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Governmental Organisations, and the world’s first festival of films on international development by young directors.
Festival Aims
Encourage filmmakers/creatives to work together to raise awareness of the Three Pillars of Freedom through screening of films created around these themes.
Three Pillars of Freedom and the Environment
* Freedom from want: Through the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
* Freedom from fear: Through efforts to bring about collective security and peace.
* Freedom to live in dignity: Through the application of justice for all, from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Development: poverty, shelter, healthcare, education, gender, governance, finance
Human Security: conflict prevention, conflict resolution, peacekeeping, shelter, migration
Human Rights: gender, education, dignity, participation
Environment: ecological issues, preparation for and consequences of natural disaster, sustainability, new technologies
Short films: any of the above
Young Film Makers: under 25 years
The festival is an event aimed at the talent of film professionals, artists and students, to emerge creativity with the noble diffusion of values and deep thought.
It is the festival with more theaters of release in Catalonia, 10 theaters.
It has an exclusive entrance to the city center, the emblematic Plaza de la Independencia.
It is the oldest festival in Catalonia after Sitges,
All the films in the world are registered.
400 films are screened between feature films, shorts, documentaries, etc.
It has more than six thousand spectators.
Montecatini International Short Film Festival, promosso dalla Federazione Italiana Cineclub (Fedic), con le sue 68 edizioni è uno dei festival di cortometraggi più longevi in Europa.
All'inizio, era principalmente destinato alle opere nazionali, ma a partire dagli anni '90, quando il Concorso Nazionale spostato in un'altra piccola città della Toscana, San Giovanni Valdarno, Montecatini si è affermata come vetrina di riferimento a livello internazionale, desiderosa di presentare un enorme panorama di nuove produzioni incentrate su diversi generi e tendenze.
L'obiettivo principale del Montecatini Festival Internazionale del Cortometraggio è quello di dare una visione completa del corto nel panorama cinematografico internazionale, nella sua estensione più ampia, puntando sempre alla qualità dei film e non all'aspetto glamour offrendo una bellissima location in Toscana dove discutere e magari trovare collegamenti per lavori futuri.
Ogni anno il Presidente della Repubblica italiana concede la sua adesione e la sua medaglia al Festival Internazionale del Cortometraggio di Montecatini.
Ultimo ma non meno importante: registi come Franco Piavoli e Nanni Moretti sono da segnalare tra i registi emergenti nei primi 60ties a Montecatini International Short Film Festival.
The Malta Short Film Festival is now in its 14th year, and it is adjudicated by a panel of judges. This enables the filmmaker and the viewer to understand the production value of each entry and its ability to communicate with its audience
The final program consists of an award presentation.
The Festival has a wide audience, 40,000 +
9 programmes on Malta National Television. (TVM) and repeat on TVM News Plus on Sundays at 9p.m.1 hour duration, starting Sunday 24 July 2022 and ends on the 25th of September 2022
The shnit worldwide shortsfestival is a premier platform for the exhibition and promotion of short films. This festival is a unique transnational event held simultaneously in ten cities across five continents. The festival consists of three main segments:
▪ shnit PLAYGROUNDS* | Running until August 31st, 2025
▪ shnit EXPANDED | Running until September 30th, 2025
▪ shnit FINALE | Amsterdam – September 30th, 2025
The winner of the WORLDWIDE COMPETITION, as well as the shnit audience-nominated films of the WORLDWIDE & INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION, will become eligible to enter the 2026 Oscars® in accordance with the rules of the 98th Academy Awards® [Cinematic release].
Over the past twenty-three years, shnit has evolved into a major international short film festival, continuously reinventing itself. Originally a local initiative, it is now a global event connecting and inspiring filmmakers and audiences from different cultural backgrounds. The festival promotes diversity, originality, and artistic exchange. With its high-quality cinematic selections, shnit attracts over 30,000 visitors, making it one of the leading short film festivals worldwide.
shnit is a non-profit organization, coordinated in collaboration with festival executives. The festival operates on principles of excellence and professionalism, fostering its international expansion.
* Planned PLAYGROUNDS for 2025
shnit worldwide shortsfestival takes place simultaneously in the several cities, the shnit PLAYGROUNDS, on five continents. The planned PLAYGROUNDS 2025 are:
▪ Buenos Aires [Argentina]
▪ Cairo [Egypt]
▪ Cape Town [South Africa]
▪ Goa [India]
▪ Hong Kong [China]
▪ Moscow [Russia]
▪ Sydney [Australia]
▪ San José [Costa Rica]
▪ Toronto [Canada]
▪ Bern [Switzerland] – shnit OPENING
▪ Amsterdam [The Netherlands] – shnit FINALE
The Búfalo D'água space was created through the partnership of producers/artists, who come from different cultural backgrounds, such as music, cinema and theater, with the intent of disseminating and integrating the artistic production, including all types of expressions and work fields, whether they come from the alternative or independent scenery. Following these guide lines, we created the "Bufalada", one of our main events where artists from different backgrounds and areas present something of their work, in a afternoon filled with art. In this event, that will take place a few days before the exhibition, we will present the trailers from all the selected short films.
Búfalo D'água is the home of the theater company "As Bárbaras" and the film production company "Clareia Filmes". It has a complete filming studio that can also be rented for external projects. Combining our personal projects with the desire to disseminate our space so more people can develop their own projects as well, it seemed like a natural step to organize a short films exhibition so we could establish and strengthen our connections with other film makers and film enthusiastic's.
The 1st Short Films Exhibition SP - Búfalo D'Água was also created to end our "INTEGRATION" cycle (a cycle of debate boards and workshops that will take place in the days that precede the exhibition) and will reunite several consolidated professionals from different artistic fields as well and young artists starting their careers. In this manner, we hope to create a mixture of public that combines both the more spontaneous audience with the more experienced eyes from out invited guests.
This is our 5th year and we've had some dynamite entries like "Christmas With the Dead" (Joe Lansdale), "A Child's Christmas in Texas" (Jessica Gardner), and "You Say" (Sidney Brammer). In 2013 we expanded the festival to include a panel discussion led by three Austin-based professional actors: Michael Conway, CK McFarland, and Jaston Williams. The festival was held at The Lost pines 8 Movie Theatres in Bastrop, as well as a catered closing party.
In 2014 we are expanding even further, to include a second day of filmmaking workshops in local high schools. The first day will again take place at the Lost Pines 8, and will include screening the films to a paying audience, a panel discussion, an award ceremony and cocktail party.
The Cultural Association Officina delle Idee intends to realize with the Patronage of the Municipality of Cittadella (PD), the Veneto Region and the Province of Padua the third edition of GEOFILMFESTIVAL - The Cinema of the Elements, "The Golden Earth" International Film Award, availing itself of the artistic direction of the director and actor Rocco Cosentino.
GEOFILMFESTIVAL wants to offer itself to all operators, filmmakers and the general public as competition and innovation for its theme: The Environment. Earth, Water, Fire, Air as objectives in the creation and production of medium-short films. So the Cinema of the Elements for which each of us is called to participate and make it a professional, social and moral goal.
The Cinema, once again, disseminator of news and civilization. Together with the cultural dissemination with the cinematographic projection, GEOFILMFESTIVAL - The Cinema of the Elements links its attention to the Environmental Problems of the World.
The IMAGO FESTIVAL - IBERIAN-AMERICAN SHORT FILMS offer a space of film quality projection to a wide public, by proposing them a rich and diversified programming.
The information concerning further development will be posted on the festival's FB page: https://www.facebook.com/oneshotfest The festival's FB page and work e-mail kadrrope@gmail.com are available for questions and clarifications.
"One Shot" promotes independent film production in Armenia. Submitted films have no limitations in shooting format. Films can be shot on cell phones, film and HD cameras. Competition has three categories: "One Minute - One Shot", "Short Movies" and "Cinema Without Border". There are special programs and panel discussions too.
"One Shot" International Short Film Festival is an open cinema platform. It was founded in 2003.
The founder president is Gagik Ghazareh. Founder organization: Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental Art. Symbol of the festival represents a three-dimensional statue of ancient rock carving from Geghama mountain which is 5000 years old.
Writers judge filmmakers, filmmakers judge writers!
Winning writer gets their script made by the winning filmmaker!
The writer gets their script made and they get paid. The filmmaker gets funded to shoot it!
Very limited entries and everyone gets lots of coverage of their work!
The winning filmmaker wins $50,000 (Feature) or $25,000 (Short) to shoot one of the top 10 scripts. Winning writer receives $20,000 (Feature) or $10,000 (Short) for their script!
LA MANO, Festival Internacional de Cine Fantástico y de Terror is a free and competitive festival and it is dedicated to fantasy, sci-fi and horror cinema.
We are a small nonprofit festival (free tickets for scifi audience) and we work with public libraries support (lectures, exhibitions...etc.) We have no corporate sponsorship. It is the people of the city, people who love horror (a lot of bakers, plumbers, teachers...etc) who fund us.
This festival was created as a contest with a-1000-Euro prize (best film) and 350 Euros (best short film). That's all we could offer, plus a quality projection in a really good theatre and Spanish press coverage.
Our organization wishes to create and perpetuate an exciting event that creates a community of horror and sci-fi fans and filmmakers who encourage and appreciate Spanish people about horror and sci-fi filmmaking.
LA MANO is proud and excited to offer the opportunity for innovative and creative filmmakers of the Sci-Fiction, Fantasy and Horror genres to have their works shown to appreciative audiences for 7 days before Halloween.
Kanyakumari International Film Festival
Celebrates its 4th year !
Event Type: Live Screening of Films from worldwide and Connected Programs including Film Making Workshops, Film Seminars, Film Appreciation Camps and Exhibitions.
The call for entries for the film festival is now open!
Screening Categories:
Feature Film Over 60 Minutes
Long Documentary Over 60 Minutes
Long Animation Film Over 60 Minutes
Long Experimental Film Over 60 Minutes
Music Video Over 60 Minutes
Short Film Under 60 Minutes
Short Documentary Under 60 Minutes
Short Animation Film Under 60 Minutes
Short Experimental Film Under 60 Minutes
Music Video Under 60 Minutes
Since 2003 the international Festival SIGNES DE NUIT is active in Paris, Berlin, Saarbrücken and with special screenings world wide. The festival in Paris actually presents around 300 films coming from around 50 countries at different places in Paris. In Berlin the festival will be performed in the legendary cinema Babylon.
The International Festival SIGNES DE NUIT based in Paris is made up of films, which reflects new views, original imagery and critical approach to the crucial points of the modern human existence. It is a place for cinema that expands its own boundaries, that is astonishing, different, potentially free from the pressure of tradition, ready to give itself to the unpredictable experimentation.
The minor costs of digital production makes an independant- from comercial influences and any kind of censorship- production possible. These independant productions create an alternative, an artistic space very subtle and accessible to all, in contrast to what mass media offer.
This opposition and the preservation of the free cultural space is the goal of the International Festival Signes de Nuit, which has realized screenings and interventions in 29 different countries including Algeria, Australia, Chile, Cuba, Lebanon, Lithuania, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Peru, Russia, Tunisia, Turkey and the United States beside the screenings in main festival in Paris.
Nicobis, media center for new ideas and the cultural multi-space Casa Espejo organizes the fourteenth International Festival of Audiovisual Productions for Children and Adolescents, to be held in the city of La Paz, Bolivia, from 2 to 10 of October 2024.
The Festival aims to promote and promote quality audiovisual productions for children and adolescents, generating a space for reflection and an exchange between them and at the same time to encourage children and adolescents to make their own audiovisual productions.
Likewise, the idea is to create a national and international network to disseminate educational audiovisual productions for children and adolescents from different countries and continents.
El Festival de Cine latinoamericano de La Plata, FESAALP, con una trayectoria de ocho ediciones se ha transformado en una vidriera para el encuentro, la difusión y la promoción del cine del continente.
Buscamos difundir, exhibir y problematizar el cine de América Latina como lenguaje creativo, artístico e industrial. Además de contribuir al desarrollo de nuevas posibilidades y perspectivas para los cineastas, artistas que se dedican a contar historias y relatos a través del cine.
Afianzar el encuentro entre el público y su cine es el desafío mayor que desde el 2006 nos propusimos, y hoy nos encontramos con un festival con más secciones, películas, invitados, actividades formativas y espectadores.
Creemos que un festival no sólo debe ser un espacio para la exhibición, sino también el lugar que promueva el encuentro e intercambio de experiencias entre los realizadores y ayude a que las obras encuentren nuevos espacios donde poder ser vistas.
Es importante destacar y agradecer que desde el inicio contamos con el apoyo del Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales (INCAA), el Instituto Cultural de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, la Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, la Municipalidad de La Plata, y de otras instituciones y empresas privadas que se siguen sumando y depositando su confianza en el Festival.
El FESAALP crece y se afianza gracias al enorme talento de los realizadores latinos y a la siempre conmovedora pasión de los espectadores por el cine del continente.