15 Jun 2023

Published: 24 Mar 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films





10 international feature films of fiction, documentaries and animation, related to environmental and sustainability issues, will be selected to participate in a competition with numerous awards.

The films we will show will propose viable and concrete visions or examples of successful initiatives, always with the aim of instilling hope and promoting innovative initiatives that can contribute to improving the world.

International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Fantosfreak Film Festival

07 May 2023

Published: 24 Mar 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Fantosfreak, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges Fantàstics i Freaks de Cerdanyola Del Vallès

Fantosfreak Film Festival

Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain

The first and the most important Freak Festival in Spain. We also accept horror and fantastic film. With an audience of 1.800 people every day from monday to friday and we would love to screen your shortfilms.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Ourense Film Festival

15 Jul 2023

Published: 24 Mar 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films


Ourense Film Festival

Ourense, Spain

The OURENSE FILM FESTIVAL (OUFF) presents annually a selection of the most innovative and outstanding films and audiovisual productions in Galicia, Europe, Latin America and the rest of the world. The OUFF receives each year works from a hundred of countries, whose common denominator are their socially aware subjects and their innovative forms.

International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic

Logo of +RAIN Film Festival

07 Apr 2023

Published: 24 Mar 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner + RAIN Film Festival

+RAIN Film Festival

Barcelona, Spain

Third call of the first European festival of films generated using artificial intelligence (AI).+RAIN Film Festival is interested in the use of creative methodologies with AI in the service of storytelling. Beyond the visual dimension, this technology poses challenges in the ways of telling stories and also stresses concepts such as creativity and imagination. +RAIN Film Festival seeks to be the gateway to films that experiment with narrative language and these new technological approaches.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Holland short Film Festival

15 Dec 2023

Published: 24 Mar 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Holland short Film Festival

Holland short Film Festival

Bergen, Netherlands

Holland Film Festival 2024 is open for submission. The festival accepts all genres and styles as long as they are short. (max 30 min.)

Hollan Film Festival takes place in the beautifull town of Bergen north of Amsterdam. It is a small yet prestigious and well visited festival. We love fresh, new and original films of high quality.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of SANFIC19- Santiago International Film Festival

10 May 2023

Published: 24 Mar 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of SANFIC19- Santiago International Film Festival

Banner Sanfic20 - Santiago Festival Internacional De Cine

SANFIC19- Santiago International Film Festival

Santiago de Chile, Chile

SANFIC, Santiago International Film Festival, represents a film platform with educational, cultural, artistic and industrial purposes, as well as a prime symbol of the Chilean capital city and the whole country.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Octubre corto

31 May 2023

Published: 23 Mar 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Octubre corto

Banner Octubre corto

Octubre corto

Arnedo, Spain



Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Blue Danube Film Festival

03 Jul 2023

Published: 23 Mar 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Blue Danube Film Festival

Blue Danube Film Festival

Vienna, Austria

In 3 countries - Austria, Hungary and Slovakia.

Meet the best films and filmmakers of the Danube region on 1st to 5th October, 2024. The 7th Blue Danube Film Festival will take place in Vienna, Budapest and Bratislava.

The Blue Danube Film Festival is a film festival, which showcases independent films from the Danube region and the world. We encourage creativity and experimentation. We are open to all kinds of films. The Blue Danube Film Festival aims to inspire and motivate talented filmmakers, who are looking to engender new forms and who explore the condition of our society through critical lens.

Films are evaluated by our professional jury within the context of their entry category with regards to generally accepted filmmaking quality criteria (ie.: subjective vision, production quality, aesthetic position, structure, cinematography, direction, creativity, etc.).

We screen the selected films in Vienna, Budapest and Bratislava in art cinemas and cultural centers.

We can only accept films by directors from the following 18 Countries in the broader Danube region and CEI member countries: Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine, Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Czech Republic, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In the categories Fiction, Animation, Documentary and Experimental you can submitting films from all over the world.

BDFF 2024 is the region's first film festival that actually crosses borders. It will “Sail up” the Danube from Budapest via Bratislava to Vienna. We show the audience approx. ten feature-length and forty short films in the three cities and five festival locations.

During the festival, two juries (long and short films) will evaluate the films and the winners who (if the budget allows it) receives not only media attention but also prize money.

Three super-short films under five minutes will be selected and promoted using the augmented reality app ARGO can also be brought to life on posters and flyers.

We are looking forward to the movies!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Almagro International Film Festival AIFF

15 Jul 2023

Published: 22 Mar 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Almagro International Film Festival AIFF

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De Almagro

Almagro International Film Festival AIFF

Almagro, Spain

In 2018, Almagro International Film Festival -AIFF- born with the aim of establishing a useful platform for the promotion of the audiovisual industry: a space and time for dissemination and promotion of audiovisual content, transforming the city of Almagro into a meeting point for filmmakers, favoring the exchange of initiatives and promoting a market open to the development of new projects.

AIFF will provide a showcase for the most interesting short format projects done within the last recent months, constituting an standard of quality and high level of commitment to the society & culture of Audiovisual Arts. In addition, the Festival has opened an important window to formats created for online distribution, bringing support to one of the most active and emerging sectors of the audiovisual industry: Internet.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Festival Internacional de Cine Animal y Ambiental

01 Sep 2023

Published: 22 Mar 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine Animal y Ambiental

Festival Internacional de Cine Animal y Ambiental

Ciudad de México, Mexico

The International Animal and Environmental Film Festival (FICAA) of Mexico City welcomes you to its 6th Edition, where, as every year, we accept films from all five continents.

Our mission at the Festival is to promote values, causes, and activist struggles through Art, opening various windows of opportunity to showcase the work of talented filmmakers. Throughout the year, we host a variety of cultural events, including Film Debates in partnership with the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (National Polytechnic Institute), Mobile Cinema, and collaborations with government spaces that open their doors for this dissemination.

Winners who accept the terms will have their films featured for one month on IMCINE’s platform “Nuestro Cine MX,” granting them nationwide exposure.

The three themes for this year are:


We will accept:

Short Films
Feature Films
Music Videos

As a festival dedicated to raising awareness about Animal and Environmental issues, with this year’s invited cause being "Feminist Cinema," all projects will receive a participation laurel recognizing the art and effort involved, even if they are not part of the final showcase. Additionally, the Official Selection will receive an Official Selection laurel and a diploma sent via email.

Final winners will receive the FICAA 2025 trophy, along with digital laurels and a diploma.

The awards ceremony will take place in December, where guests from various countries and regions of Mexico will gather to collect their statuettes.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of NEXGN International Short Film Festival

31 Jul 2023

Published: 22 Mar 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner NEXGN International Short Film Festival

NEXGN International Short Film Festival

Pune, India

The NexGn International Short Film Festival of India aims to bring Independent Short Film makers from around the globe to an eclectic & international audience and provide them the value and position they deserve. Our program has been set to expand to include film screenings and free open-air events around NISFF as well as educational programs and cinematic workshops.

This passion project by NexGn is about to include over 500 Short Films from around the globe & draw nearly 150 for screenings. NexGn has also arranged for Number of Awards to be given to the certain categories.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Aguilar Film Festival

17 Sep 2023

Published: 22 Mar 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Aguilar Film Festival

Banner Aguilar Film Festival

Aguilar Film Festival

Aguilar de Campóo, Spain

The Aguilar de Campoo Short Film Festival is consolidated as one of the most veteran and relevant film citations in our country in its genre. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts of Spain, includes it as one of the key festivals for the selection of short films that will compete in the Goya Awards. Throughout the last editions the festival has been making important decisions that commit it to the cinema of our country. In his thirteenth edition he published his manifesto where he exhibited his philosophy and commitment to film. He made the decision to pay for selection to the selected short films thus eliminating economic competition in order to encourage artistic creation and production. Its screening rooms are open to international cinema including all genres, fiction, documentary animation and experimental cinema. In 2016 the festival received recognition from the AIC (Short Film Industry Association). This certificate is an annual distinction to differentiate and reward festivals that perform an exemplary role in the dissemination, protection and professionalization of cinema and its industry, and especially of the short film. This is the first time this certification has been granted and is the result of more than a year of work tables and conversations with festivals, filmmakers and other professionals from across the country in order to develop a guide to good behaviors towards the short film and its creators. The basic objectives of this distinction are to educate new generations of filmmakers and protect model festivals, recognizing their dedication and rigor. We seek the encounter and exchange between professionals and the public as a form of cultural enrichment.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of LesGaiCineMad Madrid International LGBTI+ Film Festival

15 Aug 2023

Published: 21 Mar 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of LesGaiCineMad Madrid International LGBTI+ Film Festival

Banner Lesgaicinemad Festival Internacional De Cine LGBTI+ De Madrid

LesGaiCineMad Madrid International LGBTI+ Film Festival

Madrid, Spain

LesGaiCineMad Madrid International LGBTI+ Film Festival is a LGTBI+ Film Festival in seen in Spanish Speaking countries. The inaugural edition was held in 1996. With an estimated audience of more than 10,000 spectators, it is a well attended festival by members of the Community of Madrid and is covered by the Spanish Press.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Visualízame Short Film Festival. Audiovisual&Women

16 Apr 2023

Published: 21 Mar 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner XV Festival De Cortometrajes Visualízame. Audiovisual&mujer

Visualízame Short Film Festival. Audiovisual&Women

San José, Níjar, Spain

The Visualízame festival began in 2011.

Organized by Fundación Inquietarte, the main objective of Visualízame is to serve as a platform for the dissemination of cinematographic works in which women participate in the direction, script and/or production.

Likewise, serve as a dissemination platform for short films that promote equality, in addition to respect for Human Rights. That is why we have two special awards for short films committed to the 2030 agenda of Sustainable Development Goals, and films whose plot addresses the topic of death and mourning.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of Festival De Cine De Hurlingham

23 Jun 2023

Published: 21 Mar 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner FESTIHUR - Festival de Cine de Hurlingham

Festival De Cine De Hurlingham

Hurlingham, Argentina

The forth edition of the Hurlingham Film Festival will take place from October 31 to November 3, 2024 at the Leopoldo Marechal Cultural Center (Av. Gdor. Vergara 2396) in the city of Hurlingham, with free admission.

The festival aims to promote culture and film production both in the city of Hurlingham and in the rest of the country.

The FESTIHUR will host a new space in the audiovisual universe with the intention of giving visibility and synergy between the number of actors in the new city, revealing identity, diversity and future.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of Festival Gollut

14 May 2023

Published: 21 Mar 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Festival Gollut

Banner Festival Gollut

Festival Gollut

Ribes de Freser, Spain


The Association "Amics del cinema de la Vall de Ribes" presents the 10th edition of the Gollut Festival.

The GOLLUT FESTIVAL is an exhibition of social and environmental cinema with the aim of inclusion and awareness of different diversities.

We are committed to auteur cinema, ethical and aesthetic commitment, creative freedom, exploring and experimenting with new narratives and forms of audiovisual representation.

The festival aims to decentralise culture from the big cities, rejecting the idea that culture has to have a centre that defines its peripheries.

This year the festival wants to investigate the ways in which cinema can influence and shape a territory and its inhabitants: their memories, imaginaries and collective fictions. We are interested in exploring the way in which cinema represents rural environments, processes of de-ruralisation both on a local and global scale, from gazes that question hegemonic narratives.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of 2nd Manikarnika International Film Festival

30 Aug 2023

Published: 21 Mar 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 2nd Manikarnika International Film Festival

2nd Manikarnika International Film Festival

Varanasi, India

We welcome you to the Manikarnika International Film Festival, Varanasi a celebration of quality independent film making, awards, and industry events in front of a live audience of film critics, enthusiasts and producers. Join us for two memorable nights of screenings, networking and red-carpet treatment.

We believe quality film making should be celebrated and awarded, regardless of the budget. This is why our dedicated team of international programmers focus on creating the most diverse screening selection. Why our nominated filmmakers are guests of honor. Why seeing and hearing the audience react to your cinematic work is just one of the many ways your work is being rewarded.

We are passionate about supporting up-and-coming directors, producers and actors, and providing them with worthwhile, memorable screening experiences. These include Q&As with filmmakers, industry round tables, and audience awards.

We are accepting submissions for a number of categories and are open to all languages, as long as films in a language other than English are subtitled in English.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Other  Experimental

Logo of FARCUME: Faro’s International Short-Film Festival

15 Jun 2023

Published: 21 Mar 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Farcume: Festival Internacional de Curtas-metragens de Faro

FARCUME: Faro’s International Short-Film Festival

Faro, Portugal

FARO 1540 - Association for the Defense and Promotion of Environmental and Cultural Heritage of Faro, after the success of the last editions of FARCUME - International Short Films Festival of Faro, is organizing the 11th edition of this Festival to be held in the city of Faro from 26 to 28 of September, 2025.

This 15th edition of FARCUME intends to exhibit and promote works in the short films section of up to a maximum of 18 minutes in length, divided into three categories: Animation, Documentary and Fiction.

In this festival, all national and foreign citizens can participate, individually or in groups, simply by complying with the stipulations in the regulation, filling out a registration form and having sent their works to the organization by July 11, 2025, subject to pre-selection.

The main purpose of this Festival remains the same: publicize and launch new talents as well as promote near the public the excellent works that are done in this area but not always have the desired and deserved promotion.

In other words, FARCUME within an informal environment, good mood and relaxed atmosphere intents to reward and recognize the dedication, commitment, creativity and merit of directors, actors and technical teams that, with modest means, can develop works of great quality.

Given the principles and goals of "FARO 1540", which even has the status of NGO (Non Governmental Environmental Organization) the Festival will continue to have a strong environmental concern and sensitivity alerting participants not to present short movies claiming or encouraging disrespect for the environment, human rights inequality or animal abuse. It will be further developed an Environmental Management Plan specifically "designed" for this event to ensure optimization of the resources needed for the promotion and accomplishment of the event and management of generated wastes.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Music Video

Logo of i-Fest International Film Festival

15 Aug 2023

Published: 21 Mar 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films


i-Fest International Film Festival

Castrovillari, Italy

i-Fest International Film Festival is an international cultural event dedicated to Cinema and New Technologies now in its fourth edition, to date it is indicated among the most important and representative events of the Italian panorama and an essential innovative creative, educational and experiential appointment for the territory in which it takes place, Calabria.
i-Fest, a registered brand, is an original innovative cultural project, incredibly rich in artistic proposals and relevant cultural and experiential activities, multidisciplinary and transversal in the involvement of a vast territory and specific target audiences.
The uniqueness of i-Fest was born in the planning phase, it is in fact the Festival of the "5 i":
International/Innovation/Instruction/Information/Inspiration constitute the 5 fundamental principles, they tell the concept of the event and define its objectives: to spread the European and international cinematographic culture in the multiple forms of expression and in the different genres and styles through an analytical path and a experimental; tell the multiplicity of the cinematographic universe with a specific focus on international cinema; present an innovative, dynamic, stimulating and always attentive event of the most modern digital languages; spread the professions of cinema through a rich didactic and educational activity; involve new talents from the national, European and international film scene; transmitting positive values to young people, proposing activities in healthy, stimulating, creative environments and making the new generations aware of important environmental and social issues through specific dedicated activities; propose a literacy path for the younger generations through multiple dedicated activities; ensure cultural pluralism through a differentiated cinematographic and audiovisual offer; support and increase the involvement and development of different target audiences; present the most modern audiovisual technologies through a proposal of innovative experiences (VR, digital exhibitions, multimedia experiences); develop feelings of pride and a sense of belonging through broad and transversal involvement, describing the territory in its positive aspects, enhancing its qualities and transmitting quality, beauty and hospitality to the numerous national and international guests.

i-Fest is a constantly evolving and growing hub which, with a great sense of responsibility towards its audience, great love for its territory and constant and passionate work, offers from 2020 an event which, also in relation to the reference territory and thanks to its rapid growth, it has reached truly important dimensions. The 2022 edition presented 4 international competitions, 5 out-of-competition reviews (over 90 screenings), 14 national and international guests and a rich educational activity (10 masterclasses/educational meetings/workshops).

In recent editions the guests who took part in i-Fest: the double Oscar winner Paul Haggis, the great Polish director Lech Majewski, the Spanish director Inés Paris (winner of several Goya awards), the American Heather Parisi (Italian exclusive) and Ezio Greggio, the great Italian actor Giancarlo Giannini (Italian exclusive) who received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on March 6, the French director Éric Gravel Golden Lion at Venice 78 and Cesar Award 2023, the Romanian actress Madalina Ghenea, the myth of Italian cinema Sandra Milo, the directors Enrico Vanzina, Giorgio Verdelli, Alessandro Rossellini, the extraordinary Milena Vukotic, the oriental artists Tsai Ming liang, Kiki Sugino and Momi Yamashita and many others.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of  Shorts Costa Rica International Film Festival

14 May 2023

Published: 20 Mar 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine Shorts Costa Rica

Shorts Costa Rica International Film Festival

Mercedes de Montes de Oca, Costa Rica

The Shorts Costa Rica International Film Festival is an initiative dedicated to promote and celebrate the richness of the short film, its diversity in themes, styles and voices, and the great national and international talent responsible for its creation.

This festival seeks to strengthen cinematographic diversity through the exhibition, training and dissemination of Costa Rican talent, and participation of international viewings in the country, giving the public the best of short filmmaking.

Our proposal is to provide small and large producers of short films the possibility of obtaining an impact within the cinematographic field, activating presence in cinemas and alternative spaces in the seven provinces of the country as well as in other cities around the world.

We recognize the importance of making short films visible as a means of cultural expression and we hope that you will be part of this great beginning and that we will continue to develop audiovisual diversity nationally and internationally through these efforts.

From March 19 to 29, the third edition of the film festival will be held in San José, with the support of various sectors of the artistic community to raise the efforts present in our present time.

Shorts Costa Rica will be held in four stages: CR Shorts Lab, Shorts Costa Rica Festival, Shorts Communities and SHORTS+, seeking to strengthen cinematographic expressions through the exhibition, training and dissemination of Costa Rican talent, and participation of international viewings in the country, giving the public the best of short films.

The festival exhibits a wide variety of short films from around the world to showcase national and international creativity. Its main objective is to share this artistic diversity with the local audience, highlighting how it influences our ever-changing identity. In addition, it seeks to support all film professionals, offering an inclusive space to promote and develop different regions on a cinematographic level.

The Shorts Costa Rica International Film Festival offers the opportunity to participate in the different eligible competitions, which, through these, seeks to encourage and promote efforts to export, consume and disseminate the talent and creativity of filmmakers from around the world and expose the cultural, artistic and / or social identities of each region.

Eligible categories: Fiction, Animation, Documentary, Videoclip and Experimental.

The National Competition encourages the efforts of all audiovisual sectors, regardless of their artistic background and training. The festival is committed to bring this diversity of projects in front of the national audience, expanding these records through the recognition of those artistic foundations that lead to the evolution of our national identity.

Eligible for the National Competition are those short films where the origin of the director or the production are from Costa Rica.

**There is no entry fee for this competition.

The Central American Short Film Competition aims to promote the efforts of all audiovisual sectors, regardless of their formation and artistic training in this region.

The festival is committed to bring this diversity of projects in front of the public, recognizing those artistic foundations that lead to the evolution of our Central American identity.

Eligible for the Central American Competition are those short films where the origin of the director or the production is from a Central American country.

**To register a short film in the Central American Competition has a cost between $0 and $15 (depending on the stage in which the short film is submitted).

Short films from all parts of the world (except Costa Rica) are eligible to participate.

Those short films where the origin of the director or the production is not from Costa Rica or any other Central American country are eligible for the International Competition.

**To register a short film in the International Competition has a cost between $0 and $25 (depending on the stage in which the short film is submitted).

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental  Music Video