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The G Awards are a non-profit festival, promoted by the Department for Culture and Tourism of the City of Naples, for short movies, music videos, documentaries and cartoons organised by a very young passionate about cinema and video-maker. The purpose of the festival is to spread the cinematographic culture to people of all the ages and to make known works both by professional and young people, since it is also open to underage video-makers.
Short movies/cartoons: authors aged 14 and over can participate; short movies/cartoons must be between 1’ and 35’ long; we accept Italian works and foreign language works subtitled in Italian.
The Festival is organized by the CinemArt Association of Pineda de Mar, it is an international festival with the aim of promoting a specific space for the discovery, screening and dissemination of short films.
The main thematic axis of the festival is that of comedy; however, the theme and genre of the productions is free. Quality and originality will be prioritized as the main objective, and that the production is unprecedented.
The Inffinito Festival Circuit opens registration for its editions in 2020!
The Inffinito Circuit is a pioneering action to promote Brazil in the international market, through film festivals. It is a reference in the diffusion of Brazilian products and services, in addition to building an effective platform for business exchanging and promotion of the country's tourist destinations.
Over our 24 years of experience in organizing festivals abroad, we have held 82 festivals in 13 cities. We presented 62 concerts by renowned artists of Brazilian music and exhibited 865 national films. We confirm the interest of the foreign public in getting to know Brazil better, its culture, customs, products and tourist destinations.
14th Braff New York - June 21st to 27th, 2020
24th Braff Miami - September 12th to 19th, 2020
14th Brazilian Film Festival of New York - June 21st to 27th, 2020.
Braff NY is an official event on the New York cultural calendar and is known as a powerful tool for visibility and promotion of Brazil in the United States.
24th Brazilian Film Festival of Miami - September 12th to 19th, 2020.
BRAFF Miami is an official festival of Miami Dade County, the cities of Miami and Miami Beach and the government of Florida. The Brazilian Film Festival of Miami (BRAFF) is the pioneer and the world's longest continually running Brazilian Film Festival. Held for 24 consecutive years, since the resumption of Brazilian cinema. Its commitment and dedication to showcase Brazilian films overseas have conquered a larger loyal audience that looks forward to the annual event for an updated overview of Brazilian cinema. The Festival has proven itself as a fundamental and valuable resource for introducing Brazil’s finest new productions to US audiences, a natural showcase for promotion in addition to be a business environment with extraordinary economic potential for the Brazilian production chain.
#VIEWCONFERENCE is the premiere International event in Italy on Computer Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Digital Cinema, Animation, VR/AR, Games, VFX and immersive storytelling.
VIEW CONFERENCE è un evento internazionale a cadenza annuale incentrato sulla computer grafica, le tecniche interattive, il cinema digitale, l’animazione, i videogiochi, gli effetti visivi, Realta' Virtuale e aumentata e storytelling immersivo.
1) VIEW AWARD: First Prize is 2000 Euros
2) ITALIANMIX: First Prize is a Wacom Tablet
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/viewconference
YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UChGdAnZQE6UcH_OQ5DNFW_Q
Twitter: @viewconference.it
Instagram: view_conference
The Asian Summer Film Festival wants to present the Asian culture through the popular cinematography produced in the countries of the continent.
The Festival has several categories such as a competitive section, retrospectives, screenings for children and theme nights. Last year, 40 titles from China, Hong Kong, Thailand, South Corea, Japan and India were shown, some of them were World and International festival premieres, European festival premieres or Spanish festival premieres. The 18 films programmed in the official section competed for the Jury Prize, the Lucky Cat Award, given by the audience to the best film in-competition, and the Critics’ Choice Award.
The festival is being conducted since the year 2001, and its task is to show as widely as possible, the condition of the contemporary audiovisual creations of young authors.
Films from 70 countries were exhibited during the previous festivals.
LIFE AFTER OIL International Film Festival is an environmental & human rights film festival
As we are preparing for the post-petroleum era?
This festival starts with the intention of overshooting the simple exposure. Although it is important to raise public awareness on the risks connected to the exploitation and to the use of natural resource in the production of fossil fuels, still remains, the enormous and dramatic problem of the disasters caused by the lack of energy, with particular reference to the water supply, highly relevant to the world population. The main objective of the festival will be, therefore, not only emphasizing problems related to the use of fossil fuels, but especially identifying the alternatives which take into account, according to the present scientific knowledge, the several well-known methods of production.
Feedback: The one element most festivals ignore.
Instead of paying submission fees and getting nothing in return, EVERYONE who submits to DOFIFF.COM will receive EITHER ONE OF TWO benefits: Either 1): your film is already competition calibre, and becomes an Official Selection, OR 2): you’ll receive a letter outlining exactly what is keeping it from being accepted. If you can make corrections, you resubmit for FREE.
First-time filmmakers: when have you ever received a letter and had the festival explain "WHY" you weren't selected? See why filmmakers thank us and say “Best Festival Ever!”
-Guaranteed distributor review by World Wide Motion Pictures Corporation (WWMPC.COM), Adler & Associates, and Polaris Pictures (for Screenplays) among others, AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU, for our select few ‘Best Of’ and "Award of Excellence" winners based on sufficient qualified entries. For this free service, DOFIFF requires NO CONTRACTS to be signed.
-The chance to thereby be included in one of that distributor’s buyers’ packets on the world film market
-A festival that is run as a web-based competition, instead of a traditional film festival: 100% of our effort and investment goes into finding a market for you, not into renting theatres unless it is dictated by the distributors to further test the market.
-All "Best Of Show" and "Award Of Outstanding Excellence" may have their trailers shown on WRPN.TV entertainment news next to Hollywood celebrity interviews (optional)
-Any film that is rejected will receive a personal letter explaining what elements caused the rejection (unlike other fests who never give any explanation at all). HINT: majority of rejections or low award levels, are due to insufficient volume on dialogue soundtracks.
-Any film that is accepted, but fails to move on to award status, will be given a free synopsis of the judges notes, at the filmmakers request, for free
-FREE Earlybird entry of any rejected film, into DOFIFF’s next competition, upon completion of the suggested corrections outlined in your rejection letter
-$28 flat fee for ALL STUDENT FILM ENTRIES regardless of deadline status (proof required of student status at time of filming: no refunds if your ID is not legitimate)
-Unique Category distinctions:
“Dust Collector” category for pre-2009 films
“Tight Shorts” and “Loose Shorts” distinction between running times of less than 15 minutes and those between 15-59 minutes
“Horror” and “Sci-Fi” have been separated into two distinct categories
-Finally, you can rest assured that our co-founder is a proud Committee Member for the Universal Film & Festival Organization (UFFO.ORG). The UFFO is a non-profit operating out of the U.K., which exists for "Promoting best business practices for film festivals.” This guarantees that your film will benefit from a fair and thorough judging process.
The Ko&digital: Festival Internacional de Cine Solidario project starts its Call for entries for short films (fiction, documentary, animation) which focus on social, environmental and solidarity related themes.
KYIV INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL (KISFF) is largest short film festival in Ukraine.
Our festival features a diverse range of short films created by emerging and accomplished filmmakers, including film school students and independent creators from all corners of the world. Our goal is to showcase the most stirring, inventive and distinctive films while promoting Ukrainian cinema, encouraging communication and exchange of experiences between Ukrainian and international filmmakers and artists, and providing a safe and welcoming space for our audience.
New York No Limits Film Series is an ongoing collection of one-night short film screenings that presents the best films from around the world in the most unique and dynamic arts city in the world. The series culminates with the Summit, a 3-day festival that exhibits feature films and short films.
New York No Limits Film Series' mission is to sustain diversity in film, create discussion among the audience, and inspire filmmakers to push forward to perfect their craft to their fullest potential. The series provides filmmakers the platform to explore innovative narrative and personal themes that focus on the human experience. We encourage films to experiment without commercial pressure.
If you are in Paris, we are waiting for you for a Master-class, dedicated to the festivals, on March 1, 2018, the inscriptions are on mariannalanskaya.com !!!
The Seventh International Festival Les Saisons Parisiennes is organized by Les Saisons Parisiennes Films, Paris.
Festival will take place in the space of the St.Petersburg Film House. All the films will necessarily leave in Grand Tour 2018-2019.
The Les Saisons Parisiennes International Festival will offer a short fiction program in the following categories:
French films from France and other countries
Non-French films from other countries
The general theme: Paris and the cities of the world
The theme of the Festival: Comedy only (romantic, black, dramatic, etc.)
Competing for the Awards: Best Short Film and Best Feature
The Prize will be awarded to filmmakers or potential distributors.
IMPORTANT: All the films that participated in the 2018 Festival, will necessarily start in the Grand Tour, which will take place in different cities of Russia between July 10, 2018 and June 30, 2019.
Ojo al Piojo! International Children's Film Festival is organized by the Rosario Audiovisual Center of the Ministry of Culture and Education of the Municipality of Rosario. The eleventh edition will be held from August 18 to 21, 2022 in the city of Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.
Ojo al Piojo! it is part of the public policies that the city of Rosario offers for children, protecting and guaranteeing the right to access cultural property, in accordance with the International Convention on the Rights of Children and Adolescents.
Promotes the exhibition of quality short and feature films understanding in this concept that cinematographic resources (script, photography, editing, performances) must be appropriate for children; the themes and interests are representative, the story and the narrative treatment is attractive and interpele as well as the language, appropriate to the age of the target audience. The works must contemplate a broad and integrative view of inclusion and cultural diversity.
The Festival has three (3) competitions:
- Competition of short films made by girls, boys and young people
- Competition of short films made by adults and adults
- Feature Film Competition
Since its 1st edition in Barcelos in 2008, the ART&TUR Festival has effectively fulfilled its mission of making known to the world the best audiovisual productions in Portugal and in the world.
As a forum for sharing experiences, the ART&TUR Festival has achieved a high international recognition, thanks to the quality and quantity of films that it distinguishes annually, as well as its integration into a worldwide network of similar festivals: CIFFT (International Committee of Tourism Film Festivals) that annually elects the best tourism film worldwide, among all the films that travel the international circuit of 16 festivals.
From 2018, ART&TUR Film Festival rights were transferred from APTUR to Centro de Portugal Film Commission (CPFC). Associated to this change, and thanks to an agreement between the CPFC and the Regional Tourism Entity of Center of Portugal, the ART&TUR Festival will now be held in the Central Region, roaming through the various municipalities of the Center of Portugal.
There are 2 different competitions for you: TOURFILM & DOC
Worldwide entries are invited: Advertising, Promotional Films, Animation, Independent Travel Videos, Documentaries, Webdocs and TV Programmes
Charlie Chaplin Comedy Film Festival
The Charlie Chaplin Comedy Film Festival honours the pioneering spirit of a great film maker and advocate for social change.
We are delighted to be holding the fifth annual CCCFF in August 2015 in the beautiful village of Waterville on the Ring of Kerry in the South West of Ireland. The festival includes a hugely entertaining range of events, screenings, workshops and Chaplin themed street entertainment and much, much more. Waterville extends a very warm welcome to you all.
The PROGRAM "TV EN CORTOS" develops in order to promote the film industry by providing a space where everyone with films and / or audiovisual arts concerns can deploy their talent and promotion.
Is a television program for filmmakers, students, film schools, producers, distributors and anyone with a short film or a film to promote, encourage and enjoy the film as a means of communication and expression of artistic ideas and techniques .
The aim is on the one hand, to provide an overview of contemporary elements resources in film, television, video and multimedia, thus promoting the possibility of extending a hand the local media culture to reach every household. On the other, the development of the film industry in the area generating the exchange of know the hidden talents city.