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AFM es el principal evento de adquisición, desarrollo y networking cinematográfico, en el que se cierran acuerdos de distribución y financiación de películas por valor de más de 1.000 millones de dólares cada año, tanto para películas terminadas como para aquellas que se encuentran en todas las etapas de desarrollo. Más orientado a los negocios que cualquier otro evento cinematográfico, miles de profesionales de todos los rincones de nuestra industria se reúnen en AFM para desarrollar, exhibir, descubrir, financiar y licenciar miles de películas y proyectos independientes destinados a las audiencias de todo el mundo.
En AFM, los participantes también pueden asistir a The AFM Sessions, más de 30 conferencias y paneles de clase mundial, y conectarse con los tomadores de decisiones de la comunidad cinematográfica independiente, todo en un solo lugar conveniente.
AFM es el único mercado de ventas producido por los independientes para nuestra industria.
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American Film Market
VdR–Pitching is the highly competitive international financing and co-production platform of the Festival, showcasing 15 projects in development with artistic ambition and international potential, ready to be launched into production.
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The VdR–Work in Progress Showcase, taking place during the VdR–Industry Days (April 6–9, 2025) in Nyon, Switzerland, is an exclusive presentation of projects nearing completion, aimed at film professionals. These include festival representatives, post-production funders, production facilities, sales agents, distributors, TV buyers, and more.
The presentations will be followed by carefully curated one-on-one meetings designed to establish new partnerships that help secure final funding and explore future distribution opportunities.
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VdR–Work in Progress
The Rough Cut Lab, taking place during the VdR–Industry Days (April 6–9, 2025) in Nyon, Switzerland, is a competitive lab designed to support filmmakers during the editing process, helping them find the best creative direction for their films.
As part of the VdR–Industry program, this workshop focuses on four rough cuts, developed in collaboration with the filmmaking teams and mentors, who are experienced editors and industry professionals. Participation in this lab, conceived as a springboard for creative documentaries, also provides an opportunity for curated meetings with a wide range of buyers attending the industry program.
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VdR–Rough Cut Lab
Ópera Prima LAB
Apoyar a jóvenes talentos audiovisuales en el desarrollo de proyectos de su primer proyectos de largometrajes, con el fin de que puedan fortalecer sus películas desde la fase inicial y facilitarles un mayor acceso a financiamientos y mercados nacionales e internacionales.
To support young audiovisual talents in the development of short film projects in genres other than drama, in order to strengthen their films from the initial phase—artistically, in production, and in marketing—and to promote the production of a diversity of cinematic genres.
To support young audiovisual talents in the completion of short films, including editing processes and post-production of their works.
To support young audiovisual talents in the distribution and commercialization of their completed short films and to achieve greater dissemination of their works at the national and international levels.
Ópera Prima LAB
To support young audiovisual talents in the development of their first feature film projects, with the aim of strengthening their films from the initial phase and facilitating greater access to financing and national and international markets.
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Chile Short - Market