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Start Festival: 23 November 2024 End Festival: 30 November 2024
‘Mal del Cap, Naratives Mal Dites" is the name of the International Festival of Short Films and New Narratives that Mal del Cap, Cultura Mal Dita of Eivissa has been running since 2014.
This festival aims to be a meeting place and a place to generate ties between the participants and the citizens of Eivissa with the aim of consolidating itself as a space with the potential to forge encounters for audiovisual exhibition and creation.
‘Mal del Cap’ is an independent festival based on experimentation and the search to find new ways of narrating or expressing through the image, and to this end we are organising a short film competition to encourage the participation of citizens, especially the youngest members of the population.
From CINESPACIO we want to focus this edition of the festival on those works that have focused on the migratory conditions and their relationship with audiovisual forms of production. In a world where borders are constantly built and imaginary lines are drawn to violate identities - as well as create them -, it is necessary for the audiovisual sector to think about his role in the modes of implementation and in the themes represented.
We propose to interpret the border as a space where transnational identities are born and get in conflict; a space where new networks and emotional communities are generated and are in perpetual movement; a space where they face the challenges of individual recognition and community belonging. If the border is what delimits who we are, crossing borders involves, then, the challenge of being someone else and knowing how to be someone else through rapprochement and touch, bearing in mind that the content at the borders, being touched by the external, will not be the same again.
The Overcome Film Festival is a venue for all storytellers, filmmakers, and artists to tell the world their stories of survival and triumph over adversity. It is the focus of the film festival to give survivors a voice and a venue to share their life experiences and provide hope to others. Everyone is invited to participate with their work. Animation, narrative and non-narratives, audiovisual poetry films, and experimental works are accepted.
The Overcome Film Festival especially encourages the entries of anyone who wants to share their experiences in overcoming challenges, illnesses, disabilities or any other factor that has contributed to their growth as a person and motivated them to celebrate their existence.
The Overcome Film Festival is an international event and everyone all over the world is encouraged and welcome to participate.
Short and Feature international films (all countries).
Dedìcated to Max Lìnder, famous French show man and producer ìn Usa, wìth a tragìc end of hìs lìfe, the 4F festìval 3th edìtìon wants to dìscover and promote new sìlent formats for new medìa.
Welcome to Filmstrip International Film Festival. We’re an online and independent film festival with live screenings, that takes place in the heart of Moldavia region, in Iasi, Romania, one of the leading centers of Romanian social, cultural, academic and artistic life.
Known as The Cultural Capital of Romania, Iași is a symbol in Romanian history, and it is still referred to as The Moldavian Capital, being the main economic and business center of the Moldavian region of Romania.
Filmstrip International Film Festival is involved in promoting young filmmakers, maintaining a high standard, that of a festival eminently dedicated to spiritual and cultural values.
The best films of each category will be screened at a vibrating venue, "La Baza”, home of many cultural events in the city throughout the year.
The festival runs once a year, the whole process of selection and awarding takes place online, with live screenings being held at the end of each edition.
There will be a total of 10 films screened at our location - the AWARD WINNERS (Best Film, Silver, Bronze, Special Mention) and the CATEGORIES AWARD WINNERS (Animation, Documentary, etc).
The School Film Festival invites you to submit your short film, animation or music video.
From the ten-year experience of the Palena Film Festival, (over 8500 short films, animations and music videos received from more than 125 countries of all 5 continents) in 2017 the School Film Festival is born.
Founded by the FM non-profit organization (Associazione Culturale FM), the School Film Festival is a online international Film Festival, made in Italy, unique in his own genre: students and teachers are the recipients of the short films. The final selection will be performed by a qualified jury. The awards will be assigned the 31st May 2018.
The School Film Festival wants to make an active contribution to the continuous search for visual audio material suitable for schools and students of every order and degree. Through the realization of these competitions one wants to create a multimedia archive, a resource of quality from which to draw for all the needs of school planning. Distinctive feature is the ability to access multicultural and multidisciplinary material, leveraging the global web platform.
The School Film Festival is promoted by the FM non-profit organization (Associazione Culturale FM).
The School Film Festival is open to all filmmakers, screenwriters, industry professionals and individual or group students with their own and recent works whose theme, style and subject are designed for viewing in schools.
Each director can submit short films, animations or music videos (entry fee for each project).
The running time of the films must not exceed 40 minutes (opening and closing credits included).
The deadline for submitting entries is 30th April 2018 (23:59 local time).
The admission fee is fixed to € 10,00 (EUR) for each project.
The topic of the work will be the violence of gender, in any of its manifestations, its prevention and sensitization against it, being able to present documentaries and short films of plot fiction.
The jury will have special consideration for those works that address this issue by focusing on the youth world.
The Portland Comedy Film Festival is a unique forum for international independent comedy filmmakers to showcase their comedy films in Portland, Oregon. In 2018, the Portland Comedy Film Festival became a bi-annual event, which means that we have a spring and fall session. Did you know that the Portland Comedy Film Festival screened 350 comedy films in 2018 alone? Check out the pictures for yourself on Facebook, it was a blast! Did you know that we post on social media about every single screenplay and film accepted to our event? This is a great marketing opportunity for your creative work. The Portland Comedy Film Festival is searching for funny and engaging films to entertain a comedy loving audience in 2019, please send us your film or screenplay and come have a great time with us in Oregon
The 11th RESISTENCIA FILM FEST, is an international film festival, not competitive, created to disseminate films that promote the rescue of historical memory, the fight for freedom and the defense of human rights.
The exhibits of the participating films in the eleventh version of the festival will be given in 3 modalities: in the Centro Cultural Tomé, in the TV program, "Películas de bolsillo" and in a traveling museum.
We still have cinema, ladies and gentlemen!
The 16th National Guaíba Student Film Festival (Cinestudantil Guaíba) will take place November 6-14, 2017, in the city of Guaíba, Rio Grande do Sul State. The event aims to encourage audiovisual production as a pedagogical activity linked to the curriculum School.
The Ciudad Madero International Film Festival (FICCMADERO) calls on Mexican and international producers and filmmakers to submit their short and feature films to the 99th Edition of the Festival, which will take place from November 19 to 22, 2025.
Competition notice
The Association Rive Gauche – Festival, Florence, Italy, is pleased to announce the entries have been opened for the session of 8th Firenze FilmCorti Festival. Festival will held from May 04th to May 08th, 2021, for the following sections:
1 Short film in competition
2 Documentary
3 Cartoons and film for young audience
4 Innovative & experimental film.
Venue: Murate Art District
Piazza Le Murate
Florence, Tuscany 50122
Last and definitive deadline will be on August 20.
MANIATIC- FANTASTIC INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL OF MANISES it´s a festival of fantastic genre to bring the world of the short film to the new generations of spectators who otherwise would not have access to the latest creations of the future directors of cinema.
RURÉFILOS, International Film and Rural World Festival is a multidisciplinary meeting point in which, through audiovisual language, a space is provided for debate and creative reflection on the past, present and future of the rural world.
Spanish and international Fillmakers are invited in the areas of film and video to participate with works whose themes are related to two main lines on which the festival is founded:
1 - On the one hand, following the spirit of the documentary "Land without bread" by Luis Buñuel, will receive critical productions or deepen social and human problems, not only in Las Hurdes but in all types of cultures and territories.
2 - On the other, taking into account the natural environment and richness of the region, will be called works that address issues related to the preservation of the environment, defense of ecosystems and life issues in isolated regions.
Our Shorts Their Shorts Screening Session is a mini short film festival operating as a pop-up, in collaboration with screening partners around the world. Every year Our Shorts Their Shorts programs 12 screening session of short films that are screened in venues from varsity auditorium to cinema halls.
Our Shorts Their Shorts is the largest emerging short film network in South Asia. Working across exhibition, distribution and experiential events, Our Shorts Their Shorts is directly involved in the engaging audience for development, experimentation and of reacting to the demand for another way of experiencing the film.
6th Edition of Petit Pavé - Curitiba independent film festival. This year the festival will be online.
The International “Festival International du Film Panafricain” (FIFP) in Cannes is a platform that exhibits cinema and its professions, arts and entrepreneurship, as well as innovation, culture and events.
The FIFP was created and founded by Mr. Eitel Basile NGANGUE EBELLE and the “Association Nord Sud Développement, agréée jeunesse et Education Populaire Ministère de la santé, de la jeunesse et des sports n° 06514”.
As a driving force behind the PanAfrican Cinema and Arts industry, the Festival is constantly seeking specific solutions for the development of PanAfrican Cinema and Arts.
With a booming Pan-African market (from Africa to the Americas through the Caribbean, Europe and Asia), the Festival benefits from expertise in the development of cinema and Fashion as well as the development of cultural affairs.
Since its creation in 2006, the DIKALO AWARDS (meaning « message » in the Cameroonian language Douala) has been awarded by a professional jury for the best short and feature films (fiction), the best long and short documentaries, the Dikalos Peace Award, as well as the best actor and actress awards.
The FIFP is a felt moment. It is a unique experience where PanAfrican cinema and African cultures and those of its diaspora around the world are the central focus. An exceptional energy is felt.
Since 2018, the FIFP in Cannes has included along with its projections, a market: the Entrepreneurship Salon for Culture and Well-Being. The objective is to enhance the economy of PanAfrican cinema.
A few years from now, the market which features pan-African arts will generate considerable sums. « Tomorrow is now ». This enormous potential must be brought forward into the light.
Such an “active dream” is an ideal that has made Africans and their diaspora what it is today. This was Mandela’s and Obama’s vehicle, as well as many others…
Pan-Africanism is an aggregate of universalism. It contains all of the lights, those of ancient Egypt and those of the future. In short, a constant beauty.
Fourth edition
CENTRAL-DOC, Blackbird Films and Huitzil Multidisciplinary Creation Laboratory A.C. All documentary filmmakers are invited to participate in the fourth edition of the International Documentary Film Festival, which will take place from December 2 to 6, 2019 in the state of Tlaxcala, Mexico. The works will be projected in public spaces, independent, educational institutions and cultural centers, being these local, national or international.
This fourth edition of the Exhibition is accompanied by the theme CULTURE, IDENTITY AND RESISTANCE ... 500 YEARS AGO. A theme that seeks to make visible but above all to claim the role of indigenous peoples through the different documentaries that make up this edition and that are intended to revolve around particular themes such as origins, traditions, territory, language, rights, among many others. . At CENTRAL-DOC we expect documentaries with stories that allow us to question and value what makes us what we are, where we come from and what our roots are.