Gijon International Film Festival, one of the most prestigious festivals in the world

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Published: 13 Sep 2019


Gijon International Film Festival, Goya® and Oscar® qualifier, FIAPF recognised, gives out 68000 € in cash awards. Are you going to miss it?

Next September, 13th the call for entries for feature films (short films will be accepted until September, 20th) will close for the 57th Gijon International Film Festival (FICX), acknowledged as “Specialized Festival” by the FIAPF.

This Spanish festival includes in its programme some competitive and non competitive sections for feature and short films, for fiction, non fiction, animation, children and youth, documentary films, etc. It particularly focuses on the quality of modern day independent and auteur films, both from renown filmmakers and young talents, be it local or international. In its last edition the festival screened 180 films from 49 different countries, 30 of which were world premieres. Programmers from the main film events throughout the world atended the festival as well.

Oscar® and Goya® awards qualifier: An international jury of film and culture professionals will be in charge of choosing the winner of the “Principado de Asturias” award to the Best Short Film, which will then automatically qualify for consideration for the Oscar® awards organised by the Hollywood Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Science, and for the Goya® awards organised by Spain's Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Science.

The festival gives out in excess of 68000 € in cash awards in its different sections. Do not miss your chance and submit your film BEFORE SEPTEMBER, 13th (feature films) or SEPTEMBER, 20th (short films)!


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Logo of SounDance Film Festival

16 Apr 2020

Published: 11 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner SounDance Film Festival

SounDance Film Festival

Barcelona, Spain


Duration short films 1 minute to 30 minutes. Feature films:

50 min minim

Films made from 2015 to 2020

10€ for each short doc, 16€ each feature doc

Parent topic: MUSIC / DANCE : al genres

Deadline submission april 16th 2020 / Screen april 30th 2020

Submit films by

All registered films (whether selected or not) will be eligible for the AUDIENCE AWARD. This Award may be won by popular vote on the website that indicates the Film Festival. Voting will begin after the Last Deadline until the day of the Festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Afro films festival Bogotá 2019

20 Sep 2019

Published: 11 Sep 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Muestra de cine afro Bogotá  2019

Afro films festival Bogotá 2019

Bogotá, Colombia

The Festival starts on November 20th and ends on November 27th 2019

The International Afro Film Festival in Bogotá is projected to be the best festival in the country and in the region, especially dedicated to increase the visibility of Afro filmmakers and their film creations, recognizing the best pieces.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of International Student Film Festival

15 Oct 2019

Published: 11 Sep 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner DukaFest


Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

DukaFest started out in memory of Dusko Dukic “Duka”, a student of Film and TV directing at the Academy of Arts in Banja Luka. The festival was initiated by his friends from the film studies and it was named after him.

The first edition, “DukaFest 2008”, was a single all-day retrospective of films made by film students from Serbia and Bosnia and Hercegovina. In 2009, the drama department students at the Academy of Arts, University in Banja Luka founded an citizens’ association KROV (an organization for incentive and development of culture and art) and with cooperation of Academy of Arts, organized an international student film festival “DukaFest 2009”, which became competitive since that year. The festival is awarding students in the best fiction, the best documentary, the best directing, the best editing and the best cinematography categories.

Along with the screenings, our program also includes film workshops for all students and visitors of the festival, mentored by professionals and renown regional filmmakers. Apart from the film program, an important part of the festival is the music program which takes place after daily screenings and hosts up-and-coming or already affirmed bands from the region.

The whole idea of this festival is to promote student films and their authors for whom festivals like these are a stepping-stones in career and an opportunity to meet colleagues and professionals from the film industry. All screenings and workshops during “DukaFest” are free to attend.

The last edition of “DukaFest” was held in 2013. and now, after five years of absence, we are back as the only film festival in Banja Luka and with the intention to be even better than before.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Experimental


10 Dec 2019

Published: 11 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Granada, Spain

Buenos Aires International Film Festival (BUEIFF) is the largest festival in Argentina.
Official IMDb qualifying competition!

The BUEIFF has been the first South American Festival to celebrate its event in another continent (Europe).

We believe that cinema is a magic tool that speaks a universal language, which allows the ability to unite people from all over the world in an instant. More than 120 countries participating in the BUEIFF competitions!

Our goal is to encourage independent and professional filmmakers of all nationalities to share their passion worldwide through our Festival.

"Art, in all its forms, crosses any border, culture, society, ethnicity, or religion. Art is what most identifies us as human beings and what gives us humanity."

The members of our jury belong to a network of professionals, with years of experience in the industry.

The quality standard of this competition is very high and only awards the best films, so winners of this competition can be very proud of their achievement.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of South Georgia Film Festival

22 Nov 2019

Published: 11 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner South Georgia Film Festival

South Georgia Film Festival

Valdosta, United States

Celebrating the art and industry of film, the South Georgia Film Festival will be accepting submissions showcasing the beauty of the region and its people.

We are seeking submissions in four categories:
- High School Aged Students
- College Students
- Shorts
- Features
Preference will be given to students from Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee and South Carolina. Winners in the high school and college categories have the opportunity to receive scholarships to Valdosta State University.

You can learn more about the festival at

Submitted films will be screened on the campus of Valdosta State University March 6 - 8, 2020, in the Student Union Theater. Films will be judged by experts in the region. Awards for each category will be given by regional sponsors along recognition for other notable achievements, such Best Production Design, Best Documentary or Best Acting.

The total running time (everything) must be under 15 minutes in length for the Shorts, High School and College categories. Feature films are not limited based on length.

All participants will be invited to attend the screenings and discussions at the campus of Valdosta State University. Chosen filmmakers will be notified of their film screening by February 25, 2020.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Festival de Cine sobre la discapacidad Ànec

03 Apr 2020

Published: 11 Sep 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival De Cine Sobre La Discapacidad Ànec

Festival de Cine sobre la discapacidad Ànec

Cullera, Spain

The INTERNATIONAL DISABILITY FILM FESTIVAL ÀNEC has three basic objectives. First, an inclusive objective of visualization and awareness through the exposure of the reality of people with disabilities and the different therapies developed in this regard. Second, the dissemination and promotion of films and short films of artistic category that contribute to reflect this reality. And third, invite citizens to participate in the challenge of achieving a more just and inclusive society.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Antwerp World Independant Cinema Festival

18 Jul 2020

Published: 10 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Antwerp World Independant Cinema Festival

Antwerp World Independant Cinema Festival

Antwerp, Belgium

Antwerp is only a few miles from the Brussels international airport, The Antwerp I Film Festival, is a unique film and unproduced script event in its 2nd year that is celebrating the best and most popular independent and studio films from the global film industry, and has wonderful opportunities for the business of film.

Our Film Festival is all held in one convenient location; All of the screenings, workshops, meetings, networking, industry professionals, Awards Night and even hotel rooms. That means that we will always be there, supporting you and your project from before the Festival starts to the closing ceremony. So we won’t be hard to find, or difficult to locate, we know how important it is for Festival organisers to be on hand and to supply that all important personal touch. How do we know? We know because we already have huge experience in running other Film Festivals and from that we also know how to make it a better experience for you. With us, it will be.

Independent filmmakers and creatives face many challenges; the large competition for viewers’ attention, finding funding and getting a distributor can only be overcome by the industry coming together and creating opportunities for those who need and deserve it. Our Festival’s aim are to create an opportunity for filmmakers to show their work to the right audience at our intimate and relaxing events, and get one step closer to success by receiving recognition for their art.

We have built a small but exceptional professional network of industry professional that will look at all nominated films entered and will give business and commercial advice, in some cases the distributors attending will make offers to the filmmakers for their work and to work together to put your movies and unproduced script in the market place, we have the people and skills in our professional team to make this happen, if the professional attending feel there is a market for your movie or unproduced script, they will as with many films over the years of our other festivals, make things happen.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of BCT - Festival Nazionale del Cinema e della Televisione di Benevento

30 Apr 2020

Published: 10 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner BCT - Festival Nazionale del Cinema e della Televisione di Benevento

BCT - Festival Nazionale del Cinema e della Televisione di Benevento

Benevento, Italy

The National Film and Television Festival, the only Kermesse in Italy to combine the two macro-themes of communication, manages to connect, in a simple and direct way, but at the same time, criticism and analytics, themes and communication structures that accompany and sometimes affect the lives of everyone. Through stories, meetings, debates, screenings, shows, exhibitions and concerts, the greatest artists of the small and big screen are told captured by the emotion generated by the "climate" of magic that only the world of cinema and TV can give to a passionate audience of spectators.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental


30 Nov 2019

Published: 10 Sep 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Sección Western - Certamen De Cine Corto De Salas De Los Infantes



The Asociación Cultural sad Hill convene, within the Certamen de cine corto de Salas de los Infantes (Burgos), the contest of short films SECTION WESTERN (VII Edition- 2024).

The SECCIÓN WESTERN continues to be a parallel section of the Certamen de cine corto de Salas de los Infantes, although the screenings of the selected short films and the Awards Gala will take place outside the official dates of the Certamen de cine corto de Salas de los Infantes.

This decision has been made with the intention of being able to dedicate the time, which due to the characteristics of the genre it addresses, we believe is necessary for the exhibition of the participating projects.

The idea of this section is to pay homage to the western in general and to present a genre that continues to live today.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Leiden International Short Film Experience

20 Jan 2020

Published: 10 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Leiden International Short Film Experience

Banner Leiden International Short Film Experience

Leiden International Short Film Experience

Leiden, Netherlands

Leiden International Short Film Experience (LISFE) is an annual film festival held in the beautiful city of Leiden in The Netherlands. LISFE is dedicated to Short Films from all genres and from anywhere in the world. Over the years we have built the reputation of successfully showcasing though-provoking films through a diverse and selective program.

This year the festival will take place from the 7th until the 10th of May in Kijkhuis (Leiden).

Note: We are interested in programming films from around the globe. In extraordinary geo-political circumstances, we may wave our submission fee. If you think you qualify, please contact us for more information.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Interntional Film Festival

20 Feb 2020

Published: 09 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner FestCine Pedra Azul

Interntional Film Festival

Domingos Martins, Brazil

FestCine Pedra Azul is in its sixth edition and will take place on the 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th of September 2024.

We are an International Film Festival, qualified by IMDb, conceived and produced by Tower Filmes.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Cinema Crianza Film Fest

05 Oct 2019

Published: 09 Sep 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Cinema Crianza

Cinema Crianza Film Fest

Milladoiro-Ames, Spain

Cinema Crianza is the first international children’s film festival in Galicia.

It is born out of the desire to promote a taste for film among the youngest, helping to educate a future audience with artistic sensibility, cultural interest and a critical spirit with regards to audiovisual consumption.

We believe that a film festival such as this one must convey the diversity of children’s film, helping to encourage children’s curiosity. In the process of children’s audiovisual literacy in today’s world, we feel that access to the most varied assortment of works possible is essential to developing of an understanding of this art, so that it’s not confined to the products of consumption at the delicate time of youth.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of Il Varco - International Short Film Festival

25 Mar 2020

Published: 09 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Il Varco - International Short Film Festival

Il Varco - International Short Film Festival

Pescara, Italy

In only three editions Il Varco International Short Film Festival has already gained the reputation of being one of the most interesting and artistically challenging festivals in Italy for films from all around the world, screening together an authorial selection that is a mixture of independent films, low budget productions, first films and great masterpieces.

In only three years our festival and its parallel screening "Short Days" have received more than 4900 films from 106+ countries, made 14 screenings around Italy with more than 1300 paying spectators screening the best short films from all around the world and giving directors the possibility to interact with a public of film students, film critics, directors, cinephiles and moviegoers.

Screenings take place in the biggest cinema of Abruzzi, on a 30 meters screen with DCP 2K projectors at maximum quality with 7.1 audio. Our staff prepares the DCP masters with double ita/eng subs for free for all the selected films, and you can keep it later.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Pilas in Short Film Festival

08 Nov 2019

Published: 09 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Pilas en Corto

Pilas in Short Film Festival

Pilas, Spain

Entrants may submit as many films as they see fit, as long as they are produced between 2021 and 2023.

All films shorter than 20 minutes will be accepted, regardless of their original film or video shooting format.

Films which are not spoken in Spanish must be presented with subtitles in Spanish.

Films' theme is free.

Live action fiction, animation, experimental and documentary films can be submitted.

Submission deadline is Noviembre, 5th, 2023.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other


31 Aug 2020

Published: 07 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films



México DF, Mexico

The Mexico City International Independent Film Festival STUFF MX celebrates its 10th edition in June 2025 and opens its official call to filmmakers from all over the world to register all their film materials, music videos; in all formats, genres and categories of any length, in animation, documentary, fiction and live-action, which will be valid from December 1, 2024 until March 31, 2025 at 23:59 CST (CST), Washington, D. C. time. CST (CST), Mexico City time.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Transilvania Shorts

07 May 2020

Published: 06 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Transilvania Shorts

Transilvania Shorts

Cluj Napoca / Sibiu / Brasov /Targu Mures, Romania


We know how hard it may be, for filmmakers, to produce and distribute their works, especially if those are short films and independent productions. TRANSILVANIA SHORTS [International Short Film Festival] is the useful tool for every filmmaker, in order to further showcase their films, and get their deserved public feedback and recognition. The films selected in the festival competition are further on promoted, screened at the festival, and evaluated by a team of experts in the industry. Transilvania Shorts supports filmmakers in gaining the recognition of the public passionate about cinema, and that of mass-media, and, also, in being rewarded for their work.

Come celebrate and share your passion for cinema! Held in beautiful and medieval cities like Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu, Braṣov, and Târgu Mureș, Transilvania Shorts brings short films, from all over the world, to beautiful Transilvania. In the future, the festival will be extended, in order to be present in all major cities of Transilvania. This year’s Festival Program will showcase a wide variety of international short films, in the categories of: Narrative, Animation, Student, Commercial Video, Documentary, Experimental, Music Video, Stop-Motion.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of StoryGo International Short Film Festival

04 Mar 2020

Published: 06 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner StoryGo International Short Film Festival

StoryGo International Short Film Festival

St. Petersburg, Russia

StoryGo International Short Film Festival (SGISFF) – this is a festival of international short films, documentaries and animations, organized by the community of screenwriters and producers StoryGo.Ru in St. Petersburg (Russia).
The festival was created to popularize dramaturgy and the high importance of the script in modern film production. We prefer projects with deep content and an interesting storyline. Festival screenings will be held July 23-24, 2020 at the Park Inn by Radisson Hotels on Nevsky Prospekt in the center of St. Petersburg. Guests will have 2 days of screening selected films, videos, animations in the conference room of the hotel. Hotel address Goncharnaya st. 4 / Nevsky pr. 89. 6 months before the event, we will open registration of guests.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Music Video

Logo of Saint - Petersburg International Film Festival (SPIFF)

05 Jan 2020

Published: 06 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Saint - Petersburg International Film Festival (SPIFF)

Saint - Petersburg International Film Festival (SPIFF)

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

We are announcing SPIFF 2022, which will take place during 3 days in August 2022.

The winners will receive cash prizes!

The total prize fund is 600$!

Don't miss a chance to screen your film in Saint-Petersburg and win money!

Saint-Petersburg International Film Festival (SPIFF) includes:

- cash prizes, statuettes and diplomas
- the most reviewed by filmmakers film festival in Russia.
- only live screenings at the best venues of the biggest northern city in the World

SPIFF - International Film Festival of short films and animation, started in 2017 in Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Saint-Petersburg ( - one of the most beautiful places in the World with more than 5 million citizens and many, many, many film lovers.

Our motto: No internet screenings - only live show!

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Horrorant Film Festival FRIGHT NIGHTS

31 Mar 2020

Published: 06 Sep 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Horrorant Film Festival FRIGHT NIGHTS

Horrorant Film Festival FRIGHT NIGHTS

Athens, Greece

Horrorant Film Festival ‘FRIGHT NIGHTS’ is an international horror film festival organised by a genre film distributor and held annually at the best equipped theatres in the heart of Athens and Thessaloniki, Greece.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other