise would not have access to the latest creations of the future directors of cinema.
The Sogamoso Independent Film Festival - FECISO has established itself as a vital space for the exhibition and promotion of Colombian cinema in Boyacá, highlighting the diversity and richness of the country's audiovisual narratives. It has also stood out for being a regional window for the circulation of international cinema in Colombia. In 2025, the Festival will hold its ninth edition from November 1 to 7 in the municipalities of Sogamoso, Nobsa and Tibasosa, province of Sugamuxi, Boyacá.
FECISO begins the search for short and feature films that reflect the social, cultural and political realities of Colombia and the world. The curatorial line is focused on highlighting works that address issues such as the environment, violence, armed conflict and the cultural diversity of the territories.
Established in 1985, the Warsaw Film Festival joined in 2009 the elite group of events recognized by the International Federation of Film Producers Associations (www.fiapf.org) as international non-specialised film festivals - next to Cannes, Venice, Berlin, Locarno, San Sebastian, Karlovy Vary, Tokyo, Mar del Plata, Shanghai, Cairo, Fajr, Goa, and Tallinn.
The WFF differs from other festivals in its programme, just as Warsaw differs from other cities. Selecting the films, we always remember about our audience - native Varsovians, those working or studying in Warsaw, and those in town for a short while, for instance only for the Festival.
We do our best to make sure that our audiences get to know the latest and most interesting trends in world cinema as soon as possible. In this way, WFF audiences - usually as the first people in Poland - could discover American independent cinema as well as Asian, Latin American, Iranian, Russian and Romanian cinema. Some of the most amazing directors, like Michael Haneke, Cristian Mungiu, Paweł Pawlikowski, Ari Folman, Ashgar Farhadi, Lenny Abrahamson and hundreds of others, had usually been guests of the WFF before they reached the top.
We have been expanding the professional part of the WFF for over fifteen years. We realize that film festivals are part of the giant mechanism that is the global film industry. We do our best to make sure that the world takes note of Polish films, that they get screened at leading festivals, that they find their way into international distribution.
We started off modestly, in 2000, with screenings of new Polish projects for barely a dozen foreign guests. Five years later, we held the CentEast Market for the first time: a meeting place for professionals interested in films from Eastern Europe, described by The Hollywood Reporter as “the go-to event”. From 2009 till 2016, together with our Russian partner TVINDIE we have been presenting - in Warsaw and Moscow - films that are still works-in-progress but in which we want to interest sales agents and distributors. Similar presentations we organised at the Beijing Film Market from 2013-2016, with our Chinese partner Film Factory, under the name China-Eastern Europe Film Promotion Project.
Our theme is simple and it is just one word: INNOVATION
We encourage filmmakers to come up with innovative concepts and tell unique stories that promote peace and prosperity in their countries.
Promote international solidarity and a myriad of opportunities for filmmakers, businesses and broadcasters through film.
Create a self sustainable film industry and a new world class breed of filmmakers.
Background History
The Ekurhuleni International Film Festival was formed as a result of Siyafunda Programme an initiative by Rhythm Cycle Trading Projects in partnership With Ekurhuleni’s Metropolitan Municipality: Department: SRAC: Performing Arts division .The purpose of the Programme is to empower the unemployed youth economically and provide them with vital filmmaking skills. Promote the local businesses in the film industry and promote Social cohesion and mainstream youth development. Promoting indigenous music and instruments and participation in the arts is one of the key roles of the Programme.
The Cinematography wing of the project initiated the Ekurhuleni International Film Festival through one of its partners Rhythm Cycle Projects a local Film & Television film production company. The purpose of the festival is to empower Emerging local and international filmmakers. This will provide filmmaking skills; create networking opportunities with local and international broadcasters. This will also promote the local businesses through the film industry and mainstream economic development across a myriad of sectors of the economy.
Introduce young aspirant filmmakers to wildlife filmmaking
Educate the people about the natural world and films
Create networking opportunities for local filmmakers, broadcasters and funders
Promote indigenous music
Enrichment of the arts
Promote culture and heritage
Boost tourism
Mainstream youth development
Attract broadcasters
Create jobs and economic opportunities
Aims & Objectives
1.To ensure that every government department has a progress report on video in preparation for the next financial year.
2.To educate people how our government operates and help them identify what, how they can contribute to boost our economy and get benefits.
3.To develop an advertising medium for SMMEs, Big companies, banks and Educational institutions to generate revenue for the project to empower participants while they are studying.
4.To create a local film industry that will alleviate poverty in rural areas by making films that will tell their stories and attract the international market.
5.To transfer filmmaking skills to the youth out of school and the unemployed.
6.Showcase South Africa’s storytelling talent and introduce a new generation of characters through film and TV productions .
7.To establish partnerships with other territories to implement Co-Production Treaties that RSA signed with other countries to grow our local film industry.
Welcome and Official Opening
Networking Sessions
Fun walks
Wine tasting
Ekurhuleni International Film Awards
The Kursaal Film Festival San Sebastián (KFFSS) is an international short film festival that stands out for promoting the talent of filmmakers.
The "Filmmaker's Dragonheart Award" is recognized as the award for the talent and courage of filmmakers who, through their efforts, have managed to realize their dream.
The OURENSE FILM FESTIVAL (OUFF) presents annually a selection of the most innovative and outstanding films and audiovisual productions in Galicia, Europe, Latin America and the rest of the world. The OUFF receives each year works from a hundred of countries, whose common denominator are their socially aware subjects and their innovative forms.
The idea of the Festival, born like all good ideas, in a garage ...
One cold night of August 2019, inside the Nazario´s Garage, three friends were chatting about what they could contribute to make the Tera Valley area attractive, which suffered a great depopulation. Since then, his enthusiasm and effort have turned into reality the idea that arose that night in that mysterious garage ...
CARTON is an international animated film festival whose main objective is to bring together animators, directors, producers, cartoonists, cartoonists, and the entire community to see, enjoy and promote the world of animation as a means of communication and expression of ideas. artistic, technical and political.
The Festival consists of a competitive section of animated shorts. After a pre-selection carried out by the organizing committee, the material is evaluated by a prestigious jury that changes from year to year. Since its inception in 2011, Juan Pablo Zaramella, Tomas Welss, María Verónica Ramirez, Raúl Manrupe, Irene Blei, Salvador Sanz, and Ayar Blasco, among others, have passed through the Carton jury.
The competitive section is divided into the following categories: Fiction/Narrative, Experimental/Non-narrative, Video Clip, Series, Micro-shorts and Training Workshops.
In addition to the competition, the Carton Festival is completed with talks, videoconferences, workshops, feature film screenings and a comic book fair.
Non-traveling film festival that takes place annually thinking about the exhibitions to Covid-19 distancing and free face to Covid-19.
The second edition has free entries and submissions for Angolan territory only.
The general regulation defines the rules for registration, selection, exclusion, winners,
awards and honorable mentions.